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Time To Sit Back And Think


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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



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.the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old..

I often wonder what someone with a wife and kids finds appealing about thailand, especially bangkok. Young kids upcountry could have alot of outdoor fun but once they are school age it must be a struggle for the farang. Another case of poor planning

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Eat the same food for too long, you will eventually become sick of it.

Ditto staying in the same place too long. Try and treat yourself to a bit of a holiday somewhere else. Maybe that will change your perception.

Yeah, try the UK for a week or two! you will soon be glad you are living in Thailand again.

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Eat the same food for too long, you will eventually become sick of it.

Ditto staying in the same place too long. Try and treat yourself to a bit of a holiday somewhere else. Maybe that will change your perception.

Yeah, try the UK for a week or two! you will soon be glad you are living in Thailand again.

You're not kidding.

I went back last year for the first time in about 3 years, only to stay two weeks...shit after three days  I was on the "BEAM ME UP SCOTTIE"... thats what I mean...the UK has no appeal, but here too is lsing it's appeal...spent years in China, hate the USA...Europe is pretty much down th pan and too expensive, where can I go to just ENJOY!"

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England...Its just starting to turn into full Autumn with winter around the corner. Nights are drawing in, clocks will change soon. It will be dark when people get up. it will be dark when they travel home from work. The leaves are falling from the trees and you can be sure the mornings of scraping ice off the car windscreen wont be far away. Those long legged pointless flying things will be invading the house and driving the wife nuts. The local chavs will be setting off fireworks in the street and terrorising pensioners. Snow and or floods will come with the ensuing chaos that only half an inch of snow can bring to the travelling public in UK. The postmen and women are due to strike, the prison officers may not have finished with industrial action yet.The Daily Express is still going on about Princess Diana, and England is being run by a Jock while Scotland is trying to shape up for independance. Petrol and Diesel are about 98p a litre, some places the beer is near £3 a pint.

I cant go on, I am getting to depressed......

Oh and I just looked outside...Fon dtok maak maak

Edited by Cobalt60
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England...Its just starting to turn into full Autumn with winter around the corner. Nights are drawing in, clocks will change soon. It will be dark when people get up. it will be dark when they travel home from work. The leaves are falling from the trees and you can be sure the mornings of scraping ice off the car windscreen wont be far away. Those long legged pointless flying things will be invading the house and driving the wife nuts. The local chavs will be setting off fireworks in the street and terrorising pensioners. Snow and or floods will come with the ensuing chaos that only half an inch of snow can bring to the travelling public in UK. The postmen and women are due to strike, the prison officers may not have finished with industrial action yet.The Daily Express is still going on about Princess Diana, and England is being run by a Jock while Scotland is trying to shape up for independance. Petrol and Diesel are about 98p a litre, some places the beer is near £3 a pint.

I cant go on, I am getting to depressed......

Oh and I just looked outside...Fon dtok maak maak

Bloody hel_l! Thats a real wristslasher if ever I read one! :o

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Just trying to help :o

I know where I want to be......and its Not where I am now.

But what about the UKs vibrant multicultural, multiethnic society? Investers in PEOPLE? The friendly British Bobby? Cricket? Old ladies cycling to church?

COBALT! Put that down! I mean it! Cobalt, Im warning you! Hey get off me you f@cking...... :D:D:D

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where can I go to just ENJOY!"

considered australia?

But I thought that was  where sent all of our convicts....Newcastle has enough criminals...not sure I wa

t to live in a whole country full of them...besides, it sounds just the same a T

ailand..except the Thais don't have Kylie Minogue!

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Just trying to help :o

I know where I want to be......and its Not where I am now.

But what about the UKs vibrant multicultural, multiethnic society? Investers in PEOPLE? The friendly British Bobby? Cricket? Old ladies cycling to church?

COBALT! Put that down! I mean it! Cobalt, Im warning you! Hey get off me you f@cking...... :D:D:D

And, Just to make it worse! I bought a shit load of Northern rock shares at 2.87 quid....Kriet..gin lao...kriet..gin lao.... ha h

! where is that AXE! Lizzie Bordens got notning on me!

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where can I go to just ENJOY!"

considered australia?

But I thought that was  where sent all of our convicts....Newcastle has enough criminals...not sure I wa

t to live in a whole country full of them...besides, it sounds just the same a T

ailand..except the Thais don't have Kylie Minogue!

:o I'm speechless. :D

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Just trying to help :o

I know where I want to be......and its Not where I am now.

