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Stop worrying, its too late, SMS, E Mail, Mobile phone calls, Internet....its all theirs for the taking anyway.

First to look at an empty conveyor belt for an hour is so 'worth it' :o

See what being bored titless can make you do, troll around T3 looking for something new and Hey...Iris thing hmmmmmm

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Checked in for tonights TG flight and reconed time from saying Hello to suzi on the desk to hitting the Lounge was no more than 15 minutes...No bad....or rather getting better.

Also on the way through i noticed that they have opened up the Iris scan Security thingy registration office again (before was on trial)......g\Gotta have some of that.... :D

Anyway for all you up front honest travellers who are not dodging anything...Banks,police,ex wifes...etc...Easy ...quick looksee in the camera..scanned...smiled etc and i am now secured to use the machine on arrival anywhere in...well at least the UK...maybe others ..got to read the Bumft....

Well done the Home Office.....no more PP control or immigration.....

Asked them if they wanted a DNA sample but they only Larffed..... :o

Anyway wont know how good it is until I head back in a couple of weeks.......Time for a(another ) G&T.....Rought Innit..

Right next stop Singapores Kris Lounge--then the Red Cap...and a final one before the budgie takes orfff in... :D ....????

so if you're travelling biz class on Thai to Bangkok (which I'm doing on Wednesday) are you saying that the now recommended 3 hours before check-in is a load of nonsense?

  • 2 weeks later...
Checked in for tonights TG flight and reconed time from saying Hello to suzi on the desk to hitting the Lounge was no more than 15 minutes...No bad....or rather getting better.

Also on the way through i noticed that they have opened up the Iris scan Security thingy registration office again (before was on trial)......g\Gotta have some of that.... :D

Anyway for all you up front honest travellers who are not dodging anything...Banks,police,ex wifes...etc...Easy ...quick looksee in the camera..scanned...smiled etc and i am now secured to use the machine on arrival anywhere in...well at least the UK...maybe others ..got to read the Bumft....

Well done the Home Office.....no more PP control or immigration.....

Asked them if they wanted a DNA sample but they only Larffed..... :o

Anyway wont know how good it is until I head back in a couple of weeks.......Time for a(another ) G&T.....Rought Innit..

Right next stop Singapores Kris Lounge--then the Red Cap...and a final one before the budgie takes orfff in... :bah: ....????

so if you're travelling biz class on Thai to Bangkok (which I'm doing on Wednesday) are you saying that the now recommended 3 hours before check-in is a load of nonsense?

When I went through check in a couple of weeks ago at T3 it took me about 2 minutes at the ROCKI /Gold desk to get my boarding card,walked up stairs to fast trak and into the pit of the x-ray check (about 5 minutes) and then did the IRIS registration bit (office on the left...about 10 minutes )and then went through the second "shoe check" x ray ...about 3 minutes and finally walked over to the lounge via the off sales and had my first beer ...again about 5 minutes..

Total time from getting off the tube at Heathrow ...through the system... @ 30 minutes :D whickh I recon is OK but it was a wednesday night flight.

On arrival back last night I headed for the IRIS check out again and took less than a minute to go through the thing ...had to wait for K wife but she only took about 10 minutes via the normal channel...we were first off the budgie which probably helped.

Also suppose just by luck our ..read her cases came along pretty quickly ...I only have a tesco bag...old habits die hard..and we were talking to the drug sniffer dog about 2 minutes later... :D

Our pre arranged mini cab was waiting outside and we were on the M25 a few minutes after that ...so fairly satisfied...

Good trip and TG was spot On..... :D


Find it real hard to say anything good about Heathrow.

as a brit, its the worst airport for brits. they make me feel like a second class person.

hate going through the place now days

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