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Sampan, I admire how much useful information you have. You know a lot about plastic surgeons in Bkk - Somyos for nose jobs, Greechart for BA, Preecha for face lifts (this I can confirm). May I ask you who you think is really good doing eyes, especially lower eye lids? Know anything whether Preecha is good in that? He does superb facelifts, can this be said also about his eye jobs?

Would be great if you could share your knowledge. Kind regards, Shakun

Thank you. Im very familiar with the medical field and know people around and have done tons of research all over and have been and seen and talked etc not to mention plenty of personal expeirence both directly and my significant other and friends.

May I ask what method incision were you thinking of for under your eyes? Obviously your concerned about your fat pads and eye bags and want them gone. Also if your going to do lower bleph youd highly want to consider upper bleph because if your at the age/stage where lower eyes are an issue then most likely you have excess skin fat and droopage on your upper eye too. Combined the 2 procedures would give you a much better result than just lower eye lid.

Look in the mirror and let me know and let me know what method youd like as not all surgeons do all methods etc


Dr. Somyos DOES NOT hold "identical training and holding identical position to Toriumi ". This doesn't make Dr. Somyos a poorly skilled surgeon but let us not get out of hand here and give out misleading and false information!

According to your logic then heart surgeons in Thailand have to do something else on the side too! But do they? NO! What about Urologists? They don't multispecialize. The list goes on. And keep in mind everything else is cheaper in Thailand (labour, services, running a clinic RELATIVE to USA or wherever it may be)so the doctors, including Preecha and et al charging less is perfectly reasonable! And Dr. Tourimi is not very "American sounding". Neither is Dr. Ramirez (jaws) who are the most repespected for their particular crafts. This is the same reason why Dr. Preecha is internationally celebrated for his skill too. Sorry, can't be said of the same for Dr. Somyos.

I am going for surgery with a maxfax soon. But jaw implants are a separate thing to jaw alignment and bite correction akin to vision is to eyebags!

I will be asking a ton of questions when I go on these consults. That's the only way to do it.

BTW, how are the incisions healing from the surgery?

Dr. Somyos DOES NOT hold "identical training and holding identical position to Toriumi ". This doesn't make Dr. Somyos a poorly skilled surgeon but let us not get out of hand here and give out misleading and false information!

According to your logic then heart surgeons in Thailand have to do something else on the side too! But do they? NO! What about Urologists? They don't multispecialize. The list goes on. And keep in mind everything else is cheaper in Thailand (labour, services, running a clinic RELATIVE to USA or wherever it may be)so the doctors, including Preecha and et al charging less is perfectly reasonable! And Dr. Tourimi is not very "American sounding". Neither is Dr. Ramirez (jaws) who are the most repespected for their particular crafts. This is the same reason why Dr. Preecha is internationally celebrated for his skill too. Sorry, can't be said of the same for Dr. Somyos.

I am going for surgery with a maxfax soon. But jaw implants are a separate thing to jaw alignment and bite correction akin to vision is to eyebags!

I will be asking a ton of questions when I go on these consults. That's the only way to do it.

BTW, how are the incisions healing from the surgery?

Lets compare briefly because im getting tired here:


Head of the Division of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Professor at university.

Trained in EENT and Plastic surgery specialising in facial plastic and reconstruction.

Published works and research papers etc and has thought and attended conferences etc.

Procedures he performs routinely rhinoplasty, brow lift(endoscopic), facelift, facial liposuction, laser skin surfacing and a few others according to his office.


Identical to above.

Difference between them is Toriumi has had a lot of press etc performs less side procedures etc

Ultimately Yes Toriumi is a very good surgeon but that also doesnt mean that a man holding identical training to him and similar positions etc is any less known. Somyos as an example is known for his snoring and voice work. Somyos employs way more techniques and allows his patients a greater choice eg just in brow lift alone he offers every technique available whereas according to Toriumi office he mainly does endoscopic and coronal.

Anyhow the results of a surgeon speak for themselves and the fact that he took on such a complicated case when all others wouldnt werent confident and made excuses he did what appears so far outstanding. Further all the photos that we saw with his consultant showed awesome work though like i said she didnt want to show anything due to the law but because he was hesitant and wanted to see we kept insisting and inorder to show us she went through many photos of many procedures he had performed on many people on her computer till she found appropriate ones but we could see all the other work and results.

Whether you go with him or not is your choice. Go with Toriumi nothings stopping you.

Good luck with your maxfax. And you seem confused about what an Orthognathic Surgeon

can do for you since you think they only align jaws etc? they can and do do much more than that including enhancing jaw profile and reducing mandibles etc but yeah ok you go ahead and do a jaw implant.

Adam im going to stop here and if youd like help etc Im willing to offer it but im not going to continue arguing needlessly.


