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Stickman Reports Bkk 1st World Prices, 3rd World Quality


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I don't really see much increase in Bangkok prices except that the baht is stronger. Taxi fare and a hair cut for instance have cost the same for 3+ years now.

There has been a massive property boom in Thailand. I am not sure how much of it has come from farang, or if its the Thais pushing it, but prices have definitely sky rocketed - TO OWN. Rents have remained the same.

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For tourists that need more of the comforts of home it may be more expensive, but back in the neighbourhoods things seem more or less the same. The rising Baht has made for a bad exchange rate for some but if you aren't using debt burdened US currency then you probably haven't had it so bad.

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From the replies so far, it's clear most of the posters fail to get Stick's points (with which I mostly agree).

First of all, it's pointless comparing accomodation prices since he clearly said that's one of the areas where Bangkok is still a bargain and secondly he hasn't talked only about prices and how they compare to first world countries, the most important bit is the level of quality you get for what you pay and I heartily agree with him that while prices are quickly creeping up the quality of the goods and services you get isn't (or better said, isn't as much as the prices are. FAR FROM IT).

And to get firmly back on the ground the feet of those of you saying that's a sign of the Thailand's development and its shifting out of 3rd world status (LOL): the latest official Thai govt stats say that for Q1 2007 the average Thai wage still is THB 7709 (USD 258, EUR 188, GBP 127)...

Personally, in all of my travels and stays in 3rd world countries, I have never found them to be as cheap as one would expect when talking about goods and services of a quality/level comparable to that of the 1st world countries.

For example, saying that Thai food can be dirt cheap is irrelevant since we are comparing the price of Western food in the West and in Thailand (and BTW Thai food in Italy isn't prepared and sold on the pavement and Thai food in an average Thai restaurant in Italy cost LESS than comparable Thai food in a similar environment in Thailand with the added bonus of the protection of the laws regarding the cleanliness and preparation of the food and the general customer protection laws you get in Italy and NOT GET in Thailand).

In my case, eating Italian food in Thailand (I don't like Thai food at all) is much more expensive than in Italy and the quality isn't usually really comparable (apart for a few top end and costly places).

Even in the areas where I agree that Bangkok is still very good value (accomomodation) you don't really get exactly what you get in the West.

A villa like the one I have in Italy would cost me in Thailand more than in Italy (besides the fact that I can't own one in Thailand...) if I wanted it of the exact same quality.

An apartment like one of those that I am renting out in Italy would cost me, in Bangkok, less to buy but more to furnish to the exact same standard and even when the total sum is in favor of Thailand (like in most of the cases I think) what you have isn't really the same. I mean, in Rome or in Milan I can drink tap water (although I still don't) and if my apartment was on a low floor I could keep the windows open and not get the pollution, smells and noise I get in Bangkok (and since I know how ThaiVisa works, let me clarify: I would still get pollution, smells and noise in Rome or Milan but in Bangkok they are on a whole different level...). And that's not to talk about things like Thailand's zoning/planning laws (or lack thereof) and their enforcements (how do you like a Thai karaoke opening "next door"?) or the legal resources you have at your disposal to resolve disputes with neighbours etc ...

Labour is what really is dirt cheap in Thailand and what, for the most part, makes many other things cheaper but, alas, even in this case what you get isn't exactly what you would get in the West. The cheap labour is, in Thailand, unskilled labour. Getting in Thailand labour of the exact same skill level as in the West would cost you more or less like the West and, in some cases, much more than the West (think about some expat packages...).

In the low end of the spectrum you can make up with numbers for the lacking quality and skills (think about "low tech" labour intensive factories) but that's not always possible and that means that all you can aim for is the "low tech" market anyway...

In summary, 3rd world countries like Thailand are a good to great bargain depending on how much you are willing to compromise and by giving up a "bit" of quality you can, in many cases, save a comparably bigger "bit" of money. The problem with Bangkok in particular and Thailand in general is that, like Stick pointed out, they are rather quickly becoming less of a bargain (compared to the other similar 3rd world countries) by raising prices much faster than raising the quality of the goods and services you get for the money they ask.

