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Why all the farang jumping to their death?


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Anyway, getting back to the topic... Land of unSolved crimes. I know it doesn't fit very well, but what is it about not solving or investigating crimes? I know of a couple of people who died in unusual circumstances. If its a Thai nobody, then it does not get investigated. If its a farang, then make it look like an accident/suicide; don't want to create too much fuss and ruin the tourist industry. Maybe its because Thais are not into reading and haven't got into reading detective novels? The only crimes that seem to get solved are folks with large quantities of drugs (easy to solve) or anything to do with the powerful or rich. You would get a more severer sentence for robbing a bank than killing someone, which seems wrong.

Maybe if you are a Buddhist killing someone does not matter as they will be back again in their next life?  :o

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I think it all comes down to cash. The cops want to solve easy crimes for the publicity and simple - fineable - crimes (like being a farang with a car :o) where they can make some dosh. A few years back someone raised a bill to reduce the number of cops and replace them with higher paid, crime educated, ones - wonder what happened to it. There was also much talk of creating an 'FBI' - Cops even went to the US and Britain to do FBI/Special Branch/Intelligence Gathering courses. Nothing seems to have happened there either.

If the police where divided into units (like SOs in the UK or DEA etc in the USA) that delt with specific crimes, they would have to put more impetus into solving them - especially if bonuses where linked to success rate. Granted it may lead to some cops changing some poor bugger just because he was there and they needed to 'solve' the crime, but thats no different from now. At least this would be highlighted more.

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Been 2 weeks now since a Falang SUICIDE, any bets on news flow ?

Hey!  I'll take that bet!  (But do MURDERS count)?  

Here's the story, courtesy of PattayaMail.com:

Japanese businessman found murdered in his condo

Police say they know who did it

Boonlua Chatree

Thirty-seven year old Japanese national Keita Samukawa was found in his condo room with his throat cut. Police believe that he may have been dead for three days, as apartment staff said they last saw him on Saturday with a young Thai man between 18 and 20 years of age. Keita Samukawa was a marketing manager for the Toichidentsu Company.

A police inspection of the room revealed traces of anti-retroviral drugs. Samukawa’s personal items from his room and car were reported to be missing.

Police suspect the killer stole Samukawa’s car and cash.

On Wednesday, police located the dead man’s car in the central province of Ang Thong, approximately 200 kilometers north of Bangkok. Investigating officers say they know the identity of the killer and expect to make an arrest in the near future.

Japanese businessman found murdered in his condo

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right. it isnt just farang who mysteriously pass on. there was a story the other day in bkkpost about another japanese fellow, this one a tourist i believe, who was supposedly last seen wandering off on a solo trek. police suspected suicide without finding the body. i havent seen any updates....
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There was also much talk of creating an 'FBI' - Cops even went to the US and Britain to do FBI/Special Branch/Intelligence Gathering courses. Nothing seems to have happened there either.

We were approached by the local police a couple of months ago.   They had a FBI training film on CD that they wanted translated into thai.

When a charge of 100baht per hour was suggested their smiles turned sour and they left.

Probably just as well because they could have arrested us for not having a work permit.

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BKKGS - I saw on the news that they found that Japanese tourist in the forest hanging from a tree...gruesome video footage on the news report  :o  

Think farangs need to petition all apartment block owners to reserve the ground floor for farangs living with Thai GFs  :D

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The last one is most interesting, because your suposed to be in paradise so why kill yourself? Paradise is different to everyone, and when you reach what you think is paradise, you realise it is not.
A report mentioned above said three to four foreigners are found dead every *month* in guesthouses in Khao San Rd, apparently from the effects of drugs and alcohol.

In the freedom of ''paradise'', people get carried away. They forget their limitations (if they even know them) and end up killing themselves, unwittingly.

Come on Embassy bods, you are supposed to be protecting us  

Embassies have better things to do than monitor westerners' alcohol/drugs intake.

