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Vt7 Owners - Are There Any Recompense To Losses That May Be Suffered Here?


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Anyone who believes that VT7 will be built as is; must be missing a few bricks (it will only be completed if hundreds of millions of baht are paid under the table)…and as for workers on site I would hardly call security and a couple of gooks with wheel barrows construction?

In fact I've not seen more than a handful of workers on any of the VT Jomtien sites for months

This has the potential to wipeout VT and will have an impact; VT execs have stated already that this has cost half a billion baht so far???

I would be getting serious legal advice and sue-in for beach of contract a.s.a.p; even that will take years to go thro the courts and most prob even then VT will be know as something completely different

This will end in tears, either the loud foreigners will be whacked or jumpers, millions paid in tea money or VT goes bust…This is Pattaya after all anything can be bought



I had posted "All you are going to get here are uninformed opinions and pure speculation." and above is perfect example.

There is no breach of contract and you can observe the construction progress in this photo taken about a week ago,


When the VT4 project was cancelled buyers were given the option of a cash refund with interest or transfer payments to another VT project. If VT7 does not go forward you may be given the option of applying your payments to a unit at VT8(?) or a refund. I personally would not trust a Thai lawyer here in Pattaya because they don't want to tangle with the VT people who I am told are richest people in Pattaya. The JCC complaintants could not find a lawyer here in Pattaya to take their case and had to go to Bangkok.

Thanks ThaiBob. I now see they have a website, but the dates of construction seemed a bit funny ie the july 2007 had an April date on the photo, and the June 2007 had a 1 march date listed on the photo.

My contract states that the delivery date was 2007, but that a year would be allowed for delays beyond the sellers fault, but only if they notified us in writing. This never occurred, but naturally, I am well aware that a project can go bust but the company goes near unscathed if each project is set up under a different company. I do not expect that we can pull back the corporate veil here as goes on in the first world.

I will most likely take your advice about a Bangkok lawyer just to get some legal advice. Thanks for your (and other writers) feedback, but seems thread is going off topic now....

Best wishes to you.


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