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Thai Inventions.


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I realise that most of you guys are just taking the pi*s.

But Thailand/Thais have never come up with an invention of any merit (and if your talking of Tom Yum yer just talking sh*t)

There is/has never been a Thai who could even comprehend the thinking of people like Rutherford, Whittle, Stevenson, Bell, Erickson, Marconi, Michaelangelo, the list is endless.

With all due respect to the thinkers of the realm "they just don't / can't cut it with anyone of any note.

AND they never will until they teach people how to think of how to find the answers rather than show them the formula's and how to find the answers. (2+2 = 4 but why)

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Don't know that you would call it inventing something but a couple of months ago I saw a setup on thai television which looked to me like an attachment for your air conditioner which used the waste heat from the heat exchanger to heat water. I thought that was a good innovation.


That has been going on for a long time in developed countrys,but usually ran thru a cooling tower to reuse to cool the condensing coils,,but the HEAT PUMP heats whole houses and is the same principle.

Recycled tires are nothing new,they are used in asphalt for road surfaces and a lot of things., but the steel belted tires are hard to recycle.

In Tanzania and Ghana you could buy flip-flops, slip-slops, thongs - call them what you wish, made from old tyres. The most highly prized where those made from steel belted radials because they were near impervious to thorns.

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Who cares, in the end, if the Thais never invented anything original in all the centuries of their existence? If they were the masters of invention, Thailand would probably not be the laid-back, sanuk-loving, little paradise that we all know and love, would it?

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Is there anything in this world that has actually been invented, discovered by the Thai's? I've been asking a few people, Thai and foreign and have yet to come up with anything from technology to food. As soon as someone comes up with something others can find a different source.

One of the funniest I've heard was from a Thai friend who's convinced Thailand invented the spoon, and is very proud of the fact.

Any ideas?

Thats easy how about REDBULL ? kratendang ?

trouble is it took an Austrian to buy them out and turn it into a global brand.

Thais havent a clue about global marketing . very parochial outlook ,

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I realise that most of you guys are just taking the pi*s.

But Thailand/Thais have never come up with an invention of any merit (and if your talking of Tom Yum yer just talking sh*t)

There is/has never been a Thai who could even comprehend the thinking of people like Rutherford, Whittle, Stevenson, Bell, Erickson, Marconi, Michaelangelo, the list is endless.

With all due respect to the thinkers of the realm "they just don't / can't cut it with anyone of any note.

AND they never will until they teach people how to think of how to find the answers rather than show them the formula's and how to find the answers. (2+2 = 4 but why)

Who gives a rat's arse. Relax, life is too short :o

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carrying the busfare in the earhole ??

never seen it done anywhere else

I have seen this in Singas, but I think it is for luck rather than covenience. The coin eventually sends the ear black :o

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There is/has never been a Thai who could even comprehend the thinking of people like Rutherford, Whittle, Stevenson, Bell, Erickson, Marconi, Michaelangelo, the list is endless.

Three brits. a couple of italians for good measure, and a couple of blow ins, not a bad average considering.........but no thais :o

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tried to google some inventions.

are a silk bullet proof vest: Sujira Khojimate of the Bangkok-based Rajamangala Institute of Technology

a lightweight sampling loom: Sathit Putachaiyong, deputy-director for research and training at the Rajamangala Institute of Technology at Bangkok

Royally-granted Chaipattana Aerator": His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

see aerator

Thai Automated Inspection and Punching Machine:Dr.Korntham Sathirakul, Mr.Bantoon Srisuwan and Mr.Singha Leeraphan, an MTEC's researcher: Dr. Wannee Chinsirikul

text related to :

Foreigners often think that because Thai people, like many other Southeast Asian people, tend to keep silent, smile and act politely in the presence of foreigners, that they do not have any ideas of their own and the lack of inventions fits this stereotype.

This is a little bit unfair since as David Wyatt points out in his book, Siam in Mind, poor Thai people have been creative in using bamboo and their own bodies to create traps and martial arts to find ways to protect themselves against armed invaders. People in Thailand also accurately calculated the calendar at an early date, before many European peoples, so that they would know when the monsoon was due to arrive. However, the long-tail boat is considered to be the last such invention that is internationally known.

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The latest archeological evidence shows that it was Thais, rather than the Chinese, who first domesticated the silkworm and planted Mulberry orchards for the production of silk. It also shows Thais using bronze before the Chinese, but I don't know whether they invented that. Where might they have got it if they had it before anyone else in SE Asia?

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AND they never will until they teach people how to think of how to find the answers rather than show them the formula's and how to find the answers. (2+2 = 4 but why)

Unlike the cream of farang intellectuals, maybe the'd rather get on with life instead of using government grants for contemplating the question whether 2+2 is really 4, and in which sense and why? :o

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carrying the busfare in the earhole ??

never seen it done anywhere else

I have seen this in Singas, but I think it is for luck rather than covenience. The coin eventually sends the ear black :o

Kinda lost me on that one "sends the ear black"??

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Who invented the Thai language? or does languages and sript just evolve?

I wouldn't think that one invents a language, however in any event (from my understanding) the Thai language is a derivative of an earlier language (not from Thailand)

and stroll wrote.......

Unlike the cream of farang intellectuals, maybe the'd rather get on with life instead of using government grants for contemplating the question whether 2+2 is really 4, and in which sense and why?

I appreciate that they (Thais) might rather "get on with life" however it is well known that the education system in the realm is far from being a model of excellance.

