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Originally came for the women, smoked some strong Thai sticks and ended up in a sex-change clinic when trying to exchange money. Too embarrassed to go back to my local pub in Leith - boys are better here anyway :o .

i like that..

couldn't stop laughing :D

i came for a holiday and stayed 14 years to date ,have a 10year old daughter and a great business ,dont think im ageing as quick as if in the uk ,less stress ,better food etc,no chance of going back.........

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I come for the plentiful supply of diseased subjects. So many variations to choose from. The locals are pleasant to deal with and pleasing to the eye. Then again, I commute, so I don't have to deal with the frustrations as do true residents. I guess I have the best of Thailand and the west. I'm lucky to have a protective Thai crew that keeps all the bad influences away. Touts, hookers, nasty old pricks, farang scammers, lager louts, puking & loud backpackers, none have breached my Thai defense line.

If some of you folks are having a tough time, consider making a couple of real Thai friends. For those that never leave the walled expat zones and that only know thais as the cleaners, they are missing out on some awesome fun times. There is a LOS. You just have to go there.

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Not in Thailand now, but lived in Chiang Mai for 3 years. Before arriving in Thailand I spent the the prior 12 months seeing Europe, Mexico, and Central America. I had good times in the other destinations, but nothing compared to Thailand. Love the people, nightlife, food, and the chaos. Mexico had some of the same with numerous headaches. It's nice not having to worry about being mugged or worse and in Mexico/Central America that was a concern and a reality a couple times.

In Thailand with a little cash, you can let loose and completely enjoy the moment. Thailand allowed me live a life that was far different than the stressful life I lived back home. Now that I've accumulated a decent nest egg, I can't wait to get back to Thailand and relax and live without the stress.

When it comes down to it, Thailand is the only place I've found that I can afford to live a non-stressful and satisfying life. If I had millions, other countries might even be more appealing. I don't, so Thailand here I come.

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opposites huh? i guess thats why all you old guys choose young girls :D

Nah, it's because there is no reason to choose an old one.l

Now i wouldn't agree with that. The old ginger is the spicy one. And there is plenty of that here in LOS. Oh boy, you wouldn't believe! :o

But back to the OP: I guess I followed my love, after she had followed me to my central European country for 10 year and when the opportunity came, I followed her back to her country.

My life, our life, is definitely better here, in all aspects. Some minor clouds, but all in all, no way I will go back, voluntarily that is.

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Came here for a 3 month holiday before I was about to hit college. As everybody else, I fell in love with the country. I knew I wanted to live here. I met a girl too of course.

After the 3 months had past I came back home and was kind of depressed, always thinking about my girl and Thailand.

I spoke alot to a falangfriend on MSN that I became good friend with here in Los....

After a while he offered me a job here, nothing fancy. No high pay. But its really a dreamjob and the project will last for at least 15 years. It was a dream coming thru! I need to pinch myself in the arm once in a while to see if im dreaming sometimes.... Seriously, I do :o

Im 22 and my girl 23. Im here for the climate, all the nice people and the fact that you can make a living and having a decent lifestyle for very little money. Been here for a year now and im never thinking of going back "home".

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Just curious why everyone is in thailand. Like what % is for (cheap living, cultures, girls, landscape, etc..). I will probably comment on this more later, but I'm curious about the responses. If work here why did you decide to work here instead of your home country?

-Ignore the subtitle please, I can't find a way to edit it....sorry.

1) Cos I get well remunerated and most of my living expenses are covered.

2) I have some good friends here now

3) Proximity to lots of exciting places/nearby countries to explore on my long weekends (I come from a rather isolated country geographically)

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Bottom dropped out of IT market

Too old to jump start the MA I did not complete

Too old to start 2nd degree Practical RN program

Traveled thru Asia for 15 years, now prefer the infrastructure of Thailand

Love the food!!

Totally freaked out about HIV in Cambodia and Vietnam

USA is the most boring place - full of women I find dull and unattractive

Still decent value even with USD

The women here are a part to be sure, but for me hardly the only part. I find Thai women pretty mercinary (sp), I'd never marry one. I really like the freestyle/freelance scene below the radar. It's non-committal and I have no interest in supporting a Thai woman, that's for certain (at least the only types attracted to farang).

Edited by h5n1
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Originally Scuba Diving, Asian culture, great food, cheap living compared Europe and the amazing looking Thai women, wow...But wanted to try a few years around parts of Asia, but never did! I thought I would be here 6 months max (break from the cold, rain, dark Uk life)

I then did a Scuba diving Instructor course/exam while here in the first few months. Got offered a job in a resort/dive shop straight away on Phuket and found it very easy to live here.

Had a great time - one year went by ...then another year went by and so on... I Met the One (Thai Girl) fell in love and so cant imagine not being with her since past few years or more as I have been property consultant, SEO consultant through my my own business/websites to make steadier money and be my own boss. (now my 8th year living here) cant believe were the time went really?

I have considered going to Australia as an option to live or try living there but then I have the Thai girlfriend etc, seems more tricky than moving here was.

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opposites huh? i guess thats why all you old guys choose young girls :D

Nah, it's because there is no reason to choose an old one.l

Now i wouldn't agree with that. The old ginger is the spicy one. And there is plenty of that here in LOS. Oh boy, you wouldn't believe! :o

But back to the OP: I guess I followed my love, after she had followed me to my central European country for 10 year and when the opportunity came, I followed her back to her country.

My life, our life, is definitely better here, in all aspects. Some minor clouds, but all in all, no way I will go back, voluntarily that is.

begone mental image, begone!

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Met a few good looking and sexy women on the internet. After chatting to them for a while and getting more info about Thailand, I went. Combined with cheap beer. 3,000 Baht a mth for an apartment. Cheap food. Sunshine a-plenty. Sexy service. Laid back culture in many ways, it is a good place to be for 9 months a year.

Being smiled at when being overcharged and other Thai ways all add to the atmosphere, unlike the miserable gits who rip you off in the UK with a scowl :D

Add to that the fact the U.K. scene in general seems to have gone down the toilet, why not go somewhere where the flushing of the toilet is so much cheaper and more fun?

Live life now, later can be too late :o

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I will be living in Noncam, i forgot what the correct spelling is, I bought a nice big house there and shopefully be moving in there with the wife within 3 years, earlier the better.

Been living in Sydney all my life and i need a change.

By this forum it looks like a great place to live permanently, yes people always whinge about Thailand, but everyone in sydney whinges about sydney.

Most people can live anywhere and whinge about something.

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