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like i said famous people i have met ,and where ?

I walked right next to then Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont in 1992's London, close to number 10. He was walking alone without any bodyguards or police escort towards the Treasury. I could have put a hand on his shoulder (or else)... I looked at him, he looked at me. Just one bobby 100 odd metres away...

Had some books signed by Israeli book author Ephraim Kishon in Frankfurt, Germany.

Also, worked at a school here in Bangkok, where nearby traffic stopped regularly in the afternoon, as the King was driven by. Couldn't see him though, due to the tinted glass.

Thought this was ppl you have MET, not seen :o

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Here's a few that I can remeber;

Seb Coe- Used to often have a beer with him on a Friday night a few years back when he was my local MP. Have to say I thought he was anice bloke, although not to keen on his political views at the time.

David Beckham - Old goldenballs was dating one the Physio students at my hospital. Nice enough bloke.

Alan Ball, Frank Worthington, Tony Kellow, Gerry Francis and numerous other footballers

Marcus Trescothick, Eldine Baptiste, Raul Lewis, Alan Mullaly and a few other cricketers.

Nick Faldo (Miserable <deleted>), Jasper Parnevik (Bonkers, but friendly), Vijay Singh, Sam Torrence and quite a few others when I was working at the B&H Open on the scoreboards a few years ago.

Lots of the cast from Casualty (long running British Hospital drama), as they used to do a bit of filming in and around our old hospital.

Also a fnumber of infamous people, including a well known singer currently residing in Vietnam.

Not to forget, I have met the original Chav :o

What was Mr. Gadd like? where did you meet him?

Here's a few that I can remeber;

Seb Coe- Used to often have a beer with him on a Friday night a few years back when he was my local MP. Have to say I thought he was anice bloke, although not to keen on his political views at the time.

David Beckham - Old goldenballs was dating one the Physio students at my hospital. Nice enough bloke.

Alan Ball, Frank Worthington, Tony Kellow, Gerry Francis and numerous other footballers

Marcus Trescothick, Eldine Baptiste, Raul Lewis, Alan Mullaly and a few other cricketers.

Nick Faldo (Miserable <deleted>), Jasper Parnevik (Bonkers, but friendly), Vijay Singh, Sam Torrence and quite a few others when I was working at the B&H Open on the scoreboards a few years ago.

Lots of the cast from Casualty (long running British Hospital drama), as they used to do a bit of filming in and around our old hospital.

Also a fnumber of infamous people, including a well known singer currently residing in Vietnam.

Not to forget, I have met the original Chav :o

What was Mr. Gadd like? where did you meet him?

was in vermont sking in 92 spent a boozy evening with john candy ,lovely guy ,taken too young ........

I walked back into the hotel lobby, saw something going on in a side room. The woman on the door walked me in to an interview with Stevie Wonder. Luckily there were 3 others coz I couldn't think of much to say

Tiger Woods had plenty to say to Stevie Wonder when they met a while ago, you know when Tiger's game had slipped a bit. Said Stevie:

"If you don't mind me offering you some advice, take a whole week off without playing, relax and when you get back to it you'll be better. Always works for me."

Said Tiger "You are joking! You play golf? Are you really blind?"

"Sure I'm blind" said Stevie, 'but I have balls with little bells in them and I follow the sound, no problem. In fact I've a thousand bucks that says I can beat you any time."

"What? You are on!" cried Tiger. "I'll have a piece of that! When can we play?"

Stevie smiled his little smile. "Any night next week, Tiger."


met many celebs but while in a drunken state went hunting for gazza who i'd read was missing from training in china.....found him as expected in patpong he felt sorry for my sobbing bought me a drink and paid for tuk tuk home...


I had a great month in May, 1958.

Was on the Arcadia, returning from my "BIG OE".

Spike Milligan was going to OZ for some shows.

Days before air travel.

He was terrific, great guy to talk with.

Never forget those 4 weeks.

Pity line voyages are a thing of the past. There many celebs on every trip.


David Bowie

Sylvetor Stallone

Mike Reid

the cast and crew when they made the Killing Fields they all used my bar for R&R

Mick Jagger

George Harrison

Elvis Presley (twice)

Winston Churchill

Prince Charles

et al

I had a great month in May, 1958.

Was on the Arcadia, returning from my "BIG OE".

Spike Milligan was going to OZ for some shows.

Days before air travel.

He was terrific, great guy to talk with.

Never forget those 4 weeks.

Pity line voyages are a thing of the past. There many celebs on every trip.

Nice one Zpete!

A friend once saw a bearded man trying to sleep across a row of 4 nasty plastic chairs in an airport departure "lounge". When the man stirred and tried to get vertical my friend said "Scuse me mate, you look just like Rolf Harris!" To which the man smiled crookedly and said "Maybe that's because I am?" and a very pleasant long conversation ensured. Nice bloke, it seems.

I like your post. Let's PLEASE follow your example and add views about these people we have met and make them human. And the stories credible.

