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Well Naam Bonkers can respond unfortunatly when he chooses to do so!

Naam I have this reoccuring nightmare the song just goes , "I'm truly, truly bonkers. Or am I getting the words mixed up", please help!

keep trying pkrv, the next support on the SET is not until 725 - 730 range, another 10% haircut is coming, but what do i care

US time? -For me l will be over in 6 weeks less and counting - Last over in Feb - And you will come over again when?

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i personally do not think too highly of someone trying so hard to want to see so much pain as one poster consistently wishes - for whatever reasons. unfortunatley, it will play out over the next couple of years to the severity of how things will be.

naam - you are quite a charlatan from my reading of you over the past couple of years - but - more to the point - you are losing money factoring in real inflation numbers - so stop the ridiculous hype.

what is in store has nothing to do with anything we can predict or assume based on past precedence as there is a concerted effort to - to put it kindly - equalize - or to be more blunt - reduce/consume/minimize the working class. this is a new point of departure so get used to it. based on real numbers that can be sourced in unconventional ways - it ain't looking pretty.

best to start appreciating the simple things you take for granted!

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i personally do not think too highly of someone trying so hard to want to see so much pain as one poster consistently wishes - for whatever reasons. unfortunatley, it will play out over the next couple of years to the severity of how things will be.

naam - you are quite a charlatan from my reading of you over the past couple of years - but - more to the point - you are losing money factoring in real inflation numbers - so stop the ridiculous hype.

what is in store has nothing to do with anything we can predict or assume based on past precedence as there is a concerted effort to - to put it kindly - equalize - or to be more blunt - reduce/consume/minimize the working class. this is a new point of departure so get used to it. based on real numbers that can be sourced in unconventional ways - it ain't looking pretty.

best to start appreciating the simple things you take for granted!

An interesting response which I feel lies at the heart of the situation. I researched and you started one topic correct? We are actually working together however there has been a delibertate comtaminant.

Naam (not the contaminent) is nesting (that ought to irritate him ];-), but resources are paramount as you say invest in yourself and your home first. If you have cash to play with then whatever!

Edited by pkrv
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naam - you are quite a charlatan from my reading of you over the past couple of years - but - more to the point - you are losing money factoring in real inflation numbers - so stop the ridiculous hype.

please explain what you mean in a language i understand.

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Naam (not the contaminent) is nesting (that ought to irritate him ];-), but resources are paramount as you say invest in yourself and your home first. If you have cash to play with then whatever!

i have always invested way too much in the homes i owned and lived in. that's the reason why i never achieved a reasonable return on investment respectively realized losses when i sold. neither me nor my wife ever had a lucky hand when immobile property was/is concerned and we don't consider property an "investment" but a luxury as we never owned rental property. as far as investment is concerned i do not condone the use of the expression "play" as it involves hard work and consumes a lot of time :o

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you didn't think this thread was dead did you, just dormant....
nice to see the amateurs have there say.....

.....i guess a fall from 880 to 790 (a 10% haircut) in one month is not bad if you want to lose your nest egg.........its not too late to learn Naam

Sorry BB, but you are one of the most amateurish posters on here. You have a habit of making predictions after the event, or at best predicting continuations of trends just prior to a reversal. :D Do you think you really fool anyone by pretending to be in the know. I would very much doubt you have any real connection to the financial markets in any meaningful capacity, apart from your ability to cut and paste. Maybe a trainee at best... :D

The reason this post keeps coming back, is because you keep resurrecting the dead. :D You haven't worked out yet that we all know markets go up sometimes and down others, and that your game of posting after markets move your way is pretty transparent.

Even your original post was made at the trough of most markets, after a fall. You made it mid Aug. Dow, S&P, Bovespa, EuroStoxx50, Hang Seng, SET, Shanghai, Taiex, Kospi, Sensex, Straits Times, etc etc. You name it they all finished 2007 at higher levels than when you predicted a global meltdown... viz you made your prediction just before the trend reversed in the opposite direction to your prediction. That should have been the point to close the thread. :D

In 2008, most people expected a rough year coming in. As such it has been so. That was the time to be acting. Your timing predictions have been pretty useless... Markets go up as well as down. No point you saying I told you so and calling other people amateurs on the 45% of times mkts go down and not the 55% they go up, if they are playing long vs your short. :D

On the SET, it's always been a volatile market and will be for years to come. Political events crop up from time to time. Up 26%+ last year down under 10% this. if you don't understand and can't accept this volatility, you shouldn't be playing... :D For those that play Thailand long term, it's a great market. There's a strong chance of hitting 10 year highs this year... For those that play short term in Thailand. You need to be good. Very good. It's high risk, high reward, and often difficult to call timings. Look longer term and don't focus too much on timing and it's great. B)



bingobongo 2008-03-13 20:40:39

... go long Japanese Yen, notice I said yen and NOT Japenese stocks, big difference

Since your "expert prediction" the Yen has moved from sub 100 to around 107.7. You called more or less at the bottom of the trend and no doubt got caught. The Nikkei has actually rallied, and again you called sell close to the bottom. Your timing is awful... :D

I think everyone on here wonders why you are a perpetual doom and gloom merchant. I think the answer is simple: once you have lost all your assets thru poor timing and positions, you have very little left. You can't buy and go long as you have nothing. So you need to sell short what you don't have, in the vain hope of wiping out your liabilities... :burp:

Vote for thread closure... :o

Edited by AFKAFSinLOS
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but that would mean less fun and encourage Bingo to open other scary threads such as:

-Krakatoa will erupt again and swallow all you silly rabbits in LOS

-i'm the greatest... I TOLD YOU SO!

