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How Can I Make A Link?

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How can I post a link if I wanted to put a direct link to the BG appreciation thread in an e-mail to somebody in England who hasn't a clue about Thailand or why I'm here?

I also still appear to be Bluecat, but in two other net cafe's I'm my usual bowler hats - why is it so difficult for me to change avatar, I';ve asked this before but never had a reply.

It always says 'Avatar choice updated' and when the screen is back to the avatar settings it's the same picture.

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How can I post a link if I wanted to put a direct link to the BG appreciation thread in an e-mail to somebody in England who hasn't a clue about Thailand or why I'm here?

I also still appear to be Bluecat, but in two other net cafe's I'm my usual bowler hats - why is it so difficult for me to change avatar, I';ve asked this before but never had a reply.

It always says 'Avatar choice updated' and when the screen is back to the avatar settings it's the same picture.


you have only been the bowler boy that I have seen recently, have never see you as bluecat and I am here all the time looking around...

"please explain"

before george disables all avatars (he did this once before, so I am sure he will do it again, thanks chonabot :D ) :o

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You better fix your avatars now, this is confusing for everybody, an alternative would be to take off ALL avatars and save bandwidth.


Several times last night I updated back to the hats but I was still Bluecat, although it has worked it seems but it didn't SHOW that it had worked last night.

Anyway, I'm back to normal now and so is LC.

George, please don't scrap the avatars, especially if this very post gave you the idea because I'd get the blame.

There must be other ways to save bandwidth?

Erase all non active members who only posted the one time to make an enquiry?

Ban photo uploading and non forum smileys?

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What do you mean, Axel?

Bigger than the ones nature gave to Elsie?

I don't think so,... :D:D

Ahem ahem, you guys... :D

Brue, I didn't know you stared at them when we met last time? :D

Axel, it's all illusion. Believe me. :o

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How can I post a link if I wanted to put a direct link to the BG appreciation thread in an e-mail to somebody in England who hasn't a clue about Thailand or why I'm here?

Open a new window and access your email account there. Keep writing, and when you want to put a link...


Put the mouse over the above link. Right click. And choose "Copy Shortcut". Back to your email. And press "Ctrl" and "v".

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What do you mean, Axel?

Bigger than the ones nature gave to Elsie?

I don't think so,... :D  :D

Ahem ahem, you guys... :D

Brue, I didn't know you stared at them when we met last time? :D

Axel, it's all illusion. Believe me. :o

I did but got a reprimand later

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How can I post a link if I wanted to put a direct link to the BG appreciation thread in an e-mail to somebody in England who hasn't a clue about Thailand or why I'm here?

Open a new window and access your email account there. Keep writing, and when you want to put a link...


Put the mouse over the above link. Right click. And choose "Copy Shortcut". Back to your email. And press "Ctrl" and "v".

LC you are a diamond aren't you, what would I do without you?

It's easy when you know how - but I have another question...

Next time I want to e-mail or post a link to ANOTHER hread other than the BG apreciation, HOW do I get the link in the first place?

You know the thing that says...

http://openbox/showtopic/blahblahblah/thaivisa/giblets.123 ...or whatever it is?

I await your reply your lovliness. :o

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Next time I want to e-mail or post a link to ANOTHER hread other than the BG apreciation, HOW do I get the link in the first place?

When you're surfing the net and finally have found the page you want, look at the address bar and there you go.. that's the link. Now, you only have to drag your mouse and point it over the address box. Left click once. And all the link should be highlighted now. Press "Ctrl" and "c" to copy the link. Go to where you want to put the link. And press "Ctrl" and "v" to paste it.

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Next time I want to e-mail or post a link to ANOTHER hread other than the BG apreciation, HOW do I get the link in the first place?

When you're surfing the net and finally have found the page you want, look at the address bar and there you go.. that's the link. Now, you only have to drag your mouse and point it over the address box. Left click once. And all the link should be highlighted now. Press "Ctrl" and "c" to copy the link. Go to where you want to put the link. And press "Ctrl" and "v" to paste it.

*Blows a kiss*

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Next time I want to e-mail or post a link to ANOTHER hread other than the BG apreciation, HOW do I get the link in the first place?

When you're surfing the net and finally have found the page you want, look at the address bar and there you go.. that's the link. Now, you only have to drag your mouse and point it over the address box. Left click once. And all the link should be highlighted now. Press "Ctrl" and "c" to copy the link. Go to where you want to put the link. And press "Ctrl" and "v" to paste it.


It works!

IT WORKS!!! :o

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