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Unemployed Thai Theif Nabbed By Police..soi Korphai

libya 115

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SOURCE: Pattaya People: September 5th 2007

Unemployed Man Steals Water Pump

Pattaya Police officers were informed at 2.20 am on 5th September that a police volunteer had captured a thief whilst patrolling in Soi Korphai with the evidence of what he had just stolen.

When all came into the police station; we saw the evidence being a pair of pliers and a very big water pump.

The thief; 19 year old Phichit Chitbanchong stated that he is currently out of work. The need of money forced him to get involved with stealing.

He went around searching through villages in Pattaya to see what he could steal that he could sell for money and he came across a water pump in LK Village, at a three storey townhouse, so decided to steal it.

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