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Last news I saw said they wern't sure if it was a suicide or not.  However, I don't suppose the authorities will make much effort to investigate a foreign tourist who goes off into the jungle and is then found hanging from a tree..... :o

Hmm - is nowhere safe??  (Don't think this Japanese tourist was with his Thai GF when he died...)

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As a resident of Pattaya, I read the Pattaya Mail and read about all these suspicious deaths. They are of particular interest to me as I live in a high rise condo.

I have four theories:

1. The men are thrown off the balconies by drug gangs to whom they owe money.

2. Genuine suicide; there are a lot of blokes who go and live in Pattaya and blow everything they have, money, credit cards etc.

3. Ladymen will kill a man for money, especially a lot of money and gold. They usually set it uop well with assistance from other lady men.

4. Thai bargirls often have Thai boyfriends. They set up home in a condo with a medium wealthy falang, a year later they have it fully furnished and the trust of the falang. Bingo Thai boyfriend throws falang off the balcony and cops the furnishings, cash, and usually the ATM numbers.

These crimes are never solved because Thais stick together, what is the odd dead falang? Usually the falang is pissed and shows up with alcohol in his blood, and many falangs do drugs and this is found by pathology in the blood.....then it's a case of good riddance!

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  • 3 months later...

Here we go again, from PattayaMail:

Copycat suicide claims life of foreign resident

Here's the story:

Copycat suicide claims life of foreign resident

Boonlua Chatree

Local police received a report of the death of a foreigner from the man’s uncle in the Kao Karat condominium at 3 p.m. Monday afternoon.

Police and Sawang Boriboon personnel arrived at the condo unit to meet Robert Jeangeot (sic) the dead man’s uncle. He told officers that he had just returned from an afternoon out, to find his nephew, Olivier Broque dead in their shared apartment.

Olivier Broque in happier times with his daughter.

Initial investigations revealed no signs of a struggle or any suspicious markings on the man’s body. Olivier Broque had apparently died from asphyxiation after placing a plastic bag over his head and sealing it airtight with tape around his neck.

The man’s uncle was at a loss for an explanation but told police that his nephew was a quiet man and kept to himself.

The body was taken to the forensic institute for a post mortem examination.

A similar suicide took place last month in a Soi 8 hotel with the Dutch tourist also taping a bag over his head.

Right... so if you were to commit suicide, you'd put a bag over your head and take the time to tape it off. Then try to ignore your own involuntary, desparate clawings at your own head, trying to rip through the plastic!

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Guest IT Manager
Yesterday was a public holiday and the Chanat Songkram police station had a skeleton staff. There was no sign of Miss Nixon's mystery companion being pursued.

I guess if you ae seeking answers in a "murder/drugs/alcohol/suicide/farang" investigation you may just as well use the expertise of your skeleton staff

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Japanese are well known to be suicidal. That is nothing new since its well found discovery during WW2. Kamakatzi pilots.

They commit suicide for many reasons. If they lose honor, they cannot bear to face the family or their home folks. Custom I guess. Others think the pastures are greener on the other end! They even wanted to join the comet that went by a couple years back.

I wonder if the Japanese have serious mental illness. One thing for sure, if one is near me, I sure as heck will keep an eyeeeeeeeeee on him and vamoose fast cause I not want any involvement with their insidious rituals.

To me life is precious and the amount of time we spend yacking at each other around the world, it is indeed short. :o

Daveyo :D

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Dave, its well known as you say for the Japanese to commit suicide, try living in Tokyo, its enough to make anyone suicidal....

It's too busy, too many people, not enough space, cramped living, everything worth doing or place worth going has a million other people there, and they are under pressure to succeed, schoolkids commit suicide at a regular rate cos their grades where not what they are expected to get.

Yes i am in Tokyo, and if was not for the fact that i am just working here, i would be on the next plane home, (Thailand).

