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23 minutes ago, Hummin said:

You find it beneficial for you, and have a selfish view, thats a judgemental view?


Expecting women to perform for your needs and satisfy your needs for a few baht, and maybe a few others before and after. 


You can imagine your only option in life to make a decent income, was to perform oral sex on women above 60? Touch them, show them love and passionate make love to them.


Good luck 







Absolute b0llocks..


Classic Western judgemental pomposity.

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Just now, FriscoKid said:

So easy for you to sit there in your comfy palace and say what's good or bad for someone else who has few to no other better choices. And many women who do sex work end up making a lot of money and feeling very proud of what they have achieved for their family (after being left for dead by a dead-beat husband). You are so out of touch with the real world that it can't even be put into words. 

No one is proud of selling their body over and over to many strangers, period. There again are many more ways to make a living. Who doesn't have a better choice than paying for sex? Any clean, well mannered man who treats women well can find a decent woman. Wanting what you can't have happens to most everyone but maturity makes you deal with that. Actually I'm a lot more in touch with what's real than you'll ever be, because I look at women as equals and not to be used or bought.

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why the other opinions are so important to you, are you looking for approval from unknown people or from some strange nicknames? do whatever you want to do if allowed legally then don't give a s. about the other bad opinion on you. 

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16 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

Your lost bro. 

Actually I'm right on in my thinking, as others who have posted can attest. You and your cronies will always find excuses to buy, and use women, and that is sadly obvious to the men here who look at women as partners.

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

You said it........... I don't really care about their life any more than they care about mine. .............You just want a body to get off in and either haven't the nature or skills to find a normal woman so have to resort to paying for one that most likely despises you and probably all men. This kind of thinking again is what's wrong with the world. All about me, no one else matters. Sadly, there are so many like you that the world will only continue to fall.

Haha, you're really way off and dangling from a thread. Totally confused and mentally troubled. Judging me (a person you know nothing about) and the rest of the world. You actually sound a bit like a religious psycho. 

What I said applies to most services and business transactions in the world. Not only in sex work. Far from it. Most people in the world don't care at all about the other person they are dealing with in a business transaction, and, in many cases, they're just trying to get the best they can out of it for themselves, while often at the peril of the other party.

That's how the world goes around. Look at all the millions of people who get taken advantage of and shafted in business everyday. Do you think the person that shafted them cares about them at all either?

You think the woman who has to clean toilets and act nice to her boss (who treats her like a cockroach) doesn't despise her boss too? 

Get a grip bro. 

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12 hours ago, RSD1 said:

Over 30 replies. Barely any on topic. 🙄

Short-time is brilliant! So is whoever invented it. 

Even more for the young sailors, just off the carrier with their engorged grapefruits 6 months full of boiling mayonnaise of passion. Boom boom boom boom thats why they call it boom boom.


Oh! To be Young! One before dinner, one as dessert, one as a late night snack and then a 7-11 sarnie and into the arms of Morpheus! 

  • Haha 2
Just now, FriscoKid said:

Haha, you're really way off and dangling from a thread. Totally confused and mentally troubled. Judging me (a person you know nothing about) and the rest of the world. You actually sound a bit like a religious psycho. 

What I said applies to most services and business transactions in the world. Not only in sex work. Far from it. Most people in the world don't care at all about the other person they are dealing with in a business transaction, and, in many cases, they're just trying to get the best they can out of it for themselves, while often at the peril of the other party.

That's how the world goes around. Look at all the millions of people who get taken advantage of and shafted in business everyday. Do you think the person that shafted them cares about them at all either?

You think the woman who has to clean toilets and act nice to her boss (who treats her like a cockroach) doesn't despise her boss too? 

Get a grip bro. 

