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Flight OG269: At Least 88 Bodies Found At Phuket Airport Crash Site


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...So we can see that atleast 3 minutes past touchdown there is NO sign of any rescue trucks. That is NOT a good thing...

Not a 'good thing'? It's an absolute bloody disgrace. Heads should roll. I know 'This is Thailand' but there are limits.

To be fair, was this a declared emergency landing? I don't recall any reference to that. If not, the tower would have to notify the emergency services, they wouldn't be standing by on the runway.

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...So we can see that atleast 3 minutes past touchdown there is NO sign of any rescue trucks. That is NOT a good thing...

Not a 'good thing'? It's an absolute bloody disgrace. Heads should roll. I know 'This is Thailand' but there are limits.

I was being diplomatic. But I agree. On both counts.

Thanks. I guessed you were. The more I read about this crash, the airline, and the possible cultural and human factor issues the more enraged I become. 'An accident waiting for a grid reference' someone said.

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... A clear case of pilot error for choosing to land in unsafe weather conditions.....ie. conditions which, if they were to deteriorate, could exceed the aircraft's specification and the pilot not allowing enough margin to inititiate a "go-around" successfully before those specifications were exceeded...

There's NO way you can know that and it is quite inappropriate to post such a thing. I've been rapped for speculating but this is too much.

...So we can see that atleast 3 minutes past touchdown there is NO sign of any rescue trucks. That is NOT a good thing...

Not a 'good thing'? It's an absolute bloody disgrace. Heads should roll. I know 'This is Thailand' but there are limits.

It does sound like a bit too long.But these are pretty strong words, and also a bit rascist.

How long is the average respond time in other countries? If u can back up your words with facts, I will respect your opinions, otherwise I know whom I think is a disgrace.

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And you know what's even more disturbing? The guy in the video running across the runway after the airplane crashed. What if another airplane had landed right behind?

Pretty certain that the crash was the end of flights into Phuket.

And can also explain why the fire/rescue vehicles were not there immediately. The pattern had to be cleared before vehicles can safely cross active runways.

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The fire station at Phuket airport lies apprxomately opposite from the crash location, about 400 metres away. The fire engines would have to cross the taxiway and runway.

Although Phuket Airport is an international airport, it is not so busy that the fire guys could not quickly drive across the runway. But it's possible that a plane was on the taxiway, (if that plane were taking off in the same direction as the arriving planes). Who can tell at this stage.

Additionally, as can be seen in video footage, there is actually a large drainage ditch running parallel to the runway and the crash site was beyond that drainage ditch. One of the planes's engines seems to have fallen off in the crash and lies in this ditch.


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British backpacker hailed as hero of Sunday's air crash

A British backpacker was hailed a hero of the Thailand air crash after dragging a pal from the blazing wreckage — then going back in to save other passengers

Well we don't yet know what caused the crash, or who's fault it is, but we can at least agree that what this guy did was heroic. Good on him :o

Newspapers like to create heroes and maybe it's true as well. Who knows?

Looking at the seating of the survivors show a pretty clear picture, The plane broke in half at row 17. Nobody in row 17 or ahead survived. According to rescue workers most of the dead bodies were still wearing their seat belts. It means that they at least fell unconsciuos immediately. A few passengers between row 18 and 21 survived (about 5 I think). Everybody from row 22 to the last row managed to get out of the plane alive. The British heroes were sitting at 24 A and B, and the Israeli couple they saved sat on 24 D and E.

According to the Swedish press it was the two Swedish guys at 25 A and B that opened the emergency door, according to the British press it was the British guys at 24 A and B. Everybody like to create their heroes. I wonder which version is true though. Anyone know which row the emergency doors were placed at?

Edited by chrislarsson
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Cause of Thai crash sought as relatives claim their dead

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 03.48 PM


"There was a warning of wind shear from the pilot in the previous flight, which landed four minutes ahead," said Kumtorn Sirikorn, vice president of air traffic control body Aeronautical Radio of Thailand.

"Air traffic control asked the pilot whether he knew about this wind shear or not, and he said he knew ... then the air traffic control official gave him additional information and asked him whether he still wanted to land or not."

"The pilot insisted he wanted to land," Kumtorn told AFP.

However aviation officials previously said that Arief Mulyadi, the Indonesian pilot who died in the crash, had received permission to abort the landing at the last minute.

