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Is this the greatest place for GangBangers....by far? Sweet!!!!

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9 minutes ago, save the frogs said:

stay out of trouble, gamma.

don't do anything stupid


I will do my best.

Thank you for your encouragement, as always.....(seriously, Sir....)....



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1 hour ago, simon43 said:

You do know that 'gang-bangers' has a different meaning in 'real' English (ie UK English)?


Never knew, actually....


Here is what I meant:



We need to send them ALL down there to El Salvador.....


They will love it there.




Note: Dig those MEN and GIRLS in BLACK.....!!!!!


Love it......LOVE IT.....!!!!!






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42 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


Careful what you are cheering on here.


Having camps for undesirables following a completely arbitrary definition (crown tattoos, which might just be a follower of a football club)... check
Herding them there without proper trial and justice oversight, using dehumanising transport methods... check
Have them work for their upkeep... check
Having an unclear "length of stay" or what to do with them "afterwards"... check
Starting outside conflicts and planning annexations to keep the public busy and disorganized... check

Planning on dismantling the judicative completely (just the news today)... check


Sound like a known playbook, and it is -- I might say -- a very efficient one, as we Germans were able to prove just a while ago.


It leads to quite a bit of collateral damage, because such things always derail at some point, but obviously the Americans must learn their own little history lesson.

What about tossing people in jail for mean tweets? 

  • Confused 1
2 hours ago, TedG said:

What about tossing people in jail for mean tweets? 


Not necessary....because.....


Mean tweets...at least for me....


Are the spice of life....


Don't you agree?


41 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:

Is English your first language?


English is my first language.


However, I would not say that English is my "favorite" language.


I do NOT play favorites.


I love English, Chinese, and Thai.....


However, I do get significantly more enjoyment from continuing with my Chinese studies than with my English studies, which are now, so obviously, bearing little fruit.


Thank the gods I am not stuck in El Salvador...because....


Most of the idiots in the video I linked probably can't speak English, Chinese, or Thai, worth an old spittoon.


And, as we all know, Mao loved a good spittoon.


He always had a spittoon by his chair, when meeting with foreign dignitaries.

Mao was just so uncouth, in almost every way....


A real hillbilly, at heart.


And, I do NOT speak English like a hillbilly, if that is what you might be implying.




Another thing......!!!!


I REALLY want to know what has happened to this world, because, back in the day....


GangBanging was not an especially negative thing, and, in fact, it was...almost.....




Take for instance...these GangBangers...and what was wrong with them...anyway....???



Nobody in their "right mind", such as I, would ever send Natalie, or her friends, to El Salvador.....


No matter how much they fought, back in the day....


But this is a new day, a new EVILNESS that we are seeing now...and.....

Is there any....


Salvation or Solution?


El Salvador.....!!!


Just let the New GangBangers Dance their Dance in El Salvador.

There IS ....NO... Rehabilitation for such FREAKS of HUMANITY......


Meanwhile, enjoy this:






Let the Tattooed PUNKS rot in El Salvador....I say...


No rehabilitation BUT, there is still....




Thank the gods.....for this, at least.....  !!!!



24 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:


These were the guys who chose to be Illustrated Men, after all.


... or not.


Case in point: a soccer player having a tattoo with a football and a crown, and because of the crown he was deemed (quite certainly wrongly) a gang member and deported. Not the only case in the press, where an error seems fairly obvious.




This is the danger of incarcerating people without trial and judiciary overview. How to get them back, if they will not get a trial?


When do they start to deport American citizens? I hear, the idea has already been floated in Trump's inner circle.


If you are American, good times are to come.

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22 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:

... or not.


Case in point: a soccer player having a tattoo with a football and a crown, and because of the crown he was deemed (quite certainly wrongly) a gang member and deported. Not the only case in the press, where an error seems fairly obvious.




This is the danger of incarcerating people without trial and judiciary overview. How to get them back, if they will not get a trial?


When do they start to deport American citizens? I hear, the idea has already been floated in Trump's inner circle.


If you are American, good times are to come.


This guy is obviously where he belongs.


He should have applied for a GREEN CARD, instead of fleeing to America.


Next time, he will not make the same mistake...hopefully.






From the article that you linked.


