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What Do You Think About Grey Hairs?


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Some people color their hairs as soon as they see one grey hair.

Or remove it (more painful).

What do you do?

You like them, make you look wiser.

You hate them, make you look older.

You do not care, nature has to run its course.

I noticed that most of the Japanese color their hairs.

And quite a few Thai.

Not talking about ladies,...

What about you?

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Some people color their hairs as soon as they see one grey hair.

Or remove it (more painful).

What do you do?

You like them, make you look wiser.

You hate them, make you look older.

You do not care, nature has to run its course.

I noticed that most of the Japanese color their hairs.

And quite a few Thai.

Not talking about ladies,...

What about you?

Don't worry Blue .. All cats are gray at night...


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Isn't yours Blue? Blue Rinse? :o

I have some grey peppering in otherwise quite thick dark brown. I keep it short (half inch) otherwise the 'peppering' turns in to patches of silvery grey. I have tried to colour it using Grecian 2000 (the grey to natural stuff), hair dye and even Peroxide bleach. However, when I wash off the colouring/bleach it always is exactly the same - I think I have a natural teflon scotch-guard coating on my barnet. Such is life :D

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I'm gonna go grey gracefully.... got a little coming through now but I'm not worried, everyone shows signs of ageing right ?

Colour my hair ? no thanks too much messing about, I'm not so vain, and besides as I keep my hair quite short you can't see the grey much anyway :D

What does annoy me though is the 3 big white hairs that grow in my beard, they stand out so much you can't miss em, I have to pluck them out :o:D


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I'm afraid on this one I 'hit the bottle'. :D

I guess grey = mature = money= sexy in LOS.

I have no money therefore grey = clapped out, whereas with dyed hair I look 10 years younger. Sad, ain't I?

Since reading this thread ,I've been wondering, do your pubes also go grey ?

Maybe one of you old badgers can let me know 

They surely do. Those I don't dye which leaves my cover somewhat 'exposed' in certain contexts. :D:D

Of course there is an alternative to dying, and since the 'touchy' subject has arisen, what's the deal on shaving one's pubes in Thailand - normal practice or only for porn stars? Anyone know?? :o:D:wub:

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There is nothing worse looking than a fat Farang with a dyed barnet that looks like dried straw ... so unnatural ... just let it happen naturally!

It has always been more acceptable for women to dye their hair ... brought on by a fashion industry that makes millions per year on this trait!

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I'm afraid on this one I 'hit the bottle'. :D

I guess grey = mature = money= sexy in LOS.

I have no money therefore grey = clapped out, whereas with dyed hair I look 10 years younger. Sad, ain't I?

Since reading this thread ,I've been wondering, do your pubes also go grey ?

Maybe one of you old badgers can let me know 

They surely do. Those I don't dye which leaves my cover somewhat 'exposed' in certain contexts. :D:D

Of course there is an alternative to dying, and since the 'touchy' subject has arisen, what's the deal on shaving one's pubes in Thailand - normal practice or only for porn stars? Anyone know?? :o:D:wub:

what's the deal on shaving one's pubes in Thailand - normal practice or only for porn stars?

Tried in once but the missus was not too impressed.

When it was coming back in she said it was like having a hedgehog or sandpaper scratching away at her.

I told her if she got a rash that I would kiss it better -_-

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If my ancestors are anything to go by - I will get a thick head of silver hair instead of going bald which suits me just fine.

The way things are going for me currently then I may be going grey - (not "gray" that's American not English) - quite soon.

I don't like seeing Thai's or especially Jap's with dyed rust coloured hair, however, I do like the occasional red streak, or natural black dyed crimson - that's sexy and shows character.

P.S. 'Japs' - is, I hope, not an offensive term.

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Grey means you still have hair. I would rather be grey than bald. But if you are going to be bald, go bald all the way. I think those guy's who grow their hair long on one side so they can flop it over their bald spot look rediculous. Especially when the wind blows it up. :o

If all else fails buy a hat.

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It's interesting that many deploy the use of whitening cream because it takes away from the natural beauty yet changing hair color is ok because it's supposed to make you look younger!

I'm totally gray but enjoy it and would never change it because I get more wais that way!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It's interesting that many deploy the use of whitening cream because it takes away from the natural beauty yet changing hair color is ok because it's supposed to make you look younger!

I'm totally gray but enjoy it and would never change it because I get more wais that way!!!!!!!!!!!!

:o They respect oldies in this society.

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When I first met my wife (about 1 & 1/2 years ago) my hair was about 30% grey, 50% brown and 20% bald! :o . I knew that I was at the age when my parents really started to go grey so it was no surprise to me that I am now 50% grey, 30% brown and still 20% bald. My wife commented on this change the other day and I told her that I snagged a cute young chick just before I got old :D .

I really don't care about the grey hairs or the bald spot - for one thing it DOES command more respect here in Thailand. Also, as long as I am still fit and healthy I really don't care how old I look. How old you FEEL is far more important.

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I really don't care about the grey hairs or the bald spot - for one thing it DOES command more respect here in Thailand.  Also, as long as I am still fit and healthy I really don't care how old I look.  How old you FEEL is far more important.

Sure, grey hair makes you look distinguished, a belly? Stay in form, round is a form.

Now I only have to learn Thai, why do all the girls call me 'sud lor'?

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I started turning grey at 18. Father was white at 30. Dyed until my mid-forties when I was convinced by a hairdresser that my hair would not be "yellow-dawg" grey. Came out silver-salt-pepper and enhanced my professional image immensely.

Was drunk most of one summer before I turned 50 and went blonde. Professional collegues laughed at me, new acquantances approved, having not known me otherwise.

Have been silver, grey and then somewhat white ever since.

Started to demonstrate male pattern baldness ten years ago and terrified myself when I started artfully combing to cover. I have asked close friends to do away with me if I ever parted at the ear and combed across the top and down to the other ear.

Last year, at the suggestion of a Thai who admires George Segal and many professional tennis players, I have grown a pony tail which allows a straight back normal combing that covers the great skin expanse beautifully.

My experience has taught me that dying ones hair to artificially give the impression of youth just doesn't work. Ever driven up behind a georgeous head of blonde hair in a convertable and when reaching the face, gone into shock at the aged driver. Ever seen some of the post surgical Hollywood beauties with claw like hands. You do know why John Wayne wore a neckerchief!!!

I have learned that nature greys the hair to soften your appearance as the wrinkles appear. Dyed hair doesn't hide wrinkles. A youthful head of hair and wrinkles is grotesque.

Dyed hair is easily detectable since the color is uniform and without highlights that natural hair has. Unless your spending a fortune on professional coloring, everyone kinows what your up to.

As a good friend said in an aside, that helped me to get "natural", was "When are you going to stop with the "chinese watress" black hair?"

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Dont worry about grey hair

Grey power

Evolutionary biologists have speculated that our tendency to turn grey with age may have begun with our primate ancestors. An older male gorilla develops a 'silverback'. This advertises his longevity and so indicates good genetic stock to prospective mates. It also shows male competitors that he has had the prowess to stave off a lot of younger challengers in his time.

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