Otherwise this thread is becoming a list of shopping lists which rapidly become boring. And which, of course, anyone can make up.....!!


Not one for going to talk to folk because they're famous- various airports and hotels- Little Richard, Magic Johnson (sp)- had no idea who he was, T O the NFL player who made a point of trying to tell me constantly who he was, Marvin Hagler, Thomas Hearns ( great bloke), Bono and The Edge had a long chat to on their first major UK tour (was 13 people at the gig) a fair few more.

Dozens of footballers - too many to mention- special mention to Mark Hughes and Dennis Law- great blokes.

Booked Stan Boardman ( Uk Comedian) twice in the UK and oddly bumped into him in Spain and then Sukhumvit Rd- hilarious bloke.


Chatted with Martin Moxon and Ashley Metcalfe (Yorkshire C.C.C. and England Under-21 and England) at the bar of the then Ladbrook hotel in Middlesbrough - England - in 1986. Also saw Geoff Boycott - who was the team manager - on one occasion in the lobby.


I have to say these Meeting Famous people threads do my head in! Mainly because I've never met anyone in slightest who is famous!

I've lived in London, Amsterdam and Rome, I've spent lots of time in Manchester, I used to be very regular flier and yet still I have met absolutely bloody no one famous!!

I know so many who have spent 1 day or something in London and have bumped into someone. . . I spent 3 bloody years there and met no bugger famous!


Prince Charles

Princess Di

Tony Blair

GH Bush

GW Bush Jr

Vanna White :D

Pat Cash

John McEnroe

Rowan Atkinson

Few others can't think of right now.

hey! your'e not the janitor at the london palladium by any chance :o

Mohammed Ali

Cat Stevens

The Greatful Dead

Linda Ronstadt

Tom Bosley (of happy days)

Jack LaLanne

Craig T. Nelson ( the star of "Coach")

Arthur J. Goldberg, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court

Brooke Adams of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers with Donald Sutherland

Little River Band


A bunch of 2nd rate movie, TV , and music stars that I met staying in the different hotels that I worked in. :o

Craig T Nelson became a good friend of mine when they filmed the killing fields here, one of many that would remember me well


Chatted and shared a beer with Chopper Reid. Also at the same function had a long interesting talk to a guy called Roger Rogerson (NSW peole would know him).


met Jonathan Richman from the Modern Lovers band out of Boston.

I wound up playing in his band for a few gigs - filling in for an awol band member.

I met Donovan right when he had his first big hit; "Catch the Wind" - at Redifusion TV station in London.

Met Linda Ronstadt in a Health Food store in California - she was petit then. Now she's a tubbo.

Jerry Brown, former 2-term governor or California was secretly dating one of my lady friends in rural California - used to clandestinely (ha ha) get flown in a helicopter to the backyard of her house in a tiny little town of 154 people. He once pulled his car out of a gas station there and forgot to take out the nozzle, and ripped it right out - gas spewing everywhere.

Alan Ginsberg

Nils Lofgrin who plays lead guitar with Bruce Springstein

Rennie Davis (of the Chicago 7)

Robert Crumb - the Zap Comic cartoonist/genius. He's a diminuitive guy.


my mother dated the ol' time actor Jimmy Stewart (or maybe she was just his groupie) right before she met my father.

I was born at just about 9 months after my parents met. I look a bit like Stewart - should I start a paternity suit now - naw, I reckon it 's bit late. Might be interesting to get a DNA test just for the chuckles.

Ken Kesey

Swami Kriyananda (what a self-satisfied ball of lard)

I met Gary Schneider the zen poet.

My friend in Pattaya says he met Shwarzenegger when he 1st came to America, didn't speak much English (is still struggling with the language) and they worked out at my friend's gym together.

like i said famous people i have met ,and where ?

i've met so many shirley bassey was an old freind of my family ,as a kid my mother lived next door to her ,met her at the talk of the town in london ,my father worked as a resident trumpet player there ,on meeting her he mentioned this ,and to his suprise she remembered the whole family ,we went to lunch with her and she remembered all the old child hood memories they had together ,very down to earth lady ,not forgotten her roots , tony christie ,tom jones ,and as a kid washed reg varneys rolls every sunday for 50 pence. who have you met and where

Fred and Rose West, in the 60s,. :o

Met Roger Waters (Ex Pink Floyd Member) in a Bar downtown Montreal.

Met Nicolas Cage by being playing in Snake Eyes Movie.

Met Maurice "The Rocket" Richard (World Famoust NHL Player) in a private Tennis Club in Laval (North of Montreal).


more recently i met thaksin's son, i was a bit shakkey about him buying me champagne as i couldn't afford to buy him any..

