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Lpa Special Severance Pay

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Section 120 of the Labour Protection Act refers to:

"Where an employer relocates its place of business and the relocation materially affects the ordinary course of living of the employee or his family the employer shall notify the employee of the relocation not less than 30 days prior to the date of relocation. If an employee does not wish to work for the employer at the new location, he has the right to terminate his employment contract and be entitled to special severance pay at the rate of not less than 50 percent of the rate of severance pay, which the employee would be entitled to under Section 118."

Does that mean, taking my case of my employers moving from Bangkok to singapore and terminating me because of the move, that (1) i get Special Severance Pay in addition to Section 118 Severance Pay, or (2) i would only get Special Severance Pay at 50% of Section 118 Severance Pay? I assume it is (1) but i would like to be sure of the meaning.

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Bredbury Blue, the way I read your situation Section 120 does not apply to you because it is not you who terminates the employment contract, it is your employer.

You are entitled to the regular severance pay under Section 118.

If Section 120 applied, you would be entitled only to the special severance pay.



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