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How Rich Thais View Poor


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-- you wouldn't be well received if you brought an obvious prostitute to a "normal" social occasion.

What does an obvious prostitute look like?

Can somebody please point this out to me as well?


An obvious prostitute would be any politition... :o

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Did you actually read the complete post, not just the snippets people have posted?

If her post is really about a rich disdain for the poor why isn't she looking down on the clerks in the shop, who probably make very little, and probably less than the bargirl?

Most likely because they remain invisible to this pathetic creature, or are just simply inconsequential. And in fact she does show her disdain with her remark that I quoted earlier ""take them (farang girlfriends) shopping in shops that their town neighbors could only be maids in".

Whether it is maids or clerks, her disdain for those who must work for a living does indeed shine through for those who are capable of reading. This young woman does not need to sell herself, she probably gives it away free, but only to those whose financial situation she perceives has long term financial potential for her.

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In Thailand, poor people well less than 200 baht per day and prostitutes of the sort that this funny article was about make well more than 1000 baht per day. Why are some people assuming that the OP was referring to non-prostitute poor people in her article? She was referring to poorly dressed and poorly mannered relatively rich women and was making fun of these relatively rich women. Fair game!

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I found the blogger in question to be rather spiteful. The one line of truth was "The world of bar girls and their "daddy" boyfriends is beyond me." Having clearly grown up in a world where one never has had to make one's own bed, it is understandable that the life of a bar girl who started out perhaps in a poor rural village is "beyond" her. And we see her disdain for the women from those towns who did not enter prostitution in the following line "take them shopping in shops that their town neighbors could only be maids in".

I am surprised, and dismayed, at the number of neo-sahibs here who are actually sympathetic towards this lass and her attitude. But maybe it is just a generational thing redarding this pathetic excuse for a female human as I am over 50 and she has got this really vile attitude for men over 50 "I looked, he was fat, old like wrinkly, and I was dead sure he could not have been younger than 50." Thank you Baby Jesus for keeping women like this out of my life. Now please Baby Jesus, stop these neo-sahibs from buying land in Thailand near my house and building their haciendas.

What a bloody good post!

And it is people like this that makes me still feel positive about this world.

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-- you wouldn't be well received if you brought an obvious prostitute to a "normal" social occasion.

What does an obvious prostitute look like?

Can somebody please point this out to me as well?

Again you devalue the English languafe - define prositutute?

You should have spent time on those boats learning how to use the language corrctly - your points may have had meaning then but as it is they are laughable.

Maybe its just an un-healthy obsession you have?

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you make a mistake when you assume that it is the farang who is parading her around in that attire and not her individual choice. I don't see her choice of dressing this way in The Emporium much different than a punk rocker who turns up at The Republican National Convention with green hair. Its also funny that the cloths she selected were for 'hoes'. Does the store keep these items stocked solely for bg's? Doubtful. Perhaps she dressed politely last week and everyone gave her dirty looks so now she is rubbing it in their face.

Many farang claim 'in rome, do as the romans do' but i think they just want to maintain their elevated status in a third world country. The reason why this bothers them is because it causes them to lose face as they get lumped in with the other farang, not because they actually think people should dress a certain way in public.

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-- you wouldn't be well received if you brought an obvious prostitute to a "normal" social occasion.

What does an obvious prostitute look like?

Can somebody please point this out to me as well?

Again you devalue the English languafe - define prositutute?

You should have spent time on those boats learning how to use the language corrctly - your points may have had meaning then but as it is they are laughable.

Maybe its just an un-healthy obsession you have?

speaking of how to use the language... try these:

http://www.iespell.com/ "ieSpell - A Spell Checker for Internet Explorer"


http://www.whitesmoke.com/punctuation.html"Punctuation help is within easy reach with cutting edge software from WhiteSmoke."

but then again, don't obsess about it... I don't

Edited by lopburi3
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I found the blogger in question to be rather spiteful. The one line of truth was "The world of bar girls and their "daddy" boyfriends is beyond me." Having clearly grown up in a world where one never has had to make one's own bed, it is understandable that the life of a bar girl who started out perhaps in a poor rural village is "beyond" her. And we see her disdain for the women from those towns who did not enter prostitution in the following line "take them shopping in shops that their town neighbors could only be maids in".

I am surprised, and dismayed, at the number of neo-sahibs here who are actually sympathetic towards this lass and her attitude. But maybe it is just a generational thing redarding this pathetic excuse for a female human as I am over 50 and she has got this really vile attitude for men over 50 "I looked, he was fat, old like wrinkly, and I was dead sure he could not have been younger than 50." Thank you Baby Jesus for keeping women like this out of my life. Now please Baby Jesus, stop these neo-sahibs from buying land in Thailand near my house and building their haciendas.

What a bloody good post!

And it is people like this that makes me still feel positive about this world.

Yes - a very good post by JohnPa

If indeed Kitty is the offspring of the Kittkachorn family then her family have committed much bigger crimes than 99.9% of bar girls or poor peoples families have ever done. The blood of men women and children on their hands as well as robbery from the Thai people - they even took back some money from them which is amazing - they must have been bad.

