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Biden's DNC Speech Fact Checked

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In a spirited address at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, President Joe Biden spoke to a crowd that, until recently, he had expected to address as the party's presidential nominee. Instead, Biden, who chose to cede the nomination to Vice President Kamala Harris following concerns about his age, used his speech to pass the torch to a new leader while emphasizing the threats to democracy posed by extremism. His speech, frequently interrupted by chants of "Thank you, Joe," reflected his commitment to the party and his determination to safeguard democratic values.


Biden’s address was marked by moments of passion, particularly when discussing the preservation of democracy. "We came together in 2020 to save democracy," Biden declared, his voice rising in anger as he recounted the challenges faced during his presidency. Harris, who had surprised the audience with an earlier appearance at the lectern, echoed this sentiment, saying, "When we fight," before the crowd finished the phrase, "we win." The energy of the evening was palpable, with multiple speakers highlighting the significance of this moment in American political history.


Among those who praised Biden was former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who acknowledged Harris' historic role as the second woman to head a Democratic ticket. Clinton also paid homage to other pioneering Democratic women, including Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman to run for president in 1972, and Geraldine Ferraro, the first female vice-presidential nominee from a major American political party in 1984. The night was filled with reflections on the progress made and the challenges ahead, as the Democratic Party prepared to move forward under new leadership.


Throughout the evening, speakers criticized the policies of former President Donald Trump, particularly those concerning the Supreme Court's decisions that led to the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The repeated slogan, "We’re not going back," underscored the party's commitment to preserving the rights that were at risk of being rolled back. In his speech, Biden highlighted several key issues, making claims that warranted closer examination. Below is an analysis of some of the statements made by Biden and other speakers during the convention’s first night, along with fact-checking based on available data and expert opinions.


Abortion and Trump’s Stance

Biden claimed that "Trump will do everything to ban abortion nationwide." This statement requires a nuanced analysis. Since April, Trump has consistently stated that he believes abortion legislation should be "left up to the states." In April, he told reporters that he would not sign a national ban. However, during his presidency, Trump endorsed a 20-week national abortion ban that was supported by House Republicans. Earlier in the 2024 election year, he also suggested support for 15- or 16-week federal abortion bans, as reported by various news outlets. While Trump has not explicitly advocated for a nationwide abortion ban, his support for federal restrictions indicates that Biden’s claim, while not entirely accurate, is rooted in concerns about Trump’s potential influence on abortion legislation.


Further complicating this issue is the ambiguity surrounding Trump's position on other methods of restricting abortion, such as using the Comstock Act to ban the mailing of abortion pills or equipment used in abortion procedures. Trump's stance on these matters remains unclear, leaving room for interpretation and concern about the potential implications of his policies.


The DNC’s Video Advertisement on Trump and Abortion

A DNC video advertisement highlighted a statement Trump made in 2016, where he said, "There has to be some form of punishment" for women who have abortions. However, this ad is misleading as it fails to acknowledge that Trump quickly walked back this comment after facing widespread criticism. He clarified that it was doctors, not women, who should be punished for performing illegal abortions. Since then, there has been no evidence to suggest that Trump has reiterated this position or currently supports penalties for women who undergo abortions. Therefore, the ad’s portrayal of Trump’s stance is mostly false, as it omits critical context and misrepresents his current views.


Health Care and Insulin Costs

Biden claimed that "Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin, seniors with diabetes will pay $35 a month." This statement is partially accurate. The Inflation Reduction Act, which Biden signed into law in 2022, indeed capped out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 a month for Medicare enrollees starting in 2023. However, drug pricing experts and research suggest that most Medicare enrollees were not paying $400 a month for insulin before these changes.


A government estimate found that people with diabetes enrolled in Medicare or private insurance paid an average of $452 a year—approximately $38 a month. Uninsured users, on the other hand, paid significantly more, averaging about $996 annually. While some Medicare enrollees may have paid $400 in a given month, the statement requires context to avoid misleading implications.


Social Security and Medicare

Biden also stated that "Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare." This assertion is mostly false, particularly regarding Social Security. Although Trump has previously expressed openness to overhauling Social Security, including cuts and privatization, his stance has evolved. In a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump mentioned that "There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting," but he quickly retracted this statement. His campaign website explicitly states that not "a single penny" should be cut from Social Security.


Regarding Medicare, Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut the program. However, it is worth noting that during his presidency, Trump proposed cuts to Medicare in four successive annual budgets, though experts remain divided on the potential impact of these cuts on beneficiaries. Biden’s claim, therefore, exaggerates the current stance of Trump and his campaign.


Immigration and Border Encounters

Addressing immigration, Biden stated, "The result of the executive action I took: Border encounters have dropped over 50 percent. In fact, there are fewer border crossings today than when Donald Trump left office." This statement is mostly true, but it requires context. Illegal border crossings in July 2024 were indeed lower than in December 2020, Trump’s last full month in office.


