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Things That Make You Cringe


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Having been here for a while now, ive seen some pretty funny things and some pretty horrible things performed by tourist/expats in Thailand.

the idiots in Nana dancing on the podiums,walking around with no shirts and shoes, guys believing they are someone else, friends falling in love with bar girls and wasting money, friends ruining their lives with alcohol etc.

whats the funniest/baddest thing youve ever seen here in Thailand?

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Tourists disputing their change and patronising Thai's who are merely trying to make a crust by talking to them as if they are deaf.

There tourists have read to much Lonely Planet and are on their guard to much - totally convinced that every Thai is out to rip them off.

Doesn't make me cringe, but it does make me want to walk over, apologise to the poor old Thai woman on behalf of my race and then punch the tourist in the face.

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Here's one that makes me really cringe - People who just can't help themselves having a stab at the Thai monarchy. Either because:

a) They come from England and therefore instantly contrast it with their own monarchy, which is a joke. They can't understand why Thais (and seasoned expats) hold a deep sense of pride and respect for the system.

B) They come from the US, therefore have no monarchy.

This hasn't happened much when I've been introducing visitors, but when it does (and it's happened within earshot of the locals), I've honestly felt like walking away and leaving the hopeless b*stards to figure the rest out for themselves.

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Big-headed Farang thinking they're better than Thai... :o

This is all too common, and it pisses me off too.

So many threads on this forum are on the same lines that farangs are superior........................and Thais are all bad and out to rob you blind..................etc etc.........

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Was at Sadao for my border run and this huge tourist was going to Malaysia as well. After the guide made a mix-up with his passport, he made a big fuss in the middle of immigration by shouting at the top of his voice. "Pom mai bien khun Chin! Pom bien farang! :D Really tried to throw his weight around until some big shot immigration officer came out to tell him to shut up.

I was telling myself; better get out of here quickly before all the other falangs get involved.

I really cringed. Enough trouble staying here, no need some inappreciative P*ick making things harder cause he can't clarify things nicely. :o

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In my girls home village, I'm the only farang. In fact, I'm the only farang for miles and miles around. It's seriously rural and girls who go to the bars are a rarity in this little place. I've been accepted genuinly in this village and am almost treated as one of their own. I hope that no other farang comes along and ######s it all up for me.

What makes me cringe?... when Westerners give to beggars and make a big deal of it. If you're gonna give, do so discretely, without speach and walk away as if nothing had happened. Few thing are more ugly than a Farang tourist giving to beggars and then making a scene out of it Some even have their pictures taken as they give!!! For ######'s sake!

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Loud, arrogant tourists. Particularly those who cannot seem to appreciate their surroundings no matter where they are and feel the need to talk loudly about how much better things are at home...

...and usually while standing next to you in a *really* crowded place so you can't get away and look like one of their mates. Thanks !! Why don't you just fart really loudly as well ??

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Farangs who insist on eating Thai food with chopsticks to be more "authentic"

Maybe he just needs the practice :o

Anyways, I always thought chopsticks are not authentically Thai cause when I visit my wife's village we eat with our hands, sort of like in malaysia with the roti-pratas.

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That's the point...it is NOT authentic at all to eat Thai food with chopsticks. The foreigners I've seen, though, don't know China from Japan from Thailand, and think all Asians eat with chopsticks.

One guy I saw made a huge fuss with a waiter when he was given spoon and fork to eat a a plate of fried rice, as if to say, "you assume I'm a round eyes tourist that can't use chopsticks, eh?"

Thai food is eaten either with the hands (mostly in the sticky rice-eating North and Northeast), or with fork and spoon. The only foods Thais sometimes eat with chopsticks are noodle dishes, which aren't even Thai, really, but Chinese imports.

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Farang girls that are cynical of (all) Thai girls. Met a few of those...

Speaking to one farang girl who was as jaded as they come. Asked her if she'd like to join me and my g/f for a meal in an attempt to sway her opinion. Went home, thought about it then decided not to - even the look on her face during the meal would turn the mood to stone.

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Some cringe-ables:

-Tourists who 'wai' everything in sight- the other day I saw a farang walk out of a building near my office and wai in the general direction of the skytrain. Huh???

-Farang who wai bargirls... who don't wai back!

-Farang with a snotty attitude towards Thais, saying that 'all Thais are...' and 'Thais don't know how to...' etc

-Farang who treat service staff poorly- in a way that would get them punched-out back in their home country

-Farang women who think all Thai girls are prostitutes


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That's the point...it is NOT authentic at all to eat Thai food with chopsticks. The foreigners I've seen, though, don't know China from Japan from Thailand, and think all Asians eat with chopsticks.

One guy I saw made a huge fuss with a waiter when he was given spoon and fork to eat a a plate of fried rice, as if to say, "you assume I'm a round eyes tourist that can't use chopsticks, eh?"

Thai food is eaten either with the hands (mostly in the sticky rice-eating North and Northeast), or with fork and spoon. The only foods Thais sometimes eat with chopsticks are noodle dishes, which aren't even Thai, really, but Chinese imports.

Well ya won't see me using chopsticks.

Here in Thailand or anywhere else.

I have never mastered the <deleted> things.

And whats more they cannot be cleaned satisfactorily (OK if thjey are throw away)

Give me a fauck and knife any day.

BUT there are many who have posted on the forum and criticised the visitors who have not assimilated themselves (i.e. not using chopsticks) and then you are still not happy when they (the visitors) do.

Talk about ambivilence :o

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gotta be tight arse tourists for me :o

.... in ayudthai (sp) we were at the temple where scenes from the movie kickboxer were shot...after walking around and taking some photo's we stopped at a small shop for a can of fizzy pop(cost about 15pence uk money) a german guy and his familly pulled up in a top of the range motor and caused a huge scene saying the fizzy pop was too expensive....<deleted>???? :mad:

i think the looks he and his familly received from the peeps i was sightseeing with said it all to him :whistle:

another 1 that p'd me off, a guy on our trip(call him scrooge) had been the previous 3 yrs...he'd haggle over 10 baht( i kid not) when we'd eat out and it came to tipping, he'd reluctantly tip 1 or 2 baht(litterally) and then have the cheek to stick it on some1 elses plate.... so it looked like he'd tipped fair and square :D

i swear 50 pence pieces were made that shape.. so u could get it out of "scrooge's" hand with a spanner :whistle:

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A pack of fat Israeli women jumping onto the stage at a Nana gogo bar, stripping off all their clothes and then their boyfriends snapping photos of them dancing.

Arrrggggh - did that happen ? :o That'd put you off your beer !

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A pack of fat Israeli women jumping onto the stage at a Nana gogo bar, stripping off all their clothes and then their boyfriends snapping photos of them dancing.

GROSS!!!!! :D:D:D

Now i understand what Jesus meant by 'if your eye offends you tear it out and throw it in the fire'. Methinks I'd have done just that! :o

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I swear that it is true, I witnessed it; although it was many years ago, maybe 6

or seven years ago. It's not unusual for Farang women to do this when they are fully pissed. Maybe living out a fantasy or something.

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There are many that come to mind..this where tipping is concerned takes the biscuit.... and from a Chinese

An invited Taiwanese Industrialist ( seriously wealthy) at the Blue Canyon in Phuket, having his Bt. 4000 green fee paid for by me proceeded to tip the caddie Bt.20 yes twenty for 5 hours lugging this <deleted>'s bag around for 6 miles. Needless to say he was never invited again and quickly earned a reputation that reached Taiwan before he did.


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