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Cabinet Shaken by Shares Scandal

Jai Dee

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Aree reverses field, resigns

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Interior Minister Aree Wongarya finally bowed to the inevitable on Wednesday, resigning his office after a tumultuous week during which he insisted he never would quit despite strong public criticism.



Interior minister Gen. Sonthi anyone? There will be plenty of others who ant the position that controls the election but I think I'll put him down as the current favorite.

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I told you the PM was an honourable bloke....

right you were ,

suspect we are going to miss him ................................................

fire 'n frying pans ??

bypass the frying pan, into the deep fryer.

By this time next year, I'll be a fully fledged member of the 'Thailand is going to the dogs' mob.

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There are rumors which I havent been abkle to confirm or otherwise that a relative of Aree, possibly his son, was/is going to run as a PPP candidate in the election. This would certasinly if true explain why Samak was so defensive of Aree. The interior ministry controls the election.

Just of course for anyone who wants a conspiracy story.

Personally I think resigning to show responsibility was the right action whatever the politics may or may not be behind it all. It does set a new standard in accepting responsibility even if in the end it was all a bit belated by two of the three and more or less forced by media and public outcry. In fact a bit like a western style political resignation.

This morning's Nation brings up some of the political issues at work.

Setting a standard to accept responsibility? I can't believe some of the things being said on TV by people who normally know better. Don't be so naive. These people disclosed all right from the beginning. They didn't try to hide anything. If there was a standard set in all this, it was their up front disclosures.

What is going on now is pure politics man.

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There are rumors which I havent been abkle to confirm or otherwise that a relative of Aree, possibly his son, was/is going to run as a PPP candidate in the election. This would certasinly if true explain why Samak was so defensive of Aree. The interior ministry controls the election.

Just of course for anyone who wants a conspiracy story.

Personally I think resigning to show responsibility was the right action whatever the politics may or may not be behind it all. It does set a new standard in accepting responsibility even if in the end it was all a bit belated by two of the three and more or less forced by media and public outcry. In fact a bit like a western style political resignation.

This morning's Nation brings up some of the political issues at work.

Setting a standard to accept responsibility? I can't believe some of the things being said on TV by people who normally know better. Don't be so naive. These people disclosed all right from the beginning. They didn't try to hide anything. If there was a standard set in all this, it was their up front disclosures.

What is going on now is pure politics man.

honourablity in politics is always has been about politics. You can either get away with it or you can't.

The fact of the matter, at least under most Westminister systems, the concept of polticians falling on their sword went out about 20 years ago. Now they hang on for dear life.

The fact that 2 out of 3 ministers right up front said they'd jump right from the get go says to me that they think that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Either that, or they used it as an opportunity to get out of a job they'd been concripted in for...which I've said in the past is a job many of them hate but are doing so for their King and Country (corney to say, hard to believe right? - so it is for me...but I'm a convert for now). I've also said in the past that the PM is an honourable man, and people like that have certain standards, regardless of the politics involved.

Either way, you aren't dealing with normal politicians here, which is why I'm a bit partial to the current mob as opposed to their replacements who are going to storm the barricades on Dec 26th.

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I think Oldmanriver dismisses the idea that ministers reacted honorably or otherwise to the news. He says it was a setup right from the start so there was not "spontaneous" reaction, they are just playing out their assigned roles.

Could be true.

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I think Oldmanriver dismisses the idea that ministers reacted honorably or otherwise to the news. He says it was a setup right from the start so there was not "spontaneous" reaction, they are just playing out their assigned roles.

Could be true.

potentially true. The back channels would have been used for communication first before things got made too public. So OK, potentially the PM is a good politician as well as a deft hand at the art of PR!

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Something doesn't add up, imo.

First the conspiracy was kept secret for many many months.

Then Aree and Oranuj clearly had to be pressed by the public.

My view on this is that Sithhichai and Oranuj were pawns. Aree, well, that could be something all together different. In any event, it is not about these three ministers. The big boys are at play.

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Something doesn't add up, imo.

First the conspiracy was kept secret for many many months.

Then Aree and Oranuj clearly had to be pressed by the public.

My view on this is that Sithhichai and Oranuj were pawns. Aree, well, that could be something all together different. In any event, it is not about these three ministers. The big boys are at play.

you mean to discredit him so that he couldn't run as a PPP cantidate?

