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German Arrested For Raping Thai Teen

sriracha john

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Perhaps she really wanted 3,000 Baht and he only paid 300 Baht? On a second thought, I'm pretty sure any 'nice' Thai girl in her age knows that walking in Pattaya at that time of the night and accepting money from a foreigner (or even Thai) means one thing only. 'Nice' girls know not to walk alone along the beach road at that time of the night, come on. We foreigners already know what's happening, Thais know it even better.

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PS Is that a syrup on his head or what?

Trying to disuise himself beneath a dead bandicoot ?

"Ripcurl" can't be pleased.

Got to be one of the worst syrups I've seen. Can't imagine he paid much for it.

As for him being a DJ, mmm one wonders what type of music he was playing. :o

What a complete and utter merchant banker.

Certainly a guy that should have his passport confiscated, if not for his alledged indecent crimes, then certainly for that rug on his head.

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Let's not forget this :

Mr. Suphakorn revealed that Mr. Geissler, who arrived in Thailand six months ago, was formerly a DJ in a pub in Germany. He has a long history of committing indecent acts. The German Embassy also cooperated with the Thai police in Mr. Geissler’s arrest. Police took a record of the case and will keep the German Embassy informed as the case progresses.
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Let's not forget this :
Mr. Suphakorn revealed that Mr. Geissler, who arrived in Thailand six months ago, was formerly a DJ in a pub in Germany. He has a long history of committing indecent acts. The German Embassy also cooperated with the Thai police in Mr. Geissler’s arrest. Police took a record of the case and will keep the German Embassy informed as the case progresses.

Very true, it appears that he is a prolific sex offender.

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Lets see. Pattaya. Girl walking the beach. Takes money from man. They go off into the woods.


= RAPE!!!

Seriously. I thought kids under the age of 18 were not allowed on the streets after 9 or 10pm?

Theres a law for that?? :o:D:D

wheres the picture of the girl ,at 16 she could look 25 with the right make up and attire ,not condoning what this guy has done ,but vendetta or duped spring to mind ,why has it taken since 7 september to come forward ,no chance of dna samples :D

I smell entrapment, no decent girl of any age would go walkabout with a farang unless she was known to him,
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Mr. Geissler admitted having sex with Miss Jam as he assumed that she was offering sex services along the beach. He claimed that he had often made assignations for sexual services with women along the beach. He said he normally paid three hundred baht for sex and would go to an abandoned house to avoid having to pay for a hotel room.

So where does he live? Is there a Mrs Geissler? Don't tell me he lives in a posh hotel that doesn't allow takeaways on the premises.

Oh well I dare say some extra cash will change hands of which the girl might even get some.

PS Is that a syrup on his head or what?

If it is he dies the roots grey ! lol,. it said on the news he always went to deserted obscure areas to avoid paying for hotel rooms, strange,.perhaps he a dogger ?
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Some of the posts here are sickening!

Just imagine what the reaction would be if it was a British girl.

Racist xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

And these people probably have thai wives!

I feel sick!

Im inclined to agree with you, however ask any thai veteran ,if you as much as approach a thai girl/lady and they are straight they usually completly ignore you, and do a runner, someting strange here, im not condoning it ,and he has a history,but if he asked and she had fake id did he commit an offense ? oh yes, i forgot prostitution is illegal in thailand, sorry,. :o
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On a second thought, I'm pretty sure any 'nice' Thai girl in her age knows that walking in Pattaya at that time of the night and accepting money from a foreigner (or even Thai) means one thing only.

Maybe she was a poor tourist ... :o

I mean that would explain a lot of things.

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A sixteen year old girl reported to the Youth Safety Protection Center and filed a complaint against a German national for indecency.

On 19 September 2007, at 12:30 AM, Mr. Suphakorn No-Ja, Director of Youth and Women Safety Protection Center, the leader of the Transnational Crime Suppression Center, brought Miss "Jam" (alias), from Konkaen Province, to see Police Colonel Suthin Sabphung, Pattaya Superintendent.

Mr. Suphakorn, in cooperation with Police Colonel Suthin, had an arrest warrant from Pattaya City Court, No. 970/2550, dated 7 September 2007, for Mr. Hans Peter Geissler (64), a German citizen. Mr. Geissler was detained in front of the Royal Garden Plaza. He was charged with separating a minor, over fifteen, but under eighteen, from her parents for indecent purposes.

Miss Jam alleged that on 7 September 2007, at 10 PM, she was strolling along the beach in front of Mike Shopping Mall. She claims that Mr. Geissler struck up a conversation with her and asked her to accompany him to see the view on Khao Tapraya and offered her three hundred baht for her time. Miss Jam agreed and they took a baht bus up the hill to Khao Tapraya. According to Miss Jam, Mr. Geissler raped her near Khao Pra Yai Temple and then ran off. Miss Jam then reported to the Youth and Women Safety Protection Center and a warrant was issued for Mr. Geissler's arrest.