This isn't just an issue to consider for tourists, longer time stayers, retirees etc this is an issue (THE issue, I would say) for the "big business" as well, Thai and foreign alike.

We are slowing beginning to see its effects on the Thai economy...

P.S. Yes taxis are very cheap but how often do you find yourself, in your corner of farangland, having to deal with a "broken meter", with a driver refusing your business or with having to WALK to a different place to avoid the local taxi mafia and their "fixed prices" stationing outside "strategic" places? You have to think about the whole package (BTW, taxis are often "luxury cars" in the West, by Thai standard) and yes, I can agree that many (most?) would prefer Thai taxi prices even with those "added bonuses". Then again, this is another one of those areas where Bangkok is still good value. Can't think of many, frankly.

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Being from BKK, I usually take annual trip to see my closed members of families, old friends or collegues, have to say that I see the prices steady rises in the last few years. As a routine, before leaving for BK, I always call this particular hotel to reserve a room. The past three years, the hotel quated the price 200-350 THB higher from the last each time :D . I let it goes, thinking it's paralleled with the inflation. Besides, I picked this hotel for the location because it's less than a mile from my sis's house. I got to have a pool where I can soak myself in the afternoon.

Also found the prices of foods on the menu, the price of renting a van with a driver(for a few days trip away from the city) keeps moving up 150-250 extra baht each year, miscellaneous items costed a bit more too.

I notice that I spent more on the same produces or services each passing year.

With the poor exchange rates, I start thinking if it gets to the point that my monthly expenses while visiting BKK costs more than living in the state, then it would be a turn off for me to think about my annual trip. :o

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Well, the price of most things rises with time, inside of Thailand and out (in my day, a chocolate bar was a nickel, etc...) -- the question is -- are the prices rising more in Thailand than elsewhere?

But you know -- it could be worse: I was reading that in Nigeria, inflation is officially estimated to be 3700%, (how do you even estimate once the figure is so ridiculous? I guess this means that a chocolate bar that cost $1 last year now costs 387$!) with real rate of inflation guessed to be many times higher.

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Well, the price of most things rises with time, inside of Thailand and out (in my day, a chocolate bar was a nickel, etc...) -- the question is -- are the prices rising more in Thailand than elsewhere?

No, that's just part of the question in this thread. The other is: is the quality of the goods and services in Thailand raising as well as the prices?

Don't forget that many goods and services are already more expensive in Thailand than in the West (for the same level of quality).

An example to clarify what that means: in Italy the price of broadband internet access has been decreasing in the last few years and the quality has been improving (more speed, even more reliable etc). Now, letting aside that, for several reasons, broadband internet access in Thailand is already MORE EXPENSIVE than in Italy (for a MUCH WORSE service), are you seeing its prices, in Thailand, increasing? Are you seeing the quality of the service comparably increasing? How do you correlate the two things?

The point is that when "adjusted for quality" many goods and services are more expensive in Thailand (and getting ever more so!) and when "adjusted for price" the quality is simply not comparable.

Thailand doesn't seem to be closing the gap, it seems to be widening it.

P.S. I am paying € 19 (baht 777) a month for a (REAL) 4 Mbit ADSL connection and the only time the service has been down in the last 2 years (2 days for a planned work on the network) the provider has offered me free dial up backup.

Another example? An "integrated ticket" in Milan costs € 1 (baht 44) and a ticket grants you a trip on the subway starting from whichever station and ending to whichever station PLUS 75 minutes of unlimited trips on any surface mean of transport in the metropolitan area (bus, tram etc). That's MUCH CHEAPER than BTS + MTS + buses in Bangkok!

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As a regular tourist it really hasn't got anymore expensive in the last 10 years for my needs. (OK, I used to live in Australia, but have lived in the UK for the last 6 years so it's even more of a bargain destination for me)

Taxis still cost about the same, I still buy Thai meals for 20-25B, the hotel in Bangkok I stay at has gone from 1500 to around 1800 (20% increase in 10 years), airfares, bus fares are all similar too.