Arief Mulyadi's son told media in his home country that Phuket authorities said his father had wanted to turn back for Bangkok, but that the control tower said he should land.



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Maybe the british couple opened another door? Dunno, or if they got their reports mixed up.

The Swedish guys was first off the plane anyway after opening the door right at their place - and after during approach morbidly in joking discussion talk about on how to fastest open it if needed.

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According to the Swedish press it was the two Swedish guys at 25 A and B that opened the emergency door, according to the British press it was the British guys at 24 A and B. Everybody like to create their heroes. I wonder which version is true though. Anyone know which row the emergency doors were placed at?

According to this article it was row 24- http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/ba...0,5292523.story

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List of victims of Sunday's plane crash

Full list of the victims/Updated list of injured passengers/Full list of passengers/Useful telephone numbers

Thai authorities have released more list of victims of the Sunday's plane crash.

1. Mr.Aaron Toland

2. Mr.Michale Falcone

3. Ms.Tal Feldman

4. Ms.Hila Gershoni

5. Ms.Sabine Shumacher

6. Mr.Andreas Werner Adelhardt

7. Mr.Anthony Francis Weston

8. Mrs.Judy Mary Weston

9. Ms.Larisa Fayad

10.Mr.Henri Macaire

11.Mrs.Fermina Marcaire

12.Mr.Jeanmarie Bonachera

13.Mrs.Josiane Bonachera

14.Mr.Philippe Bregeard

15.Mrs.Brigitte Bino

16.Mrs.Laetitia Gambu

17.Mr.Stefan Woronoff

18.Mr.Alain Bembaron

19.Mr.Aid Naim

20.Mr.Itzhak Biton

21.Ms.Rotem Naoure

22.Ms.Hofit Eliya

23.Ms.Linnea Sandberg

24.Mr.Simon Jonsson Storkamp

25.Mr.Mehdi Safaeetabrizi

26.Mrs.Homeira Omidbekhodaitehrani

27.Mr.Hossein Safaeitabrizi

28.Ms Chd Ghazal Safaeitabrizi

29.Mr.Brain Gordon Mullery

30.Ms.Amnui Meesil

31.Ms.Fereshteh Mokhlesi Ilkhchi

32.Mr.Jahangir Jodatfar

33.Mr.Ailireza Jodatfar

34.Mr.Mohammadreza Jodatfar

35.Mr.Saeid Ghayoumi

36.Ms.Fahimeh Salek Asadolahi

37.Ms.Sansa Ghayoumi Ilkhchi

38.Mr.Colin Denny

39.Mr.Nasser Khosroshani Bonab

40.Mrs.Mojgan Mohebbianjedani

41.Mr.Jacques Marnef

42.Mr.Stefhen Saunby

43.Mrs.Susan Howell

44.Mr.Neil Slater

45.Mrs.Helen Slater

46.Mr.Abdol Rasoul Pourmehr

47.Mr.Mahmoud Pourmehr

48.Mr.Farshas Tazhibi

49.Mr.Alexander Collins

50.Ms.Rachel Tofan

51.Ms.Lily Alon

52.Ms Kaninart Martmuang

53. Ms Bussakorn Suanaran

54.Mr Jessada Dejkun

55.Ms Jiranut Suwannarat์

56.Mr Theerayuth Manuchinnakorn

57.Mr.Meysam Valaie

58.Mr Katha Kanjanasutha

59.Mr Sudprasong Laosiriwut

60.Mrs Wannaporn Bunsoong

61.Mrs Somluck Angsakun

62.Mr Sirikorn Angsakun

63.Mrs Yajai Tannakarn

64.Ms Piengbun Rattanadilok na Phuket

65.Mr Sanya Promrak

66.Mrs Patcharin Sattayapongsakorn

67.Mr Chakrapon Chaipitinanon

68.Mrs Wantana Meesaeng

69. Mrs Pranee Panyayong

70. Mr Rath Rattanapon

71. Mrs Benjawan Srichai-in

72. Mr Sucheep Prantan

73. Mr Apichai Ruethong

74. Mrs Sirilak Thapthaniี

75. Mr Apichai Prompornpitakkunนายอภิชัย พรมพรพิทักษ์กุล

76. Mr Sompote Sangkapong์

78. Mrs Siripat Jitjamnong

79. Mr Thanawut Saikiew

80. Mr Sinchai Chai-arun

81. Mr Chavaporn Bunmimichai

82. Mrs Mallika Koisin

83. Mr Chakart Kullawanich

84. Mrs.Sara Izadine Jadmonffared

85. Capt. Arieff

86. Mr Montri

87. Ms Wanada Patworkakun

88. Ms Kanokkorn Pattanaprom

89. Mr Pittaya Wongwandeeี

Injured passengers

1. Mr Alexius Boerkamp

2. Mr Robert Borland

3. Mr Parinyawith Choosang

4. Mr Chirstopher Cooley

5. Mrs Sawitree Denny

6. Mr Christoph Falchetti

7. Mrs Mahsa Fatoorehchi

8. Ms Isabella Freylikhman

9. Mr Vladimir Freylikhman

10. Mr Achley Scott Harrow

11. Ms Madia Hashemi

12. Mr Parviz Hashemi

13. Mr Peter Hill

