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The Window Is Back Open For Dependents Of Retirees

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


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Would I be correct in assuming this means that anyone who has recently been refused such an extension on the basis of a new Police Order that never came into existence could apply again for reconsideration under the old regulations which have never changed and remain in effect?

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Would I be correct in assuming this means that anyone who has recently been refused such an extension on the basis of a new Police Order that never came into existence could apply again for reconsideration under the old regulations which have never changed and remain in effect?

Anybody who was denied or application was not accepted to process in the last 19 days, can now apply.

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


My Dad is living here on a retirement visa (non imm O visa for one year issued in the UK)

How can i get on his visa? Does he need to apply for the full retirement visa in thailand... and then how do i get my visa


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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


My Dad is living here on a retirement visa (non imm O visa for one year issued in the UK)

How can i get on his visa? Does he need to apply for the full retirement visa in thailand... and then how do i get my visa


Your father would need to satisy the financial requirements and to be on an extended retirement visa, and you would need to be less than 20 years of age.

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


LOL, man they make and break new laws like a roller coaster, what are they doing? Must be a bunch of monkeys in a room, throwing up cards with new laws, old laws, and the cards land where they may, one day oh oh it landed with this law, the next day oh crap it came up the old law, we got to change back, can't they make up their minds with what is going on?????

This is good news though, today, what will it be tomorrow????????

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All I can say is; "My nitro can be put back on the shelve for a bit"

Thank You for this update and I hope for the many people out there that this remains true for a long time. Now we have to find a solution for those under 50 ....Oops for those under 50 nitro is for the heart

Edited by retiredusn
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LOL, man they make and break new laws like a roller coaster, what are they doing? Must be a bunch of monkeys in a room, throwing up cards with new laws, old laws, and the cards land where they may, one day oh oh it landed with this law, the next day oh crap it came up the old law, we got to change back, can't they make up their minds with what is going on?????

This is good news though, today, what will it be tomorrow????????

I first visted Thailand 5 years ago.

Yeah, still a newbie farang, when there.

I love the L.O.S, especially the politics.

Anybody familiar with "Gilbert & Sullivan" would realise they would have had a ball writing comic opera about Thai politicians.

I have been to Thailand 4 times this year.

My fave paper is The Nation, but read Bangers post too.

Online too, if not in Thailand, have to have my daily dose of humour/farce, woteva.

Roll on Thai politicians.

I will be back for Loy Krathorn.

Cheers and laffs all.

PS:Tthis Thai Visa site is greatest.

I went to Chiang Mai BBQ, met a lotta guys and gals.

Loved it all.

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Told a friend who was getting upset about the "new" law : TIT - don;t worry too much, been here over 20 years and this is like always a storm in a soup-cup - one can not fathom what is going on in the heads of NOB and what they come up with at their monthly "brain" storming" sessions

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


It is kind of the Officials at Immigration to understand the problem and to permit families to stay together. Hopefully, this spirit will continue and will become codified so as to prevent misunderstanding in the future.

And my thanks to Sunbelt for relaying information to this forum.

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To Sunbelt

What is the rules as you see them re Marriage Dollar amount B4000000 or B40000 a month. In the past I have been Grandfathered as i have been in the system for years. But on my last visit they said i should show B40000 next Time around (10 months from now) instead of money in the bank. Asked why she said just tring to help that we could use the money in the bank instead of just letting it sit there?? I showed her copy's of Police order both Thai and English , but she kept saying she was just trying to help?? What is your read. By the way this was in Tak office.

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So let me get this straight..

The rule change... That wasnt a rule change... Becuase it was already an existing law.. That could not be ignored or grandfathered... Has now been ignored ??

Ahh Amusing Thailand.

Yet another day in Paradise. All this to amuse us cos UBC ain't worth the money any more.

Do not adjust your mind. Reality is at fault.

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.


What does that actually mean for people over 62 with a dependent? CAn it be elaborated. Thank you. Rainer

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It means a return to allowing the spouse of someone on a retirement extension of stay to obtain yearly matching extensions of stay on the basis of the spouse retirement extension. In practical terms only one financial requirement required for a couple and no requirement that spouse be over age 50.

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GREAT new law, I am living here since more than 7 years now, bought some land, build a house etc......tought it is my home. I am maried since 7 Years to a nice Thailady. Unfortunately I am not OLD, just 47.

Last week on immigration office in Phuket. "......You have to leave country in 7 !!! days, it doesnt matter you have 470k on your accounts, if You cant show a monthly income of 50,000 You have to leave. WE want see monthly income now, not money on bank account."

The officer told me even if I have children with my wife, THEY HAVE TO LEAVE TOO........ ....is THAT really TRUE or just another JOKE of the officers?