-do you like to suffer Naam?

- the Dong devaluation will cause bird flu in the European Union, Switzerland will be hit hardest

-the antarctic ice caps are melting and will flood all Bangkok condos up to the 29th floor


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but that would mean less fun and encourage Bingo to open other scary threads such as:

-Krakatoa will erupt again and swallow all you silly rabbits in LOS

-i'm the greatest... I TOLD YOU SO!

-do you like to suffer Naam?

- the Dong devaluation will cause bird flu in the European Union, Switzerland will be hit hardest

-the antarctic ice caps are melting and will flood all Bangkok condos up to the 29th floor


A nod to the wise Naam you forgot about the 'pinkle squirmy flip flap flops' They are just so deadly it is unbelievable!

BTW - I see you too have noted you only live once - we are (sort of) on the same course :D I think though I am a bit younger and tend to get pissed off a bit more quickly! Perhaps the contaminant does need to be 'more fully exposed?' And actually it is now fun!

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"Thailand should brace for economic slowdown: KRC

BANGKOK, June 16 (TNA) – Thailand should be prepared for an economic slowdown in the wake of Asian economic setbacks further dampened by surging inflation rates, according to Kasikorn Research Center.

The leading think tank said a surge in the prices of oil and commodities in the world market had fueled inflationary pressures and undermined the trade and current account balances of many countries in Asia including Thailand.

The economies of these countries appeared to be undergoing 'stagflation'.

So, it is more difficult for the region's central banks -- including the Bank of Thailand -- to implement an easing monetary policy to boost economic growth because there are yet more risks from the price stability.

KRC said inflationary pressure had increased significantly in many Asian countries. Inflation rates for almost all countries in the region have surged to highest levels seen in many years.

The trade balance status of many countries had weakened markedly since early this year. It became one of key factors that pressed many regional currencies, particularly the South Korean won, India's rupee, the Philippine peso and Thai baht to weaken during the past three to four months.

The noticeable weakening of the balance of trade in many Asian countries, particularly in Vietnam, amid economic volatility fueled by rising inflation led to renewed concerns about possible impacts on the region.

KRC viewed should the Vietnamese economic woes worsened to an uncontrollable extent, a large amount of foreign capital, which had flowed into Vietnam in the past several years, might gradually flow out.

Under the circumstances, the economies of many countries in Asia, including Thailand, would be unavoidably affected.

Initially, money markets in Asian countries might be affected by declining investor confidence.

However, the extent of adverse impacts in each Asian country will depend on the economic fundamentals of each country.

Given the external stability indicators, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and India might take the heaviest toll while some countries including China, Hong Kong, Japan and Thailand would likely be affected in a more limited manner. (TNA)

Business News : Last Update : 09:38:21 16 June 2008 (GMT+7:00) "

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725 to 730 range on the SET is coming, prepare accordingly

You could very well be right on that call BB. I just noticed that the shanghai stock index closed below 2,800 yesterday, a nice 50%+ haircut from the highs last year, just as Vic predicted late last summer would happen before the Olympics. I don't even want to think what could be waiting for those holding on to chinese equities after the Olympics-2300,2200,2100.......? I wonder what lao po is doing right about now? Don't worry lao there is still time to get on the short bandwagon on oil and gold and make some of those yuan back :o

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It always amazes me that there are people, possessing the economical ignorance and non-intellect of a glacier-borne erratic, who at the same time put themselves on the financial stage as if they were reborn Albert Einsteins or clones of Warren Buffett, pretending they know it all about 'Global Correction'.

They're not even able to spell the names of fellow TV members correctly, over and over again, which is an insult to those fellow members.

In the rare case they have eye problems they could at least ask their spouses how to spell a name correctly.

I'm happy though that the afore mentioned members didn't forget about the more wiser amongst us....

And that doesn't necessarily means the undersigned because I don't really care about the opinion from glacier-borne erratics.

I do care however about the wise comments by the majority of the posters in the economical threads on Thaivisa, which posters I do not have to mention since they possess the intelligence that they know who they are... :o


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It is interesting to note the trading positions that Deutsche Bank have in London, around 2,500, Citi Group about 4,500, I belive Chase is about 3,500. ING Brussles and Amsterdam perhaps 600. I know for example arbitrage lasts for a fraction of a second for most market instruments and the FX market used to transact 2,100 billion per day. I can also tell stories of a soverign bank that 'leaked' information to an institution and of those who spoke latin at board room meetings at Reuters to 'secure' their position and the fate ot The Golden Share.

