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43 minutes ago, CallumWK said:


Yes it contradicts your scaremongering and conspiracy theories, as it is clearly mentioned in the video that there is NO mention from immigration or IRS that a tax return will be needed.


At the beginning of the video is mentioned that is friend was told by a lone IO, who just voiced his OWN opinion.

Merely pointing out a new "2 step" in "The Somchai Shuffle." 


They didn't tell him, "No need to file."  They told him to go and ask immigration about it.  What's next, go and ask your Thai bank about it?   :cheesy:


With every TRD Office making it up as they go along, we might even see some people who should pay tax, get a TM30 in a province where their local TRD say, "No need to file."  They will go TRD Office shopping.  :cheesy:




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41 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

That is not Phuket Immigration.


That is not Phuket Immigration.

Freeze the video at 0:32. 


The name of the place they are in is called "Vespa Coffee Man." 


A Google bought up their Facebook page.  It's in Phuket.




Freeze at 4:10. 


There's a sign on a building saying "Visa Extension." 


If not Phuket, where do you say they are? 

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43 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

Who is he? Is he posting purely to scare people (me in particular) is he getting  pleasure from doing so?

I'm warning you about listening to those members who say do nothing, it will all go away.  Those are the ones you should be scared of.

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28 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:


He has been advised by many posters, including myself, on numerous occasions on many threads that his posts are at best misleading and scaremongering at at worst dangerous but he continues with his posts!

The dangerous posts are from those suggesting to do nothing, it will all go away. 

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47 minutes ago, JimGant said:

Yes, if your assessable income exceeds TEDA/zero bracket amount -- and then you now have taxable income -- by all means get a TIN and file a tax return.

Which would be most expats. 


Glad we cleared that up.  :thumbsup:

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40 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

KhunHeineken has nothing to backup his fear mongering



It's been posted before.  He's the Senior Legal Officer in the TRD.


What more do you need?  Do you want Thaksin himself to tell you, face to face?    :cheesy:

  • Sad 3
34 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

The only reason I respond to him on this topic is to alert the last people he has posted his crap to about the misinformation he is posting!

How do they know it's "misinformation" if you don't post any information to counter it?  :cheesy:

  • Sad 1
45 minutes ago, KhunHeineken said:



It's been posted before.  He's the Senior Legal Officer in the TRD.


What more do you need?  Do you want Thaksin himself to tell you, face to face?    :cheesy:


Not much stated in that video for the aspects most of us are discussing.  The hard questions were not asked/emphasized.


Why you even posted that, given what it lacks to clarify, is a puzzle to me.


33 minutes ago, NoDisplayName said:


Nice choice!

Read his video summary:


Are you a foreigner living in Thailand for more than 180 days a year? Then listen up - Thailand considers you a tax resident, and that means you're required to report your worldwide income if it's brought into the country during the same tax year.


He claims:

If you are tax resident, regardless of income, you must obtain a TIN.

If you remit ANY 2024 income, exempt or not, regardless of amount, you must file a return and declare it.




And if you paid attention in the video, the word assessable income was later noted.



1 hour ago, anchadian said:


Isn't this the guy that denounced his US citizenship.  So let me get this straight. He prefers Thailand over the US , gives up his citizenship to live in Thailand. Now he runs integrity legal and says he is an American attorney.  

Seems like he is a Thai attorney working for, or owns a company called "Integrity Legal".  

16 minutes ago, Gknrd said:

Isn't this the guy that denounced his US citizenship.  So let me get this straight. He prefers Thailand over the US , gives up his citizenship to live in Thailand. Now he runs integrity legal and says he is an American attorney.  Am I the only one that is a little skeptical about having a US hater representing me as a US citizen?


Oh, c'mon!  You can't expect him to say:


"Hi, my name is Bob, and I used to be an American attorney, but now I'm not actually an American attorney anymore, I'm a Thai attorney because I renounced my citizenship, so legally I'm not an American, but I'm gonna say it anyway, because I originally came from America, and it all depends on what the meaning of "is" is."


I don't care if he's a US-hater, as long as he knows his way around a tax return, but if he's representing himself as something that he is not, ummm.....I'd say that's a question of, uhhhh....integrity.