But what about the UKs vibrant multicultural, multiethnic society? Investers in PEOPLE? The friendly British Bobby? Cricket? Old ladies cycling to church?

COBALT! Put that down! I mean it! Cobalt, Im warning you! Hey get off me you f@cking...... :D:D:D

Hey, Baboon,

why are you using my ex mother in laws photo as you Avitar? how come you made her smile?

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Just trying to help :o

I know where I want to be......and its Not where I am now.

But what about the UKs vibrant multicultural, multiethnic society? Investers in PEOPLE? The friendly British Bobby? Cricket? Old ladies cycling to church?

COBALT! Put that down! I mean it! Cobalt, Im warning you! Hey get off me you f@cking...... :D:D:D

Due to massive amounts of politically correct legislation I am not allowed to comment on any of these things, I got 100% in my diversity test....honest...anyway if there was any soldiers left here I would suggest a coup, sadly they are either killed, left the service due to poor conditions of housing and pay or out kicking sand castles down in someone elses country and being shot at for some poloticians pleasure

Now back to beating that Baboon.... I blame Albert...you have made me Think too much

Edited by Cobalt60
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where can I go to just ENJOY!"

considered australia?

But I thought that was  where sent all of our convicts....Newcastle has enough criminals...not sure I wa

t to live in a whole country full of them...besides, it sounds just the same a T

ailand..except the Thais don't have Kylie Minogue!

:o I'm speechless. :D

Do they still have "Neighbours, Home And Away?...if they do...reason enough to stay put...on the other hand...if the Sullivans and Skippy are prime t

me viewing ( as I understand Mr. howard has all the DVD's) Then...pack up you're troubles in an old kit bag.... I'm waltzing matilda your way....only if you promise that Ralph Harris is open

game..."can you guess what it is yet...he he... BOOM!...a 12 bore!

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Due to massive amounts of politically correct legislation I am not allowed to comment on any of these things, I got 100% in my diversity test....honest...anyway if there was any soldiers left here I would suggest a coup, sadly they are either killed, left the service due to poor conditions of housing and pay or out kicking sand castles down in someone elses country and being shot at for some poloticians pleasure

Now back to beating that Baboon.... I blame Albert...you have made me Think too much

Cruelty to dumb animals is strictly against the law in the UK.{Along with pretty much evrything else.]

You will be hearing from my no win, no fee lawyer. :o

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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



You grumpy old b@stard. Get a job, get a life, get a purpose in life :o

Write down a list of all the great things that have happened in your life. If you don't take positive action you'll get even more miserable.

As son as you start to pursue a dream your life wakes up and everything has a meaning.

Even if it's completing a jigsaw, or building a model - doesn't have to be saving the human race. Anything is bettr that sipping your half bitter and double rum(if I remember correctly)

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where can I go to just ENJOY!"

considered australia?

But I thought that was  where sent all of our convicts....Newcastle has enough criminals...not sure I wa

t to live in a whole country full of them...besides, it sounds just the same a T

ailand..except the Thais don't have Kylie Minogue!

:o I'm speechless. :D

Do they still have "Neighbours, Home And Away?...if they do...reason enough to stay put...on the other hand...if the Sullivans and Skippy are prime t

me viewing ( as I understand Mr. howard has all the DVD's) Then...pack up you're troubles in an old kit bag.... I'm waltzing matilda your way....only if you promise that Ralph Harris is open

game..."can you guess what it is yet...he he... BOOM!...a 12 bore!

I'm taking the family to Oz soon for 3 weeks - it's good to have a break in a western country at least every 2 years. They still have Prisoner cell block H there - worth the trip in itself - always fancied that doreen and queen B.

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I'm off to bed...Kriet Gin Lao....enough mirth and frivolous postings...be careful BIG BROTHER is watching..and if it isn't about Thailand...or you tell "LIES" you get banned..believe me.. I did!

What was that I said about Skippy To be performed in a whistling sort of tone) ..whoooooo..... wheeeeee... whooo, G'day

Skip......., what's that?..... Ralph Harris has a severe gunshot wound to the left temple, and it looks FATAL!.....chroist...at least it's not bad news again!....can you guess what it is yet...huh..huh?

What was that old "sexy" woman from the Sullivans called - the old widow, with black curly hair....I can't sleep tonight...it wasn't Miss Marple...she was a hot piece! answers on a postcard to ....BBC Television..London, Un United KIngdom

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where can I go to just ENJOY!"

considered australia?