14. Mrs Sara Izandinejadmonfared

15. Chawit Jitjamnong

16. Chaowalet Jitjamnong

17. Mrs Ladda Khawnoun

18. Mr Nong Khawnoun

19. Ms Mehrana Movahed

20. Mr Abbas Movahed

21. Ms Pratin Lianjumroon

22. Mr Thibaud Lamere

23. Mr Likhit Liengphansakul

24. Mr Chainarong Maharae

25. Mr Porrawit Mahasup

26. Mr Christopher Sven Marken

27. Apichart Pata

28. Ms Mayum Mirtaheri

29. Mr Erik Nihler

30. Mr John O'Donnell

31. Mr Paiboon Phaphan

32. Ms Claudia Rothmann

33. Mr Clemens Rothmann

34. Mr Witchupol Singhapol

35. Mr Chatree Suksawas

36. Ms Orasin Seebunruang

37. Mr Claus Benjamin Voigtmann

38. Ms Sarah Marie Whittington

* Foreign names's correct spellings need to be updated.


Source: The Nation 2007-09-18

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According to the Swedish press it was the two Swedish guys at 25 A and B that opened the emergency door, according to the British press it was the British guys at 24 A and B. Everybody like to create their heroes. I wonder which version is true though. Anyone know which row the emergency doors were placed at?

According to this article it was row 24- http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/ba...0,5292523.story

The article mentions she saw that one of the guys whore a black t-shirt and had brown hear. That is one of the guys seen in the Swedish guys film, talking to them in English. Not saying no-one is wrong, but 1) they could have done it in unison 2) a crash victim isn't the perfect witness 3) the Swedish guys didn't pretend to be heroes and said the ran to safety, as most seem to do. So I don't see a reason for them to not be telling the truth about opening the door that was besides them.

[edit: added quote]

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Speaking of response times, I was quite disturbed at reading an interview in the BBC with the 28 year-old female Canadian student. She said they waited for 45 minutes, outside the aircraft, in the rain for buses to take them to shelter. Perfectly well-looking people can go into shock (from internal injuries or emotional trauma) in a much shorter time than that, can't they? It seems that to keep ANY victims of an airline crash waiting around in the elements that long for a ride to shelter and medical attention, whether visibly injured or not, is stretching the term "emergency services" a bit. I don't know, I'm just a layman. But I do imagine myself in her shoes, if she had any on at all. :o

Edited by toptuan
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Any wind shear warnings or strong possibility should cancel all traffic immediately, shouldn't it?

Why would a pilot decide to land in wind shear conditions?

Cause of Thai crash sought as relatives claim their dead

Tuesday, September 18, 2007, 03.48 PM


"There was a warning of wind shear from the pilot in the previous flight, which landed four minutes ahead," said Kumtorn Sirikorn, vice president of air traffic control body Aeronautical Radio of Thailand.

"Air traffic control asked the pilot whether he knew about this wind shear or not, and he said he knew ... then the air traffic control official gave him additional information and asked him whether he still wanted to land or not."

"The pilot insisted he wanted to land," Kumtorn told AFP.

However aviation officials previously said that Arief Mulyadi, the Indonesian pilot who died in the crash, had received permission to abort the landing at the last minute.

Arief Mulyadi's son told media in his home country that Phuket authorities said his father had wanted to turn back for Bangkok, but that the control tower said he should land.



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38 crash survivors said to be safe

(BangkokPost.com) – The Public Health Ministry has confirmed that 38 survivors of the One-Two-Go plane crash are now safe from harm and described their conditions as “stable”.