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It's not only the tax. The immigration hassles and visa hassles are getting a bit to much with time.


No to forget all the cheating and lies all over, starting from the developpment managers of the houses, the contractors comming to give quotes, the cheating in using poor grade materials on repair works, poor construction in many aspects that cannot be seen etc etc....if you can, sell, and try another country, Or at least try another Thai city because in Hua Hin the cheating and lies are becomming unbearable and the overcharged prices are soaring. 


Getting cheated on cheaper prices is already annoying...but not when those crooks are charging almost similar prices to some european cities with bad work or service.


Yes,,.,I can see those rushing and saying "ohh rubbish-rubbish-never happend to me" bla bla...sure I believe it. When the thai wife or gf is around, chances are that all goes fine. But we are not all mongrels here and some of us here still are able to have a partner from the west. And I'm not the only one believe me who is fed up of this. Add the tax hassles to come and it's all set to chase away all those pesky foreigners from Thailand....but they will leave with their money.

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Grow up Khun Heineken, even my teenage daughter could complete a Thai tax return without having to go through an agent as you yourself stated earlier.


You must have more money than sense.

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11 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

How do they know it's "misinformation" if you don't post any information to counter it?  :cheesy:

Yet another idiotic post from you!

I do counter it by telling people what a load of dangerous BS you post!

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12 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

No.  I'll continue to help you with your post count.  :cheesy:

The only help you can provide is to cease your scaremongering post!


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1 hour ago, anchadian said:

Grow up Khun Heineken, even my teenage daughter could complete a Thai tax return without having to go through an agent as you yourself stated earlier.


You must have more money than sense.

As he hasn't got any sense, as seen by his prolific scaremongering posts on tax, you know the answer to your statement!


I continue to be amazed daily at these back and forth arguments about what the Thai RD/finance ministry/govt here will change or alter the taxation in Thailand.  This IMHO is to as they have said many times is to widen the tax base including foreign tax residents as well as the majorit of Thai workers who do not pay taxes or at least do not file tax forms.  It seems to me that everyone is anxious to spout some kind of changes but these as we all should realize are just opinions based on what we have been able to read on the revenue department webpage, tax agent webinars, speeches by govt officials, finance officials and RD officials and from what I have heard/read is that it still is anyone's possible opinion as it appears too many powerful people still do not agree totally what it should be.  At the same time, if one reads any international tax situations then they will note that  many countries at this same time are changing their tax laws too and in some cases really affecting tax residents and in other cases bending over backwards almost to keep retirees in their countries or insearch of potential retirees.  Here in the land of TIT so anything could come out of this.  While the govt wants to become members of all international groups i.e BRICS, OECD, CRS, FATCA, etc who know what this govt will do or if this govt will fade away and something entirely different might appear.  Currently, the best thing for all is too be prepared for whatever YOUR worst case might be so at least no matter what happens YOU will be ready to either move or pay up or sit back and relax for the next act that could follow.  I though, from the various tax messages on this forum for the past couple of years am now fully prepared for whatever comes, I have learned a lot from many different people and thanks to all of them who did some research and gave us the source so that we could understand more clearly what could come about.  I also now know I can totally relax due to visa and DTA of the US -Thailand type.  I fully understand why so many still have no idea how they will be affected because there are too many variables due to number of different countries, languages, financial situations, etc.  BUT until the final GAZETTE article appears, everythinig is a GUESS so worry is just about useless prepares for that very worst resulting tax change.  I do wish the best of luck and planning for everyone, expat or native.


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18 hours ago, KhunHeineken said:

Which would be most expats. 


Glad we cleared that up.  :thumbsup:

Yet again my local Revenue office have stated as my income is less than the allowed  Personal Allowances that I do not need to file a tax form,
Yes, people stating about about 220K but also been asked by the Revenue several times "Do you work here?" 
No I do not and you do not need to file.

Also mentioned got a pink ID and again you still do not need to file and did have paper calculation on say my frozen State UK pension and my P60's to 5th April but did not need them but will keep them in my records 
The P60s also show the income tax figures of course.

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