The fact is is you want farang stuff it's going to cost you, blame that on globalisation and having to import the goods or the expertise (and pay for marketing)

They have also got their act together and really target the farang dollar now too, there are plenty of people who'll pay it as well.

PS: Never quite understood the mentality of some people coming to a country like Thailand and wanting like for like in their home country. If you want Western food and Western accomodation then stay in a Western country.

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The fact is is you want farang stuff it's going to cost you, blame that on globalisation


You mean "before globalization" "farang stuff" used to cost less (let alone being available at all)? :o

PS: Never quite understood the mentality of some people coming to a country like Thailand and wanting like for like in their home country. If you want Western food and Western accomodation then stay in a Western country.

If you were living in Thailand full time would you be eating those 25 baht meals all (or even most) of the time? Are you eating those 25 baht meals all of the time even on your short stays?

And aren't you staying in a 1800 baht hotel on your short stays anyway? How much Thai is that hotel?

The Thais themselves wouldn't (and in fact those who can afford to, aren't) live like the average Thai does if they had the money...

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"The point is that when "adjusted for quality" many goods and services are more expensive in Thailand (and getting ever more so!) and when "adjusted for price" the quality is simply not comparable. Thailand doesn't seem to be closing the gap, it seems to be widening it."

This is NOT true. It is only the Western goods and Western services which have increased in price. Stick listed international schools, fancy nightclub, import clothing, import western foods as his basis for the increase in price.

I was very surprised at the International School being $15,000/year. If this is the case, I would expect to see a flock of them opening and driving down the price.

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"The point is that when "adjusted for quality" many goods and services are more expensive in Thailand (and getting ever more so!) and when "adjusted for price" the quality is simply not comparable. Thailand doesn't seem to be closing the gap, it seems to be widening it."

This is NOT true. It is only the Western goods and Western services which have increased in price. Stick listed international schools, fancy nightclub, import clothing, import western foods as his basis for the increase in price.

I was very surprised at the International School being $15,000/year. If this is the case, I would expect to see a flock of them opening and driving down the price.

You seem to be confusing Western goods and Western services with goods and services which Westerners are interested in (and still the Thais are using more)...

What I call Western goods and services are those catering mostly to Westerners or provided mostly by Westerners.

"Fancy nightclubs" (where staff and ownership are mostly Thai) are a Western SERVICE?? And international schools (where the Thai "labour" is still prevalent) are a "Western SERVICE"??

BTW, the customers of both are mostly Thais... (as mostly Thai are the customers -and the providers- of BKK's public transports and internet access to name two of my examples)

Regarding imported clothing and imported Western food (real "Western goods") yes, they are more expensive than in the West (always been in my experience) and the gap is widening.

Now, while it's understandable that imported goods cost more than in the place of origin, there is no reason for such a large gap and, above all, for the widening gap nor for the prices asked for Western food prepared locally with mostly local ingredients and local labour. How do you explain that?

If it really was only Western goods and services to go up the average Thai living in Bangkok has nothing to worry about anyway, right?

Ask the Thais around you and report back here... :o

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The fact is is you want farang stuff it's going to cost you, blame that on globalisation


You mean "before globalization" "farang stuff" used to cost less (let alone being available at all)? :o

That term is just another bogyman that people drag out without actually thinking much about it's meaning beyond catchphrase value.

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The fact is is you want farang stuff it's going to cost you, blame that on globalisation


You mean "before globalization" "farang stuff" used to cost less (let alone being available at all)? :o

PS: Never quite understood the mentality of some people coming to a country like Thailand and wanting like for like in their home country. If you want Western food and Western accomodation then stay in a Western country.

If you were living in Thailand full time would you be eating those 25 baht meals all (or even most) of the time? Are you eating those 25 baht meals all of the time even on your short stays?

And aren't you staying in a 1800 baht hotel on your short stays anyway? How much Thai is that hotel?

The Thais themselves wouldn't (and in fact those who can afford to, aren't) live like the average Thai does if they had the money...