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Something doesn't add up, imo.

First the conspiracy was kept secret for many many months.

Then Aree and Oranuj clearly had to be pressed by the public.

My view on this is that Sithhichai and Oranuj were pawns. Aree, well, that could be something all together different. In any event, it is not about these three ministers. The big boys are at play.

you mean to discredit him so that he couldn't run as a PPP cantidate?

There are rumors that one of Arees family will run as a PPP candidate. I dont think there has ever been a suggestion that he would. May or may not be true. However Aree has never been directly identified as either pro or anti Thaksin and as such is not trusted by the anti-T elements. To leave someone like this with power over the election which will be very dirty is something the anti- people may see as too risky. That Samak came out to defend Aree could have been because Aree was a PPP sympathiser or linked to them, or just that the PPP thought he would be weak on them in the election, or that the PPP definitely didnt want anyone else taking over the oversight of electoral matters. It could also just have been samak playing games. All imho.

We shouldnt forget that the government, NLA and Junta represent different interests collectively and have their own internal divisions as do the PPP and of course the ex-TRT. There are at least three major groupings within. This leaves the option of a lot of power games.

Personally I still think the resignations were ethically the right thing to do, politics surrounding them aside. In the field of government all decisions are political and in the nterest of the people involved, those above them and their parties or power groups. It doesnt mean sometimes the right stand cannot be made, and eventaully in this case I feel it was even if the manner of how it came about and the deatils surounding it are "interesting". There are some real dirty power games going on right now and they probably wont go away any time soon.

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Something doesn't add up, imo.

First the conspiracy was kept secret for many many months.

Then Aree and Oranuj clearly had to be pressed by the public.

My view on this is that Sithhichai and Oranuj were pawns. Aree, well, that could be something all together different. In any event, it is not about these three ministers. The big boys are at play.

you mean to discredit him so that he couldn't run as a PPP cantidate?

There are rumors that one of Arees family will run as a PPP candidate. I dont think there has ever been a suggestion that he would. May or may not be true. However Aree has never been directly identified as either pro or anti Thaksin and as such is not trusted by the anti-T elements. To leave someone like this with power over the election which will be very dirty is something the anti- people may see as too risky. That Samak came out to defend Aree could have been because Aree was a PPP sympathiser or linked to them, or just that the PPP thought he would be weak on them in the election, or that the PPP definitely didnt want anyone else taking over the oversight of electoral matters. It could also just have been samak playing games. All imho.

We shouldnt forget that the government, NLA and Junta represent different interests collectively and have their own internal divisions as do the PPP and of course the ex-TRT. There are at least three major groupings within. This leaves the option of a lot of power games.

Personally I still think the resignations were ethically the right thing to do, politics surrounding them aside. In the field of government all decisions are political and in the nterest of the people involved, those above them and their parties or power groups. It doesnt mean sometimes the right stand cannot be made, and eventaully in this case I feel it was even if the manner of how it came about and the deatils surounding it are "interesting". There are some real dirty power games going on right now and they probably wont go away any time soon.

Hammered, please read Avudh Panananda's analysis on page 3 of this morning's The Nation. I have been hinting at this for a week as it is what I have been hearing. Since on TV it isn't so unless it appears in print, it now has appeared in print.


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Based on Samak’s defending Aree, it would seem Samak has become a bit of a compass pointing out who is still tied to Thaksin. Couple that with the group from Isaan coming to support Aree and you can see what happened had to happen.

In my previous comment I made no consideration if Aree had the stock in question and was in office prior to the coup, I only considered post coup.

I also seem to recall the PM saying if there were some qualified TRT people, he would solicit them for office so the question is, was Aree one of them?

It would seem to get people out of the way now is hire a group from one of the Thaksin strongholds in Isaan and have them rally in support for the person you want out. If there is no time for that have Samak give a few glowing comments about them.

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In my previous comment I made no consideration if Aree had the stock in question and was in office prior to the coup, I only considered post coup.

I think that the weak point is there.

He was minister before the coup (deputy Education minister) ...

He has shares in 2 companies (only 0.3 % in the first one, and apparently more than 5 % in the second).

