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This is my America sadly


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2 hours ago, AdmiralKrag said:


Methinks women


Do you know why the gay cannot define what is a woman? Because this lot identifies as 'men' despite having a uterus.


Can a man have a baby? Yes, bc that 'man' is a WOman. Yet, if the female organs / genes defined reality they would not 'be' men.


I'm beginning to be pro tranny although the drugs must not be paid by govt, but out of pocket. More lunatic people high af on hormones and God knows what else. Sideline themselves






I wish I wanted to be a woman. I would not care about my flabby chest.

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4 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Dude they don't! And they pay for way worse things. Have you ever needed one?  It's not a man's issue. Period ( get it?) 

How much government money does Planned Parenthood receive?

Over 40% of Planned Parenthood revenue comes from government reimbursements and grants.

Updated on Thu, August 1, 2024 by the USAFacts Team



Capice dude?

Edited by riclag
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3 hours ago, proton said:


We can do without this sort of childishness on here.

so you do not want to debate how the hatred Trump spews out is destroying the US? Publically calling the VP of your country 'a $hit  VP.'  ? I'm not from the States and support neither candidate (both plan to spend the country into bankruptcy). take a look at the posts by Trump fans here, as compared with those who disagree with his policies & rants. On this thread, there is absolutely no doubt that there is a preponderance of hateful posts by MAGA's, as compared with DEM's and neutrals. A poster wanted the 'traditional America' to return. I've watched & read political discourse for something like the past 30-40 years. Since Trump came along, I have never seen such hatred and division in a country which I once admired.

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4 minutes ago, paddypower said:

so you do not want to debate how the hatred Trump spews out is destroying the US? Publically calling the VP of your country 'a $hit  VP.'  ? I'm not from the States and support neither candidate (both plan to spend the country into bankruptcy). take a look at the posts by Trump fans here, as compared with those who disagree with his policies & rants. On this thread, there is absolutely no doubt that there is a preponderance of hateful posts by MAGA's, as compared with DEM's and neutrals. A poster wanted the 'traditional America' to return. I've watched & read political discourse for something like the past 30-40 years. Since Trump came along, I have never seen such hatred and division in a country which I once admired.

What country are you from!

Do you know what traditional America is?Its founding onJudeo Christian values .

Its Capitalism, its live for flag & country,its not DEI woke culture!

Edited by riclag
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6 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

Still the land of opportunity
It’s crazy what you can achieve in America

Trump went from working at McDonalds to Joe Rogan in a week.

At this rate he’ll be the president next month!



But in reality, a caddy............🤭

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7 minutes ago, BigStar said:


Now a poster boy for rehabilitation, you see, and hence the achievement of sound judgement on at least one issue. Seems quite a few in the USA have made such laudable progress. It's much more than can be said for any leftist on the forum. It's all that education, high intelligence, and moral superiority, I suppose.



Revel in the spread of hate, man:



Watch the lies:




Dems calling their opposition Hitler is an old tradition anyone knowledgeable can't take seriously. It's like kids calling their dads fascists for withholding their allowance.


Kamala's (or rather, her DNC reptilian overlords') sad and dangerous attempts to leverage lies, fear, and hate, abandoning the "joy," "unity," and "turn the page" (WOT???), simply reflect her desperation as she's fallen in the polls. Lacking policies, promising more of failed Biden, and losing trust, fear and hate are all she has left. It seems they're losing potency as well. 

Interesting, seems you have forgotten your last lesson on reasoning and logic, nevertheless here is a breakdown of your post:

  1. Straw Man Fallacy: You misrepresent my argument about Mel Gibson's drug and mental health issues by framing him as a "poster boy for rehabilitation." This shifts the focus away from the point that his struggles don’t lend him credibility on others' intellect or decisions.

  2. Ad Hominem: By attacking "leftists" as lacking intelligence and moral superiority, you sidestep the substance of my claims. This tactic aims to discredit individuals based on their political affiliation rather than engaging with the actual issues.

  3. Red Herring: When you bring up “Dems calling their opposition Hitler,” it distracts from the discussion about the misuse of rhetoric and misinformation in politics, leading us away from the original topic.