Public Health minister Dr Mongkol na Songkhla made the announcement after visiting those injured from Sunday’s crash at Bangkok-Phuket and Siriroj hospitals.

“I have visited some of the survivors to check on their condition,” he said. “At the moment, six remain in the intensive care unit.

Psychological experts have also been doing their rounds to offer support to the crash victims and also to their family members.

“We expect most of them to be able to return home within the next two weeks,” said Dr Mongkol. “There are only two people who need to be on close watch as they lost their spouses.

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According to the Swedish press it was the two Swedish guys at 25 A and B that opened the emergency door, according to the British press it was the British guys at 24 A and B. Everybody like to create their heroes. I wonder which version is true though. Anyone know which row the emergency doors were placed at?

According to this article it was row 24- http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/ba...0,5292523.story

MD-82 has double emergency exits over each wing. 2 exit rows. They can be seen in the pictures from the side. They're not big walk through doors, but more like big holes.

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According to the Swedish press it was the two Swedish guys at 25 A and B that opened the emergency door, according to the British press it was the British guys at 24 A and B. Everybody like to create their heroes. I wonder which version is true though. Anyone know which row the emergency doors were placed at?

According to this article it was row 24- http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/ba...0,5292523.story

MD-82 has double emergency exits over each wing. 2 exit rows. They can be seen in the pictures from the side. They're not big walk through doors, but more like big holes.

You are right. That explains it!

You can see it clearly in the picture (which is the actual aircraft involved in the accident).


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First chance since accident to post on here as been so we have been so busy at airport & hospitals:

on our program tomorrow (originally cancelled but now reinstated) we have revealing interviews with MD of One-Two Go, Direcor of Phuket Airport, and Policeman coordinating Identification of bodies plus more news.

Here below is catch up of today's news on Andaman News TV11 (VHF dial) 8.30am + maybe FM90.5 Radio Thailand 6pm, both broadcast to Phang Nga, Krabi & Phuket provinces, FM108 Mazz Radio 7.30pm in Phuket & Phuket Cable TV Channel 1 at 7, 10.30 or 11pm, Tuesday 18 September 2007 & www.Thaisnews.com :

MiniVDO: Their Majesties the King and Queen donate funds in support of One-Two-Go aircraft crash victims

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214772

It was announced yesterday their Majesties the King and Queen of Thailand have graciously donated 800,000 baht to the three hospitals in Phuket which have been treating injured passengers from the aircraft that crashed on Sunday. The funds are aimed at supporting the medicine, and necessary medical equipment acquisition. The Phuket Governor will give this royally granted fund to all three hospitals’ directors at 200,000 baht for Phuket International Hospital, 500,000 baht for Bangkok Hospital Phuket, and 100,000 baht for Wachira Hospital Phuket in response to their Majesties wishes.


MiniVDO: Foreign injured passengers treated at Bangkok Hospital in Phuket told the Prime Minister they were satisfied with the treatment.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214771

After visiting and talking to the foreign injured people under medical treatment at Bangkok Hospital in Phuket, the Prime Minister General Surayud Chulanont told reporters that the injured experienced two main symptoms. They either had burns or bone problems due to the severe heat and difficult escape from the aircraft. The Prime Minister said foreign patients told him that they were satisfied with the Thai assistance as well as the medical care. He also thanked all the officials and personnel involved in the crash rescue operation. General Surayud stated that the cause of the accident needs to await the black box analysis which is being sent to the US and that it takes time. The Orient Thai Company which operates One-Two-Go Airline announced it is responsible for the passengers’ medical treatment as the company has insured the 24 year old plane for 300 million US dollars with a British company. Last night there were still 2-3 bodies are yet to be identified. The crash left another 6 patients in coma. The Thai Prime Minister further stated that the government is prepared to assist injured people return overseas. Asked whether the accident would affect the region’s tourism, General Surayud said he believes that it will not affect tourism and that victims were efficiently rescued and assisted.


