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Falang Pan

Is the topic of how quickly Thai girls will have sex offensive?  

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This is perhaps not quite the forum to discuss such a thing in. As it is bound to get out of hand and turn sleazy, then it would become offensive. There are those amongst who take offence to almost anything. I think that our moderator rather than going over the top and closing threads. Should remove those that he deems offensive and leave those that are not. Unless of course anything related to the sexuality of Thai women is offensive?

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As long as the women do not mind I would say it's ok. I think it would turn into a bragging thing pretty quickly though. We already have one member on this forum who thinks he is gods gift to women. He does not realize that the women he beds would not have anything to do with him if he was not an atm .

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As long as the women do not mind I would say it's ok. I think it would turn into a bragging thing pretty quickly though. We already have one member on this forum who thinks he is gods gift to women. He does not realize that the women he beds would not have anything to do with him if he was not an atm .

yep... bragging to all her mates about how stupid he is !

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The poll results have been surprising to me. Thanks to all who participated!

I personally see no offense to discussions about casual sex. I can't see that women need to be protected from frank discussion, nor do Thais. If the topic was about how quickly Thai men bed girls, would offense be taken? How quickly US men will jump into the sack?

I can appreciate that to think of a lover largely in terms of sex is entirely different than to appreciate a deep loving relationship. But we all know that casual sex is important to a lot of men and women. Associating casual sex with sleaze seems prudish to me. There is a lot about common attitudes about sexuality that I don't understand, and may never understand. I would like to.

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There have been numerous threads discussing 'sexual mores' which have not been closed quickly.

For me it is not the subject itself, but the perspective from which it is approached that's important. I would not find it offensive if the sexual attitudes of different groups of Thai women were discussed and compared, but the sort of 'how long did it take you to lay her' topic is not what this forum is about, as far as I am concerned. I find it mildly offensive, but understand that it would be very offensive to a number of readers, in particular with the topic about Thailand which is one of the preferred destinations for those seeking sexual adventure for a minimum of effort and investment financially and emotionally.

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OK ... let's make it easy to understand .................

Before posting a topic like "Do Thai girls <deleted> on the first date ?", ask your mother if she would be offended by a topic asking if your sister f*cks on the first date.

If the answer is "No" then I'll shut up and you can post whatever you like.

I don't have a sister, but I have discussed the issue of how quickly people bed with my mom. I've also discussed polyamory with her. She has different values and mores than I do, but she appreciated the discussions.

Offense is silly. If you don't like the discussion, don't read the thread.

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I think if it is known there is offensive material in the thread then everyone is warned and can take whatever precaution.

To me offensive material is like watching the spark from an electric welder, or looking into the sun, you know you will be hurt, why look at it. :o

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Ask her how she'd feel about a public post asking if she is more likely to <deleted> on the first date than a Thai girl. (I'm not trying to be personally offensive here ... I'm merely trying to clear the cobwebs from your eyes.)
Offense is silly.  If you don't like the discussion, don't read the thread.

What's "silly" is starting an offensive thread in the first place.

Try this ... step out from behind the safety of online anonymity, approach a group of Thai office girls having lunch at McDonalds or wherever, and ask them if you have a better chance of f*cking one of them on the first date than a farang girl. (Wear an athletic box to protect your nuts ... you're likely to need it!)

I am capable of thinking for myself, and don't depend on the opinions of either my mother or a room full of Thai women. However I have discussed sexual mores with many Thai women, and none were offended.

I do understand that YOU find the subject offensive, and that some other people do, and that some other people don't. Am I wearing blinders if I don't also find the subject offensive?

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What's "silly" is starting an offensive thread in the first place.

Try this ... step out from behind the safety of online anonymity, approach a group of Thai office girls having lunch at McDonalds or wherever, and ask them if you have a better chance of f*cking one of them on the first date than a farang girl. (Wear an athletic box to protect your nuts ... you're likely to need it!)

Spot on Rod.

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I am capable of thinking for myself, and don't depend on the opinions of either my mother or a room full of Thai women. However I have discussed sexual mores with many Thai women, and none were offended.

So did you asked them if they were easier to shag or if their younger sisters were easlier or perhaps both. :o

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OK ... let's make it easy to understand .................

Before posting a topic like "Do Thai girls <deleted> on the first date ?", ask your mother if she would be offended by a topic asking if your sister f*cks on the first date.

If the answer is "No" then I'll shut up and you can post whatever you like.

I don't have a sister, but I have discussed the issue of how quickly people bed with my mom. I've also discussed polyamory with her. She has different values and mores than I do, but she appreciated the discussions.

Offense is silly. If you don't like the discussion, don't read the thread.

Could you please enlighten us (OK me) what "polyamory" actually is.

I've got a fairly large (1500 page) Oxford Dictionary and there is no such word listed.

Maybe it's my eyesight :o

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I do understand that YOU find the subject offensive

I find the subject distasteful ... but I can see how Thai (and farang) girls would find it offensive and demeaning to have comparisons of their promiscuity or lack thereof bandied about by a group of guys in a public forum ... and so can many other male thaivisa members.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

Thank you Rod, appreciate that there are actually still some decent men around here.

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I do understand that YOU find the subject offensive

I find the subject distasteful ... but I can see how Thai (and farang) girls would find it offensive and demeaning to have comparisons of their promiscuity or lack thereof bandied about by a group of guys in a public forum ... and so can many other male thaivisa members.

Wake up and smell the coffee!

Thank you Rod, appreciate that there are actually still some decent men around here.

Rod, are you in the habit of telling people to wake up? It comes across as condescending.

