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How Rich Thais View Poor


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The scene in Borat with the black whore at the stuffy dinner party is one of the best moments in a brilliant film. Bringing prostitutes out of the brothels is always very, very funny in any culture. People are laughing at the men who bring them out as much as the girls themselves - no harm done...

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Your missus is definately a looker.

Nice one

looks like a fish

lol, it is a strange picture :o

I think she looks more startled, I wonder what it is that scared her, maybe Acquiesce member status :D :D

Most definately cute though :D

EDIT BTW, how has this thread managed to get to 15 pages? I thought that discussion of prostitution / bargirls etc. was prohibited.

Edited by Crossy
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The two Thais that I know that have "Mia noi" used to treat them well,but they were kept on the pay roll for one thing...shagging.Pure and simple.Define that???ohhh They must be prostitutes then. :o

Do theses women have multiple, money based relationships? I don't think so.

Mia nois that I have personally known are as chaste any other women.

Besides their man would dump them the moment he learns they are selling themselves to others as prostitutes.

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canada, it looks like compliments went to your head. he made a great point and you are being silly.

If you go back far enough, we all have monkeys in our family tree. :o:D

Speak for yourself.

Wow -- I knew there were some real neanderthals on this board, :D but I didn't realize we had people who don't even believe in evolution! Wonders never cease.

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Shock Horror!

The blog is written in English so all of a sudden you get an insight into the fact that Thai society does have a negative view on the 'harmless fun' had by foreigners visiting Thailand for the 'nightery entertainment'.

How many times here on TV have we read half baked and embarrassingly ill informed posts from guys spouting on about how Thai society does not view their P4P behavior with the same negativity as western society?

Learn Thai, get away from the 'Water Trade' and listen to what Thais have to say on these subjects - The views expressed in the Blog are commonly expressed by many many Thais.

The only difference here is the language the message is in, and the fact that the blog forum negates the usual 'Thai Reserve'.

The writer is Thai - Those are Thai views and as I say above, more common that you might believe.

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canada, it looks like compliments went to your head. he made a great point and you are being silly.

If you go back far enough, we all have monkeys in our family tree. :D :D

Speak for yourself.

Wow -- I knew there were some real neanderthals on this board, :D but I didn't realize we had people who don't even believe in evolution! Wonders never cease.


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canada, it looks like compliments went to your head. he made a great point and you are being silly.

If you go back far enough, we all have monkeys in our family tree. :o:D

Speak for yourself.

Oi! Mr Creation theory...

"You have 2 eyes, 2 ears, and only 1 mouth. So Look and listen twice as much as you speak." - If you have twice the amount of ears and eyes, shouldn't your mouth work twice as much to catch up?

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The two Thais that I know that have "Mia noi" used to treat them well,but they were kept on the pay roll for one thing...shagging.Pure and simple.Define that???ohhh They must be prostitutes then. :D

Do theses women have multiple, money based relationships? I don't think so.

Mia nois that I have personally known are as chaste any other women.

Besides their man would dump them the moment he learns they are selling themselves to others as prostitutes.

So a woman has to have multiple money based relationships now?One money based relationship not enough?

And a mai noi is as chaste as any other woman.. :o Please spare me!! :D

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It's your assumption, and it is completely wrong, that mia noi relationship are based only on money.

And it's still a big jump from there to prostitution.

Wichever way you look at it - if it's only money based, they would have many partners, if they had many partners they wouldn't be kept as mia nois, and wouldn't be called mia nois either.

The fact is - they love their men, they don't shag around for fun, and they are certainly not whores.

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It's your assumption, and it is completely wrong, that mia noi relationship are based only on money.

And it's still a big jump from there to prostitution.

Wichever way you look at it - if it's only money based, they would have many partners, if they had many partners they wouldn't be kept as mia nois, and wouldn't be called mia nois either.

The fact is - they love their men, they don't shag around for fun, and they are certainly not whores.

Are there really people that stupid that will think all mia noi relationships are based only on money?

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It's your assumption, and it is completely wrong, that mia noi relationship are based only on money.

And it's still a big jump from there to prostitution.

Wichever way you look at it - if it's only money based, they would have many partners, if they had many partners they wouldn't be kept as mia nois, and wouldn't be called mia nois either.

The fact is - they love their men, they don't shag around for fun, and they are certainly not whores.

Are there really people that stupid that will think all mia noi relationships are based only on money?

That is pretty stupid. It's obvious that the relationship is based on money AND sex; how ridiculous to think it's based only on money!

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"How many times here on TV have we read half baked and embarrassingly ill informed posts from guys spouting on about how Thai society does not view their P4P behavior with the same negativity as western society?"

You should try rereading her words. She said that P4P is fine as long as the girls are treated as toilets and not taken into the Emporium. If places of prostitution are allowed to remain opened by the Thai government and thus Thai society, then why should prostitutes be ashamed of their profession and why should they be forced to 'remain behind closed doors'? If the Thai public has such a problem with prostitution, why does such an absurd proportion of Thai men participate? Why are there dozens of 20 story massage parlors?

Thais do not have a problem with prostitutes, they have a problem with dark skinned girls from poor regions of Thailand gaining wealth by dating and marrying farangs. That is the issue at hand. That is what she complained about.

"The only difference here is the language the message is in, and the fact that the blog forum negates the usual 'Thai Reserve'."

If these are the feelings and the type of language (calling people toilets, calling their living accommodation a cell, stating that their sister could only hope to be maid) that Thais negate from using in favor of the Thai Reserve' that doesn't say very much for them as human beings.