MiniVDO: Phuket International Airport has now reopened for traffic after Thai Prime Minister General Surayud Chulanont flew down to land and visited patients here.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214770

One day after the tragic air accident at Phuket International Airport, the airport has now been re-opened for traffic. It took rescue team more than 24 hours to retrieve and remove wreckage of the aircraft. The last large piece of the plane was successfully removed at around 3.15 pm on Monday while other small wreckage was swept out of the way. The site was then spayed and cleared for service again. After the clearance, at 4.10 pm, a C130 plane belonging to the Royal Thai Air Force brought in passengers including the Minister of Transport and Communication Admiral Thira Haw-Charoen to land first. This was followed by the special flight carrying Prime Minister Surayut Julannond, the Minister of Tourism and Transport Dr. Suwit Yodmani and other high ranking officials, landed safely and smoothly. The VIP landing is expected to re-boost other passengers’ confidence in the airport’s safety measures. While on board the plane General Suayud Julanont stated that the government is prepared to assist and facilitate the patients’ needs. Meanwhile the Phuket Airport director Squadron leader Pornchai Aue-Aree stated that the airport is ready to serve and a Thai Air Asia plane took off from the airport while a Bangkok Airways plane landed just before 6 pm.


MiniVDO: Prime Minister Gen. Surayud Julanont paid a visit to aircraft crash victims being treated at hospitals in Phuket.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214769

Arriving in Phuket yesterday afternoon Prime Minister Gen. Surayud Julanont went to pay a visit and offer his condolences to people who were injured from the crash and being treated at Wachira Hospital and here at Bangkok Phuket Hospital. The Prime Minister was accompanied by the Tourism & Sports Minister Dr Suvit Yodmani and Minister of Transport Admiral Thira Hao-Charoen. Gen. Surayud warmly talked to the patients, both Thai and foreign, and told them that the government are willing to assist them in any way that it can.


MiniVDO: A forensic team from Israel is working with Thai authorities to identify the dead bodies from the aircraft crash in Phuket.

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214768

An official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Andaman News that an expert team of forensic scientists from Israel is coming in to help identify the dead bodies from the aircraft crash at Phuket Airport. They have many years experience and together with Thai police and staff who worked for the Thai Tsunami Victim Identification Centre, they hope to fully identify all the victims, both foreign and Thai, efficiently and quickly as possible to help the families’ closure. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will also coordinate with Embassies and the insurance company of the One Two Go leased aircraft to repatriate the bodies to their respective families’ homes. The Ministry also flew down 10 diplomats from 5 Embassies in Bangkok to Krabi and onward by bus to Phuket to assist in the assistance for foreign victims. They have also set up an office at the main terminal of the airport to help with paperwork for any missing travel documents and visas for victims.


Interview - Dr. Kongkiat Kespechara, Hospital Director, Bangkok Hospital, Phuket

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214767

Interview with Dr. Kongkiat Kespechara, Hospital Director, Bangkok Hospital, Phuket, where they admitted Australian, Thai, Irish, Iranian, German, British, Austrian, Canadian, French, Israeli & 1 non identified injured passenger, as he told us more about the timeline of the incident: ……. Contact: Tel: 1719 (only in south Thailand) 076 254425 Fax : 076 254597 [email protected]


Interview - Deputy Transportation Minister Sansern Wongcha-um, visiting Phuket crash operations

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214766

We spoke to Deputy Transportation Minister Sansern Wongcha-um, who was visiting Phuket & Bangkok Hospital Phuket, to check rescue & recovery operations after the flight crashed; he first commented to the press on finding the important black box on the aircraft to find out why it crashed: ……

Interview - Mildred Anne Furlong, Canadian passenger on crashed flight

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214765

We talked to Mildred Anne Furlong (or Millie), a Canadian passenger on the crashed flight, and asked how well she seemed to be recovering at Bangkok Hospital Phuket: ........


Interview - Quinton Quayle, British Ambassador to Thailand,

To see or download mini-video, go to http://www.thaisnews.com/news_detail.php?newsid=214764

We spoke to Quinton Quayle, British Ambassador to Thailand, who came down from Bangkok early yesterday morning with assistance from the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and last night met the Thai Prime Minister during his visit to the hospital as he told us the latest situation: ........ British Embassy Tel 02 305 8333 or email: [email protected]

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(the pilot) Arief Mulyadi's son told media in his home country that Phuket authorities said his father had wanted to turn back for Bangkok, but that the control tower said he should land.

how on earth did the son of the pilot get that information ?

from Phuket authorities ??

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Officials still transcribing conversation tape of One-Two-Go pilot and control tower officer

September 18, 2007 : Last updated 09:51 am

Transport Permanent Secretary Chaiyasawat Kittipornpaibool said Tuesday that officials are still transcribing a tape record of conversation of the pilot of One-Two-Go flight OG269 with air traffic officer of the Phuket Airport Control Tower before the plane crash-landed Sunday.

