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On Friday evening my (not HHDRC's, mine) dog got poisoned in my garden. She died at 4:30 pm yesterday afternoon, after enduring nearly 24 hours of agony. She was a beautiful, friendly Thai mix. She was vaguely like a Golden, long hair, same colour, a truly beautiful dog. Her name was Sioux and she was 4 years old. She was the friendliest, nicest dog you could hope to meet. Yet somebody decided to end her life in the most cowardly & despicable way possible.

I think I know who & I think I know why. It has nothing to do with the dog being a nuisance (my dogs are very quiet at night etc - if they're not, I'm straight outside to deal with them. I've had no problems with neighbours for a year. And Sioux slept in my room.) Someone was trying to teach me a lesson, IMO. Sioux died to 'enlighten' me.

I've read many threads on TV & other forums where members encourage each other to poison "nuisance" dogs. All I can say is, poison is a cruel & cowardly way to kill. It causes indescribable agony for both dog & owner. I will never understand why anyone would advocate it, never mind administer it.

RIP, Sioux Sioux. Go across the rainbow bridge & enjoy eternity frolicking in the park. I miss you.


As i read your post i felt sick to my stomach, i am so sorry that your beloved pet had to die in such a terrible way also i can imagine how sad and upset you must feel, i am glad that she is no longer suffering and i pray that you will find the strength to go on. There is no good enough reason for doing what they did, it might have satisfied them for that moment but their conscience will soon get the better of them.Try not to be eaten up by anger, just focus on the wonderful memories that you have of her,it's just a matter of time before your heart will heal. My thoughts are with you.RIP Sioux. I have no doubt she will be waiting at the gates of heaven for you one day!


I am really sorry for your loss. who and why would they do this? if someone poisoned my dog I would be livid and they would regret doing it.

why would someone try to be teaching you a lesson? did you upset the neighbours in some way?

I really feel for you.

RIP Sioux


^ I see more doggy poo on Vancouver residential streets and parks than I did in Thailand, and lots of dogs that bark all the time.

Really sorry to hear about Sioux, NR.

Always remember the jungle remedy for poisoning, if it's not an acid-based compound:

Lots of salt, tabasco or dry mustard on the back of the tongue to make the dog vomit. Repeat a few times.

Vomit, vomit, vomit.

Then 6-12 raw eggs to bind whatever has already gone through to the intestines to keep it from being totally absorbed.

Comfy spot on washable sheets with water and Mum nearby.

I thought you got a new location?


We have Jet. It wasn't a center dog, it was my dog in my garden.

I'm absolutely sure that it wasn't my neighbours or related to the actual dogs. There was another thing that occurred earlier on Friday that I got angry about & reacted in a very Western way to & I think it's all connected, but it has nothing to do with my neighbours or anyone in my actual area. I get along very well with all of them, now.

Edit - we use charcoal for poisoning, but sadly, I didn't even begin to suspect poisoning until she was suffering badly. For the first couple of hours I thought it was blood parasites. :o


That's horrible, I've also seen these post about poisoning and been disgusted. My dog used to bark so we bought her inside to sleep with us. She wasn't any louder than the other dogs, but I was concerned about the neighbors.

I've often been concerned that somebody could do something to my dogs to get at me.


Hi There,

I am so sorry for your loss and you have my sincerest empathy. I have lost em family members before and I do know how it feels although they didn't get poisoned. Shame on people doing these horible things to an animal and the owner. May she still rest in peace and hoping she may have some fun with my Sable, Winston and my beloved Girl.



On Friday evening my (not HHDRC's, mine) dog got poisoned in my garden. She died at 4:30 pm yesterday afternoon, after enduring nearly 24 hours of agony. She was a beautiful, friendly Thai mix. She was vaguely like a Golden, long hair, same colour, a truly beautiful dog. Her name was Sioux and she was 4 years old. She was the friendliest, nicest dog you could hope to meet. Yet somebody decided to end her life in the most cowardly & despicable way possible.

I think I know who & I think I know why. It has nothing to do with the dog being a nuisance (my dogs are very quiet at night etc - if they're not, I'm straight outside to deal with them. I've had no problems with neighbours for a year. And Sioux slept in my room.) Someone was trying to teach me a lesson, IMO. Sioux died to 'enlighten' me.

I've read many threads on TV & other forums where members encourage each other to poison "nuisance" dogs. All I can say is, poison is a cruel & cowardly way to kill. It causes indescribable agony for both dog & owner. I will never understand why anyone would advocate it, never mind administer it.

RIP, Sioux Sioux. Go across the rainbow bridge & enjoy eternity frolicking in the park. I miss you.


Totally dispicable act. I have two dogs brought from england and God help anyone who ever touches them because thery will not get away scot free with it. Get your revenge on this scum ---just do not get caught hitting them with an iron bar


Teaching you a lesson ????

