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My buddy had a bad report from the doctor ,so what is a good test to doublecheck ?…

his kidneys as he’s very worried

he does booze a lot in actual fact .

where does he find a donar if it is bad news ?and costs for a kidney ?and surgery?

you only need 1 to function 



EGFR is the primary kidney function test but there are many other tests which can test different aspects of kidney function and condition. Tell your budy to make an appointment with a nephrologist (a kidney specialist) and they will know all the tests to run and, based on the results of those tests, the best way to proceed.

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Yes, he needs to consult a good nephrologist. Where in Thailand is he?


Kidney transplants here cost about 1.5 million baht and he would have to have a tissue-matched family member or spouse willing to donate (Thai law limits living donors to relatives and spouses) as his chances of getting a kidney from a cadaver are extremely low.


However unless he is in end stage renal failure (in which case he would already be requiring dialysis to live), it is premature to think about transplants.


"Bad news" to a patient could mean many things, even early stage kidney problems.



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8 hours ago, 3NUMBAS said:

My buddy had a bad report from the doctor

What does that mean exactly? He has high blood creatinine? High BUN? Those baseline kidney tests alone aren't enough to go on to reach a complete and solid diagnosis.

He needs to get a Crystatin-C blood test (the definitive kidney marker/function blood test) and an ultrasound done on his kidneys and reviewed by a nephrologist. Those tests will reveal a lot more about the state of his kidneys. 

He could also check his Blood Albumin. If that's high then that could also be an indication of poor kidney function. And do some urine tests for Urine Protein, Urine Creatinine and Urine Albumin to see if any of those are present in his urine. If they are, then that's another sign that the kidneys aren't filtering very well and that some of those waste products are leaching out into his urine when they shouldn't be. 

But before all those baseline diagnostic tests have been done then I wouldn't reach any definitive conclusions about his kidney function. 

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