Chaiyasawat said officials are still compiling all related evidence, including a tape record of the voice of a pilot who reported air turbulence at the airport.

The Nation


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Wind shear systems eyed in Thai crash

Sept. 18, 2007, 6:20AM

BANGKOK, Thailand — Half of the systems used to detect wind shear at the Phuket airport were not working at the time of the weekend plane crash that killed 89 people, a Thai official said Tuesday.

"Three out of six low-level wind shear alert systems were not working at the time," said Vuttichai Singhamanee of the Transport Ministry's Aviation Authority Department.

The budget One-Two-Go Airlines flight was carrying 123 passengers and seven crew members from Bangkok to Phuket when it skidded off a runway Sunday while landing in driving wind and rain, catching fire and engulfing some passengers in flames.

Investigators have said wind shear — a rapid change in wind speed that can affect takeoffs and landings — was among the possible causes of the crash.


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List of victims of Sunday's plane crash

Full list of the victims/Updated list of injured passengers/Full list of passengers/Useful telephone numbers

Injured passengers

8. Ms Isabella Freylikhman

9. Mr Vladimir Freylikhman

Source: The Nation 2007-09-18

Something concerns me here. Those 2 names were mentioned earlier on CNN as an Israeli couple that had died in the crash. Yet The Nation lists them as 'injured passengers'? Either someone has a wrong list or they're not really sure yet.

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this is from a post on the phuket crash thread on the pprune web forum.

"Hi xxxx

Can you paste the following letter to the xxxx board site. I sent a


to xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, but have not seen a reply. Hope things are well with


Yeah, I thought the events of this crash is something I would share.


my world it is absolutely heartbreaking. Those who remember, when xxxx

xxxxxx and I first came here, we understood immediately this event would

occur. That it took two years is amazing in itself.

Of course a company culture combined with crewmembers willing to

disregard safety standards made this crash predictable. One Two Go

disregards all Duty and Flight Time Limitations, required maintenance

inspections and weather mins. Again none of this can happen unless pilots

are culpable and the controlling authority looks the other way.

Am always asked why am I still here? There is no morally good answer.


a self serving way, I felt I found my purpose in the summer of 2006. The

company began to hire ab initio Thai pilots. Their training was lacking.

I believed I could allow them to have experiences they would not receive

with anyone else, show them how to look at situations (approaches,

weather, fuel savings techniques) and think differently. Most importantly

how to save their lives from the incredibly inept Captains working for

One Two Go. As you learn the rest of the story, I failed. Am not sure I

will ever forgive myself.

To start with, the Captain, an Indonesian was the Chief Pilot. He had

failed his medical early this year and was grounded for two months. It

became established that he would fall asleep while at the controls.

Specially in the afternoon. The crash occurred around 3:40 pm. It was

documented that he became spatially disorientated with the Prime Minister

of Afghanistan on board the aircraft on an approach into Kabul. He was

removed from all subsequent flights. On two other occasions, First

Officers shared stories that they had to take control of the aircraft.


It will be established that fatigue was clearly a factor in this


Both Captain and First Officer exceeded flight time limitations the

previous two days of the crash. They had flown 19+ hours in a 48 hour

period while on duty for 30+ hours in the same period. The sequence was

in part, International, with the final sector domestic. After completing

the assignment, they were give16 hours off and then assigned 6 sectors

(legs) on the day of the crash and were assigned 6 sectors the day

following the crash. The crash occurred on their 3rd sector. The First

Officer was working his 8th consecutive day.

The First Officer was a Thai ab initio pilot. His name was Montri. A

wonderful person, highly respected, well educated. He was an only son. He had worked as an engineer with Japan Airlines. He had interviewed and was

given a class date with Thai Airlines this October. I had spent many

hours with him, and his flying skills was above average for his

experience level. The company was abusing him in that after sitting for

months, he was called out to do his bounces and he failed. As a result,

the company withdrew 500 dollars a month from his pay for his

re-training. On the ground, Montri protected me on at least one occasion.

Another story for another day. Yeah, I still find trouble on the ground.

Thinkin its that Southern California could care less laid back attitude.