I'm really sorry for such terrible loss in hands of heartless and crazy people who has no idea the damage that they did....

I understand your feelings, try to remember her as the queen that she was, I'm sorry, I'm speachless, can't understand which kind of "people" can poison a pet. Is there something that you can do against this maniac ?

God bless Sioux, rest in peace.


NR i cried when i read your story. And still crying now - the bastards that did that deserve the same to them. Courage and RIP Sioux - do you have a photo to share?

NR i cried when i read your story. And still crying now - the bastards that did that deserve the same to them. Courage and RIP Sioux - do you have a photo to share?

Not in digital format, no. Sadly, I've just realised that through trying to document their problems & recovery & trying to find homes or sponsors for them, I take far more photos of the HHDRC dogs than I do of my own. All of the photos I have of my own dogs are actual photographs & at least a couple of years old :o

Thanks for everyone's good wishes.

There should be no more reason for contact with the people that I think were responsible. Our last links were severed yesterday.


Gosh, NR, what a miserable thing to do of that person or persons. I really don't understand what drives some people to do such violent things. Getting back to someone through killing????? What a horrible experience! :o

You really have it coming to you lately, poor you! :D Please, do not forget to care yourself during these rough times.

Wish you lots of strength.



Sorry to hear your sad story. Poisoning is an awful way for a dog to go. I hope the guilty somehow get the payback they deserve.

I've read many threads on TV & other forums where members encourage each other to poison "nuisance" dogs. All I can say is, poison is a cruel & cowardly way to kill. It causes indescribable agony for both dog & owner. I will never understand why anyone would advocate it, never mind administer it.

They do it because they are sick a$$ cowardly punks! I know what you are going through.

I posted last November on this forum about my dog getting poisoned. I saw the guy do it. (Thai guy)

Long story short, we pressed charges. Yesterday September 11th we finally went to court.

Guy would not admit it, all knew he was lying. His lawyer showed up and he changed his plea to guilty.

Wifes older brother is a Police general, people don't like this guy on the island where I live. They want to kill him!

The dog was really cleaver, popular in my neck of the woods. Smartest dog I've ever had. A Thai mutt.

Meanwhile the coward hasn't dared set foot here in the meantime. The cops here are really cool people actually. So....

He was convicted, noted for the record that he wouldn't tell the truth until under pressure in court and

fined 5,000.00 Baht. We could have sued for damages but that takes too long in civil court, so we passed on that.

The judge offered it and said we could name the amount, also warned us of timeframe and if he is broke.

The 5,000.00 baht fine was given to my wife for expenses in cash. The lovely court clerks were very helpful!

He got 2 years probation. If he does ANYTHING wrong it's 3 months immediatley in jail PLUS full term for whatever

new crime tacked on immediatley. They also made all kinds of case notations if ANYTHING happens to me or the MRS

he will be a suspect. He can't leave the country and has to report in frequently. Life's a bitch!

Who says Thailand doesn't have justice? They only had my word and it was never questioned, not a hint.

Now I have 5 Thai ridgebacks, my own little gang. They are great watchdogs and I fairly certain nobodys going to pull

the $hit again. In fairness I don't think any of our neighbors would. Thailand has some of the most decent people.

As for sick cowards poisioning dogs, Karma catches up.

Best to all my fellow dog lovers!


digitele, it makes feel good that there exists some justice for animals.

Me too elfe. Animals don't lie, cheat, steal etc.

Actually, I love the way it was handled. Gotta' go have a beer and play with my dogs!




Wow, digitele, happy to hear/read this went well. Although it doesn't rbing the dog back, you certainly have set an example to not mess with the/your animals on your island.

Big congrats to you and your wife.


  • 3 months later...
I've read many threads on TV & other forums where members encourage each other to poison "nuisance" dogs. All I can say is, poison is a cruel & cowardly way to kill. It causes indescribable agony for both dog & owner. I will never understand why anyone would advocate it, never mind administer it.

They do it because they are sick a$ cowardly punks! I know what you are going through.

I posted last November on this forum about my dog getting poisoned. I saw the guy do it. (Thai guy)

Long story short, we pressed charges. Yesterday September 11th we finally went to court.

Guy would not admit it, all knew he was lying. His lawyer showed up and he changed his plea to guilty.

Wifes older brother is a Police general, people don't like this guy on the island where I live. They want to kill him!

The dog was really cleaver, popular in my neck of the woods. Smartest dog I've ever had. A Thai mutt.

Meanwhile the coward hasn't dared set foot here in the meantime. The cops here are really cool people actually. So....

He was convicted, noted for the record that he wouldn't tell the truth until under pressure in court and

fined 5,000.00 Baht. We could have sued for damages but that takes too long in civil court, so we passed on that.

The judge offered it and said we could name the amount, also warned us of timeframe and if he is broke.