  4. False Dichotomy: You imply that Democrats either embrace "lies, fear, and hate" or offer "joy and unity." This oversimplification ignores the complexity of political discourse and the varied strategies that parties may adopt.

  5. Tu Quoque Fallacy: Your suggestion that Democrats are hypocritical for using fear tactics deflects from addressing the critique of Trump's misinformation and manipulation.

  6. Appeal to Ridicule: By likening serious concerns about political rhetoric to "kids calling their dads fascists for withholding their allowance," you trivialize the discussion and diminish the importance of the issues being raised.

  7. Slippery Slope: Your comparison of political opposition to parental disputes suggests that calling out authoritarianism is exaggerated, which undermines the legitimate concerns surrounding rising authoritarian rhetoric.

  8. Overgeneralization: When you state that "quite a few in the USA have made such laudable progress," you make vague assertions without providing evidence, which generalizes the success of rehabilitation efforts without addressing the specifics of the conversation.

If you want to engage in meaningful discourse, it would be more productive to address the actual issues at hand rather than relying on fallacies and diversions.


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2 hours ago, riclag said:

I dont want my taxes to pay for it!

obviously, you one of those virtuous types who would never let his daughter get pregnant or raped. the ''just say no'' type.

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2 minutes ago, paddypower said:

obviously, you one of those virtuous types who would never let his daughter get pregnant or raped. the ''just say no'' type.

I asked you , What country you’re from

for the third time!

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39 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

So stupid. Is that what you non Americans got??!  Oh yah it is. 

IMO stupidity is believing Trump will do anything for his "basement dwellers" once he is re-elected.


Except perhaps hold rallies where they can flock like sheep to buy his made in China dreck.


When he is not playing golf, that is.


Can Americans be that dumb twice? Perhaps they can.

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1 hour ago, Nid_Noi said:
4 hours ago, WDSmart said:

They did not accept defeat in 2016, so they challenged it in the courts, not the streets. And, as you know, they lost. Then, they reluctantly accepted it. 

… after spending millions $ of taxpayers money and waste of time for two unsuccessful procedures of impeachment. What about the George Floyd incident? Dems did not care about drug addict G.F’s death but they use it as a pretext to burn and loot many cities. Where were they for the murder of Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, Gloria Cassio, Ruby Garcia, Christopher Gadd, Travis Wolfe, Alex Wise Jr., Lisbeth Medina, Jeremy Poou-Caceres, Melissa and Riordan Powell, Aiden Clark, Rachel Morin, etc…Nowhere to be seen and they couldn’t even pronounce their name for the State of the Union speech.

But they (Democrats) did not terrorize their opponents with phone calls, calling them names and threatening their lives and families. They challenged their defeat in the courts and challenged their opponents in Congress using the prescribed methods. 

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17 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

If you want to engage in meaningful discourse, it would be more productive to address the actual issues at hand rather than relying on fallacies and diversions.


Laughable phony intellectual pretension, and taking that pretension VERY seriously, wasting a lot of time. Last time we had this kind of amusing discussion, in the end you hypocritically refused to recognize the fallacies behind your own "reasoning," and abandoned the discussion. Typical silence here after one's been bested in an argument. I'm not going thru your post and pointing out your fallacies for you again. Won't do a bit of good, no liberal here ever learns a thing.  


When you've got anything serious other than irrelevant assumptions and talking points from the propaganda press, you can be taken more seriously. Until then, enough with the time-wasting. You a boomer, BTW? Seems so.



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59 minutes ago, alex8912 said:

Great for you. No one needs Harris who was not even running a couple months ago. She is horrible. She picked a horrible husband too. The USA doesn't need 4 years + of her BS. She has done absolutely nothing. Who does the USA need?  Please don't answer not Trump it's so boring. 

The US needs a president who will help resolve our differences and pull the country together.

In other words, "Not Trump."

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8 minutes ago, LosLobo said:

Interesting, seems you have forgotten your last lesson on reasoning and logic, nevertheless here is a breakdown of your post:

  1. Straw Man Fallacy: You misrepresent my argument about Mel Gibson's drug and mental health issues by framing him as a "poster boy for rehabilitation." This shifts the focus away from the point that his struggles don’t lend him credibility on others' intellect or decisions.