I didn't judge you. You're the one who said you don't care about their life. I'm nowhere near confused. Just a moral thinker and believer that women aren't playthings. You're actually comparing other businesses with a woman selling her body to men? That's mentally troubled. People aren't inanimate objects. But maybe to you and others like you they are? The problem is exactly what you said. Most people don't care about who they are dealing with as long as they get what they need from them. And you actually think this is okay, especially when it affects a human being? That's classic narcissist thinking and that's all I need to know. It might be good for you to look up what a narcissist is, but if you are one, you'll never admit it, and therein lies the world's problems.

  • Sad 1
11 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Actually I'm right on in my thinking, as others who have posted can attest. You and your cronies will always find excuses to buy, and use women, and that is sadly obvious to the men here who look at women as partners.

Dude, some of us buy and use willing women simply to save women from us. I wouldnt be with any women who would even think of being with me, she has no taste, morals or scruples and probably a retarded olfactory sense. Everyone is far better off when I rent.

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21 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Actually I'm right on in my thinking, as others who have posted can attest. You and your cronies will always find excuses to buy, and use women, and that is sadly obvious to the men here who look at women as partners.



Please don't try to speak for all us with partners................you don't speak for me.

5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I didn't judge you. You're the one who said you don't care about their life. I'm nowhere near confused. Just a moral thinker and believer that women aren't playthings. You're actually comparing other businesses with a woman selling her body to men? That's mentally troubled. People aren't inanimate objects. But maybe to you and others like you they are? The problem is exactly what you said. Most people don't care about who they are dealing with as long as they get what they need from them. And you actually think this is okay, especially when it affects a human being? That's classic narcissist thinking and that's all I need to know. It might be good for you to look up what a narcissist is, but if you are one, you'll never admit it, and therein lies the world's problems.

Prostitution is the oldest trade in the world and its legal and taxed in many countries. So obviously a lot of the world sees it very differently than your narrow perspectives. Many women even choose it as a profession in Europe. It's a massive industry in Germany. Germany has nearly double the number of sex workers than in Thailand, second largest in the world. And it's a regulated industry. 

There are also many girls living and working in Vegas, where it's legal, which is in your own country, and they surely have a far better lifestyle than you do. I'm also sure they're not whining and moaning about how bad it is for them. They would probably roll over laughing when reading your silly posts. 

2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I didn't judge you. You're the one who said you don't care about their life. I'm nowhere near confused. Just a moral thinker and believer that women aren't playthings. You're actually comparing other businesses with a woman selling her body to men? That's mentally troubled. People aren't inanimate objects. But maybe to you and others like you they are? The problem is exactly what you said. Most people don't care about who they are dealing with as long as they get what they need from them. And you actually think this is okay, especially when it affects a human being? That's classic narcissist thinking and that's all I need to know. It might be good for you to look up what a narcissist is, but if you are one, you'll never admit it, and therein lies the world's problems.

Dude you take the moral high ground in every long BS post you make. What do you actually know about the women in this business. F** all if you ask me.

You keep telling you're not accusing but then you are, constantly.


Tell me your credentials on "knowing for sure " you are right as you claim.


I have worked for  with  a Belgium  "sexuoloog" someone who actually made a real study in the field. Now when I compare what we have witnessed and deducted after spending over 4 years with the ladies "in the field" we found that about 90 % were working on their own free will, liked the work and the money. Most of them liked most of their returning client and knew a lot of their private stuff. Men like to talk.

Apart from some relative small amount of human sex-slave trade, the business is well organised.


Nothing you have said so far is in line with reality. You have not been out since the "50 ts is my guess.


Maybe, just like a priest you should not talk about ST or sex at all because, just like a priest you know nothing about it.





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People do take sex very seriously on this thread - it's no big deal!


Also, it's funny how so many posters who (presmably) have no experience of prostitutes are experts on the suibject.


I have been with many all over the world and have never met one showing any signs of being abused.


The smart ones make a brief career of it and retire at a young age having made enough for a lifetime or else met a decent customer and made a life with him.

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33 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



Absolute b0llocks..


Classic Western judgemental pomposity.

Not only western, 


But Im not here to convince you, Im just sharing my opinion, my view and how I feel about it. 

