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Yesterday I went to Fascino Pharmacy to buy baby aspirin and was given baby Aspent M. :o I said to the girl I want aspirin not Aspent M and she said Aspent M is aspirin. I'm not sure about this - can anyone confirm? :D

Aspent M is the trade name for Asprin (in Asia at least) and it comes in 60mg tablets. That's fine for an adult and I take it daily as a blood thinner but I'm not sure of the composition or dosage of baby asprin.

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For long term purposes, merely look at whatever medicine you are trying to compare and determine from the chemical name on the bottle if the products are identical in chemical composition.

As far as the proper dosage for children of any medication being purchased over the counter, do a google search and you will find an abundant number of sites that will take you through the proper dosages and why and at what age.

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Yesterday I went to Fascino Pharmacy to buy baby aspirin and was given baby Aspent M. :o I said to the girl I want aspirin not Aspent M and she said Aspent M is aspirin. I'm not sure about this - can anyone confirm? :D

Aspent M is the trade name for Asprin (in Asia at least) and it comes in 60mg tablets. That's fine for an adult and I take it daily as a blood thinner but I'm not sure of the composition or dosage of baby asprin.

For long term purposes, merely look at whatever medicine you are trying to compare and determine from the chemical name on the bottle if the products are identical in chemical composition.

As far as the proper dosage for children of any medication being purchased over the counter, do a google search and you will find an abundant number of sites that will take you through the proper dosages and why and at what age.

I was taking baby aspirins that were prescribed for the blood thinning benefit. My Thai doctor told me they were too big and changed me to the 60 mg Aspent-M.

Thanks everybody :D

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As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

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As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

300 mg is an awful lot to take daily. Hope you have recovered from your stroke. I have taken aspirin for quite some time now. Always bought the Bayer 500 mg and cut each one into four thus taking 125 mg per day. A mate of mine in the medical profession told me I was taking too much and suggested baby aspirin, hence my original posting. Now I know I can take Aspent M 60 mg daily.

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  • 1 year later...
As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

300 mg is an awful lot to take daily. Hope you have recovered from your stroke. I have taken aspirin for quite some time now. Always bought the Bayer 500 mg and cut each one into four thus taking 125 mg per day. A mate of mine in the medical profession told me I was taking too much and suggested baby aspirin, hence my original posting. Now I know I can take Aspent M 60 mg daily.

I had a stroke and I take 3 mg Warfarin daily as well as 325 mg Aspirin daily.I have a blood test every 2 months to verify that my blood coagulation ( PT) is within the correct range (even so I have still experienced worrying effects such as prolonged bleeding from minor cuts and scrapes and blood in urine for a day). I am concerned to see so many people talking about taking anti coagulation medication without medical supervision because the side effects can be serious. If you look on the BBC news website you will find an article which states that the medical profession now do not recommend people to routinely take Aspirin as a preventative.

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As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

It's a lot, maybe revise your own personal situation b4 posting I would have thought.

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  • 10 months later...

I think the question is not why Aspent brand of aspirin but why both plavix and aspirin.

Did you have a stent placed?

Because it is common practice to prescribe both drugs to patients after stent placement. There is otherwise a risk of clots forming along the stent and then breaking loose and causing an emobolus.

Although both drugs "thin" the blood (decrease cklotting) they do so by different mechanisms.

Some studies suggest an increased incidence of gastrointestinal or other bleeding when on both drugs, but still in only a small percentage of patients.

Be sure to keep your BP in normal range. The most serious concern with these drugs is the risk of cerebral hemorrhage. It is a rare occurrence but a very serious one.

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Please dont refer to baby asprin!

Do not give aspirin or other salicylates to a child or a teenager with a fever or other symptoms of a virus infection, especially flu or chickenpox, without first discussing its use with your child's doctor. This is very important because salicylates may cause a serious illness called Reye's syndrome in children and teenagers with fever caused by a virus infection, especially flu or chickenpox.

For those of you who prefer to self treat or who mistrust medical advise I would recommend this link "Mayo Clinic.com"

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As ProThaiExpat says, you can google any medicine sold in Thailand, either by trade or generic name, and find out its normal dosage, why it's prescribed, what it treats, side effects, overdose, contra-indications, etc.

As for aspirin, my neurologist took me off of Plavix and put me on 300 mg of aspirin per day. I had a stroke, but someone commented last week that 300 mg is a lot. It's a lot more than 60 mg!

It's a lot, maybe revise your own personal situation b4 posting I would have thought.

I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.
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I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


You've had 3 strokes?

When did they happen?

Edited by Wrong Turn
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I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


You've had 3 strokes?

When did they happen?

All were minor and temporary. 2007, 2009, 2010.

I'm glad they were minor.

All the best and stay healthy as you can.

I was an old hand from AJ. Glad your here on TV, however. Cheers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I consulted my professor of neurology, who monitors me. I've now had 3 strokes. He now has me on 75 MG of Apolet and 300 mg of Aspent.


You've had 3 strokes?

When did they happen?

All were minor and temporary. 2007, 2009, 2010.

Glad to hear the last one was just minor ischemic stroke for you PB.

Fast recovery!

Edited by PMNL
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