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You-tubers are really start getting on my nerves it seems like you can't walk any where without some muppet walking around with a go-pro and uploading images of you to the internet that you gave them no permission to do anyways.

This topic was raised because for some reason his video popped up on my you tube algorithm possibly because I used to live in the Philippines but have no affiliation to the you tube guy he is an idiot.

He is trying to get likes, subscriptions and therefore money by doing stupid things with homeless people.

The video below is a guy from the UK he is homeless in the Philippines used to have money usual story now sleeping on the streets.

So this you tuber has decided to get people to donate to him and give him money how is that ever likely to help him? It is more than likely a plot to increase his own subs.

If you do watch this video you will see the best thing for this guy would be to be back in the UK where the state would take care of his health rather than him begging or the you tuber begging for subs.

The guy is not well motorbike crash, pneumonia, sleeping on the streets, x/current addict the best thing for him is to be back in the UK where he can get proper treatment, not some idiot with a go pro giving him temporary things that he will either spend on drugs, alcohol or stolen from his bed on the street.

Rant over 🙂


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I know the irony is if anyone does click on this it probably increases his views so if you do click on it.

Give it a thumbs down and leave a comment telling the you tuber he is a waste of oxygen let get his YT BS algorithm down so I am not recommended any more of his videos!

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The good thing is we don't have to watch all the channels on YouTube and we can click "don't recommend this channel".

Problem solved


There are lots of channels out there I would never watch, but lots of other people watch them. And the other way around. We are not all the same.

  • Thumbs Up 2
48 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

I know the irony is if anyone does click on this it probably increases his views so if you do click on it.

Give it a thumbs down and leave a comment telling the you tuber he is a waste of oxygen let get his YT BS algorithm down so I am not recommended any more of his videos!

Why do you care? He is trying to make a living.

  • Confused 4
2 hours ago, PomPolo said:

muppet walking around with a go-pro and uploading images of you to the internet that you gave them no permission to do anyways.


Well it's a good thing they don't need your permission then eh ?

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  • Haha 1

They go to extreme lengths, these days professional so called journalists weather they or the organisations they work for run channels, as an example from mid year last year one AFL football channel was hell bent on drumming up half truths and turning them into factual news, in particular on my club, 3 players over 6 months that went nowhere and clearly rebuffed by the club still banging  on with one player with 3 ys to go on his contract that claim he will be playing elsewhere from 2026, they have thrown up all sorts of crap like cultural issues...as a footnote they where on our backs back end of 2020 the following season we won the highest award you can win in AFL, unfortunately lot off people cant think for them selves and believe everything said or written, I no longer bother to watch that channel.


And yeah ive noticed a large number of  tubers click baiting which I hate and its common, I stick to a few only dont bother to much with tube these days.


Another one I watch sometimes is Talk Sport, honestly I struggle with it, some supporters who phone in and expect to rocket up the table with a manager change is ridiculous 99% of the time, generally the commentators are not to bad but they do play on the insecure public that has a lot to say with no experience running a club.

49 minutes ago, Purdey said:

It puzzles me how they make enough money to buy a camera then to think taking videos of strangers will earn a living wage.

Some of them make good money and the best gear.

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On 2/14/2025 at 6:37 PM, blaze master said:


Well it's a good thing they don't need your permission then eh ?

Same story a couple of months ago a Russian muppet you tuber walking around doing videos to try and make money in Pattaya, and quite rightly so (a thai lady after my own heart) took offience and knocked the Putin affiliated Tw4t out

On 2/14/2025 at 5:29 PM, Harrisfan said:

Why do you care? He is trying to make a living.

You id10t 🙂

26 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

Same story a couple of months ago a Russian muppet you tuber walking around doing videos to try and make money in Pattaya, and quite rightly so (a thai lady after my own heart) took offience and knocked the Putin affiliated Tw4t out


Yes I believe you. And you knew he was Russian how ?

32 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

Same story a couple of months ago a Russian muppet you tuber walking around doing videos to try and make money in Pattaya, and quite rightly so (a thai lady after my own heart) took offience and knocked the Putin affiliated Tw4t out

Made up story. How desperate.

13 hours ago, blaze master said:


Yes I believe you. And you knew he was Russian how ?

Because I can read unlike you was a headline on AN


About 2 hours after I posted this some muppet started filming me in a bar where I was with my girlfriend after valentines day as I was having a laugh and singing her a song, he got the B side of my anger, possibly he is following this thread!

11 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

About 2 hours after I posted this some muppet started filming me in a bar where I was with my girlfriend after valentines day as I was having a laugh and singing her a song, he got the B side of my anger, possibly he is following this thread!

In Sakon Nakhon?

5 minutes ago, PomPolo said:

About 2 hours after I posted this some muppet started filming me in a bar where I was with my girlfriend after valentines day as I was having a laugh and singing her a song, he got the B side of my anger, possibly he is following this thread!


Fair enough I'd say... 


The 'V-loggers, YouTubers and TikTokers'  don't bother me, they're making content and some do better than others....  some of it interesting, some of it tosh... 


But... I draw the line at invading peoples privacy.... AND... when someone is out, even though their are in a public place it does not mean their rights to privacy have been removed.....


I think the invasive 'video-loggers' need to be dealt with - they don't care about their subjects, they just care about their 'views'... 


Some do a much better job of providing fun content - some want to try and embarrass people. 


If I were out and and about having dinner with my family and some tool started videoing me, I might well feel a reaction is necessary too.... 



I've seen folk walking down Soi Cowboy with these camera's - and IMO this is a stronger invasion of privacy...  area's such as this are a no-no for filming IMO.


Worse still of the amendment rights v-loggers who deliberately trigger the police or public servants into 'confrontational situations'...   they are scum. 



I have 'young family' over in Thailand at the moment - its seems the only thing they want to do is 're-live' all the 'tiktok' and 'instagram' experiences they have viewed...  which means living on 7-11 toasties and going to specific rooftop party bars, or going to certain restaurants... 


Eyes on the ground does not matter, local knowledge irrelevant - the video of a two week tiktoker with 500k likes must be correct !!!... 



In your shoes PomPolo, I'd be tempted to take the camera and smash it...  it would serve him right.


I also think there are laws in Thailand whereby videoing someone else is illegal without their permission, but I think there are some complexities... i.e. if the video shows a negative light etc.



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