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You have wonder about the sanity of the Direcor of "Saw"

Oh my my my my my .. SAW .. what did I post it here before!! GOSHHH THAT MOVIE IS SCARRRRYY .. :o:D:D

I kinda like it though. Amazed by the concept 'what would you do to survive?'


Session No. 9

Stars one of the guys from one of the CSI shows, as well as one of the extras from Braveheart. The most incredibly scary movie I have ever seen. It's not zombie-scary, or blood-and-guts-scary; it's just atmospheric and crazy.

Highly encouraged!


EDIT: My 200th post!!!!

freddy krueger films used to scare the 5hit out of me as a kid.

Much to the chagrin of curmudgeonly Dr. Naam, I have to admit to being scared sh!tless by "Nightmare on Elm St." , even though I was 17 at the time! I had Freddy Krueger dreams, some of them pretty cool special effects-wise, for quite a while. I remember one when I was running on an endless beach boardwalk with him on the other side, swinging his bladed hand, pretty trippy, and that was in my pre-hallucinogenic days (I think).


My vote's with Brit. Almost peed my pants when that sucker jumped out of the guy's chest. Doesn't scare me now, but the first time around gave me a near-heart attack. And yes, Dr. Naam, I was in my 30's at the time. :o


My vote's with Brit. Almost peed my pants when that sucker jumped out of the guy's chest. Doesn't scare me now, but the first time around gave me a near-heart attack. And yes, Dr. Naam, I was in my 30's at the time. :o

I remember they scene in Aliens when they where in the lab with the Aliens in the Jars and one jumped at the guy looking at it.

The whole theater jumped out of it's seat.

I remember they scene in Aliens when they where in the lab with the Aliens in the Jars and one jumped at the guy looking at it.

The whole theater jumped out of it's seat.

Oh yeah, that scene and movie got me jumped :o

Your 100 Most Scary Horror Movies

100 movies. That’s a very long list. I am glad that not all replies are listing 100 movies.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



The only film that has ever scared me (apart from 'The Wizard of Oz') was Alien. It is the only film I have ever seen where, I left the cinema shaking.

I saw a brilliant one last night , it scared my staff s1tless " An American Haunting' I just thought it was a really good film, maybe because it's supposed to be a true story.


I used to be a real horror film buff in my teens until I saw the original Nightmare on Elm Street. That cured me of my horror movie watching for a long time. Still don't like scary movies. Hubby put Saw on recently and after about 30 minutes I had to turn it off. Hate that sort of stuff these days.


Saw 'The Ring 2' tonight.....sheer class. As good if not better than the original. Not as predictable. Kept you on the edge of your seat right the way through.

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