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Let's not get personal.

I believe in the institution of marriage and that it should be respected regardless of what choices the married couple made in earlier life.

Nothing personal about my comment unless folks wish to take it personally.

I believe in the institution of marriage as well.


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No it is not Heng,

Take away the money thing and those people have nothing.

People judging on how wealthy you are are on the lowest side of life.

People that judge you as a person are on the high side.

I'm not talking about wealth, Alex. I said that it's easy to pick out who has married a pro and who hasn't. That is: those who are taking it personal and trying to make counterattacks (and there is a difference between the lighthearted counterattacks and criticism and those that are clearly the remarks of wounded/hurt individuals) instead of simply discussing the matter.


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-- you wouldn't be well received if you brought an obvious prostitute to a "normal" social occasion.

What does an obvious prostitute look like?

Can somebody please point this out to me as well?

Again you devalue the English languafe - define prositutute?

You should have spent time on those boats learning how to use the language corrctly - your points may have had meaning then but as it is they are laughable.

Maybe its just an un-healthy obsession you have?

speaking of how to use the language... try these:

http://www.iespell.com/ "ieSpell - A Spell Checker for Internet Explorer"


http://www.whitesmoke.com/punctuation.html"Punctuation help is within easy reach with cutting edge software from WhiteSmoke."

but then again, don't obsess about it... I don't

Nah you are not obsessed - rolling on floor pissing myself.

Get another hobby - it must be giving you hypertension.

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People who don't give a shit what the others around them think, and do what they want to do without caring who they offend -- are often found to be unwelcome in many places, not just Emporium.

The nuance obviously misses you - I give up!

You seem to think in a total class based society an everyone should keep to their place - a Canadian????????

You are an anachronism!

Read a book yet - "Corruption and Democracy in Thailand" by Phongpaichit and Piriyarangsan mention shity kitty's family.

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so, for those of you with luek krungs how are you managing to keep them grounded? reading her blog, its funny/interesting that she is anti-coup/pro-democracy, seems smart. the weird thing about Thailand is that even the lower/poorer sects of society believe in the class system. in the usa, black people weren't convinced that they were inferior to whites. this doesn't seem to be the case in thailand (whitening lotion comes to mind). a poor thai person will look down on someone poorer just as fast as kitty-cat looked on this girl. so how are you going to convince your beautiful mixed kids that they aren't better than other people when everything they see on tv and witness in society suggests differently? it seems inevitable that certain beliefs/feelings will subconsciously develop in their pretty little mixed heads.

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No it is not Heng,

Take away the money thing and those people have nothing.

People judging on how wealthy you are are on the lowest side of life.

People that judge you as a person are on the high side.

I'm not talking about wealth, Alex. I said that it's easy to pick out who has married a pro and who hasn't. That is: those who are taking it personal and trying to make counterattacks (and there is a difference between the lighthearted counterattacks and criticism and those that are clearly the remarks of wounded/hurt individuals) instead of simply discussing the matter.

give them a break. i think they have a good reason to be upset/fustrated.

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I'd still snort a line of posh off her arse though. :D

Quote of the day! :o

I really cannot believe this thread has garnered 20+ pages of replies!!!

Don't sell Kmart short! This was definately the best quote of, at least, the entire thread!

Edited by BADBRAD
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It's not a tremendously well-written piece by Kitty, but it does have its moments. I think we all have to agree with the toilet analogy!
It's heart-warming to see the support that Thailand's poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated get from farang males as long as the poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated are willing to hop in the sack for a purple note or two.

On the other hand, sad to see farang females like yourself having a go at these girls and thinking it's a great analogy to refer to them as toilets, and feeling the need to generalize and have a go at farang males in general. In both cases knowing very little about the cirumstances.

Ever thought that but for a chance of birth you'd be that toilet. They aren't born prostitutes. Nor do most of them have a poverty free, easy life full of choices, reach the age of 22, graduate with a degree and then make a choice to go into prostitution. You've obviously very little understanding of the country you're living in and the many reasons why girls are often in the situation they are in.

There are also plenty of us foreign guys that look at these girls as the human beings they are, without "hopping into the sack with them for a purpe note or two". If you don't meet such guys and need to generalise about farang guys, I wonder why you don't meet them. Perhaps we prefer not to associate with people with such judgemental views like yours.

You've definitely got your stereotypes deeply embedded about Thai prostitutes and farang males. Perhaps ask yourself why that is. Perhaps also ask why (some of) the farang males you're stereotyping would rather be with your stereotype Thai hooker, than be with you. Ever thought of yourself as being lower than the toilets you're having a go at? You're suggesting it on at least two levels: One because you're looking down on others, without any knowledge of their circumstances. Two because these guys are choosing your toilets above you?

Perhaps there are just more of us farang males with knowledge, compassion and tolerance of others of where we are living, and perhaps farang guys in Thailand are normally just less judgemental than female farangs like you...

