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DeSantis Pushes Back on Climate Change’s Role in Stronger Storms

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2 hours ago, Globalres said:

Scientist prove what they are paid to prove - in many cases

Sure lets come up with some conspiracy theory about how some mysterious force is paying off scientists to lie about the global warming issue....i bet a google search could no doubt find some keyboard warrior claiming that bill gates pays off hundreds or thousands of scientists all over the world to manipulate the data....and if it is on the internet then it must be true...because we all know that people who post conspiracy theories are true experts.

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3 hours ago, Globalres said:

Scientist prove what they are paid to prove - in many cases


There's a great YouTube by physicist Sabine Hossenfelder that explains it pretty well.  It's titled My dream died, and now I'm here.


I can't post a link because YouTube's blocked here, but it's easy enough to find by artist and title. I downloaded the video and that's how I know the title.


Basically, she discusses the process behind getting funding to do meaningful research in physics, and how it's been corrupted by corporate money.  She specifically talks about physics, but it's the same with health care, and pretty much any subject where there are corporate and political interests controlling which research gets funded and which gets squelched.


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