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Let's put it this way..... no prejudice....

That clever git Thaksin manipulated those farmers with his populist policies using public funds and kept the Thai population polarized :D . Unfortunately, those gullible farmers did not realized that his ulterior motive was to fleece the country with his biased policies and corruption......... until the midddle class rose up and kicked him out.

Till today, for millions of poor farmers and provincial heads who received free handouts and have benefitted from his rule, understandbly, still remained disgruntled :D .

There are always those who are so biased that they can no longer identify nuetral ground.

These are the ones that find a greedy junta to be superior to a greedy elected official. I prefer the one that doesn't require armed rebellion to remove it

Superior :D ????

CEO style Thaksinomics beats Junta-nomics, anyday, hands down !!!!!

This guy was a economic dictator.......he campaigned for hard work, introduced efficient management into govenrment not seen by Thai public before, the only flaw was the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY in the administration including himself.

At the end, even his immense wealth, power and charisma could not have saved him from his downfall.

Afterall, it takes more than a good businessmen to become a good civil servant :o !!!!!!!!

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I'm new here but how did we get to Burmese workers? Isn't that pretty far off the subject?
Thai generals are puppies compared to those real baddies in Northe Korea and Burma, believe me they wouldn't know how to turn Thailand into REAL police state even if they were asked to.
said that it would be hard to stage the concert by night as Burmese are not allowed to go out after 8 pm unless accompanied by their employer.

The regulation is just one of many imposed on Burmese workers in Phuket and other provinces with large numbers of migrant workers. Other rules forbid Burmese workers riding motorcycles and using mobile phones.

police state is a term for a state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the population

Superior :D ????

CEO style Thaksinomics beats Junta-nomics, anyday, hands down !!!!!

This guy was a economic dictator.......he campaigned for hard work, introduced efficient management into govenrment not seen by Thai public before, the only flaw was the lack of ACCOUNTABILITY in the administration including himself.

At the end, even his immense wealth, power and charisma could not have saved him from his downfall.

Afterall, it takes more than a good businessmen to become a good civil servant :o !!!!!!!!

Sorry I though you were one of the frothy Thaksin-is-the-devil robots that we have here.


PM Surayud sees few changes in Thai politics

Saturday 25 August 2007 03:26:25 PM (GMT+7:00)

BANGKOK, Aug 25 (TNA) - Amid the hectic activities of politicians preparing for the upcoming general election, scheduled to be held this December, interim

Prime Minister Gen. Surayud Chulanont said Saturday he personally believed not many changes would be seen in the foreseeable future.


MCOT Public Company Limited

well that would be a wasted year then ............................................... :o


I don't think the junta ever intended to outdo Thaksin economically, they were here to bring about change more than anything else. They've only had one year so to judge them as a regularly elected government with regards to the economy is not fair and misses the point. I'm sure they knew the economy could suffer as a result of a coup, but that wasn't their biggest concern. Their concern is for the future. The future will show how little they interfere and if the economy can continue to grow at a fast rate. This year is kind of a hiccup or delay in the economy due to the political circumstances.


and which part of few changes escaped your attention ?

i note your optimism for the future perhaps you would share reasons why .


I was talking about their intentions. I didn't miss that reference. I'm not saying they will have succeeded in the long run, but it's much too soon to tell, and the PM is merely expressing an opinion about the future based on his view of the facts.

Mainly, I think they didn't like Thaksin's power. While it may be a long time before anything is stable, they may have accomplished getting rid of that. Thaksin may are may not be done in Thai politics. If the constitution goes through, this will be accomplished at least for the time being.

I don't know about optimism, but I was just noting that when people talk about the junta economy and try to compare it to Thaksin's economy, they are veering off topic and missing the whole point of the coup and this interim government.


thanxs for that ,

personally a more optimistic view from the PM would be preferable , give he had the necessary facts to support one , which don't exist

gotta respect his candour .......................


Many military regimes around world started with good intentions but ironically, and oftentimes due to downright incompetence many of those countries ended up much worst in the end :D .

China maybe an exception but mainly because they are riding on the crest of an economic cycle at the moment. For now, political freedom is sacrificed for overwhelming economic growth, old men in uniforms justifies STABILITY for PROSPERITY. It is still a BIG question though as to how long the generals could continue keep the lid on political dissents :D .

Success in the recent referendum have given Thai generals a foothold back into politics. Lets' just hope they don't get ococky and get carried away :o .

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