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Life Is Cheap In Thailand.


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In my quiet little Thai village (pop. max 2500) there have been 14 murders, all using firearms in the last 18 months alone. Most were male in the 16 to 22 age group, two were highly respected village politicians, one aged 73, and another who was a good friend aged 41 (the latter was executed by AK 47 on his way home from dropping his two sons and other boys at the local High School). A 47yr old woman with a reputation for speaking her mind was shot in the head on her way home from a village funeral. Seems everyone knows who did it too, but no one is saying! The youngest was 12, shot by a friend following an argument at school. One lucky guy managed to escape after his friend was shot dead. The one that died jumped down a well in the dark, the assasin saw him and emptied the clip into the well before calmly walking to his car and driving off. The one that survived hid under a car. No one ever witnesses anything.

The unluckiest one was visiting his pregnant wife's family. He went with his mother in law to help get the cows from the fields. They were attacked by two teenagers with hand guns. Mother in law is now paralysed, the young man, who was from Bangkok, died. He had 11 bullets in his body. Everyone thinks it was a case of mistaken identity, as the young guy had recently been for his Police Cadet interview, had very short hair and was wearing combat fatiques. He had never been to the village before as they married in another village.

On another thread I read with some amusement the gungho attitude of some Farang that think they should stand up to intimidation by Thai men. Such inexperienced attitude could easily be fatal.

Of all these killings, the only one that the police "solved" was the 12yr old boy's slaying. The parents of whom received 50,000Bt in full and final settlement from the young murderer's family. No prosecution.

Yep, the UK is much worse than Thailand :o

Find a nicer village.

Nearly 1% of the population being murdered with guns every 18 months is certainly not commonplace in Thailand, whatever you seem to be suggesting.

Similar incidents happen frequently in the villages near me also most are never reported as unless you have money to pay the police to investigate they will not bother. So stats on gun crime in Thailand I suspect are not very accurate and much worse than what is officially reported.

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