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British Teacher Stabbed


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British teacher stabbed

PHUKET CITY: A young British man is recovering in Wachira Phuket Hospital intensive care unit after being stabbed late on Friday. A motorcycle taxi driver found Aden Simpson, 21, who is a teacher at Satree Phuket School, lying bloody and unconscious at the side of the road near the Mission Hospital at about 5 am on Saturday, hours after the attack.

The motorbike taxi driver rushed him to Wachira Hospital. After emergency treatment he was able to tell police on Saturday evening that he had seen a group of teenagers trying to steal parts from his motorbike. When he remonstrated with them, one of them stabbed him in the abdomen.

A nurse at the hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Gazette that Mr Simpson had lost a great deal of blood from a 1.5-cm-wide wound in his liver.

She said he was out of danger but that supplies of type A- blood are still needed to replace the blood he has lost. Type A- blood is rare in Thailand.

Pol Capt Sathit Noorit, who visited Mr Simpson in hospital, told the Gazette, “We have made no progress in this case because the victim has been too ill to tell us very much, and we could find no clues in the area where he was discovered.”

--Phuket Gazette 2004-07-20

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Attempted Suicide not mentioned ?? hmmm

Let us hope and pray you are never on the recieving end of one of these attacks so smart arse replies can be posted here.

If so do be so kind as to let us know how you feel about it, providing you live.

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I wish him a speedy recovery and hope that the culprits are caught

I endorse your wishes that he has a speedy recovery but don't hold your breath on the culprits being apprehended.

And as for you nam kao I won't lower myself to say even one word in response to your comments. :o

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The motorbike taxi driver rushed him to Wachira Hospital. After emergency treatment he was able to tell police on Saturday evening that he had seen a group of teenagers trying to steal parts from his motorbike. When he remonstrated with them, one of them stabbed him in the abdomen.

If anyone try to rob you..allow the fellow to take anything they want peacefully and forget about it. Never challenge them..

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Attempted Suicide not mentioned ?? hmmm

Let us hope and pray you are never on the recieving end of one of these attacks so smart arse replies can be posted here.

If so do be so kind as to let us know how you feel about it, providing you live.


I can believe that anyone foolish enough to post the comment that Nam Kao did is certainly foolish enough to believe that somebody would ever choose stabbing themselves in the liver as an effective way of ending ones life effectivly.

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I can believe that anyone foolish enough to post the comment that Nam Kao did is certainly foolish enough to believe that somebody would ever choose stabbing themselves in the liver as an effective way of ending ones life effectivly.

I believe the 'suicide' remark was an allegation that police would rather attribute deaths to suicide rather than to murder. However, such a tactic would be unlikely to reduce their workload if the victim survives.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unless I'm mistaken, I recently read a follow-up to this story that indicated that the teacher was drunk at the time, and that the bike in question wasn't even his. He mistook the bike for his own, and started to attack the woman (the rightful owner) who was starting to ride it away. It was then that the mob set on him, trying to defend the girl.

Am I dreaming this, or did I see it somewhere?

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Unless I'm mistaken, I recently read a follow-up to this story that indicated that the teacher was drunk at the time, and that the bike in question wasn't even his.  He mistook the bike for his own, and started to attack the woman (the rightful owner) who was starting to ride it away.  It was then that the mob set on him, trying to defend the girl.

Am I dreaming this, or did I see it somewhere?

This makes more sense,

On the question of confrontation, unless a visible weapon is apparent, I think few would readily hand over anything. Unfortunately this could be a recipe for disaster, ... it's a tough call, I guess it's really a matter of what's at stake, money or pride and what you value more.

Regardless, hope he recovers without issue, (never thought about the impact of having a lesser available blood type, would I be more cautious , hmmm ??)

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OK, I didn't dream it. Here is the article from the Phuket Gazette.

I'm still sorry that the guy got stabbed -- nobody deserves that -- just not as sorry as before. The assailant saw the guy push his sister to the ground and came to her defense. The Brit probably accuased her of being a thieving whore and started to shove the brother around. Is it any surprise that he ended up being stabbed?

This is why I hesitate before blindly defending the farang in cases where it initially seems that he was the poor, innocent bystander in the face of cruel Thai racism and injustice (remember the towel thief?). There always seems to be another side to the story, and more often than not it shows that the farang in question was being a <deleted>.

