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Malaysias Shocking Justice


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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages. Enough of being politically correct and sensitive to the Malaysian culture. They should be condemned internationally for this. There is such a thing as right and wrong that transcends cultures. When Bush tortures Al Queda prisoners that is wrong. So is this beating method.

I reckon torture is justifiable when applied to a terrorist caught red-handed if it is believed they have information that will save lifes from other terror attacks.

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If some scumbag is caught smoking/peddling ganja or the likes I think caning is too light !

I say hang, draw and quarter them whilst castrating them and setting them alight !!! then take the ashes and stamp them into the ground and take a dump on them.

Then read the Quoran for 12 hours solid whilst rocking back and forth screaming God is great !

Works a treat every time :o

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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages. Enough of being politically correct and sensitive to the Malaysian culture. They should be condemned internationally for this. There is such a thing as right and wrong that transcends cultures. When Bush tortures Al Queda prisoners that is wrong. So is this beating method.

I reckon torture is justifiable when applied to a terrorist caught red-handed if it is believed they have information that will save lifes from other terror attacks.

Right you are.

If any country chooses to punish it's criminals by flogging, then there's nothing any of us can do about it.

And furthermore I strongly believe that punishment must fit the crime.

I ask myself very often why all the so called humanitarians always seem to be on the side of the criminals, and little or no consideration for the victims of the crime.

My 3 cents


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the most disturbing thing about this to me is that someone WANTED to dish out the treatment! i could never actually want to inflict something like that on another person. it makes me wonder if the 'man' doing the beating actually has an ounce of sympathy for the one on the receiving end, or if he feels ill when he goes home at night?

having said that, i do agree with soundman re terrorism.

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I reckon torture is justifiable when applied to a terrorist caught red-handed if it is believed they have information that will save lifes from other terror attacks.

Did anyone notice the name of the "deputy internal security minister" in the report: <deleted> Ah Kiow

I wonder how it's pronounced. :o


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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages. Enough of being politically correct and sensitive to the Malaysian culture. They should be condemned internationally for this. There is such a thing as right and wrong that transcends cultures. When Bush tortures Al Queda prisoners that is wrong. So is this beating method.

I reckon torture is justifiable when applied to a terrorist caught red-handed if it is believed they have information that will save lifes from other terror attacks.

Me too. And I thought this was just common sense. But this world is getting so political correct that prisons are going to feel like 5 star hotels in the near future.

"Sir, could you please tell us what your next actions are going to be?" while giving a massage to his shoulders from a hot lady.

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We could learn a lot from Malaysia.

You are spot on! Let's help Malaysia cutting down the rest of their trees and make a lot of canes. Then we put them in good use to show the bad people what will happen when they are up to no good. Good countries like Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan are allready showing us the way and we can clearly see how it helps.

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a <deleted>' junkie or perhaps he was even a drug dealer gets his deserved whopping and immediately some bleeding hearts cry out "Shocking Justice".


the problem is we do not know what he did to deserve this. however, it is nice to know how "some" of the most advantaged people in this world think of the "less" advantaged. how they treat them is borderline criminal in itself. i guess i should not be surprised at this post, although, i wish it had not been said. i see that compassion and even reason are out the window when it comes to those holding the "truth", and backing it with their "hard" earned cash. makes me sick.

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People convicted and sentenced to jail, go to jail as punishment not for punishment....rehab works more effectively than "hard labour" in that the reoffending rates are lower.

Giving crims hard time only serves to make them even more bitter at the system

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Actually, now that I think of it, caning used to be practiced in schools here, but was banned a few years ago. I imagine that out in the sticks there are still some old fashioned hard core teachers who think it acceptable to beat a child, even with the ban.

Thats right. My oldest son a couple of years ago went to this . But pretty harmless had a few strains on his legs.

You understand that that particular teacher had it from front and after fom me personally .

His apologies came shortly after and they stopped practising it in this school just before the ban !

Now my son is also in a different school by the way ! :o

What had your son done?

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Personally, I am fully in favour of the death penalty - providing the person is caught with the drugs. Some of the recent rape cases in Oz should have seen the rapists hang. With the DNA test & surveillance levels these days, there is so little margin for error. The clowns that try to make a fast buck as mules also deserve a strong punishment, but the one that pays / encourgages / forces them to do it should hang.

Muggers & home invaders should get the ratan.

Hangning is economical and ecologically sound.

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It would be interesting to hear whether a recipient of the rotan would rather spend x amount of years in prison or receive x amount of lashes of the rotan.

