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Most Likely Expatriate Status In Thailand

Dr. Burrito

Expatriates in Thailand  

110 members have voted

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I'm know this topic comes up from time to time, but still, it can be a fairly entertaining subject and reveals a lot of what we think of each other, what we know of each other and our general lives far away from where we came.

I'll start the poll question by confessing to be an Expat on local contract, but at least its far above the Thai average. It's allowed my mate and myself to start a business that deals in pure international service providing and it seems over the next year, it will largely supplant my official job as my primary source of income, allowing me to setup my retirement and my kids education, so I'm cool with that. It's not going to toss me into Bill's Gates territory, but it allows for regular golf and good schools.

I've met every sort here there is it seems, but by and large, I tend to find most people to be either retirees, expats on local contracts, expats of the fat cat status and business owners.

Whilst I know many a person who enjoys a 'sordid' night out on occasion, I can hardly say it defines their existence.

My choice for most predominant falls into one of those.

You can choose more than one answer in this poll if I have set it up correctly. :-)

Yours? Reasons? Humorous or perhaps not so positive anecdotes?

Dr. B

Hmm, one of those was supposed to be BUSINESS OWNER/SELF EMPLOYED, but I messed it up. Any chance of getting the Restaurant Owner/Money Laundering one deleted and that added? :-)

Edited by sbk
poll changed per OP request
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How about "None of the Above" ?

Fully half the choices presume one is some kind of scumbag/criminal. I guess anyone else that isn't a (qualified) teacher, company employee, "model/actor", legitimate bar/restaurant owner or "retiree/golf specialist" must fall in to the "Pure Sexpat" category.

I imagine there are a lot of people out there that are going to be surprised to find out they are just here to be "Pure Sexpats".

//Reason for edit: I voted for "All Of The Above".

Edited by Kerryd
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I voted teacher because most of the expats I know here are teachers (but then I have 3 kids at an International school, so that's not that surprising I suppose).

But given the number of International schools (where virtually all the teachers are expats), and the number of "bilingual" schools, added to the expats working in the Thai school system throughout the country (presumably mainly English teachers), I think it's a reasonable guess for the commonest genuine expat status. (close run with retiree though).

There are more expats here with jobs obviously - but also more categories to split them into...

I think it's maybe the wrong question though - More interesting numbers might have come if you'd had to vote for which category you think you're in, rather than the most common one.

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Dr Burito, I will answer this with a poll of my own shortly.

The option for 'Semi/Fully Retired who has sufficient offshore investments to live off the interest' would be what I would consider to be one type of expat, another would be retired, and another would be a worker on an expatriate package.

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How about "None of the Above" ?

Fully half the choices presume one is some kind of scumbag/criminal. I guess anyone else that isn't a (qualified) teacher, company employee, "model/actor", legitimate bar/restaurant owner or "retiree/golf specialist" must fall in to the "Pure Sexpat" category.

I imagine there are a lot of people out there that are going to be surprised to find out they are just here to be "Pure Sexpats".

//Reason for edit: I voted for "All Of The Above".

There are also plenty of people who:


-Are employed overseas, working from the internet

The latter would describe me.

Edited by fallingoffthemap
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Poll clearly based on dumb cliches - not worth a vote.

What's 'dumb' about "Unqualified English Teacher"?

Sure is a lot of 'em picking up their 'diplomas' down on Kao San Rd., eh? :o

:D What a tired and boring subject teacher bashing is.

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