I don't want to make people uncomfortable with my speech, and I am very curious to understand why people might get uncomfortable about the subject. As mentioned, such conversation does not make me uncomfortable in the slightest. I suppose it is because I don't attach any negative connotations to promiscuity.

You needn't remind me that some people find the topic distastefull - that is understood. Your examples of why people would be offended didn't really push my buttons - I just don't have the same emotional charge around the subject as you and some other people do. That doesn't make me unempathetic or disrespectful or asleep, just different.

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That doesn't make me unempathetic or disrespectful or asleep, just different.

You see, it does make you disrespectful, I don't understand how you can feel ok with posting derogatory statements regarding * insert generic terms of sleeping with Thai's* when you know full well there are Thai ladies reading these threads - I'm no prude but I don't like to be rude either. If that's how you're 'just different' then so be it, I'm glad I'm not like you.

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I'm trying to find Switzerland on this, I think it's not that Rod is trying to come off as condescending but maybe he's merely trying to communicate to others that there is more to Thai women or any other women than "how long it takes to bed them". Also understanding your point FP and also factoring that it would be impossible to come to an agreement that everyone is entitled to their own views and replies, that everyone wholeheartedly agrees upon, we all know that's not so from my own experience, but at times you do have to admit some of these topics or replies do get to some people and may not be considerate to others. Again everyone is different and so are their thoughts and views.

For me, sure at times I find what is written here offensive and at times just plain crude but you have to admit that these men are being honest. I might not agree or like what they write but if more Thai women could know about the things these people really think about at times, maybe that'll make them more informed to what's really out there and not the commonly accepted generalization that farangs are all wanting to take care and look after a helpless Thai lady. Yes some truthfully just want a piece of ass but then again it takes two to tango right? If these people want to voice or boast about their experiences, I say fine, more knowledge that can be learned about the minds of these certain types of men.

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That doesn't make me unempathetic or disrespectful or asleep, just different.

You see, it does make you disrespectful, I don't understand how you can feel ok with posting derogatory statements regarding * insert generic terms of sleeping with Thai's* when you know full well there are Thai ladies reading these threads - I'm no prude but I don't like to be rude either. If that's how you're 'just different' then so be it, I'm glad I'm not like you.

I never posted any derogatory statements. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

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...Again everyone is different and so are their thoughts and views.

...If these people want to voice or boast about their experiences, I say fine, more knowledge that can be learned about the minds of these certain types of men.

Yes, everyone sure is. That is one of the benefits of an open forum - to learn about these differences. My closer friends tend to be of like mind, so I don't learn of other attitudes.

What is especially fascinating to me, in car crash ugly kind of way, is how some folks would prefer to shut down certain discussions rather than merely ignore them. It isn't as if violence against a minority is being advocated. And what on earth is insulting or derogatory about how quickly someone has sex? I'd be curious to know what area of the world and what age are the conservative posters. I'm a 38 year old Canadian, by the way.

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It occured to me that the heart of the matter of why the topic is distasteful to some is that to some, a woman who will have sex on the first date is considered less virtuous than a woman who would wait much longer.

I guess that should have been obvious to me, but that idea is so foreign to me that it never entered my mind.

Am I right about that, conservative guys? Do you consider a woman who waits longer for sex to be more virtuous?

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You see, it does make you disrespectful, I don't understand how you can feel ok with posting derogatory statements regarding * insert generic terms of sleeping with Thai's*
I never posted any derogatory statements. Are you sure you know what you are talking about?

My mistake, I should have wrote 'I don't understand how you can feel ok with postings of a derogatory nature'

Either way you asked the question and without PMing Yohan and asking to borrow his trawl-through-your-posts-bots to see if you actually have posted anything derogatory, not that I care if you have, I get the impression that you are fine with haphazzard posts asking 'about how quickly someone has sex?' - I simply don't agree with you because we are living in Thailand and people are talking about Thai people as if they are all <deleted> puppets, thats what I find offensive.

Apart from that I agree with your other comments :o

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Yea, i think that if we was living in Canada, nobody would post the ammont of sexually orientated posts concerning the sexual habits of Canadian women, or how many Canadian women an individual had slept with.

These posts concerning Thai women are derogatory, because its a constant stream of sexually orientated posts concerning sex and Thai women written by smug farangs.

Thai women are human beings, pls try to treat them with a little respect, all of these sexually orientated posts are just a good excuse for people to trash Thai Women, i find it pitiful.

I am a Farang, but i think Thai people and Thailand get a raw deal on most forums.

Just my opinion.

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I get the impression that you are fine with haphazzard posts asking 'about how quickly someone has sex?' - I simply don't agree with you because we are living in Thailand and people are talking about Thai people as if they are all <deleted> puppets, thats what I find offensive.

This is fascinating. I'm getting the impression that we are talking across a huge culture gap. Your basic cultural assumptions and mine are so different, even though you clearly state your position, I can barely understand you.

Yes, I see no problem with a post asking about how quickly people in this country have sex. It is true that various guidebooks touch on the subject, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to know if those books are accurate or not. No harm in comparing notes - it could conceivably be done tastefully. I would not be offended if people talked about how easy to bed Canadian men are.

It is the whole attitude towards sex that is a chasm between us that can not be bridged, but only studied. You feel that discussing sexuality somehow degrades one of the partners, objectifies them into a soulless play puppet. I feel that casual sex is as healthy as casual tennis. You need a partner to play, and no one is degraded. I hopefully will never come to associate sexuality with words such as sleaze or degrading, but I am making every effort to try to figure out other peoples sensitivities. It is a huge stretch.

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