Mr. Geissler admitted having sex with Miss Jam as he assumed that she was offering sex services along the beach. He claimed that he had often made assignations for sexual services with women along the beach. He said he normally paid three hundred baht for sex and would go to an abandoned house to avoid having to pay for a hotel room.

Mr. Suphakorn revealed that Mr. Geissler, who arrived in Thailand six months ago, was formerly a DJ in a pub in Germany. He has a long history of committing indecent acts. The German Embassy also cooperated with the Thai police in Mr. Geissler's arrest. Police took a record of the case and will keep the German Embassy informed as the case progresses.

- Pattaya Daily News

I have read and reread this article. Am I missing something here or is this the worst case of reporting in recent times?

"19 September 2007, at 12:30 AM Mr. Suphakorn brought Miss "Jam" (alias), from Konkaen Province, to see Police Colonel Suthin

Miss Jam alleged that on 7 September 2007, at 10 PM, she was strolling along the beach and Mr. Geissler struck up a conversation with her and asked her to accompany him to see the view on Khao Tapraya and offered her three hundred baht for her time. Miss Jam agreed and they took a baht bus up the hill to Khao Tapraya.

Police Colonel Suthin, had an arrest warrant from Pattaya City Court, No. 970/2550, dated 7 September 2007, for Mr. Hans Peter Geissler"

19 September 12:30AM was early this morning. The alleged rape took place on 7 September sometime after 10PM. The arrest warrant is dated 7 September and names Hans Peter Geissler.

Did the "rapist" give Miss Jam his name? If not how did the police have it on the warrant. Is it possible she had gone with him before and enjoyed the 300 baht view and knew his name?

I think it would be best not rushing to judgement on the possibility of a "setup" or a legitimate case of underage rape until we get the facts (times and dates) straight. However, in the true spirit of TV forum membership, my opinion is it is a setup/scam. I think other comments have covered all the reasons so nuff said.

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Someone needs to tell Hans that the Thai police are getting ready to do to him what his finger gesture depicts.

German arrested and accused of Raping a 16 year old girl

A case of suspected rape involving a foreign suspect now from Pattaya Police Station. It begins with an arrest made in front of the Royal Garden Plaza on Pattaya Beach in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The arrest was made on the strength of an arrest warrant issued on 7th September by the Pattaya Provincial Court detailing allegations that the suspect, Mr. Hans Peter Geissler, aged 64, from Germany, had allegedly raped a 16 year old girl on the Pratamuk Hill on 7th September.

Mr. Geissler was arrested with the assistance of the Woman and Child Protection Unit, a Division of the Transnational Crime Suppression Unit located at Pattaya Police Station, based on a complaint made by the 16 year old girl.

She stated that she was approached by the suspect on Pattaya Beach and he suggested the pair go to the Pratamnuk Hill. He offered her 300 Baht for her time and at this point, no mention of any sexual services were made, according to the girls account. When they arrived at the location, the girl was allegedly raped by the suspect near the Temple located at the popular viewpoint of Pattaya on the Hill, in a secluded spot.

Mr. Geissler is known to have a criminal record in Germany and is a registered sex offender.

He arrived in Thailand 6 months ago and would be seen picking up women on Pattaya Beach on a regular basis. He would always take them to outdoor locations and abandoned houses to avoid paying for hotels.

The German Embassy are working closely with the police and for now, Mr. Geissler has been charged with raping a minor aged under 18, but over 15. The case will now be referred to the Court and Mr. Geissler remains in custody at this time pending further investigations.

- Pattaya City News

Edited by sriracha john
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hmmm Pattaya. 300B. Very unfashionable elderly european. Child. Rape. Why am I not surprised.

This will do wonders for the Pattaya expat community image in the world press.

I wanted to take a weekend there inNovember. My thai friends screamed at me no. I can see why.It's all in the image.

You aren't a child at 16 <deleted>!

It's called 'teenager', and most of them are already having sex themselfs. You might remember it, or was is very different in the 40ies when you grew up?

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He said he normally paid three hundred baht for sex and would go to an abandoned house to avoid having to pay for a hotel room.

Sure he's not Scotish?

You mean Scottish? And according to a lot of bar & restaurant owners / workers I have met, Germans (amongst other nations) tend to be stingier in leaving tips than us Scots.

I know I am going to get flamed here but it is an annoying and all too common misconception that the Scots are misers. I've almost never gone without in Scotland without someone sharing whether it be food drink or money.

Do we drink too much as a nation ? Yes.

Do we occasionally wear strange dress that resembles a skirt to some people ? Yes.

Are we a nation of misers ? No.

