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Goal: wash out a horrible residual aroma from 'Sonex' (off-brand WD40 sold in Thailand)ย  from a synthetic fabric messenger bag. I jumped from the frying pan into the fire! ' Sonex' spray was very effective (along with manual scraping) to remove bubble gum. Now my favourite bag has a disgusting insecticide aroma. I have washed it eight times in frothy dish liquid soap. In my hotel I have no hot water, and local laundresses won't take on the task. I suppose I could use a coin-operated laundromat at but I suspect they don't even offer truly hot water.


- Ammonia?

- Vinegar?

- Decreasing soap (what brand)?


This is really two questions...


1. What works good enough/you can find it cheap at any supermarket?


2. What is the best best but you have to get it at a specialty store and/or pay through the nose.


I have no time to order through Lazada. Leaving country soon.


Oven degreaser on non-wipeable surface I fear will create new problems.


50 minutes ago, novacova said:

Simple Green, can be found at some HomePro stores. Or just use dish soapโ€ฆ



This is exactly the brand of dish soap I used, even from the same hand-friendly shaped container (available at convenience stores).


Fail. But thanks for the idea.


Next step is to soak it in vineagar. Then wash it a *ninth* time in professional decreasing soap (if I can find any, my mom n' pop hardware store in Khao Sarn has none). Or indeed, your kind suggestion of 'Simply Green'. Bangkok Co-op sells 'Vanish' stain remover (Thai labelling too) and I was astounded at the price - THB200 for a small tub.


Of course there must be suitable local products. I could ask at Home Pro, although it's a major expedition to get to from this backpacker area.

37 minutes ago, HermesHermes said:

Simply Green'. Bangkok Co-op sells 'Vanish' stain remover (Thai labelling too) and I was astounded at the price - THB200 for a small tub.

Simple Green is ridiculously priced here as well, as I recall ~1500เธฟ for a quart?

  • Thanks 1

As the bag is synthetic fabric, maybe plastic (of some type), maybe the Sonex has desolved it somehow...!ย 


My only suggestion is to leave it under the direct strong sunlight for a whole day and hope the smelly compound evaporates... ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป


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