Edited by FarangNoi21
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But really -- what if some hi-so families had prostitutes in their family tree 10 generations ago? What does that really change? Does that take away the right to find certain things about people distasteful now? If you go back far enough, we all have monkeys in our family tree. :o:D

You are missing the point, Thais do not find prostitution distasteful. Prostitutes serve a purpose in society as far as Thais are concerned. They are at the bottom of society. What Thais have a problem with is people from the lower rungs of society eating and shopping in the same places that they do. Thailand is a class society and many of its wealthy, so-called hi-so's are elitist snobs.

Why is it that Thais have made negative comments to my girlfriend calling her a prostitute despite the fact that she is wearing her university outfit and carrying books? Is any young girl holding a farangs arm definitively a prostitute? Why is that? It is because people are jealous and vindicative and feel the need to insult another person to make themselves feel better.

Edited by FarangNoi21
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Please do not bother what other people think and/ore say about you.

If you are happy with your partner (wherever she/him is from) please enjoy your time together.

If you hear some people talking bad about you just reply: Yet mung!

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Farangsay, thanks for the PM asking me to respond to your post, though I don't see that a response is really necessary.

I have already said the views expressed by the Blogger are common among Thais, it is the fact that they are made in English, therefore therefore accessible to non Thai speakers, and made on a blog so therefore not contrained by the normal 'Thai Reserve' one would expect in a face to face converstion that ... shall we use a pun... Let's the cat out of the bag.

We know Thailand is a class based society and we know that it is full of paradox in hypocricy (what society is not).

But what we have here is irrufutable evidence that the claims we so often read heere on TV that Thai society is not judgmental of the P4P trade or that the rules are not the same are in fact nonsense.

I myself have often countered such claims with the comment 'just because you can't see the rules does not mean there aren't any'..

As for individiual experiences of predjudice - Well I am sure the rich/poor issue does come into play, but I think the real issue is the change in Thai attitudes to foreigners and the behaviour of foereigners in Thailand.

The comparison with Thai male behaviour, since you raise the issue, is that indeed a Thai male may take part in P4P (by no means all do) but those that do leave the girl in the massage parlour.

What you do and what you rub in other people's faces does matter in Thailand, as elsewhere.

That is not a defense of the views expressed, rather a statement of how the game is played.

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No it is not Heng,

Take away the money thing and those people have nothing.

People judging on how wealthy you are are on the lowest side of life.

People that judge you as a person are on the high side.

I agree with Alex on this one. The people judging people on money alone are disgusting. We keep hearing racist comments about the Thai-Chinese and sweeping generalizations about all rich Thai people thinking this way or that way - how revolting and close-minded!

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I found the blogger in question to be rather spiteful. The one line of truth was "The world of bar girls and their "daddy" boyfriends is beyond me." Having clearly grown up in a world where one never has had to make one's own bed, it is understandable that the life of a bar girl who started out perhaps in a poor rural village is "beyond" her. And we see her disdain for the women from those towns who did not enter prostitution in the following line "take them shopping in shops that their town neighbors could only be maids in".

I am surprised, and dismayed, at the number of neo-sahibs here who are actually sympathetic towards this lass and her attitude. But maybe it is just a generational thing redarding this pathetic excuse for a female human as I am over 50 and she has got this really vile attitude for men over 50 "I looked, he was fat, old like wrinkly, and I was dead sure he could not have been younger than 50." Thank you Baby Jesus for keeping women like this out of my life. Now please Baby Jesus, stop these neo-sahibs from buying land in Thailand near my house and building their haciendas.

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I think that thsi topic goes deeper than the Hiso Thais looking down on the Loso Thais and here is an example.

My thai wife and i went away for the weekend with a group of people with whom we had just become aquainted. There were four mixed couples made up of farang Thai relationships.

As it turns out all the women were has a similar background and came from tha Issan area including my wife. The other three women had white skin and various body/facial enhancing surgery which was very obvious. As time went on and the drink flowed i became aware that the three white skinned women were being very derogatory about my Dark skinned wife. My Thai is not brilliant but i could understand a little of what was being said and i could feel the atmospere. My wife eventually left for another room and joined some local people having a meal. Her parting words were in English "remember just where you came from".

I joined her and asked her to explain in detail what had been said by the whitening cream brigade. When she explained i was astonished by the way that she had been treated by her follow North Easterners and i was so proud of the way that she handled it with the paring verbal shot. Needless to say we did not hang around too long and i let the male contingent know just how i felt about the situation.

These women were Loso and now they think that they are Hiso because they are married to Farang. Where would they stand in the eyes of the true Hiso Thias?

Cheers, Rick

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The one line of truth was "The world of bar girls and their "daddy" boyfriends is beyond me." Having clearly grown up in a world where one never has had to make one's own bed, it is understandable that the life of a bar girl who started out perhaps in a poor rural village is "beyond" her.

That is no doubt the truth though, and serves to highlight the vast difference in the "beds" available to different people in contemporary Thailand.

The old boogers with their bar girls seem oblivious to the way they are parading the girl as a bar girl. This is both counter to general Thai sensibilities and a rather crude way of exhibiting the status of the girl. (Why place her in this situation where she knows she will be judged ? Nobody other than her "employer" :o is fooled about the type of relationship.) As for what it says about the old boogers, well, that's what other foreigners have to contend with, and that is why many of us would prefer to see some more understanding & sensitivity.

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