Well the first point probably isn't clear, of course they did. Luxury brands already tightly control their worldwide prices. there is minimal difference in prices for Apple, Chanel, Louis Vuitton etc. Further down the chain we have the Macdonalds, the Starbucks, Nike etc. They also control their prices to a large degree and the only direction we'll generally see those go is towards the upper prices.

Secondly, I eat Thai food 95% of the time in Thailand, I used to stay at my girlfriends apartment but as we are now married and living with me we have to stay in hotels.

My point still stands, if you want western facilities then why not live in Queensland, Florida or somewhere in the mediterranean, then you'll have your 1st world quality and 1st world prices.

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Well the first point probably isn't clear, of course they did.

Did what? They were available and cost less??

Luxury brands already tightly control their worldwide prices. there is minimal difference in prices for Apple, Chanel, Louis Vuitton etc.

This is a complete different issue unrelated to what we are discussing here and in Thailand those brands aren't pushing up the prices to match the Western prices to avoid speculations, in Thailand those luxury items COST MORE and in many cases MUCH more!

BTW, imported Western goods aren't just luxury items.

I used to buy and cook myself Italian made pasta and Italian made "ready sauces" in BKK and Pattaya and for example a jar of "sugo al basilico Barilla" (basil sauce Barilla) was 250 baht in Thailand 3 years ago (I shudder to think how much it is now) and is 50 baht now in Italy (it was 40 baht 3 years ago).

I doubt Barilla is forcing a five times markup on Thai retailers...

Further down the chain we have the Macdonalds, the Starbucks, Nike etc. They also control their prices to a large degree and the only direction we'll generally see those go is towards the upper prices.

Food and apparel are in very different situations, in the latter case and for the high end market it's true what you said above, in the former case the price is (should be!) much more related to the (local) costs involved (nobody is going to smuggle Thai made cheesburghers and cooked french fries in the West).

Secondly, I eat Thai food 95% of the time in Thailand,

If you were living in Thailand full time would you be eating those 25 baht meals all (or even most) of the time?

I used to stay at my girlfriends apartment but as we are now married and living with me we have to stay in hotels.

Ok, so if you and your wife were moving to Thailand what kind of accomodation would you choose?

My point still stands, if you want western facilities then why not live in Queensland, Florida or somewhere in the mediterranean, then you'll have your 1st world quality and 1st world prices.

The answer is of course a matter of personal circumstances, anyway I doubt that many here are staying (or want to stay) in Thailand to live the life of the average Bangkokian...

As for me, I lived for years in Thailand for the "edonistic lifestyle" (read: whoring, boozing and generally speaking partying my ass off) I could not afford in the West.

Living what I would call a "normal life" is overall much cheaper and much more safe and enjoyable in my home country, and to be honest even said "edonistic lifestyle" would be much more safe and enjoyable in my homecountry (and even more so in some other Western countries) but it would be infinitely more expensive and far out of my reach...

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The fact is is you want farang stuff it's going to cost you, blame that on globalisation


You mean "before globalization" "farang stuff" used to cost less (let alone being available at all)? :o

That term is just another bogyman that people drag out without actually thinking much about it's meaning beyond catchphrase value.

So true...

Actually, I am against globalization but that's for the exactly opposite reasons of the so called anti-global crowd... :D

If they understood what globalization really means most of them (those genuinely believing the naive and grossly false, stupid and ignorant reasons they are given to fight it) would actually be PRO it :D

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Nowadays you see more and more NGV-powered large trucks. It's a growing trend.

It's cheaper than when diesel was subsidized and the conversion is inexpensive.

So will the price go down when the trucking industry has largely converted to natural gas?

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If you can't afford Bangkok, move to Thailand.

I suppose moving to Khon Kaen or something would be an assured way of living cheaply....

PeaceBlondie I like your quote and if that does not do the job just move to the North East.

Btw Stickman is right, BKK is expensive.

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25baht per meal? Ooooki.

The meals around here mostly cost 30-35baht per box, some have crawled up to 40-45, or reduced the volume they give to keep the same prices.

I don't know what you are talking about, trying to give off like it's 'same same' here. But then again, you are a tourist.