  • Confused 1
2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

Not only western, 


But Im not here to convince you, Im just sharing my opinion, my view and how I feel about it. 



Thanks for that....



I am sure you understand that we all have different opinions and views on things.

3 minutes ago, bubblegum said:

we found that about 90 % were working on their own free will, liked the work and the money.

Your entire post nails it on many points, but in particular your point above reminds me of all the women who have told me that they like the work because they enjoy staying in nice hotels, sleeping in comfy beds, eating in nice restaurants, and getting great gifts. And they can comfortably care for their family too, all stuff that they never had access to before. The fact that they are stuck sitting across from some old rich guy (who treats them like a queen) hardly seems like a sacrifice to any of them.  

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18 minutes ago, Yagoda said:

Dude, some of us buy and use willing women simply to save women from us. I wouldnt be with any women who would even think of being with me, she has no taste, morals or scruples and probably a retarded olfactory sense. Everyone is far better off when I rent.

Even on just a basic level, if a man isn't looking for a partner, then it would be unfair for him to coerce a woman into having a romantic relationship if all he wants is sex. Far better, more fair, and more beneficial for everyone if he just goes to pay for it. Then nobody's emotions get harmed. 

10 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

Prostitution is the oldest trade in the world and its legal and taxed in many countries. So obviously a lot of the world sees it very differently than your narrow perspectives. Many women even choose it as a profession in Europe. It's a massive industry in Germany. Germany has nearly double the number of sex workers than in Thailand, second largest in the world. And it's a regulated industry. 

There are also many girls living and working in Vegas, where it's legal, which is in your own country, and they surely have a far better lifestyle than you do. I'm also sure they're not whining and moaning about how bad it is for them. They would probably roll over laughing when reading your silly posts. 

You actually think because many do something that it makes it right? Majority rules but it doesn't mean it's right. How do you know what lifestyle I have from a few words typed? Assuming is done quite often here, and it's not something that works. Having a hooker laugh at me because she opens her legs for money isn't something I'll worry about. There is a higher power many don't think about nor care to believe in, but it's coming, and Karmas a real bitch. You, and others thinking this trade is okay when prostitutes are killed almost daily, and abused much more often, shows your level of thinking. If you have children, is this the attitude you teach them?

  • Sad 1
8 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

Even on just a basic level, if a man isn't looking for a partner, then it would be unfair for him to coerce a woman into having a romantic relationship if all he wants is sex. Far better, more fair, and more beneficial for everyone if he just goes to pay for it. Then nobody's emotions get harmed. 

Fredwiggy's do

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5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You actually think because many do something that it makes it right? Majority rules but it doesn't mean it's right. How do you know what lifestyle I have from a few words typed? Assuming is done quite often here, and it's not something that works. Having a hooker laugh at me because she opens her legs for money isn't something I'll worry about. There is a higher power many don't think about nor care to believe in, but it's coming, and Karmas a real bitch. You, and others thinking this trade is okay when prostitutes are killed almost daily, and abused much more often, shows your level of thinking. If you have children, is this the attitude you teach them?

Your basically just a nutter bro. 

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6 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

There is a higher power many don't think about nor care to believe in, but it's coming, and Karmas a real bitch.


Thanks for the back story to your opinions.


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3 minutes ago, FriscoKid said:

Even on just a basic level, if a man isn't looking for a partner, then it would be unfair for him to coerce a woman into having a romantic relationship if all he wants is sex. Far better, more fair, and more beneficial for everyone if he just goes to pay for it. Then nobody's emotions get harmed. 