I don't know the figures, but I would bet £1 that there is less crime in countries that use corporal punishment to those that just sling offenders in prison.

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True justice in an Islamic country is rare, but drug dealing in a country where it clearly states as you enter that drugs will get you a knock on the head, is asking for it. A few lashes seems fair to me!

I would dearly like to see the ratten cane brought into Britain for such offences. Clearly a slap on the wrist and a stern word has no effect in Britain. A country that has a very serious drug problem.

I couldn't agree more with you, but society has got to the stage in the UK and Europe where ANYTHING that the general populace would agree with like this is knocked down by the blxxdy do gooders and physchologist. Society has tipped too far in favour of the offender and I personally think that it has gone so far over that it will never be dragged back to sanity, no matter how many people agree with the changes.

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a <deleted>' junkie or perhaps he was even a drug dealer gets his deserved whopping and immediately some bleeding hearts cry out "Shocking Justice".


the problem is we do not know what he did to deserve this. however, it is nice to know how "some" of the most advantaged people in this world think of the "less" advantaged. how they treat them is borderline criminal in itself. i guess i should not be surprised at this post, although, i wish it had not been said. i see that compassion and even reason are out the window when it comes to those holding the "truth", and backing it with their "hard" earned cash. makes me sick.

would you be kind enough and repost the afore-mentioned in a language i am able to comprehend? i have no idea what you are trying to tell us.


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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages.

please try to convince those who have children exposed to and tempted by drug dealers. or... better try with parents who have lost a child due to drug use. your argument "we are westerners" will be highly appreciated!


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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages.

please try to convince those who have children exposed to and tempted by drug dealers. or... better try with parents who have lost a child due to drug use. your argument "we are westerners" will be highly appreciated!


of course "we westerners", former colonial masters and white-skinned superior species have the right to look down, judge and force other cultures to adopt our values. if necessary with cruise missiles!

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People convicted and sentenced to jail, go to jail as punishment not for punishment....rehab works more effectively than "hard labour" in that the reoffending rates are lower.

Giving crims hard time only serves to make them even more bitter at the system

Sorry, Mr Burns - but Australia has one of the highest incidences of repeat offenders in the world! Our prison system is failing because we are too soft on prisoners. Actually the problem rests with the judiciary - judges have too many sentencing options and invariably hand down a 'weak' sentence.

Then the crims get it easy in jail. Where is the deterrent ??? Jail for many crims is just 'an occupational hazard.'


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Oh, come on. We are mostly Westerners here. That form of punishment is barbaric. From the dark ages.

please try to convince those who have children exposed to and tempted by drug dealers. or... better try with parents who have lost a child due to drug use. your argument "we are westerners" will be highly appreciated!


Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

I suspect its exponents have unresolved sado-masochistic childhood issues provoked by abusive parents or disciplinarian teachers.

But help is at hand and could easily be administered at a stroke.........

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Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

I suspect its exponents have unresolved sado-masochistic childhood issues provoked by abusive parents or disciplinarian teachers.

But help is at hand and could easily be administered at a stroke.........

I was thinking the same thing; I know people who could really get off on this type of activity ........

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Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

i agree, but that's beside the point. the topic is "shocking justice".

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If some scumbag is caught smoking/peddling ganja or the likes I think caning is too light !

I say hang, draw and quarter them whilst castrating them and setting them alight !!! then take the ashes and stamp them into the ground and take a dump on them.

Then read the Quoran for 12 hours solid whilst rocking back and forth screaming God is great !

Works a treat every time :o

I really hope this was supposed to be sarcastic.

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Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

Maybe it brings closure to the victims and that's enough for me.

Let's also not forget that the crims did have a choice of doing/not doing the crime they're being punished for.

The victims did NOT have that choice and depending on the severity of the crime it could mean that whole families are traumatized for the rest of they're life.

For me closure for the victims is what counts, and maybe because I had a child in the family raped and murdered that I

would have liked them hanged, but no they sit in a comfortable cell and NOT for the rest of they're lives.


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If some scumbag is caught smoking/peddling ganja or the likes I think caning is too light !

I say hang, draw and quarter them whilst castrating them and setting them alight !!! then take the ashes and stamp them into the ground and take a dump on them.

Then read the Quoran for 12 hours solid whilst rocking back and forth screaming God is great !

Works a treat every time :o

I really hope this was supposed to be sarcastic.

Quite obviously was.