One of thoses companies was working with the gvt.

So ?

Aree keeps saying : "I would have rectified the cap violations if I knew about the rule,"

This is not serious.

But the point is : the NCCC is not serious by disclosing the story now... Why they waited so long ?

The manipulation is obvious.

It shows clearly that the NCCC was under "influence" during Thaksin's area... And since the coup too...

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Something doesn't add up, imo.

First the conspiracy was kept secret for many many months.

Then Aree and Oranuj clearly had to be pressed by the public.

My view on this is that Sithhichai and Oranuj were pawns. Aree, well, that could be something all together different. In any event, it is not about these three ministers. The big boys are at play.

you mean to discredit him so that he couldn't run as a PPP cantidate?

There are rumors that one of Arees family will run as a PPP candidate. I dont think there has ever been a suggestion that he would. May or may not be true. However Aree has never been directly identified as either pro or anti Thaksin and as such is not trusted by the anti-T elements. To leave someone like this with power over the election which will be very dirty is something the anti- people may see as too risky. That Samak came out to defend Aree could have been because Aree was a PPP sympathiser or linked to them, or just that the PPP thought he would be weak on them in the election, or that the PPP definitely didnt want anyone else taking over the oversight of electoral matters. It could also just have been samak playing games. All imho.

We shouldnt forget that the government, NLA and Junta represent different interests collectively and have their own internal divisions as do the PPP and of course the ex-TRT. There are at least three major groupings within. This leaves the option of a lot of power games.

Personally I still think the resignations were ethically the right thing to do, politics surrounding them aside. In the field of government all decisions are political and in the nterest of the people involved, those above them and their parties or power groups. It doesnt mean sometimes the right stand cannot be made, and eventaully in this case I feel it was even if the manner of how it came about and the deatils surounding it are "interesting". There are some real dirty power games going on right now and they probably wont go away any time soon.

Hammered, please read Avudh Panananda's analysis on page 3 of this morning's The Nation. I have been hinting at this for a week as it is what I have been hearing. Since on TV it isn't so unless it appears in print, it now has appeared in print.


Thanks for th heads up on that. Well worth the read.

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The fact that 2 out of 3 ministers right up front said they'd jump right from the get go says to me that they think that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Either that, or they used it as an opportunity to get out of a job they'd been conscripted in for...which I've said in the past is a job many of them hate but are doing so for their King and Country

Certainly Sitthichai must have known he was out of his depth in his job and was probably fed up with being ridiculed about it in the media. A "No brainer" decision for him to go.

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PM will not resign as rumoured

The Prime Minister, Gen. Surayud Chulanont, insists that he will not step down from the top post as rumoured.

Gen. Surayud, who is currently attending the United Nations (UN) General Assembly in New York in the United States of America, gave an interview, saying he will not resign from the premiership post. He asserts that he will continue his duties until they are accomplished, and one of them is the celebration of the 80th Birthday Anniversary of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej on December 5th this year. In addition, he will ensure that the general election will be held in December 23rd, 2007.

The Prime Minister says he will hold talks with the Cabinet members who wish to resign on October 1st before considering another Cabinet reshuffle, namely Information and Communication Technology Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom, Interior Minister Aree Wongaraya and Deputy of Commerce Oranuj Osathananda. He says their resignations could be down to the interpretation of the acts in the new constitution and other laws.

Gen. Surayud says the potential appointment of the Council for National Security (CNS) Chairman, Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin, as the deputy prime minister overseeing security should not cause problems, as it is the Prime Minister's responsibility to decide. He says he is not worried about the criticisms on this matter.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 September 2007

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Khunying Dhipavadee says she will not resign

Minister attached to the Office of the Prime Minister Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan (ทิพาวดี เมฆสวรรค์) affirms she will not resign due to political pressures, especially a censure debate against her by the National Legislative Assembly (NLA).

The minister says she is not concerned over the censure debate during which NLA will ask her about her performance in the Office of the Public Sector Development Commission and the annual military reshuffle.

Khunying Dhipavadee says the interim government has an objective to restore order in the society and political reconciliation in order to steer the country toward a transparent general election.