However, experts caution against attributing changes in immigration solely to a single policy. The executive action in question, which limits the ability to apply for asylum at the southwest border, took effect in June, making it difficult to determine whether the declining trend will continue. In July, Border Patrol reported 56,408 encounters, a 52 percent drop from May's 117,900 encounters. Comparatively, in December 2020, there were 71,140 encounters. While Biden’s statement is accurate, it oversimplifies a complex issue that involves multiple factors and policies.


Crime Rates and Trump’s Tenure

Biden claimed that "On (Trump’s) watch the murder rate went up 30 percent, the biggest increase in history." This statement is half true. The number of murders in the United States did increase significantly from 2019 to 2020, with a rise of about 35 percent, making it the largest one-year increase since systematic record-keeping began in the early 1960s. However, most crime data analysts attribute the spike to a combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and the social unrest following George Floyd’s murder, rather than Trump’s direct actions. While the murder rate did rise dramatically during Trump’s presidency, attributing this solely to his watch oversimplifies the contributing factors.


The Semiconductor Industry and Wage Claims

In his speech, Biden claimed that the average semiconductor industry salary "will be over $100,000 a year, and you don’t need a college degree." This statement is mostly false. While the average salary in the semiconductor industry is around $170,000 according to the Semiconductor Industry Association and Oxford Economics, this figure includes all jobs within the industry, not just those that do not require a college degree. The most a person without a four-year degree can typically make in the industry is about $70,000, according to a 2021 report from the Semiconductor Industry Association and Oxford Economics. Biden’s claim, therefore, overstates the earning potential for those without a college degree in the semiconductor industry.


The Racial Wealth Gap

Biden also mentioned that during his tenure, there has been the "smallest racial wealth gap in 20 years." This statement is half true. Biden was referencing 2022 Federal Reserve data that showed a modest decrease in the wealth ratio between white and Black Americans. For every $100 the average white family held in wealth, the average Black family had $15.75. While this was the smallest gap in 20 years by one measure, another measure—the dollar amount difference in wealth—showed that the gap widened to its largest disparity since 1989. Therefore, Biden’s claim is partially accurate but does not capture the full complexity of the racial wealth gap.


Tax Rates on Billionaires

Biden claimed that "We have 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what their average tax rate (is)? 8.2 percent." This statement is false. The richest Americans currently pay an effective tax rate of more than 20 percent on income recognized by the government under the current tax code. Biden’s figure of 8.2 percent is based on a comparison that includes income not currently taxed under law, making it a theoretical figure rather than an accurate representation of what anyone is supposed to pay under the existing tax system. As a result, Biden’s statement is misleading and does not reflect the actual tax rates paid by billionaires.


Trump and the Rule of Law

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: Trump “fell asleep at his own trial, and when he woke up, he made his own kind of history: the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions.”

It’s unclear whether Trump fell asleep during the Manhattan trial that ended with the former president found guilty on all counts. The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman reported that Trump “appeared to nod off a few times, his mouth going slack and his head drooping onto his chest.” But Trump and his team have rebutted the he-was-sleeping claims.

Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a scheme to cover up a hush money payment to adult film actor Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election.

The U.S. Constitution doesn’t prevent Trump from running for president following his conviction. Convicted felons have run for president in the past.



Biden’s DNC speech and the subsequent remarks by other speakers highlighted critical issues facing the nation while passing the mantle of leadership to a new generation. While many of the claims made during the speech were rooted in truth, several were either misleading or lacked the necessary context for a complete understanding. As the 2024 election approaches, it is essential to critically assess statements made by political figures to ensure that voters are informed by accurate and comprehensive information. The speech, while evocative and energizing, serves as a reminder of the need for careful scrutiny of political rhetoric in the pursuit of a fair and democratic process.



Credit: PBS  2024-08-21




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47 minutes ago, Social Media said:

Instead, Biden, who chose to cede the nomination to Vice President Kamala Harris

Haha. Might want to fact check that part! Sure he had a choice!

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29 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Pervert alert.....no not Trump.....man hugs daughter at the DNC......what is the world coming to?




Wonder where that came from?

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11 minutes ago, luckymitchell said:

Yes, but it was a copy of 'lock her up', they cant even make their own chants up,



Oh!.....That's where they got the idea from....🙄

Weird they knew to copy that.

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9 hours ago, KhunLA said:

So nothing new, the lies & misconception continue as usually.


Guess he didn't state inflation during his tenure is the highest it's ever been since the Carter administration.  Social Security COLA point that out, not that I'm complaining.


Just an observation, this century ...




Trump vs Biden administration ...




Up to voters to vote out pathetic Dems. We hate Trump is all these losers have.

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9 minutes ago, maesariang said:

Up to voters to vote out pathetic Dems. We hate Trump is all these losers have.

Yea, I noticed that.  Seems the DNC is about Trump, and what he's done or will do, and somehow not about Harris, and her record or plan for the future.   Go figure ... just push the hate.


MSM doing the same, with harris on a pedestal for being black (mixed race) and a woman.  DEI ROCKS ... no matter the qualifications.


Too funny & sad all at the same time.


Oh well .... me me me .... GO HARRIS

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