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People convicted and sentenced to jail, go to jail as punishment not for punishment....rehab works more effectively than "hard labour" in that the reoffending rates are lower.

Giving crims hard time only serves to make them even more bitter at the system

Sorry, Mr Burns - but Australia has one of the highest incidences of repeat offenders in the world!

Our prison system is failing because we are too soft on prisoners.

Actually the problem rests with the judiciary - judges have too many sentencing options and invariably hand down a 'weak' sentence.

Then the crims get it easy in jail. Where is the deterrent ??? Jail for many crims is just 'an occupational hazard.'


I work in the prison system, I have also worked in the court system, most of what you say is what is read in the papers, written by people that have never set foot in a jail.

I could write a lot about sentencing options...but I wont, suffice to say that unless you have sat on many trials and seen the difficulty that the sentencing process is, then you really dont know what sentencing options really are.

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Of course corporal punishment has no effect upon crime levels and the rate of recidivism but its attraction lies in the fact that it is immensely satisfying to those who advocate its use.

Maybe it brings closure to the victims and that's enough for me.

Let's also not forget that the crims did have a choice of doing/not doing the crime they're being punished for.

The victims did NOT have that choice and depending on the severity of the crime it could mean that whole families are traumatized for the rest of they're life.

For me closure for the victims is what counts, and maybe because I had a child in the family raped and murdered that I

would have liked them hanged, but no they sit in a comfortable cell and NOT for the rest of they're lives.


First off, Sorry to hear that you lost a family member that way.

As corporal punishment is not an option (I would have no problem if it were) then what is to be done? The courts can only punish people to the extent of the law.

If sentencing was left to the victims then we would have people in jail for a long time for a what could be a rather petty matter in the bigger scheme of things.

Victim Impact is a big part of the sentencing process and is not taken lightly by the judges.

It is by far not a perfect system, but it is the system we have at this time.

The biggest problem with corporal punishment is mistaken identity, revealed by the James Anratty case in the UK....some girls were attracked, raped and killed in the 60's....one girl survived and made a positive ID on Anratty...who had a weak alibi....he was convicted and hung....after the hanging the girl then declared that she made the ID based on her own bitterness....she would have ID'd anyone that looked similar and that she couldnt be sure if Anratty was the offender. The real offender was later caught and because the death sentence had been repealed after Anratty was hung, that person got a life sentence.

The only way you can impose the death sentence is in the case where the offender makes a full confession and that confession is supported by the forensic and physical evidence.

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First off, Sorry to hear that you lost a family member that way.

As corporal punishment is not an option (I would have no problem if it were) then what is to be done? The courts can only punish people to the extent of the law.

If sentencing was left to the victims then we would have people in jail for a long time for a what could be a rather petty matter in the bigger scheme of things.

Victim Impact is a big part of the sentencing process and is not taken lightly by the judges.

It is by far not a perfect system, but it is the system we have at this time.

The only way you can impose the death sentence is in the case where the offender makes a full confession and that confession is supported by the forensic and physical evidence.

Thanks for your sympathy, duly accepted.

My major problem with the law nowadays is that there's to much sympathy for the criminals and not enough for the victims of a serious crime.

The 2 guys in question got 40 years jailtime, and in effect this translates to approx. 7 years actually in my country.

I don't accept this as a proper sentence for the crime they committed, and there's absolutely nobody that is going to convince me otherwise. Oh and BTW the evidence was conclusive through DNA test, and confessing.

I've had it with all the left wing judges in my country, and I strongly believe that any deterrent would be better than the system we have now.

Sorry if I offend you but that's the way I feel, maybe old fashioned, maybe right wing and even maybe inhuman but I can't help feeling what I feel for the injustice of it all.



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Thanks for your sympathy, duly accepted.

My major problem with the law nowadays is that there's to much sympathy for the criminals and not enough for the victims of a serious crime.

The 2 guys in question got 40 years jailtime, and in effect this translates to approx. 7 years actually in my country.

I don't accept this as a proper sentence for the crime they committed, and there's absolutely nobody that is going to convince me otherwise. Oh and BTW the evidence was conclusive through DNA test, and confessing.

I've had it with all the left wing judges in my country, and I strongly believe that any deterrent would be better than the system we have now.

Sorry if I offend you but that's the way I feel, maybe old fashioned, maybe right wing and even maybe inhuman but I can't help feeling what I feel for the injustice of it all.



No offence....I would actually agree....

If no death sentence is available for a crime of murder and especially the type of crime you described..then the sentence should be a life sentence...no parole.

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