Today (September, 28th), Khunying Dhipavadee has traveled to the Office of the Auditor-General to provide information concerning a 33-million USD insurance money of the IP Star Satellite to the Assets Examination Committee.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 September 2007

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DPM Paiboon says Cabinet reshuffle should be completed next week

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Development and Human Security, Mr.Paiboon Wattanasiritham, expects the Cabinet reshuffle will be finalized by next week. He

Mr. Paiboon believes the Prime Minister, Gen. Surayud Chulanont, will find the right person for the Interior Minister's position as he is prudent and has a good judgment.

Mr. Paiboon also sees Democrat Party chief advisor Chuan Leekpai (ชวน หลีกภัย)'s disagreement with the possibility that Prime Minister Surayud may take over the Interior Minister's post as a good thing as the Prime Minister would be able to consider different views.

As for the National Legislative Assembly (NLA)'s proposal to hold a debate on the government's morality, Mr. Paiboon says the government should accept it. However, the Deputy Prime Minister dismisses the rumor on the Prime Minister's resignation.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 28 September 2007

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The fact that 2 out of 3 ministers right up front said they'd jump right from the get go says to me that they think that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Either that, or they used it as an opportunity to get out of a job they'd been conscripted in for...which I've said in the past is a job many of them hate but are doing so for their King and Country

Certainly Sitthichai must have known he was out of his depth in his job and was probably fed up with being ridiculed about it in the media. A "No brainer" decision for him to go.

That about sums it up. In an interview with him last week he said he has wanted to resign many, many times. This situation gave him the chance to resign and look like a hero. It is sad that people regard him as such given his poor track record.

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It is a bit of a mess here with the guilt by association that is about to start. Not to say there is guilt or innocence and also without going back to research threads, I would have to say the PM wants to have a small group of qualified people he can have some trust in and that is why he may be reluctant to let them just up and go. Saying there are but a few truly qualified people in Thai politics that have the ability to govern is an understatement.

The fallout of guilt by association starts below;

Prasong submits motion to question Surayud

Prasong Soonsiri, chairman of a special committee of the National Legislative Assembly, Friday submitted a motion, calling for a session to question Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont over the violation of share holding limit by three Cabinet members.

Prasong, chairman of the NLA ad-hoc committee on morality and ethics of politicians, submitted the motion to NLA Speaker Meechai Ruchuphan.

The motion was signed by 26 other NLA members, including Thanpuying Preeya Kasemsant and Borwornsak Uwanno.

The motion called for Surayud to explain the appointment of the three Cabinet members, who were later found to have violated the limit on stake holding.

The three - Interior Minister Aree Wongsearaya, Information and Communication Technology Minister Sitthichai Pokaiyaudom and Deputy Commerce Minister Oranuj Osatananda have announced their resignation following the finding of the breach of the share holding limit.

The Nation

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The uneasy alliance between different interest groups that forged before and after last years coup now shows signs of strain. The Surayud government and the NLA have since the NLAs rejection of certain government policies (that musty be a first in Thailand the legislature and executive not being hand in glove!) shows the majority in the government seems to represent a different constituency to the majority in the NLA. Then we have the Junta itself which is representative of a potentially even more diverse group. As the move from the unifying overthrow of T moves into the background and the elections approach with all that power up for grabs expect even more splits as what held the alliance together ceases to be the major issue. The anti-T side is as splintered into interest groups as the pro-T side now that real power is coming up for grabs again.

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In my previous comment I made no consideration if Aree had the stock in question and was in office prior to the coup, I only considered post coup.

I think that the weak point is there.

He was minister before the coup (deputy Education minister) ...

He has shares in 2 companies (only 0.3 % in the first one, and apparently more than 5 % in the second).

One of thoses companies was working with the gvt.

So ?

Aree keeps saying : "I would have rectified the cap violations if I knew about the rule,"

This is not serious.

But the point is : the NCCC is not serious by disclosing the story now... Why they waited so long ?

The manipulation is obvious.

It shows clearly that the NCCC was under "influence" during Thaksin's area... And since the coup too...

One of the companies that Are had shares in is a company producing a very popular canned fish product.

If I remember rightly the owner is from Trang and has strong links to TRT, previously The Democrats.

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Sitthichai resigned quickly because he had enough. He had wanted to resign several times before this (see his recent interview) and this gave him his out. Is this the new standard people want?