I used to live next door to ken dodd, in the same village parish we had keith from 'the who' and danny devito (his was just a holiday house)

I remember going to Keith's house as a child to find his bentley in the swimming pool (don't ask! i don't know)

ALso in thailand i saw 'jimmy white', a bit random

my great uncle was former 'chancellor of the exchequor' and lived in no.11 (uk)


I met Chris Frantz from the Talking Heads back in the 80s when I worked in a record shop in Manhattan. I talked to him for about 2 hours and sold him more than $200 in tapes because he was going on a cruise. He was the NICEST, most unassuming guy, and I had no idea who he was and recommended his own music to him "Speaking in Tongues" and he kind of smiled a slightly embarrassed smile, because I obviously had no idea who I was talking to, until he handed over his credit card with his name on it; and then all hel_l broke loose. The BEST guy.

Prince Albert of Monaco came to a party at my all female dorm in college and lined up for beer out of the keg. We carded him.

Andy Warhol used to go to the corner of W.57th and hand out free issues of Interview magazine, back when it was new. Everyone would call out to him by his first name, like he was everyone's friend. He loved the attention, like a little kid.

I worked in the same newsroom as Dan Rather - another great and genuinely good guy.

Was out on a shoot with Danny Goldberg (journalist and regular on Fox News) back when I was a journalism intern in college - he teased me about being a liberal and about my scholarship at a fancy college. A real pain in the backside he was. *(This was at another broadcast news program, WAY before Fox Crap).

I was at a party with Maria Shriver back then too, and she kept staring at me for some reason. She is very pretty. I should have approached her because she seemed very down to earth.

I'm from New York so I've seen tons of famous models, actors etc. walking down the street, and have stories from friends who may have run into them as waiters, bartenders, hotel staff etc. I saw Christy Turlington walking down the street headed my way, and I kind of stared, and she gave me the snottiest attitude.

oh yeah - one of my ex boyfriends met Henry Rollins in a bookstore, and got a signed card for me and Henry made a joke about getting my number. I wish I was the one who had met him.


Help me on this one..that little Piano girl 25ish who verhas just won a grammy I thank making all kinds of money. A few years ago at Disney after a concert got a handshake and a autograph on a $50.00. Cute little girl too.


like i said famous people i have met ,and where ?

i've met so many shirley bassey was an old freind of my family ,as a kid my mother lived next door to her ,met her at the talk of the town in london ,my father worked as a resident trumpet player there ,on meeting her he mentioned this ,and to his suprise she remembered the whole family ,we went to lunch with her and she remembered all the old child hood memories they had together ,very down to earth lady ,not forgotten her roots , tony christie ,tom jones ,and as a kid washed reg varneys rolls every sunday for 50 pence. who have you met and where

I met Chris Frantz from the Talking Heads back in the 80s when I worked in a record shop in Manhattan. I talked to him for about 2 hours and sold him more than $200 in tapes because he was going on a cruise. He was the NICEST, most unassuming guy, and I had no idea who he was and recommended his own music to him "Speaking in Tongues" and he kind of smiled a slightly embarrassed smile, because I obviously had no idea who I was talking to, until he handed over his credit card with his name on it; and then all hel_l broke loose. The BEST guy.

Prince Albert of Monaco came to a party at my all female dorm in college and lined up for beer out of the keg. We carded him.

Andy Warhol used to go to the corner of W.57th and hand out free issues of Interview magazine, back when it was new. Everyone would call out to him by his first name, like he was everyone's friend. He loved the attention, like a little kid.

I worked in the same newsroom as Dan Rather - another great and genuinely good guy.

Was out on a shoot with Danny Goldberg (journalist and regular on Fox News) back when I was a journalism intern in college - he teased me about being a liberal and about my scholarship at a fancy college. A real pain in the backside he was. *(This was at another broadcast news program, WAY before Fox Crap).

I was at a party with Maria Shriver back then too, and she kept staring at me for some reason. She is very pretty. I should have approached her because she seemed very down to earth.

I'm from New York so I've seen tons of famous models, actors etc. walking down the street, and have stories from friends who may have run into them as waiters, bartenders, hotel staff etc. I saw Christy Turlington walking down the street headed my way, and I kind of stared, and she gave me the snottiest attitude.

oh yeah - one of my ex boyfriends met Henry Rollins in a bookstore, and got a signed card for me and Henry made a joke about getting my number. I wish I was the one who had met him.

Can we stay on topic here please. The key word is FAMOUS!

  • 2 weeks later...
more recently i met thaksin's son, i was a bit shakkey about him buying me champagne as i couldn't afford to buy him any..

I used to live next door to ken dodd, in the same village parish we had keith from 'the who' and danny devito (his was just a holiday house)

I remember going to Keith's house as a child to find his bentley in the swimming pool (don't ask! i don't know)

ALso in thailand i saw 'jimmy white', a bit random

my great uncle was former 'chancellor of the exchequor' and lived in no.11 (uk)

Roger Daltrey said in Top Gear that Keith Moon did not drive a Rolls-Royce into a swimming pool, but he did drive a Chrysler Wimbledon into a duck pond at his home.


Do you that claim to have met those famous people have any pictures?

If not please go back down your cave.

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