But I thought that was  where sent all of our convicts....Newcastle has enough criminals...not sure I wa

t to live in a whole country full of them...besides, it sounds just the same a T

ailand..except the Thais don't have Kylie Minogue!

:o I'm speechless. :D

Do they still have "Neighbours, Home And Away?...if they do...reason enough to stay put...on the other hand...if the Sullivans and Skippy are prime t

me viewing ( as I understand Mr. howard has all the DVD's) Then...pack up you're troubles in an old kit bag.... I'm waltzing matilda your way....only if you promise that Ralph Harris is open

game..."can you guess what it is yet...he he... BOOM!...a 12 bore!

I'm taking the family to Oz soon for 3 weeks - it's good to have a break in a western country at least every 2 years. They still have Prisoner cell block H there - worth the trip in itself - always fancied that doreen and queen B.

Not gone to bed yet!

Cell block H - another reason to avoid Ozz.... boy you really know the screen godeses...Queen B....got to dash..can feel something strange coming on....probably a vomitting fit....LOL

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England...Its just starting to turn into full Autumn with winter around the corner. Nights are drawing in, clocks will change soon. It will be dark when people get up. it will be dark when they travel home from work. The leaves are falling from the trees and you can be sure the mornings of scraping ice off the car windscreen wont be far away. Those long legged pointless flying things will be invading the house and driving the wife nuts. The local chavs will be setting off fireworks in the street and terrorising pensioners. Snow and or floods will come with the ensuing chaos that only half an inch of snow can bring to the travelling public in UK. The postmen and women are due to strike, the prison officers may not have finished with industrial action yet.The Daily Express is still going on about Princess Diana, and England is being run by a Jock while Scotland is trying to shape up for independance. Petrol and Diesel are about 98p a litre, some places the beer is near £3 a pint.

I cant go on, I am getting to depressed......

Oh and I just looked outside...Fon dtok maak maak

Yea ,but apart from that its alright ! :o
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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game) Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!


You grumpy old b@stard. Get a job, get a life, get a purpose in life :o

Write down a list of all the great things that have happened in your life. If you don't take positive action you'll get even more miserable.

As son as you start to pursue a dream your life wakes up and everything has a meaning.

Even if it's completing a jigsaw, or building a model - doesn't have to be saving the human race. Anything is bettr that sipping your half bitter and double rum(if I remember correctly)

Thailand and pattaya in general are bit like a drug, its not nice when you come down from it !
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Don't want to be ...what is the word? .... pessisimist?, mm not sure if that fits..

When I first came here it was like the "great escape" I forgot my "slave" job in Shanghai, and welcomed the thought to be living here.

After 4 or 5 years, the novelty appears to have worn off, don't get me wrong, I would rather be struck down with a bolt of lightning than 

o back to the UK, but Thailand seems to becoming a bit depresseing. Maybe due to a certain Boonyaratklin?

Maybe it is a middle age crisis, but the place does not hold for  me what it held before...the wife's got FAT, the kids are a pain in the arse....maybe I am just getting old.. you enjoy blowing old ice lolly sticks around the table? ( A Thai childs game)  Bow Bow Bow!

The future for someone of my aga looks pretty bleak here, no prospect of jobs...(you want a dishwasher turned microwave engineer?) Every opportunity there is a money sucking scam..and the Temples are NO1.

I thought me and the family would have been happy here, to get out of the rat race, but it seems at times, that the rats are 2nd favourite!



You grumpy old b@stard. Get a job, get a life, get a purpose in life :o

Write down a list of all the great things that have happened in your life. If you don't take positive action you'll get even more miserable.

As son as you start to pursue a dream your life wakes up and everything has a meaning.

Even if it's completing a jigsaw, or building a model - doesn't have to be saving the human race. Anything is bettr that sipping your half bitter and double rum(if I remember correctly)

Double Rum? what do you take me for? never touched the stuff for 20 years... You know, sometime you have to let off steam...now, you see from most of these posts, there is a bit of humour generated, which, in turn, makes life that much more enjoyable...every cloud has a silver lining... in fact..I may not even bother to go to bed, where is the Rum....?

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mind you, I can see the problem, you spent far too long smooching up to Minnie Caldwell and Ena Sharples, enough to drive any normal man wild with sexual desire.

I am a bit concerned about this Baboon and Injury lawyers for you. No win no fee. Someone must have to pay...I bet it is me.

Back to the list, I feel better now...Speeding, caught on camera, cant say who was driving ? OK they will now fine the registered keeper and give him SIX points for being so forgetfull...

Nope its no good I am depressed again...

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