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  • 4 years later...
<font color='#000000'>WHAT IS UP WITH THIS? Just about twice a month (or more), they find some poor farang who "jumped to his death" from his high rise condo... This seems to be happening too much to be coincidence!

It seems always to be the same: the Thai girlfriend tells the police that she doesn't know why, but he's been talking about committing suicide and he's been depressed lately--then she goes out to the store and he jumps out the window. C'mon! This is happening WAY TOO OFTEN!!

Here's an example that was just posted:

Englishman plummets to his death from condo balcony

I read the Pattaya Mail online every Thursday when it comes out and sure enough--they've got one or two a month, it seems. What is this? Some Thai boyfriend kills farang over Thai wife? Some way of offing the guy for his money?

Something is up...


Hi Doug,

I just wanted to update you (in the spirit of digging up old threads) in case you've come back from your 5-year hiatus from TV.

5 years on from your original posting re: jumping farangs, we're still having the same problems. There's your update. :o

Interestingly, 5 years on and we still have the same problem, which appears to be systemic. Case-study for a young PhD candidate?

If you read the topic you'll see so many banned members, I wonder who they exist as now... anybody care to admit to self-resurrection?

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Well, Mr Robinson was last seen on 1 April 08, so it's possible he might (eventually) see this thread, though after almost 5 years he probably has forgotten about it.

Not sure why you think he was on a 5 year hiatus ?

Not sure either why you would dig up a thread that was idle for almost 2 years before you joined. And there are only 4 members in that thread that are banned (now), 2 of them before you joined.

(and yes, people are still engaging in Xtreme (parachuteless) Free-Fall Balcony Diving. Pattaya City Council is considering enacting a regulation that would require everyone in or around a building over 3 stories in height, to wear a hard hat in case a large "foreign" object suddenly drops on their head)

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Maybe my ex-GF's boyfriend does "contract work" in Pattaya. He tried to shove me toward the balcony in her apartment once, when he came out from his hiding place under her bed. Luckly, he lost the shoving match. I have no doubt he was "scumbag" enough to hire himself out for this sort of work.

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Japanese are well known to be suicidal. That is nothing new since its well found discovery during WW2. Kamakatzi pilots.

They commit suicide for many reasons. If they lose honor, they cannot bear to face the family or their home folks. Custom I guess. Others think the pastures are greener on the other end! They even wanted to join the comet that went by a couple years back.

I wonder if the Japanese have serious mental illness. One thing for sure, if one is near me, I sure as heck will keep an eyeeeeeeeeee on him and vamoose fast cause I not want any involvement with their insidious rituals.

To me life is precious and the amount of time we spend yacking at each other around the world, it is indeed short. :o

Daveyo :D

Wow you know a whole lot a nothin dont ya buddy? That was the most ridiculous and foolish post I've ever read. Well found discovery that all Japanese are suicidal because they had kamikazi pilots in WW2?! WOW! And the rest was just you talkin out of your butt. "They" even wanted to join the comet? That was a cult right? Hmmm seems to me there are WAY more suicidal cults in the U.S. And dont stand too close to any Japanese.... they might catch whatever mental nonesense you are carrying. I won't even bother with "insidious rituals".... that one makes you look detarded all by itself without me adding pointing it out. Custom you guess? Ya, keep guessing.

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Japanese are well known to be suicidal. That is nothing new since its well found discovery during WW2. Kamakatzi pilots.

Daveyo :D

Wow you know a whole lot a nothin dont ya buddy? That was the most ridiculous and foolish post I've ever read.

Read his posting history and you will revise your last sentence :D:D:o:D:D

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Maybe my ex-GF's boyfriend does "contract work" in Pattaya. He tried to shove me toward the balcony in her apartment once, when he came out from his hiding place under her bed. Luckly, he lost the shoving match. I have no doubt he was "scumbag" enough to hire himself out for this sort of work.

Had to laugh at this one! Even though there is a possibilty it did happen!

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