I am also inclined to think that another reason for his resignation was related to yet another call to ban Youtube :D

even 1st time he said that he feels this kind of responsibility to make such decision himself all alone is too is much - that such decision has to be given to courts. but he had not much choice than comply. this time though perhaps he's decided that he has a choice and used shares issue as an opportunity to quit and avoid whatever pressure.

because definitely to watchdog and censor or close / ban websites and blogs - not a pleasant or grateful work. and there is no indications that the volume of this work will reduce with new Cyber Law :o

anyway, he was doing his own biz in private sector and more than once said that he'd rather prefer to return to that instead of being involved in politics.

hero or not, I think that he's made a smart move. and I do not think that either this shares matter is a serious reason or that it wasn't well known since the very beginning.

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In my previous comment I made no consideration if Aree had the stock in question and was in office prior to the coup, I only considered post coup.

I think that the weak point is there.

He was minister before the coup (deputy Education minister) ...

He has shares in 2 companies (only 0.3 % in the first one, and apparently more than 5 % in the second).

One of thoses companies was working with the gvt.

So ?

Aree keeps saying : "I would have rectified the cap violations if I knew about the rule,"

This is not serious.

But the point is : the NCCC is not serious by disclosing the story now... Why they waited so long ?

The manipulation is obvious.

It shows clearly that the NCCC was under "influence" during Thaksin's area... And since the coup too...

One of the companies that Are had shares in is a company producing a very popular canned fish product.

If I remember rightly the owner is from Trang and has strong links to TRT, previously The Democrats.

I continue to hear rumors of bits of Aree's family being close to TRT. I dont know whether it is true or an attempt to slur him by politcal enemies.

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PM calls meeting concerning Cabinet reshuffle

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont calls a meeting with top state officials concerning the Cabinet reshuffle following the resignation of three ministers.

Before attending the meeting, ex-minister of Information and Communication Technology Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom (สิทธิชัย โภไคยอุดม) told the press that his resignation will take effect from today; he also expressed no remorse over his resignation. Other ministers and deputy ministers joining the meeting include Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry Kosit Panpiemrat (โฆสิต ปั้นเปี่ยมรัษฎ์), Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Kasem Sanitvongse Na Ayudhaya (เกษม สนิทวงศ์ ณ อยุธยา), Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sawanit Kongsiri (สวนิต คงสิริ).

However, Mr Sitthichai says he is still concerned over the work of the ICT ministry, graft cases and the ministry’s disbursement which has been delayed.

The former ICT minister declines to comment on the Cabinet reshuffle but says he regrets not having an opportunity to work with Chairman of the Council for National Security Gen.Sonthi Boonyaratglin who might join the Cabinet.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 October 2007

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High-ranking officials attended farewell ceremony for Mr. Aree

Many high-ranking officials under the Ministry of Interior joined the farewell ceremony for Interior Minister Aree Wongaraya this morning (October 1st).

Mr. Aree traveled to the Interior Ministry today after submitting his resignation letter to Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont at the Government House this morning. The atmosphere at the Interior Ministry was lively as many high-ranking officials, including the Permanent Secretary and the Deputy Permanent Secretary for Interior, attended the farewell ceremony for Mr. Aree.

Newly appointed officials, such as Mr. Jaran Jongwutthivej, the Deputy Permanent Secretary for Interior, and Mr. Wichai Srikwan, the Director-General of the Department of Local Administration, paid respect to the holy shrine at the Interior Ministry this morning.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 01 October 2007

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Two more cabinet members resign over shareholdings

Two more cabinet members have resigned from Surayud government over their ethical concerns over shareholdings they held, Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said Monday.

They were Natural Resources and Environment Minister Kasem Sanidwong na Ayudhaya and Deputy Foreign Minister Saowanit Kongsiri.

The National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC) have accused last week five cabinet members of having shares in companies in excess of a five per cent limit imposed on ministers prior to the coup, but which is not a punishable offence under the interim constitution.

Surayud said the three others; Interior Minister Vijit Sri-saarn, Public Health Minister Dr Mongkol na Songkhla and Deputy Finance Minister Phasee, refused to resign, saying that their holding of shares in firms did not violate the laws.

Source: The Nation - 01 October 2007

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