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Due to work commitments I will be transiting Dhaka airport on my flight from Bangkok and back.

I’m not expecting a five star airport. Has anyone experienced this airport and have any tips. More importantly is there a bar in the transit area where I can have a drink.


I had a nightmare there once many years ago. I arrived after getting deported from India due to some red tape mix up. I had very little money and as soon as I got to the front door I was hassled by about 1 million rickshaw drivers. Actualy at least 100. There is a bar there and I was surprised to see Victoria Bitter. There are a couple of prayer areas, which are very useful if you have no cash for a hotel room :o


Thanks Neeranam I’m sort of dreading the experience but at least there’s beer available. It can’t be as bad as some of the airports I’ve experienced but then again Bangkok's only a few hours or a cancelled flight :o away.


From what I remember the public area is dry. There is a coffee shop next to the Duty free shop in the centre of the terminal, just after immigration. There are a couple of Airline lounges upstairs,(follow the sign to the Prayer Room) but only remember Thai and B.A, but there probably is one for Biman. Not even 100% sure if the Thai lounge has alcohol, always been mid day flight so more interested in coffee.

The nicest thing I can say about Dhaka airport is it is basic, but it is only a 2 hour flight home..


I don't wish you to be there - I was just transfering London - Bangkok. Had to hand out my passport at the transfer desk and just wait for hours when the airplane will be ready. Nobody knew when they fix the plane and they did not give food vouchers. Rather humiliating experience.


I used to fly biman all the time they used to give you a year open return for the same or less than other airlines,!......it was hardly ever full(5/6 years ago),.....absolutely chaotic but fun ,......smoking in no smoking area,......stoping off at different places not scheduled,....parties at the back of the plane ,.....those were the days,......


the airport is never floaded - but monsoon and fog do disrupt the airport.

when I was flying over bangladesh in november a few years back there was water all over, you will see even a small boats moving all over


I was working in Bangladesh last year and flew in and out of Dhaka a few times. It is pretty primitive (about what you'd expect) but they did have beer. Not always cold, and outrageously expensive, but available.

  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Mates ,

I sorry being a Bangladeshi I should answer the post 1st but I was out of station

and just get time to check all post.

It's interesting to read all of the comments had made about Dhaka airport

and it's the truth that most of you made wrong answer.

Anyway if you need any farther info concern Bangladesh or Dhaka

I am your mates belongs to there ,fill free to ask.



Two trips into that place in 1993, and I can safely say that I will never as long as I can help it venture there ever again. An absolute Shitehole.


yes you are correct 1993 it was different but its 15 yars + now so things are

not like before.

Ofcourse the dhaka airport is the worst and ofcourse the countery still need to develop a lot

but its not the way you post hear , it is developing.

Anyway I am not hear to post my logic to make Bangladesh Best vountery

as long as its not my job ,what i ment if any one need anything

concern this place you can ask me as I get very few chances to answer

reather I always ask for.



I've been flying in and out of there for business around twice a year and the airport has actually improved quite a lot during the past 6 years.

As long as you are inside the airport you're fine - It's the going out and getting to the aiport that is the nightmare

Once took me 5hrs to get from the Sheraton to the airport and as a result I am always VERY early for every flight back to BKK

Once you land just make sure you have no checked in Bags as everybody arrives from overseas laden with loads of goodies and they often X-ray every single bag leading to horrendous crews. If this happens walk to the front and catch the eye of a customs officer and they will generally move you to the fron if you've no big bags


In case you need to book any hotel there I can do it for my mates of thi visa

or any information need anyone please ask me.

But again I would like to remind please be informed it had changed a lot

i last 3 years but still far away to go .

yes you are correct 1993 it was different but its 15 yars + now so things are

not like before.

Ofcourse the dhaka airport is the worst and ofcourse the countery still need to develop a lot

but its not the way you post hear , it is developing.

Anyway I am not hear to post my logic to make Bangladesh Best vountery

as long as its not my job ,what i ment if any one need anything

concern this place you can ask me as I get very few chances to answer

reather I always ask for.


Thank you, I'm glad to hear that it has improved. I will try to make sure that I revisit for old times sake.


Thanks for all the comments. I’m hoping to transit only and not leave the airport.

I’ve managed to talk to a couple of colleagues with recent experience transiting Dhaka airport. So far all experiences have been bad. They’ve all recommended I travel hand luggage only. I wish I could.

I’ve been told to transfer checked baggage I will need to inform the transit desk I have checked baggage as is usually the case when transiting.

They will then escort me out to the baggage carousel to collect my suitcase and escort me back into the transit area.

Oh well, I guess I’ll at least know if my suitcase arrived.


I've been there a few times this year - Best part about Bangladesh is hearing the words "cabin crew, doors to automatic"...(on departure).

Bur really, it’s not such a terrible airport especially considering its location. If you don’t have to go through immigration then you don’t have many worries. The problems occur when it’s busy, the cues get rather large and listening to the immigration officials shouting across to each other can be quite amusing. Normally I am not one to rush too hard to get off the plane - but at Dhaka airport getting off ASAP and getting to the front of immigrations lines is highly recommended. If the immigration lines are too full you can also try the diplomatic channel, its cheeky, and an embarrassing refusal is always a possibility.

There is a bar upstairs near the business lounges.

It would also be wise to check with the embassy in your country (a week before departure) and check that there is no national strike on your arrival day.

The national strikes are called 'Hartals' and are basically politically triggered riots, not safe.

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