Even Thais acknowledge this to be the case.

At least Dr Kasem Wattanachai a privy councillor and former education minister, and Dr Chanpen Chuprapawan seemed to be of this opinion when they were quoted in the Bangkok Post a few weeks back (18-06-2004) commenting on the IQ levels of Thai young people.


'Children vital, not football'

Call to spend soccer fund on child studies

Sirikul Bunnag

Kasem... urges more learning

The government should divert some of the four billion baht intended to buy a stake in the Liverpool Football Club to brain research of Thai children, said a privy councillor.

Speaking during a seminar on the development of Thai children's IQ, or intelligence quotient, former education minister Dr Kasem Wattanachai said the government should pay more attention to the brain development of Thai people than to an English football club.

''I want to see a brain research institute in Thailand. There is no such institute in the country,'' said Dr Kasem. ''Our academics study brain development from foreign research papers. We know nothing about the brain development of Thai people.''

He suggested the government divert some of the 4 billion baht from its planned football investment into brain research studies of Thai people.

Funds should be given to the Education and Public Health ministries to launch a programme in which storybooks are handed out to parents who will in turn be urged to read them to their children.

He said the government pays more attention to supporting the education of genius students while the majority, with low IQ, is ignored.

The government is duty-bound to help non-genius children turn into smart ones, he said.

If the learning process is limited to watching television or playing computer games, a child's IQ would not be developed, he said.

Dr Chanpen Chuprapawan, an expert in child brain development, said Thai children have a low IQ when they grow up. She cited a study of Thai brain development which showed children aged 6-12 had an average IQ of 91.2, while teenagers, aged 13-18, had an average IQ of only 89.9. A typical IQ ranges from 90 to 110 points.

Thai linguistic development was slow compared to developed countries, said the expert.

Thai children had linguistic development when they were one year old, while their peers in developed countries such as the United States had linguistic development when they were only eight months old.

She attributed the retarded linguistic development among Thai children to neglect by parents who let their offspring watch too much television, which will not enhance their IQ.


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Thai people have been creative in using bamboo and their own bodies to create traps

Oh hello, back to bargirls again are we?

Well I'm not on any bar girls these days but sometimes I sure think I'd like to be :o

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What about thai architecture? Did the thais invent thai style roofs etc..?

Thai Stick :o ?--Or was that an American marketing scheme?

The Thai architecture has been strongly influenced by Italian architects who were invited to the Kingdom by the Great King Rama 5. From Songkla to Maesai you see new-classicist building details. The Greek columns, oxhorn-capittals and thympans might become food for future archeologists.

An American friend told me that Thai sticks actually come or came from Laos.

These are or were little bamboo-sticks around which a mind-expanding weed was circled, which was held together (yes, there we are) or tied by a bamboo fibre.

He enjoyed the effects of this weed in Vietnam, were he served during this horrible war as a medical orderly.

Thai sticks could be tied-sticks. But because of the difficult prononciation of --ds-- and their high quality they became worldfamous as Thai-sticks.

And about inventions, nobody really invents. When Dr. Michelin knotted a piece of garden-hose around the wheel of his little kids tricycle, did he really invent the tyre? He had to pay tribute to the inventor of the garden-hose, who probably had to pay tribute to some-one else.

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The number of times I have asked Thai people about who invented the tv or the telephone. I have had some amazing responses over the years, serious answers like Mr. Samsung, Nokia. Who invented whiskey, golf etc etc.

I remember once telling a student who didn't know Scotland that he wouldn't have been able to call his friend on the blower and invite him to watch the football, and get pissed on whiskey(NOT SANG THIP OR OTHER CRAP THEY CALL WHISKEY) - Man U against Bayern, if it had not been for the Scots. They wouldn't have been in the final if Ferguson wasn't the manager.


(today whisky doesn't seem like a particularly good invention :o)

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carrying the busfare in the earhole ??

never seen it done anywhere else

I have seen this in Singas, but I think it is for luck rather than covenience. The coin eventually sends the ear black :o

Kinda lost me on that one "sends the ear black"??

I have seen folks with blackening around the coin in the ear Kev, obviously been in the ear a long while. Not sure if it is because the coin never comes out for the ear to be cleaned, or the coin and ear react to each other, like silver reacts to some peoples skin.

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Don't know that you would call it inventing something but a couple of months ago I saw a setup on thai television which looked to me like an attachment for your air conditioner which used the waste heat from the heat exchanger to heat water. I thought that was a good innovation.


Yes but try buying the device.

Not original either, the BBC showed a unit from Australia a couple of years ago.

Once again I cannot find where to buy it. I have searched on the internet.

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The King of Thailand has invented numerous things!

One of them: http://www.chaipat.or.th/journal/aug03/aerator_e.html

Rather an innovation than an invention. Something which I think the Thai's do extremely well. And before anyone gets on my case for saying bad things about H.M. Bhumophol, I think he's one of Thailands greatest attributes and a good argument for monarchy over democracy, especialy of the Thai style.

He, is without doubt, Thailands's greatest attribute, without whom Thailand would not be the country it is today.

It will be a very sorry and sad day when he is no longer here to guide the people of the kingdom.

Whether it is Buddha or God, Thailand will be in dire need of some strong blessings.

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Ok, I think the toilet seat was invented in Thailand. Possibly in the early Auttaya period. The name and place, I am not sure of. It turns out that the toilet seat was later modified and improved by a falang in 17 something to include the hole in the middle.

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