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Immunization Vaccinations (hep A & B, Rabies)


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Last year before coming to Thailand I took the precaution of getting a number of 'shots' including Hepatitus A & B and Rabies.

Would anyone know if these require a booster shot one year post, as for the life of me I cannot remember. Found a ton of info on the net on the shots but not info on the boosters. Maybe im not searching well enough. If anyone knows good link, that would be great too :o


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The reason people say Hep b last 10 years is because on the release of the vaccine that was all the data they had so its all they could legally say.

It is now thought it lasts a lifetime - yearly studies are run but we now know these are lasting 23 years out i beleive - can check if you like as my old boss was study manager on these trials previously.

Even though your antibodies might not be as high as they were shortly after vaccination your body has a remembering system - i can get all the scientific stuff if you want when I am back in the office and the clinicains are back from Athens Vaccine conference.

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It IS rather odd, for i found my old diary and I had indeed noted down that the nurse told me to get boosters one year post Hep A&B. But of course, with the information here and on the net im really not too sure anymore.

Obviously I dont wish to have unnecessary vaccinations. Wonder why she advised me to go for a booster?

Prakanong, I wouldnt wish you to go out your way, but if you do get a chance, I would be interested to know. ty.

Thank you again to all for the advice given.

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I notice that my Hepatitis shots were not all at once. Hep A #1 in July 98, #2 on Jan 99. Hep B in Sep 98 and Jan 99, and maybe a third Hep B in Jun 99. My oral polio vaccine (live) was sep 98, and tet-dipth in april 98. Typhoid, Jul 98. Tetanus, again in 01 and in 06. Are there additonal Hepatitis vaccines now, such as D, E and F?

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I also had 2 courses of shots for A & B, PB. Also had the rest that you mentioned last year too.

I have no idea about any further vaccinations for Hepatitis now, but nothing was mentioned at the time.

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Hep A requires two shots, about six months apart.

Hep B requires three shots, now, then in one month, then six months (after the first shot)

they both should provide lifetime protection.

here in thailand, my doctor ran a blood test and said that my Hep B did not take, so he is giving me a second course of three shots. then will test my blood again. he said there is a small percentage of people who never gain Hep B immunity from the immunization.

there are no immunizations for Hep other than A&B currently.

i got a polio booster shot, which also lasts a lifetime. i think this worth getting if you dont have already.

another one is MMR (measles mumps rubella) booster.

typhoid shot provides about 3 years protection (though sometimes doctors will tell you two years to be conservative)

oral typhoid can give 5 years protection, but its a hassle to take (keep refrigerated and take on a schedule over the course of a week or so)

tetanus lasts about 10 years. then you need a booster.

rabies needs to be continually renewed every 12-18 months. so if you want to keep the protection you have current, get a booster (effectively just another round of the three shots you got the first time).

lastly, please consider chicken pox vaccine. i never got the vaccine, because in america, my blood test showed i had had the virus at some time -- so the doctor did not advise it. however, i had an asymptomatic case (as a child). i learned, unfortunately, in thailand that asymptomatic cases of chicken pox are not enough to prepare the body for lifetime protection with antibodies. so i had the bad experience of being away from home(ie in chiangmai and not bkk) and coming down with chicken pox as an adult. quite awful!

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