Everybody has a story.


No Sympathy, whatsoever.


OR WHAT:  Do you think that the USA has enough room for everybody with a hard-luck story?




This is not the 1950s, when there was so much LEBENSRAUM......!!!!


Stop Dreaming....!!!!


This is reality.


And...Welcome to it, guys....





  • Confused 1
4 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This is not the 1950s, when there was so much LEBENSRAUM......!!!!


I think "Lebensraum" was more a thing of the 40s. Your verbiage places you right where I thought you should be.


Just to remind you: you are also living in a foreign country. The difference between you and some guy from Venezuela entering a country following the then legal procedure (according to your own post) is quite small.

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5 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


I think "Lebensraum" was more a thing of the 40s. Your verbiage places you right where I thought you should be.


Just to remind you: you are also living in a foreign country. The difference between you and some guy from Venezuela entering a country following the then legal procedure (according to your own post) is quite small.


Pardon me, but have you taken a recent gander at the most recent, and best predictions concerning world migration due to Global Warming?


Check it out, is my best advice to you.


The same past predictions are still happening, just as predicted.


But, then, you really DO believe that there is some equitable and fair way that the USA can absorb the displaced peoples of the world, and have them all live harmoniously together in NYC?


Sure: We care about the well-being of every soul alive on Earth, but...still....


There is no way that this will ever be achievable.


Mass migration has been and still is speeding up.

Therefore, what is YOUR solution?


THIS IS VERY OLD NEWS....if you have been doing your homework since 1995, which I do doubt....





Where have you been during the past 40 years that you do not know what is happening?


All of the above was clearly written about and widely published....and yet.....you....

Still do not get it?


There is really no fair and equitable solution.

This is just the way the cookie crumbles.


All of the information necessary to do good planning for the future (which is now), was available to almost anybody.

Instead, no one chose to act on the available information...and now.....


We have some GangBangers in El Salvador.


And...YOU should know why.





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16 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

But, then, you really DO believe that there is some equitable and fair way that the USA can absorb the displaced peoples of the world, and have them all live harmoniously together in NYC?


The way to go is surely NOT to create concentration camps in Cuba and El Salvador, so that the judicative of the US has no access to what happens there.

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41 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


The way to go is surely NOT to create concentration camps in Cuba and El Salvador, so that the judicative of the US has no access to what happens there.


And, your alternative is?


Note: Let us not call them concentration camps...please.....


  • Confused 1
1 hour ago, GammaGlobulin said:


And, your alternative is?


Note: Let us not call them concentration camps...please.....



Your own definition says they are...

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30 minutes ago, jts-khorat said:


Your own definition says they are...


Completely FALSE statement.


Here is just one difference between the prisoners in El Salvador and those held in a Concentration Camp:


a. The guys in El Salvador, the GangBangers, have disfigured themselves....intentionally.


b. The men, women, and children who have suffered in some Concentration Camps have been disfigured by those who have imprisoned them.






A tattoo is not always just a tattoo.



  • Confused 1


You guys are in the wrong gang.


Look at this timepiece.


This is what the Trump gang wears.


How can I afford such an expensive watch?


"La Mordida"


Narrators Voice: In Spanish slang, "La Mordida" (literally "the bite") refers to bribery or extortion, especially involving police or government officials.


Did I tell you vatos about the time I killed my own dog in a shallow grave?


We're Cold Blooded Killers, Bro. 


Here's the applications for Musk Private Defense Forces. Welcome aboard. 🤤

2 hours ago, Grumpy one said:

I was greatly disappointed by the headline.

It would appear a gangbang and a gangbanger are entirely different

So sad :sad:



Only those whose minds are in the gutter...

Would be in any way disappointed.


Hopefully, you are not a member of this set.


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20 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Wonderful El Salvador, the perfect holiday getaway for the hardest of the hard.


Wanna be a GangBanger in an El Salvador prison?

Feel Free....!!!!!


How SWEET IT IS.....!!!!




This is what happens when fools make the wrong choices.....


Should have happened sooner?






Obviously your dream? 😨🤢🤮


Those gangbangers are just nasty. People with tattoos should be assumed to be terrorists and sent to El Salvador without evidence and without a trial. That will be the end of it.



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