From here on anything written is pure speculation. I have learned

from my

own experiences that things are not always as they seem. It appears

Montri recognized they were in a bad situation and attempted to go

around. A lady friend of mine was in the tower at the time and said

xxxxxx, xxxxxx (yes, we all know her) tried to go around but the plane

would not fly.... Windshear, compressor stall (witnesses claim to have

heard a loud bang) or just plain fatigue and lack of experience with an

inept Captain. Who knows. Pictures show flaps 15, spoilers and thrust

reverser on the left side stowed. It appears they slammed onto the runway

and slid off only traveling 60 meters. Som, the ATC lady said they hit

around the 2,000 foot marker.

As I am writing this, I have been told that 2 cabin crewmembers have

survived. xxxx, was the lead and am being told she is out of surgery. She

always flirts with me and makes the old man smile. Yesterday and last

night was very very tough. Cabin crewmembers begging to bring them home

alive. It is the most helpless feeling I ever had. Much crying, pain and

anguish. It is unbearable at times. I am both angry and sad. But time to

put those feelings behind.

What happens now? Who knows, I am very tired, Have been exhausted for


long time and .... according to all here I get preferential treatment.

Yeah, apparently I am the only one here who gets two consecutive days off

every week. I can say that I do not fly illegally and do not knowingly

fly unsafe equipment. I told them upfront, I do not and will not fly in

the manner they are accustomed to. I also told them I will work hard and

they will see things accomplished that perhaps they have never seen

before. For two years, they have honored their part and for me, I will

let my record speak for itself.

Sorry for being long. Thinkin this is my release. Much pain right


Those people did not have to die. My friend Montri is gone. But there is

joy in learning xxxxxx is alive. No one should have to experience this.

xxxxxxx, I can not feel the pain you losing your wife, but I can imagine


little more now how hard it must have been. I hope in some small way, the

burden is lifting."

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this is from a post on the phuket crash thread on the pprune web forum.
"Hi xxxx

Can you paste the following letter to the xxxx board site. I sent a


to xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx, but have not seen a reply. Hope things are well with


Yeah, I thought the events of this crash is something I would share.


my world it is absolutely heartbreaking. Those who remember, when xxxx

xxxxxx and I first came here, we understood immediately this event would

occur. That it took two years is amazing in itself.


Those people did not have to die. My friend Montri is gone. But there is

joy in learning xxxxxx is alive. No one should have to experience this.

xxxxxxx, I can not feel the pain you losing your wife, but I can imagine


little more now how hard it must have been. I hope in some small way, the

burden is lifting."

A really disturbing post, regardless of the actual technical cause of the crash I very much doubt the "culture" that poster mentions, that he believed made such inevitable, will ever be associated with this tragedy, and I am sure all here know why.

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this is from a post on the phuket crash thread on the pprune web forum.


This is pusing the envelope. It is uncorroborated and perhaps the work of a disgruntled employee, past or current.

The investigation will take a year or more, but will be thorough. Please let the investigators do their job. The complainant can submit his views to the hearing board where it will be duly examined. Air incident investigations may not always provide the answers the public wants but they do have a track record of providing the facts and an honest assessment based upon those facts.

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This is pusing the envelope.
It will be established that fatigue was clearly a factor in this


Both Captain and First Officer exceeded flight time limitations the

previous two days of the crash. They had flown 19+ hours in a 48 hour

period while on duty for 30+ hours in the same period. The sequence was

in part, International, with the final sector domestic. After completing

the assignment, they were give16 hours off and then assigned 6 sectors

(legs) on the day of the crash and were assigned 6 sectors the day

following the crash. The crash occurred on their 3rd sector. The First

Officer was working his 8th consecutive day.

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I have a friend who is a Flight Attendant for OG, and he told me that the Purser was a good friend of his and had survived the crash. Now, unless OG has a unique system of crew seating, she would have been sitting at door 1. She apparently then is the ONLY person from the front section of the fueslage (forward of row 17, apparently) that survived.

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I notice on that video that door 2L was not opened. (IIRC, the MD80's do not have a door 2R.) Apparently all the survivors exited through the over-wing exits.

If it's true that those Swedish and British fellows struggled with the over-wing exits and finally got them open through brute force, they are indeed heroes. I know US carriers are required to seat only able-bodied passengers in exit rows who are willing to assist in the event of an emergency. Not a bad rule, it seems.

As to why the over-wing exits were difficult to open, and why door 2L wasn't opened, it's quite possible (conjecture alert!) the fuselage was torqued enough that the door frames twisted and in effect, wedged the doors closed. Scary thought. But, when the FAA does evacuation tests on aircraft, for the evacuation to be successful it must be completed within 90 seconds with 50% of the exits unusable.

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