Oddly I was responsible globally for many of the products that conducted global trade.

My greatest problem was identifying those who chose to contaminate the market for self interest - I got pretty good at it! I did not trade I was on the other side of the fence.

The Global market is in general self correcting - that is the whole point of it - though I did learn one valuable lesson! Those who were involved in trading invested their money in property - What a revelation that was.

Today I have a mixture of pure cash and property – that is my take.

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Today I have a mixture of pure cash and property – that is my take.

:D Same same...although I'm getting rid of -still hot- real estate right now and into buying hard-to-sell property. I was just looking into an investment of more than 60 apartments for less than a mere € 500K, needing another € 600-800K for renovation.

Where can one find more than 60 apartments for € 500K and after renovation € 1.3M ? :o

Not in LOS !


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Today I have a mixture of pure cash and property – that is my take.

:D Same same...although I'm getting rid of -still hot- real estate right now and into buying hard-to-sell property. I was just looking into an investment of more than 60 apartments for less than a mere € 500K, needing another € 600-800K for renovation.

Where can one find more than 60 apartments for € 500K and after renovation € 1.3M ? :o

Not in LOS !


LaoPo - We are not exactly on the same wavelength - We ourselves own just two properties, one in London the other in Bangkok. But this is for personal reasons. I would however be a fool if I did not track such issues. You indicate you invest in property? I sort of do but not in the same way. I do however deeply appreciate your candour.

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Today I have a mixture of pure cash and property – that is my take.

:D Same same...although I'm getting rid of -still hot- real estate right now and into buying hard-to-sell property. I was just looking into an investment of more than 60 apartments for less than a mere € 500K, needing another € 600-800K for renovation.

Where can one find more than 60 apartments for € 500K and after renovation € 1.3M ? :o

Not in LOS !


LaoPo - We are not exactly on the same wavelength - We ourselves own just two properties, one in London the other in Bangkok. But this is for personal reasons. I would however be a fool if I did not track such issues. You indicate you invest in property? I sort of do but not in the same way. I do however deeply appreciate your candour.

What's more important: stick to your own views...even if it's contrary to what the market or so called specialists say. So, in my opinion you're doing the right thing. Stay cash and property and have mortgages as low as possible.


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"However, the extent of adverse impacts in each Asian country will depend on the economic fundamentals of each country."

Exactly the point that bigobongo and, unfortunately, many TVers don't realize. They believe that all economies are identical, with the same breath, depth, scope, and basis, and that all economies are interdependent to the same extent, and that they move in concert with and simultaneously, in the same direction, in the same manner, and to the same level.

Too, these TVers believe that all investments are short-term, whether stocks, bonds, or real estate. It is the reason that they are on the outside, looking in, and will never get rich.

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"However, the extent of adverse impacts in each Asian country will depend on the economic fundamentals of each country."

Exactly the point that bigobongo and, unfortunately, many TVers don't realize. They believe that all economies are identical, with the same breath, depth, scope, and basis, and that all economies are interdependent to the same extent, and that they move in concert with and simultaneously, in the same direction, in the same manner, and to the same level.

Too, these TVers believe that all investments are short-term, whether stocks, bonds, or real estate. It is the reason that they are on the outside, looking in, and will never get rich.

Absolutly true - You cannot destroy money it simply moves. Even old fashioned 'unredemed' coinage is factored into the equation. I note that Bonkers has not read Naam's nor BEENTHEREDONETHAT's posts .SETI (a charge free exchange) means nothing to them. It is sort of the givaway of a deliberate contaminant.

LaoPo - I note you suggested(?) you were investing in property outside of Thailand. I am always interested just incase something comes onto the horizon. From a personal perspective where are you buying? (please PM if you do not wish the information public)

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I was reading a good part of this topic and wonder why anybody is wasting time and responds to the *&*^% statements of Mr. Bingobongo. Enlighten me please! Since ten months he is present but has nothing really to say.

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Anny; Bingobongo have GREAT entertainment value and like a broken clock he WILL sometimes be right! :o

He has been so wrong with his predictions (with a few right ones; the broken clock syndrome, or dart throwing monkeys syndrome(sorry monkeys!))

that had one done the opposite of his recommendations/predictions one would be a rich man/woman/monkey today! :D

I am thinking of starting the "Reverse Bingobongo newsletter"!

If you want a serious thread on this you can start your own and I be pleased to join in - admitting that I have no real clue as to what will happen in the future!


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Anny; Bingobongo have GREAT entertainment value and like a broken clock he WILL sometimes be right! :D

Sorry I will have to disagree - On a 12 hour clock bonkers will be right twice, on a 24 hour clock once, on an atomic clock never. :o

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