Most of the Scots I know would share their last meal with you.

NOW you get the beers in while I disappear to the loo ! :o


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He said he normally paid three hundred baht for sex and would go to an abandoned house to avoid having to pay for a hotel room.

Sure he's not Scotish?

300 baht's probably what he reckoned is the thai price.

This is my take on it, he gave her the cash, she thought it was just for accompanyment, not for boom-boom. They get to the temple area and he gets angry when she refuses sex (as she believed it was just for the walk). He rapes her.

Now his ass is in the slammer.

Hope he gets whats coming to him.

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Another possibility--and this is pure speculation--but this girl got into a bit of trouble for her misdeeds and was sent to the Women's Protection group, who after some therapy helped her to decide that she had been raped. She may have went willingly with the guy, accepted the money, done the deed and later found out that since she's underage, she can charge him.

I know one of the groups in Cambodia has been under investigation for locking up girls until they admit they were molested by people.

I'd rather not be flamed. Not trying to diminish the affects of Rape--just putting it out that as a possible explanation/twist in this somewhat bizzarre story.

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Assuming even if the pure speculation rampant here that she is a prostitute is true and even if she willingly went... that she is under 18, he'd be looking at serious prison time if he was an American:


Good to see that Italy now also has a similar program:


Perhaps Germany will get onboard soon.

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Some of the posts here are sickening!

Just imagine what the reaction would be if it was a British girl.

Racist xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

And these people probably have thai wives!

I feel sick!

I don't care what her nationality is. The girl was strolling past bedtime in an area well-known for street-side prostitution and accepted 300 baht to accompany a 50+ year old man to a temple to look at the 'view'. If you believe that she wasn't either looking to provide him with what he wanted or had some scam in mind you are naive in the extreme. Her family will almost surely get what they wanted, which is some kind of cash settlement in order for the charges to be dropped.

That's the logic of the Thai police when foreigners take their balconey dives. Seems fishy, but surely they were just asking for it.


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German arrested and accused of Raping a 16 year old girl

A case of suspected rape involving a foreign suspect now from Pattaya Police Station. It begins with an arrest made in front of the Royal Garden Plaza on Pattaya Beach in the early hours of Wednesday morning.




Thanks John. This new article makes more sense.

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Assuming even if the pure speculation rampant here that she is a prostitute is true and even if she willingly went... that she is under 18, he'd be looking at serious prison time if he was an American:


Good to see that Italy now also has a similar program:


Perhaps Germany will get onboard soon.

Most countries don't have the pathetic laws the US (and Thailand) has regarding 18 year as a limit.

And since he isn't American it's a non-issue in this topic.

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hmmm Pattaya. 300B. Very unfashionable elderly european. Child. Rape. Why am I not surprised.

This will do wonders for the Pattaya expat community image in the world press.

I wanted to take a weekend there inNovember. My thai friends screamed at me no. I can see why.It's all in the image.

You aren't a child at 16 <deleted>!

It's called 'teenager', and most of them are already having sex themselfs. You might remember it, or was is very different in the 40ies when you grew up?

Oh dear, seems I have touched upon a sensitive subject for someone special. Well, lemme think for sec there sonny. Oh yes, I remember now (darn my advanced age makes me forget things). See, young fella, there's something called the The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Thailand and most western nations are signatories. Article 1 states as follows; For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier.

Now, I know what you are thinking, but wait, in Uzebekistan the age of majority is 14 and in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan it's 16, so it's gotta be ok in Thailand. Well, sorry to break the news to you, the age of majority is 18 in most of the world.

Yea, I know, your excuse will be, but hey, she's a working girl. Well, again sorry to say, Thailand is also a signatory of the Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour of 1999, known in short as the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention. That Convention relies upon the definition of child given above and prohibits the commercial sexual exploitation of children. That includes includes the use, procuring or offering of a child for the use in prostitution.

Your approach reminds me of way back when, when I was a patron of moshpits, these old people would think it was great fun to come into the pits and try and grab a girl's breasts or shove the kids from behind. Back in the 80's kids were tougher I guess, and basically we'd swarm the fratjocks and stomp them but good. My point being, that while someone might think something's acceptable, to us kids, it wasn't and since it was our mosh pit, our Doc Martins ruled. So, while you may see nothing wrong with this 62 year old lothario out for some amorous delight with this child, alot of people, including the judiciary and the general populace do. It's subject to local customs sort of like our mosh pit,and one needs to be respectful of that I reckon or suffer the consequences.

Oh, and to answer your observation that most teenagers are having sex, perhaps its true, but I think that if they are doing so, it's with other teenagers and not some guy old enough to their grandfather with a history of sex offences, and most certainly not someone with such poor fashion sense. As any 16 girl will tell you, that would be incredibly icky.

Edited by geriatrickid
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