The 5,000.00 baht fine was given to my wife for expenses in cash. The lovely court clerks were very helpful!

He got 2 years probation. If he does ANYTHING wrong it's 3 months immediatley in jail PLUS full term for whatever

new crime tacked on immediatley. They also made all kinds of case notations if ANYTHING happens to me or the MRS

he will be a suspect. He can't leave the country and has to report in frequently. Life's a bitch!

Who says Thailand doesn't have justice? They only had my word and it was never questioned, not a hint.

Now I have 5 Thai ridgebacks, my own little gang. They are great watchdogs and I fairly certain nobodys going to pull

the $hit again. In fairness I don't think any of our neighbors would. Thailand has some of the most decent people.

As for sick cowards poisioning dogs, Karma catches up.

Best to all my fellow dog lovers!


I'm glad the Thai justice system worked for you. Anyone who did that to me would have dissapeared without a trace and then I could sleep at night.

  • 7 months later...

Realy sorry to hear about your lovely dog,and my heart goes out to you.Sounds like you looked after your dog well and he wasnt a nuisence with the neighbours.I love dogs too but sometimes,to be honest i felt like killing a dog close to me.this one growls and snarls and runs at kids on their push bikes,and a couple of days ago i heard my stepson crying(he is 7) and the dog wouldnt let him come to the house.I went out and the owners were watching him and not shouted at him.i ran out and i swear to god i would have strangled this dog with my bare hands if i had got it.Then i went to the owners, 1farang guy and 1 thai crazy woman and to be honest i lost the plot completely and thanked god he didnt utter a word to me or i would have been in big trouble after beating the crap out of him.This is the problem in places like pattaya,even farangs seem to let the dogs roam free and all the dog poo on the sois.it realy isnt very fair is it.They are keeping the dog in now except for 4.0pm when he comes out,just in time for the school kids coming home,thats how stupid they are.my threat was if the dog ever bit my kid or his friends i will strangle the thing and i do mean this.why o why dont they muzzle the dog.

  • 1 year later...

Good that you were strong enough to endure watching that scumbag in court without beating him to death. It goes without saying that I would not have had the same restraint as you and would probably be in jail for murder. Good for you. May your dog rest in peace and I hope that prick gets busted again and locked up for something good.


Ive got a neighbour in the UK with 5 dogs, they never leave her property which is small, the back garden stinks to high heaven of dog urine, I cant sit outside at all, the dogs get let out every 30 minutes starting before 7am and when they get out they all start barking go to the toilet and go back in. I have spoken to her politley and she just says "what can she do"!!! I dont know the circumstances of your dog poisoning.

Her whole life is her dogs, she has no kids she is not all there mentally and sees that the only thing that matters is her dogs.

understand why some folk are left with no options whether its nice cowardly or not, I have tried being polite, suggesting things but its no good many of the so called "dog lovers" are animal nuts with no consideration for anything except their dogs.

The council couldnt care less they say the dogs are not mistreated.


I have lost 2 of my dogs to poison in the last 3 months. when you are being set up for a breakin they silence the dogs first so I'm told.

Regardless of the whys, they were terrible agonising deaths, both gentle and lovable dogs and it ripped me apart to loose them this way. I'm not into talking about it too much, it still hurts, just want to say that I know what you are going through. I do believe life is a merrygoround, they will get theirs at some stage one hopes.

Ive got a neighbour in the UK with 5 dogs, they never leave her property which is small, the back garden stinks to high heaven of dog urine, I cant sit outside at all, the dogs get let out every 30 minutes starting before 7am and when they get out they all start barking go to the toilet and go back in. I have spoken to her politley and she just says "what can she do"!!! I dont know the circumstances of your dog poisoning.

Her whole life is her dogs, she has no kids she is not all there mentally and sees that the only thing that matters is her dogs.

understand why some folk are left with no options whether its nice cowardly or not, I have tried being polite, suggesting things but its no good many of the so called "dog lovers" are animal nuts with no consideration for anything except their dogs.

The council couldnt care less they say the dogs are not mistreated.

While I think that poisoning a pet is an anathema, I can understand the extreme frustration people sometimes experience with other people's pets. In the States I was living in a community where there was a leash law, not to mention community rules about pets...particularly the pooping aspect. The people in the adjoining townhouse ignored all the laws and rules...had 3 dogs...pooped all over my yard despite our many polite requests and despite frequent complaints to the homeowners' association. My yard actually began dying. Finally...well, not finally since I was just about to begin the process of filing formal charges...I came upon another solution. When I cleaned up all the piles of poop in my yard I then deposited the accumulated shit right on their front door step each day. They never said a word...but they did move out. The person who rented the TH to them paid a dear price for their abuse. All the carpeting had to be replaced, the hardwood floors had to be replaced, the floor moldings had to be replaced. I rather enjoyed the spectacle of all the repair trucks spending day after day there. There is karma!

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