  2. Ad Hominem: By attacking "leftists" as lacking intelligence and moral superiority, you sidestep the substance of my claims. This tactic aims to discredit individuals based on their political affiliation rather than engaging with the actual issues.

  3. Red Herring: When you bring up “Dems calling their opposition Hitler,” it distracts from the discussion about the misuse of rhetoric and misinformation in politics, leading us away from the original topic.

  4. False Dichotomy: You imply that Democrats either embrace "lies, fear, and hate" or offer "joy and unity." This oversimplification ignores the complexity of political discourse and the varied strategies that parties may adopt.

  5. Tu Quoque Fallacy: Your suggestion that Democrats are hypocritical for using fear tactics deflects from addressing the critique of Trump's misinformation and manipulation.

  6. Appeal to Ridicule: By likening serious concerns about political rhetoric to "kids calling their dads fascists for withholding their allowance," you trivialize the discussion and diminish the importance of the issues being raised.

  7. Slippery Slope: Your comparison of political opposition to parental disputes suggests that calling out authoritarianism is exaggerated, which undermines the legitimate concerns surrounding rising authoritarian rhetoric.

  8. Overgeneralization: When you state that "quite a few in the USA have made such laudable progress," you make vague assertions without providing evidence, which generalizes the success of rehabilitation efforts without addressing the specifics of the conversation.

If you want to engage in meaningful discourse, it would be more productive to address the actual issues at hand rather than relying on fallacies and diversions.


1. Mel is spot on with Harris mind being likened  to a fence post! Its all about the vibe and she being installed instead of elected in!

2. DEI is racist and is built on identity politics, discouraging merit .

3.hitler has been used by the dems ever since Trump came down the escalator! If kelly thought Trump was a fascist , he should of resign in Protest.

4.Dem hate has brought two assassination attempts. 
5.Trump rhetoric hasn’t brought assassination attempts to Biden/ Harris.

6.mundane , incoherent!


7.This is practice by the dems in Biden / Harris administration with censorship and lawfare, authoritarian government .

8. Mundanity 



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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

And if the USA was that great a place to live everyone wouldn't be taking drugs.

Let's face it, the poor in any country don't have that great a life.


But it's too wet and cold in the UK for me to go cycling every day, so I'm here, and it's great.




UK is Cold and wet for 4 months but there's these things called clothes - they keep you warm and dry in cold, wet weather.   Widely available at reasonable prices apparently.

It's more tricky when it feels like 50 degrees outside but I guess you could become nocturnal and/or go out cycling at the crack of dawn if you like comfortable temps but live in Thailand.


Also, be careful when you go cycling - it's allegedly legal to smash old men with your car if they touch your car with their bag.  


Truth is there's a certain price point (poor or close to it) where living in Thailand makes more sense for men - esp. if they really really really really really value 'company'.

But let's not pretend Thailand is in any way better than our home countries though - cos if you're honest, you know it ain't - living in Thailand is about being relatively poor or overly interested in company.


The poster I was responding to is always pretentiously ragging on the US which is why I called him out and why he didn't respond to a couple of simple questions.


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1 hour ago, riclag said:

Make America Great Again!

Bring back the past, Tradition's!

Pledge of Allegiance 

to the flag , to the Founders , to the Republic for which it use to stand!

one nation under god with liberty and justice for all!

Screw the people that want to change 

The Constitution, electoral college and requirements of Id’s to vote.

That all sounds nice and peachie but first it starts at home.


Teach your children about respect and family values.


The world has lost the basics and are glued to their phones too much to actually see with their own eyes with what is going on with the world today.

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5 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

But they (Democrats) did not terrorize their opponents with phone calls, calling them names and threatening their lives and families. They challenged their defeat in the courts and challenged their opponents in Congress using the prescribed methods. 

Yes, opposition to people on the ballots, Stein, Kennedy and Trump!

How democratic!


And when Biden said we will not let Trump get in office , we will use the 

Constitution?When the arbitrator of the Constitution (SCOTUS)said Trump had immunity. The rhetoric should of stopped but Biden continued with his deceit, instead of adherence .


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2 hours ago, Yellowtail said:

Your claim is false, 


Prior to the overturn of roe, not a woman in the United States had any say in abortion legislation. 