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I don't like Bangkok,too crowded and too expensive.But I do like the people.They are more friendly,and the education level far exceeds what is to be encountered in Issan.Those of you who decide to move out of Bangkok for better prices, will have to swap that for much less interesting encounters and other social interactions.That is unless your into frog or snail hunting,or getting drunk all night with the locals.

Even here the land and home prices have gone up a lot in the past few years.

Shopping at Big C for groceries has always been more expansive than shopping at a similar store in the US. Not only are meat products much cheaper in the US,but the quality far exceeds whats available here.

In the US shaving cream costs me 99 cents,for a can a 1/3 the size here,its about 115 Baht.

But overall the entire cost of living is still a little cheaper.What put a real cramp in our income is health insurance,something that would be covered for the entire family,where one of us had a little job in the USA.

At the moment it is still cheaper but the gap is closing.Of course those of you who like to go native,its very cheap.There are a lot of frogs,snails,snakes(just killed one about 2 meters long this morning),the occasional fish, and you can rent a small house for 4 to 5,000 Baht a month.

But if you want to live well it's gonna cost you.

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I don't like Bangkok,too crowded and too expensive.But I do like the people.They are more friendly,and the education level far exceeds what is to be encountered in Issan.Those of you who decide to move out of Bangkok for better prices, will have to swap that for much less interesting encounters and other social interactions.That is unless your into frog or snail hunting,or getting drunk all night with the locals.

Even here the land and home prices have gone up a lot in the past few years.

Shopping at Big C for groceries has always been more expansive than shopping at a similar store in the US. Not only are meat products much cheaper in the US,but the quality far exceeds whats available here.

In the US shaving cream costs me 99 cents,for a can a 1/3 the size here,its about 115 Baht.

But overall the entire cost of living is still a little cheaper.What put a real cramp in our income is health insurance,something that would be covered for the entire family,where one of us had a little job in the USA.

At the moment it is still cheaper but the gap is closing.Of course those of you who like to go native,its very cheap.There are a lot of frogs,snails,snakes(just killed one about 2 meters long this morning),the occasional fish, and you can rent a small house for 4 to 5,000 Baht a month.

But if you want to live well it's gonna cost you.

I live very well..........................on frogs, snakes, shellfish, insects, eels, red ants eggs and whatever else happens to look tempting in the local fresh market or is foolish enough to cross my lawn in a rain storm......so what you talking about? What's more my pad only costs 3,000 B/month, which leaves more money left over for the essentials in life...........like beer n' Lao coffee. :D

PS. for shaving foam, I always find some nice lathery soap works just as well and costs a fraction the price. There - another bottle of beer in the fridge. :o

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Bangkok is not expensive, certain goods and services are, but it all depends where you come from originally, as that is where your comparisons are made. Also many of us do not use $ as a comparison as that is not our currency, feel sorry for those that it is though.

I come from London and to me pretty much everything is cheap, real cheap. Except imported goods.

I live in Samui, but I think 70-100k for an apartment in a central area such as Sukhumvit is cheap, real cheap. Try get something like that in central London you'll be looking a long time.

Seafood meal at Somboon seafood is a bargain.... http://www.somboonseafood.com/index_en.html (just seen something really funny, go to their website and click on reccommended, then scroll down and read the reviews, some are bad reviews- LMAO)

Compare that to seafood in Hong Kong, London etc.

Education - 15,000USD is a bargain for private school, UK would be 12,000 pounds + for private schooling (a decent one anyway).

You can live cheap in Bangkok, but there is so much more to spend your $ on.

Hospitals, I have been very impressed with Bumrungrad, I had two operations there and thought the care was first class, certainly better than NHS back home, and considerably cheaper than private in UK, + nice bonus of pretty nurses that are actually friendly and not some scowling old Irish hag.

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There has been inflation all around- as TAWP says, most of the 20-25B deals have crept up over the last 2-3 years to 30-40B meals now, with no change in the quantity or quality. That's not a big deal even for us teachers, but it makes a big difference to someone earning 6000B a month. Where I get haircuts, the price is up to 50B (from 40B); includes a shave.