Stab victim recovering

PHUKET CITY: Briton Aden Simpson, 21, a teacher at Satree Phuket School who was stabbed on July 16, has been discharged from Wachira Phuket Hospital.

Pol Capt Sathit Noorit, of Phuket City Police Station, told the Gazette today, “Mr Simpson is still recovering, but he is feeling better and has left the hospital.”

Now that Mr Simpson is feeling better, said Capt Sathit, he has had a chance to clarify a misunderstanding between police and himself over his original statement, which Mr Simpson gave while in hospital under sedation.

It was originally understood that Mr Simpson saw a group of teenagers trying to steal parts from his motorbike, and when he tried to stop them, one of the teenagers stabbed him in the abdomen.

However, Capt Sathit today said, “Mr Simpson explained to us that he was drunk before arriving at a tea shop [near Mission Hospital] late on the Friday night. Some girls were sitting with him, but they left before he did. When Mr Simpson decided it was time for him to go home he could not find his motorbike key.

“He saw a girl trying to start a motorbike, which he thought was his because it was the same make and color. But it wasn’t.

“He tried removing the key from the motorbike, but the girl fought to keep hold of it. As they struggled, Mr Simpson pushed the girl and she fell on the ground.”

Capt Sathit explained that Athit Tohmart, the girl’s brother, who was the owner of the tea shop, saw the struggle and came to intervene. He was carrying a knife and ended up stabbing Mr Simpson in the abdomen.

Athit is being held at Phuket City Police Station on charges of attempted murder. He has yet to appear in court.

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Pvt, do you have a link to the other side of the towel thief story? I remember reading the original story and thought there must have been more to it, but must have missed the full story of what actually happened.



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Looks like another drunken idiot made a mistake and paid a price for it, but his mistake has landed a Thai guy in Jail that was trying to protect his sister.

If it had been my wife or wifes little sister he pushed over, he would have got a good kicking from me also. British Youths should be banned from drinking alcohol, they cause trouble wherever they go.

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I'll see if I can find it.

The upshot was that the guy was apparently not even staying at the hotel, but had sneaked in to use the pool. When he was asked to leave, he became abusive and made a big show of storming off with the towel.

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Capt Sathit explained that Athit Tohmart, the girl’s brother, who was the owner of the tea shop, saw the struggle and came to intervene. He was carrying a knife and ended up stabbing Mr Simpson in the abdomen.

Athit is being held at Phuket City Police Station on charges of attempted murder. He has yet to appear in court.

I feel sorry for the Thai guy. I hope they let him out soon.

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The guy is a close friend of mine and i dont give a shit whether he was drunk or not that is no excuse for stabbing him. Its still attempted murder.

Fair enough he was being a <deleted>, but he's not a big bloke and the guy tried to kill him!

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QUOTE (Nam Kao @ Sat 2004-08-07, 01:58:30)

Let the Thai guy go 

Here here................... and deport the Drunken Englishman.

Sorry, don't agree, in this case they both should suffer the penalties of the law.

The English guy for being a drunken pillock, and assaulting the young Thai lady. Whether this should include deportation is up to the authorities.

The Thai gentleman was correct to go his sister's aid, no question, but none of the reports say that the English guy was armed (I think). Administering a good shoeing would be fair. Delivering a potentially fatal blow goes far beyond self-defence.

As an Englishman who's lived in Bangkok for 3 trouble free and enjoyable years, I am as keen as anyone for my countrymen to behave themselves and make a positive example whilst they are guests in someone else's country. However, I also think it 'reasonable' to expect some degree of evenhandedness in these matters.

Just my opinion, for what it's worth....

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“He tried removing the key from the motorbike, but the girl fought to keep hold of it. As they struggled, Mr Simpson pushed the girl and she fell on the ground.”

Capt Sathit explained that Athit Tohmart, the girl’s brother, who was the owner of the tea shop, saw the struggle and came to intervene. He was carrying a knife and ended up stabbing Mr Simpson in the abdomen.

Ill bet the thai guy grabbed the knife before he ran out to help.

Cant really blame him as he is conditioned to expect the worse. Question is did he slash out in self defense?

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