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Huge Political Rally In Buriram


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Does anyone have a link to a detailed report into the payments these people are allegedly getting for attending the rally?

Or is it just hearsay and speculation?

One of my friends in Buriram was offered 200 baht to attend Newin's rally but when she asked for a signed receipt to present to 'Falangs who love Frank.com' the agent adopted a somewhat reserved tone.

She said after Newin's revelations of torture, ie forced to diet for 11 days as well as strip down to underwear to expose said sacred Khmer talisman, the crowd felt they had done their bit and there was little point in staying on for overtime which was unlikely to be paid.

I wonder how Samak feels as head of the party when most of the crowd walked out after hearing one of his deputies.

Still, he has a thick skin.

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Went to pick up my son at school early,because it being exam time I was told they would get out early.Close to 2 o'clock I headed for school.I noticed a large number of pick ups and other vehicles crammed full of people.You might say this is nothing new in Thailand,but the large number of these vehicles was.I made it to school,and of course the game plan had changed,so I waited till about 3:30.My son wanted to stop and pick up a new PS2 game in town,so we did.Coming out of town and heading back home we started encountering an infinite number of these vehicles, all loaded with people.This continued for several kilometers.Off the road there were now thousands of people walking and all heading to a large field,where there were people as far as the eyes could see.My son and I were stunned at this extremely large number of people.We have never seen anything like this around here.There must have been several 10s of thousands of people.It didn,t stop there.Once we got through the eye of this hurricane of people it started on the incoming lane for several Kilo.Instead of the road allowing a lane for each traffic direction,the road was now transformed into having 3 lanes 2 converging towards Buriram,and part of one lane and the shoulder outgoing.All the while there where also what can only be described as thousands of people walking towards this rally.Although there is a military base very close by I did not see one soldier.My wife said its the old TRT group having this political rally.

Does anyone know whats going on?

That is Thaksins' money at work, that many people don't turn up for free!!

Did Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela and other similar leaders used to pay any money for people to show up? Take a life dudes, not everything is measured in money. No, I am not fan of Thaksin, but dont be so cynical. :o

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Does anyone have a link to a detailed report into the payments these people are allegedly getting for attending the rally?

Or is it just hearsay and speculation?

One of my friends in Buriram was offered 200 baht to attend Newin's rally but when she asked for a signed receipt to present to 'Falangs who love Frank.com' the agent adopted a somewhat reserved tone.

She said after Newin's revelations of torture, ie forced to diet for 11 days as well as strip down to underwear to expose said sacred Khmer talisman, the crowd felt they had done their bit and there was little point in staying on for overtime which was unlikely to be paid.

I wonder how Samak feels as head of the party when most of the crowd walked out after hearing one of his deputies.

Still, he has a thick skin.

No link? Disappointing. I was hoping that some sort of proof could be provided, but even that small request has proved too difficult.

BTW I can't stand Thaksin and was a vocal opponent of his tenure in Government, just as I am a vocal opponent of the coup and the current regime.

Only in La-La land is it necessary to be on one side or the other.

Homophobia has deep roots. Why you attack like this?

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Unlike Thaksin, the junta don't censor the papers ...


yeah, right - NO censorship of media in Thailand now!

do you sincerely believe that? then better you get some FACT

somehow Thai media keeps quite about another appeal to ban Youtube, hey?

or may be you've seen some reports about it? and have you wondered why ICT boss Sitthichai has actually resigned - do you honestly believe because of 16% share hold in some company? didn't they know that all along?

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You will never see detailed accounting of cash etc., paid to join rallies / to vote for a particular mob.

Why? Because they all do it. Therefore none of the parties will accuse the other of paying for votes etc.

Unlike Thaksin, the junta don't censor the papers ...


yeah, right - NO censorship of media in Thailand now!

do you sincerely believe that? then better you get some FACT

somehow Thai media keeps quite about another appeal to ban Youtube, hey?

or may be you've seen some reports about it? and have you wondered why ICT boss Sitthichai has actually resigned - do you honestly believe because of 16% share hold in some company? didn't they know that all along?

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Did Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela and other similar leaders used to pay any money for people to show up?

No, that's why I don't understand how some people think that Thaksin is in the same league.

Remember the massive pro-TRT rally at Sanam Luang last year? 300,000 people were bussed in, waived pre-approved little flags for cameras, back on a bus, all done in two hours.

Pro-Thaksin's demonstrations are more like North Korean parades than anything else.

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