During the whole stay at the immigration in Phuket there was nothing friendly at all, NO KRAB of the men and NO KA of the female officers......

Land of Smile and nice ppl??? ......long time ago


I find it very hard to believe that this took place. I have been going into Phuket immigration for over 20 years and never had an experience like this. They have always been helpful even with my american thai.

I assume you were on a marriage extenison so can't imagine what took place to cause this, or were you on some other visa not type "o"?

There is no way your kids would be forced to leave as if they were born to you and your thai wife, they are thai regardless on what visa you were on.

Edited by phuketrichard
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GREAT new law, I am living here since more than 7 years now, bought some land, build a house etc......tought it is my home. I am maried since 7 Years to a nice Thailady. Unfortunately I am not OLD, just 47.

Last week on immigration office in Phuket. "......You have to leave country in 7 !!! days, it doesnt matter you have 470k on your accounts, if You cant show a monthly income of 50,000 You have to leave. WE want see monthly income now, not money on bank account."

The officer told me even if I have children with my wife, THEY HAVE TO LEAVE TOO........ ....is THAT really TRUE or just another JOKE of the officers?

During the whole stay at the immigration in Phuket there was nothing friendly at all, NO KRAB of the men and NO KA of the female officers......

Land of Smile and nice ppl??? ......long time ago


I find it very hard to believe that this took place. I have been going into Phuket immigration for over 20 years and never had an experience like this. They have always been helpful even with my american thai.

I assume you were on a marriage extenison so can't imagine what took place to cause this, or were you on some other visa not type "o"?

There is no way your kids would be forced to leave as if they were born to you and your thai wife, they are thai regardless on what visa you were on.

Reports in the last couple of months indicate Phuket has been most unfriendly and taken to miss interpreting rules to the negative quite consistently..

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I was just changed over from a retirment extension to being over 50 and having a thai child. I went in in March and asked them what i needed to show and they told me. Only diference from Bangkok and Phuket is they wanted to see 500,000 in the bank for 3 months

When they asked why I wanted to change i told them I didn't have the 800,000, smiles all around.

In June went in and got the 1 month extension and then went back to top it up the next 11 months in July

They have alwys been helpfull BUT like i have said many many times before

Each immigration I find is a law unto itself.

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We are gratefull

common sence prevailed

My guts feeling still works the right way

thank God for that


Several inappropriate posts was removed from this thread, please keep this civil and on topic!

No politics here.

Thanks! :o

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Hilarious ! and were there not something like 600 or more postings on the other thread where people were complaining , packing their bags, leaving Thailand, going elsewhere , etc etc . TIT .

I agree there does seem (at first) to be a humorous side to all this. BUT in reality, for those who thought their lives were about to be torn apart AND those few actually rejected under the supposed "in force rules", there is nothing enjoyable or funny about it. My heart goes out to them.

Another time it could be any one of us living in Thailand on Visas affected.

It is indeed pleasing and reassuring that Immigration has re-evaluated its original intentions and are willing to think again on matters, However, it would BE BETTER STILL, more pleasant, reassuring and humane not scare so many people needlessly UNLESS it is 99.9% certain a rule implemented will stay implemented because all the issues have been carefully thought out first.

Of course if the above can happen what about the reverse. Being told there will not be a rule implementation us relaxing and then WHAM it happens.

What we need is some clarity, consistency, warning and trust on all sides.

Ideally we could do with all Visas rules coming down from a single Thai official source and not from several apparently partly overlapping authorities.

Regards, Dave

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Sad for the people on limited funds.

So much suffering.

What is the problem with your own countries that have social security backup?

I truely dont understand.

I don't think the issue was so much one of limited funds, but one of married couples where one was under 50, and there's no long-stay visa for them if they can't be classed as dependents of the other that is over 50, and on a retirement visa.

As for people on limited funds - if they're limited funds in Thailand, they're far more limited back in the West. - Food generally costs 3-4 times as much in Europe (and that's in supermarkets - restaurants would be an even bigger difference). Of course that's for basic ingredients, if you live on western food like pizzas or burgers, it's almost as expensive as back in your home country (except at the airport, where it's more expensive).

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Everything is status quo as before Sept 1st 2007 at Bangkok Immigration. The higherups had a meeting yesterday and as no new Police Order has been issued in the Royal Gazette, they'll abide with the National Police Order 606 starting as of today.

Good news for the extension of stay dependents based on retirement as of today. Possibly bad news for parents under 50 years old, because everything is the same until a new police Order comes out( if it ever will ) As of today the window is back open for applicants of dependents and Bkk Immigration is going to follow Police Order 606 even if it is in conflict with the Immigration Act and Ministerial Regulations.



Just wondering if Immigration in other parts of Thailand are going to do the same? We are going to be heading for Chiang Mai in the near future and would like some clarification.

Thanks :o

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