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What I don't understand is that there are plenty of rich and powerful who live in Bangkok.  Unless they spend 1/2 the year out of the country, the air pollution affects them too, especially if they have a nice condo with panoramic views.  I'd think that keeping them happy would put some pressure on the government to actually do something.

  • Agree 2
10 hours ago, alw22 said:

What I don't understand is that there are plenty of rich and powerful who live in Bangkok.  Unless they spend 1/2 the year out of the country, the air pollution affects them too, especially if they have a nice condo with panoramic views.  I'd think that keeping them happy would put some pressure on the government to actually do something.



That's just it .... many spend time away from Thailand. Kids study in international schools, etc 

On 3/23/2025 at 2:23 PM, alw22 said:

What I don't understand is that there are plenty of rich and powerful who live in Bangkok.  Unless they spend 1/2 the year out of the country, the air pollution affects them too, especially if they have a nice condo with panoramic views.  I'd think that keeping them happy would put some pressure on the government to actually do something.


I agree, although it is perhaps not surprising. I think they believe their wealth gives them superhuman powers that prevent them breathing in the harmful and deadly PM2.5 dust. Moreover, there now appear to be a few cases of hisos getting respiratory illnesses, some resulting in premature death. But the significant commercial interests that could prevent or mitigate some elements of the pollution seem more focused on money.

  • Agree 2
On 3/23/2025 at 2:23 PM, alw22 said:

What I don't understand is that there are plenty of rich and powerful who live in Bangkok.  Unless they spend 1/2 the year out of the country, the air pollution affects them too, especially if they have a nice condo with panoramic views.  I'd think that keeping them happy would put some pressure on the government to actually do something.

The rich have more and more expensive air purifiers ?

On 3/21/2025 at 12:43 PM, samtam said:

Scary how they try to make a seriously dangerous situation "go away"!! They have done nothing that will fix the situation. I guess all the millions of diesel cars have to go....but that cannot happen I guess, so it will continue to be an unhealthy place to stay for expats. Millions will suffer.

  • Agree 2
1 minute ago, harryviking said:

Scary how they try to make a seriously dangerous situation "go away"!! They have done nothing that will fix the situation. I guess all the millions of diesel cars have to go....but that cannot happen I guess, so it will continue to be an unhealthy place to stay for expats. Millions will suffer.

Millions "will" suffer?  Millions have been suffering from this pollution for decades!  Thanks to AQI monitors and social media, these days people are aware about it.  In previous decades people just got on with life and accepted their reduced like expectancy.

  • Agree 1
6 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Millions "will" suffer?  Millions have been suffering from this pollution for decades!  Thanks to AQI monitors and social media, these days people are aware about it.  In previous decades people just got on with life and accepted their reduced like expectancy.

Yeah yeah...I know. Ohhh dear me....🙄

On 3/23/2025 at 2:23 PM, alw22 said:

What I don't understand is that there are plenty of rich and powerful who live in Bangkok.  Unless they spend 1/2 the year out of the country, the air pollution affects them too, especially if they have a nice condo with panoramic views.  I'd think that keeping them happy would put some pressure on the government to actually do something.

Would YOU stay longer time in polluted areas if you don't need to do?  fly out!

So do the rich


In essence these farmers are practicing a form of terrorism against their own people, they are killing people, they are putting people in the hospital, they are shortening lives, and they are making life miserable for a significant portion of the nation, simply because it's easier and less expensive to burn. The degree to which the smoke is toxic is unfathomable. it is the absolute epitome of self-absorption and zero concern for others. These farmers need to be punished in a very expensive and convincing manner. 


If the government cared one iota which they don't they would start convincing Farmers to switch crops and start moving away from 16th century crops like rice and sugar, moving toward more progressive crops which are potentially more profitable. If they felt the need to stick with rice and sugar they could educate the public on how those crops can be processed without burning, and subsidize the purchase of the required equipment. 




  • Confused 1
On 3/24/2025 at 6:40 PM, samtam said:


I agree, although it is perhaps not surprising. I think they believe their wealth gives them superhuman powers that prevent them breathing in the harmful and deadly PM2.5 dust. Moreover, there now appear to be a few cases of hisos getting respiratory illnesses, some resulting in premature death. But the significant commercial interests that could prevent or mitigate some elements of the pollution seem more focused on money.

well, as a resident here, well aware of local air pollution since forever, I see a lot of complaints but iI also see the majority of folks not wearing a suitable mask when outside - one can complain all they want but that to me means that they recognize what is happening but are ignoring the health risks anyway.  I for sure hate air pollution and have been told since the 70's  to avoid exercising out doors without a mask - used to be not only the burnings each year but the heavy traffic and leaded gasoline together with the diesel burners.  None of that pollution has disappeared except for some of the specific sources and I thought people would be used to the masks since the N95 99 etal are also useful in blocking much of the 2.5 micron pollutants.   But especially non-thais hardly ever do I see them  walking around without masks.  I have my own meter to monitor and it seems to be dangerously polluted more often than not so I would think that folks should wear a mask when outside IMO anyway.


'Blue Skies by 2025' policy declared a success; meanwhile, Thailand remains at same point

Sonthi Kotchawat, an environmental and health expert with the Thai Environmental Scholars Association. 


"China declares victory in the PM2.5 dust war with the 'Blue Skies by 2025' policy. How did they do it? Meanwhile, Thailand remains at the same point.

“China began its national action plan to tackle air pollution, especially PM2.5 dust, in 2013.”


1. The policy involves closing, upgrading, and relocating fossil-fuel-based factories from the capital.

2. The government established an environmental-protection police unit to strictly enforce air-pollution laws.

3. Beijing implemented a policy to replace over 70,000 old taxis with electric ones and converted diesel and gas buses to electric vehicles. The government also produced affordable electric cars for personal use.

4. The green spaces in Beijing were increased to cover 50% of the city's area.Strict enforcement of laws against illegal outdoor burning in all areas, including agricultural land. Outdoor grilling is banned, and forest burning is punishable by life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

5. Raising awareness and establishing regulations for the public, especially factory operators and individuals involved in illegal outdoor burning. Afterwards, strict law enforcement is applied.


“As for Thailand, the burning of rice stubble, sugarcane fields, hunting fires, diesel vehicles emitting black smoke, outdoor grilling with thick smoke, factories in urban areas near communities, garbage fires at mountains of waste, cross-border and cross-provincial dust, etc are normal occurrences.


Thailand ... the problem has not been solved, is there no intent to solve it?

“It becomes an event ... after the dust clears, we forget, and when the dust comes back, we talk again ... this cycle has continued for nearly 30 years?




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