Now, every woman in the United States has a say in abortion, and they outnumber men. 

what an unbalanced response. Have you not heard of women legislators at the state level ? Vance, in one of his many contentious interviews, has supported notions such as '  taking care of grandchildren is “the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female'. Then he attacked childless women (specifically Harris, an adopting mother) with this brain fart ' People who don’t have kids, he said, don’t have “a stake” in this country.' and to polish off his resume, when interviewed on Fox, in July 2024, he called for banning abortion nationally.


you can rebut , but remember, Vance changes his opinions as often as he changes his underpants.


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47 minutes ago, paddypower said:

so you do not want to debate how the hatred Trump spews out is destroying the US? Publically calling the VP of your country 'a $hit  VP.'  ? I'm not from the States and support neither candidate (both plan to spend the country into bankruptcy). take a look at the posts by Trump fans here, as compared with those who disagree with his policies & rants. On this thread, there is absolutely no doubt that there is a preponderance of hateful posts by MAGA's, as compared with DEM's and neutrals. A poster wanted the 'traditional America' to return. I've watched & read political discourse for something like the past 30-40 years. Since Trump came along, I have never seen such hatred and division in a country which I once admired.

The demonizing and name calling started by the left long before Trump. He's just the first to throw it back at them. 

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8 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

That all sounds nice and peachie but first it starts at home.


Teach your children about respect and family values.


The world has lost the basics and are glued to their phones too much to actually see with their own eyes with what is going on with the world today.

I did teach them ! They are both adults struggling to make ends meet!

Living in California for some business people can be difficult with robbers and the government taking advantage 

of them!


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32 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

IMO stupidity is believing Trump will do anything for his "basement dwellers" once he is re-elected.


Except perhaps hold rallies where they can flock like sheep to buy his made in China dreck.


When he is not playing golf, that is.


Can Americans be that dumb twice? Perhaps they can.

He closed the border the last time, he'll close the border this time. 

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36 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

The US needs a president who will help resolve our differences and pull the country together.

In other words, "Not Trump."

The country is divided by the left, not the right, starting with Obama. 



Edited by Yellowtail
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4 minutes ago, BarraMarra said:

Yanks mmm where do you start, big country, big mouths, big Waistlines , big Ego's , big guns yep MAGA.

Hey falang ,Dems like them guns too , 20%.

I feel better now.


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13 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

But they (Democrats) did not terrorize their opponents with phone calls, calling them names and threatening their lives and families.


You've been misinformed by the fake news.


Leftists in general do a lot more of this, officially condoned, as when Schumer threatened the Supreme Court justices and permitted the terrorizing of Kavanaugh and his family. They also have their militant wings to call up and condone:


FLASHBACK: xxx Tim Walz Watches Minneapolis Burn: 'We Were Ordered Not to Do Anything'


Just one of many examples.


20 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

They challenged their defeat in the courts and challenged their opponents in Congress using the prescribed metho


Is a prescribed method to concoct a Russian hoax w/ collusion of the FBI and DOJ and motivate fake impeachment attempts? I could go on, but you don't know enough to discuss the subject. 



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18 minutes ago, dingdongrb said:

That all sounds nice and peachie but first it starts at home.


Teach your children about respect and family values.


The world has lost the basics and are glued to their phones too much to actually see with their own eyes with what is going on with the world today.

Not everyone is able to homeschool their kids, so they have to be turned over to the left every day for indoctrination. 

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33 minutes ago, WDSmart said:

The US needs a president who will help resolve our differences and pull the country together.

In other words, "Not Trump."


Doin' good till you reached a false conclusion. Country's difference were resolved much better under Trump (though he did allow the red cities to get away with rioting, takeovers, and drug proliferation, maybe worried about being called a Nazi, ha ha), and most people were better off during his tenure, as they realize.


Blacks and Hispanics are joining Trump in record numbers. Hence, by your reasoning, vote Trump '24.


Edited by BigStar
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59 minutes ago, expat_4_life said:

Still the land of opportunity
It’s crazy what you can achieve in America

Trump went from working at McDonalds to Joe Rogan in a week.

At this rate he’ll be the president next month!

Best post of the day. ' laugh and the whole world laughs with you. except for some on here.

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