Every time you post it shows how much you little you really care about these women and know how they actually live their lives. No ones emotions get harmed? An empath is a person who can put themselves into others shoes and try to feel what they feel. A narcissist doesn't give a sh*t either way. You, and many like you, either really don't care about the women they use, or are totally clueless how they got to where they are, and what's going on in their minds now. They might smile because that's their "job" to please a man but do you really think they are happy what they're doing? Women can love sex as much as a man, and there's nothing wrong with it but this is a totally different ball game entirely. I'm sure many here just don't realize what makes a person a prostitute, nor do they care. But keep on trying to bolster your side of the argument, because it shows me a little more each time just what a woman means to you, along with some others here. The more I hear excuses for that side, the more I see just why this world is in so much trouble. A man is someone who treats everyone around him well. He doesn't use them, abuse them or look at them as objects for his pleasure. A boy sometimes never grows up. This is what a male has to do when he gets older. Make choices that don't hurt others intentionally. There's nothing wrong with two people having sex, as long as one doesn't go home hurting afterwards, or feels ashamed. A conscience is what a man has. A religious psycho? Maybe a man that can't stand seeing women or children hurt instead.

  • Sad 1
12 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

You actually think because many do something that it makes it right? Majority rules but it doesn't mean it's right. How do you know what lifestyle I have from a few words typed? Assuming is done quite often here, and it's not something that works. Having a hooker laugh at me because she opens her legs for money isn't something I'll worry about. There is a higher power many don't think about nor care to believe in, but it's coming, and Karmas a real bitch. You, and others thinking this trade is okay when prostitutes are killed almost daily, and abused much more often, shows your level of thinking. If you have children, is this the attitude you teach them?

That unlikely to be be why she's laughing at you,

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3 minutes ago, London Lowf said:


Thanks for the back story to your opinions.


I don't make opinions. I just see things as they really are. Of course God's in my life, as he should be, but moral thinking isn't because of him but because I was raised to think that way. Some sadly aren't, and think women are only here for their pleasure. They aren't.

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Just now, Neurath said:

That unlikely to be be why she's laughing at you,

Maybe it's because she has more money than I? But she won't laugh for long, as things you do always come back to haunt you, especially if they aren't quite right.

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Maybe it's because she has more money than I? But she won't laugh for long, as things you do always come back to haunt you, especially if they aren't quite right.

I don't reckon that's quite it either really.

Could be because you're starting to come across kinda like Travis Bickle

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Every time you post it shows how much you little you really care about these women and know how they actually live their lives. No ones emotions get harmed? An empath is a person who can put themselves into others shoes and try to feel what they feel. A narcissist doesn't give a sh*t either way. You, and many like you, either really don't care about the women they use, or are totally clueless how they got to where they are, and what's going on in their minds now. They might smile because that's their "job" to please a man but do you really think they are happy what they're doing? Women can love sex as much as a man, and there's nothing wrong with it but this is a totally different ball game entirely. I'm sure many here just don't realize what makes a person a prostitute, nor do they care. But keep on trying to bolster your side of the argument, because it shows me a little more each time just what a woman means to you, along with some others here. The more I hear excuses for that side, the more I see just why this world is in so much trouble. A man is someone who treats everyone around him well. He doesn't use them, abuse them or look at them as objects for his pleasure. A boy sometimes never grows up. This is what a male has to do when he gets older. Make choices that don't hurt others intentionally. There's nothing wrong with two people having sex, as long as one doesn't go home hurting afterwards, or feels ashamed. A conscience is what a man has. A religious psycho? Maybe a man that can't stand seeing women or children hurt instead.

You are just weird bro. Saying the same silly antiquated tripe over and over again, like a foolish child, isn't going to have any effect on anything. Grow up and throw in the towel already dude. Barely anyone has had a positive word to say at all about anything you've written here in this thread, after who knows how many dozens of posts you've made. You're not making any points, just grasping at slippery straws and hanging from a goat rope. Give it a rest bro and give yourself a rest too before your moral and religious insanity fully drives you over the narrow edge.   

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33 minutes ago, hotandsticky said:



Thanks for that....



I am sure you understand that we all have different opinions and views on things.

Prostitusjon have some ethical and moral challenges that not involve one part only. And thats the missing link in yours and likewise minded peoples view and opinions.

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