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Liz Cheney: Conservatives may need a new party


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18 hours ago, BritManToo said:

What if he wins?

No need for conservatives to form a new party then, if he wins. 


There will be something in 2028  like we see in Iran or Russia, but there will never be another legitimate Presidential election in the United States. 

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4 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

No need for conservatives to form a new party then, if he wins. 


There will be something in 2028  like we see in Iran or Russia, but there will never be another legitimate Presidential election in the United States. 

The Talibangelicals/Magabangelicals will be in control,  The end of the USA as we know it, the end of greatest democratic experiment in the world.

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Does'nt matter who you covet, rate, tar etc, in politics, all politicians, their ambitions and rhetoric are now ruled by the likes of Black Rock, Vanguard, Goldman Sachs et al's boardrooms.

If you don't curry favour and bow to them and their investment/hedge/funds you're screwed politically.


Father Cheney? Wasn't he on the board of Haliburton back in the 90's and noughties, leveraging for war in the middle east, ie:  Iraq, and then oh so conveniently Haliburton picked up the multi billion contracts from the US government to 'rebuild' Iraq after bombing the crap out of the place. Bet Goldman et al had nice big bets on Haliburton stocks back then?? 


It's all totally corrupt, does'nt matter if east or west politics!


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