Edited by fletchthai68
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Ever thought that but for a chance of birth you'd be that toilet. They aren't born prostitutes. Nor do most of them have a poverty free, easy life full of choices, reach the age of 22, graduate with a degree and then make a choice to go into prostitution.

Let's not forget though that the ones that do make that choice are still indeed in the minority of those born into poverty. It's a common exaggeration by many on these threads that poverty/a life with few choices/etc. = prostitution as the automatic career choice. The gals (and boys) who grind it out in the fields and factories deserve some credit for sticking to their guns too.


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Ever thought that but for a chance of birth you'd be that toilet. They aren't born prostitutes. Nor do most of them have a poverty free, easy life full of choices, reach the age of 22, graduate with a degree and then make a choice to go into prostitution.

Let's not forget though that the ones that do make that choice are still indeed in the minority of those born into poverty. It's a common exaggeration by many on these threads that poverty/a life with few choices/etc. = prostitution as the automatic career choice. The gals (and boys) who grind it out in the fields and factories deserve some credit for sticking to their guns too.


I agree entirely and I was by no means was trying to make that equation you mention. I was merely highlighting some of the circumstances that may be behind the scenes for some of the more judgemetal people, who haven't thought of it themselves

Poverty is just one factor. I still believe they are often very much prodcts of their environment though, in the same way as you and me. As alluded to that could include: finance, education, emotional choice, misplaced obligations, abuse, sense of having no self worth, gender inequalities, prejudice, distorted society values, parental ubringing (or lack of it), but it could also be greed, materialism etc. A basic underlying point is that it is not always a conscious choice made easily. That choice may be an alternative to, or a product of many other evils we have no knowldge of.

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If indeed Kitty is the offspring of the Kittkachorn family then her family have committed much bigger crimes than 99.9% of bar girls or poor peoples families have ever done. The blood of men women and children on their hands as well as robbery from the Thai people - they even took back some money from them which is amazing - they must have been bad.

Yes, thats the irony of it - if anyone should be ashamed, well Kitty should be the one running for cover. :o

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It's heart-warming to see the support that Thailand's poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated get from farang males as long as the poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated are willing to hop in the sack for a purple note or two.

Yep -- my thoughts exactly. Warms the heart.

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It's not a tremendously well-written piece by Kitty, but it does have its moments. I think we all have to agree with the toilet analogy!
It's heart-warming to see the support that Thailand's poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated get from farang males as long as the poor, disenfranchised, oppressed and uneducated are willing to hop in the sack for a purple note or two.

On the other hand, sad to see farang females like yourself having a go at these girls and thinking it's a great analogy to refer to them as toilets, and feeling the need to generalize and have a go at farang males in general. In both cases knowing very little about the cirumstances.

Ever thought that but for a chance of birth you'd be that toilet. They aren't born prostitutes. Nor do most of them have a poverty free, easy life full of choices, reach the age of 22, graduate with a degree and then make a choice to go into prostitution. You've obviously very little understanding of the country you're living in and the many reasons why girls are often in the situation they are in.

There are also plenty of us foreign guys that look at these girls as the human beings they are, without "hopping into the sack with them for a purpe note or two". If you don't meet such guys and need to generalise about farang guys, I wonder why you don't meet them. Perhaps we prefer not to associate with people with such judgemental views like yours.

You've definitely got your stereotypes deeply embedded about Thai prostitutes and farang males. Perhaps ask yourself why that is. Perhaps also ask why (some of) the farang males you're stereotyping would rather be with your stereotype Thai hooker, than be with you. Ever thought of yourself as being lower than the toilets you're having a go at? You're suggesting it on at least two levels: One because you're looking down on others, without any knowledge of their circumstances. Two because these guys are choosing your toilets above you?

Perhaps there are just more of us farang males with knowledge, compassion and tolerance of others of where we are living, and perhaps farang guys in Thailand are normally just less judgemental than female farangs like you...

I agree completely with the parts of your post in bold. I don't need to pay anyone to "hop in the sack" with me, thank you very much, but these obviously bitter and/or jealous people on their high-horses saying that another group of people are not fit to frequent the same places that they do really ticks me off.

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Ever thought that but for a chance of birth you'd be that toilet. They aren't born prostitutes. Nor do most of them have a poverty free, easy life full of choices, reach the age of 22, graduate with a degree and then make a choice to go into prostitution.

Let's not forget though that the ones that do make that choice are still indeed in the minority of those born into poverty. It's a common exaggeration by many on these threads that poverty/a life with few choices/etc. = prostitution as the automatic career choice. The gals (and boys) who grind it out in the fields and factories deserve some credit for sticking to their guns too.


Of course they do as do those that do not just grind but fight there way up by going through Uni or opening successful business's - even if it might be with a foreign husband.

Not all the poor in American ghetto's and in Glasgow's schemes become junkies or gangsta's but enough of them do - there is peer pressure on them and what pressures do some (but not all) of the girls get - in some villages its seems to be a makr of success.

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