The higher end is a different matter. A lot of places have been pushing up the price- a *lot*. I'm talking mainly about hotel restaurants, trendy bars, and other top-end dining and entertainment venues. I assume they do this because they can (because the market can afford it) or otherwise they'd close- though many of them DO close, so the market can't be that great.

The middle range- places that middle class people can occasionally afford- is still quite a good deal, I think- and much more affordable than anything comparable in the States and Europe.


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I live very well..........................on frogs, snakes, shellfish, insects, eels, red ants eggs and whatever else happens to look tempting in the local fresh market or is foolish enough to cross my lawn in a rain storm......so what you talking about? What's more my pad only costs 3,000 B/month, which leaves more money left over for the essentials in life...........like beer n' Lao coffee. :D

PS. for shaving foam, I always find some nice lathery soap works just as well and costs a fraction the price. There - another bottle of beer in the fridge. :o

I have no problem with your lifestyle.The main thing is that you are happy and contend.Please accept my apology, if I came across as criticizing it. What I wanted to say was, that for the Bangkok city dwellers, these changes might be a little of a shock,and seeing Thailand outside of Bangkok(rural areas) will not be the same Thai experience, as to what they are used to.Of course the ones with the long weekend country holiday and the rented van, will certainly have more experience.I've only been here 5 years,and I'll be the first one to say that I have a lot to learn,but I've lived in the countryside the entire time.

I also use soap to shave.I boycott anything were I feel I'm getting ripped off,or have to pay more than a Thai pays.

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Stickman is right with one fundamental flaw in his report: those expensive places have not replaced the inexpensive ones. They are an ad-on.

No street vendors have taken up stewardship of Starbucks and dropped their carts.

I have not noticed anything significant other than petrol. And that is not a worry to me.

This was exactly what I was thinking as well! Actually, with the appreciation of the baht, I have been thinking that inflation has been really low for the past year or so. Prices seem to be pretty steady.

As for his mention about the price of beef being high, all I could think about was "No Sh!t! Its imported!" Its been for the past 5 years (my length of time in country). But then again. I didn't come to Thailand to eat steak. If i want steak, Ill get it the next time I'm in texas. Bring on the Tom yum.

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ah yes... the 55+ never left their home countries until three years ago crowd, the 'love it or leave it authorites' on thailand. they speak no thai, never eat oin food stalls, never used a squat toilet, the same guys that fly to penang, same guys that hassle for O visas, same guys that pay lawyers to do their visas, same guys live in palaces in air-conditioned bliss.

you guys pay full freight stupid farang price and always have so youre prices havent gone up. plenty of 'wiggle room' when youre already paying 350% over any thai or 'local/expat farang' meanwhile - if youre living like stick, myself and thai people - youd notice it. really that simple. you may be living in thailand - BUT YOURE STILL A TOURIST.

telling stickman (and the rest of us) who have been living and working her for decades how it is. pretty rich really.... these guys are almost exclusively from uk and us - id bet my left nut. in both cases, they are the most self centered, pathetic lot that scour the internet. hooray for me and the heII with you.

i always have a good laugh when i see the 'how much does it cost to live in thailand" threads. the guys above post like - oh, if you dont have 60k per month, dont even bother BLAH BLAH. these are exactly the same guys that have not a clue about anything in thailand. thats how much they spend NOT to live in thailand - to keep themselves throughly above the fray.

i cant beleive the likes of some of these people criticising valid analysis from a guy whose lived here for DECADES. what stick knows about thailand couldnt in all your heads put together.

for all the love it or leave it folks out there .... this is thailand. you are alien, martians completely detatched from 'thailand' - so i would retort. if you cant live with thais and like... YOU leave it.

we made a decision decades ago to come and live in a wild, exotic sexy, crazy countires. these have caught up to what we left behind - pricey, staid, dull, overly legal, pretentious places. unfortunately - thailand has evolved and modernized into much of that. thats why its now acceptable for the likes of you guys> its clean, modern, air-con'd - plus it has pretty women youve never slept with even at your most 'hansum'. so go ahead - tell stick to go home again PLEEEZE :o

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