Dont even know why your mixing apples and oranges? Ofcourse heart surgeons only specialise in heart surgery because thats ONLY what they are trained and specialised in and spent years getting there however they are also doctors which means they would have covered a broad range of topics and studied all the general stuff that every doctor would have studied just most likely they would have forgotten things not relevant to their field over the years.

Plastic surgery and EENT are 2 different specialisations and what you seem not to notice is that both toriumi and somyos have studied and trained in both subspecialities. A heart surgeon has no need to further specialise in urology or brain surgery because the skills are totally opposite and 1 would become redundant and useless.

A plastic surgeon would first have to become a medical doctor which means general training just like the heart surgeon. Then theyd have to train in surgery just like the heart surgeon. They further specialise in plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries whereas the prospective heart surgeon begins specialising MUCH slower pace towards his\her final goal of heart surgery.

Because of the plastic surgeons training hes trained in a large variety of procedures and doesnt need to further specialise and study EENT or ORTHOPEDICS or Orthognathics etc but by doing so he/she can actually use it within their field of plastic surgery or even on its own since they are not contradictory to each other or on opposite ends but rather enhance and complement each other further. Now if say they had studied and trained in oncology it would be practically useless as those 2 fields are totally independant of each other.

thanks for asking about incisions.

Incisions are healing well in both cases and are almost gone in the chin implant side of things.

My nose work was routine and minor in comparison to his even so though his swelling has substantially reduced and his shape keeps improving and the doc said it will continue to improve and refine.

Mine though minor will also take time to heal and the swelling to further improve and for the tip to further refine and become pointier.


Thanks a lot for your fast reply. I need a revision of my lower eye lids done; I had them operated on twice: The first time 9 years ago - trancutaneous method, subcilliary approach, skin-muscle flap, some skin removed. some fat removed through small incision of the septum. Healing took around 10 days. I went for a second time 20 months ago because I felt that I had too much wrinkly skin. The surgery note says: scarring, transcutaneous method, subcilliary approach, skin flap, small amount of skin removed, tiny amount of fat removed through punctuation of the septum etc. The result of the 2nd time is not good. The lids are still swollen in the morning but swelling subside towards the evening. But one can see where the skin was undermined. The skin in that area looks a bit bumpy. I was diagnosed to have developed too much scarring of the muscle (because of second surgery, after first one it was already scarred) and that there was a need to "thin out" or "release" the trapped muscle. At the same time it was suggested to perform a kind of canthopexy to make sure there will be no ectropium. The muscle must be rather weak by now. That is my story. According to your opinion who would be the most skilled surgeon in Bkk to perform the revision (upper eye lids are fine)? One needs to be cautious.

Thanks in advance for your advise. Kind regards, Shakun

Sampan, I admire how much useful information you have. You know a lot about plastic surgeons in Bkk - Somyos for nose jobs, Greechart for BA, Preecha for face lifts (this I can confirm). May I ask you who you think is really good doing eyes, especially lower eye lids? Know anything whether Preecha is good in that? He does superb facelifts, can this be said also about his eye jobs?

Would be great if you could share your knowledge. Kind regards, Shakun

Thank you. Im very familiar with the medical field and know people around and have done tons of research all over and have been and seen and talked etc not to mention plenty of personal expeirence both directly and my significant other and friends.

May I ask what method incision were you thinking of for under your eyes? Obviously your concerned about your fat pads and eye bags and want them gone. Also if your going to do lower bleph youd highly want to consider upper bleph because if your at the age/stage where lower eyes are an issue then most likely you have excess skin fat and droopage on your upper eye too. Combined the 2 procedures would give you a much better result than just lower eye lid.

Look in the mirror and let me know and let me know what method youd like as not all surgeons do all methods etc


hi sampam

i jus drop you a email.

i hope you can advice me on what i hv mentioned in the email.

you hav lots of useful information. but i hope to get a simple et precious advice from you.

Thanks and Regards

plutology (Singapore)


Hi Sampam,

no I didn' get your reply. I will write you my email-address in a PM.



did you get my reply shakun? havent heard back from ya.

Please advice nme which is the good surgeon in bangkok for me to do eyes and nose surgery

i wan to make my eyes to look bigger and longer apprearing

nose to be higher, sharper and narrower

can you advice me on this?

you have a lot of precious information. you are too expert

Dr. Somyos DOES NOT hold "identical training and holding identical position to Toriumi ". This doesn't make Dr. Somyos a poorly skilled surgeon but let us not get out of hand here and give out misleading and false information!

According to your logic then heart surgeons in Thailand have to do something else on the side too! But do they? NO! What about Urologists? They don't multispecialize. The list goes on. And keep in mind everything else is cheaper in Thailand (labour, services, running a clinic RELATIVE to USA or wherever it may be)so the doctors, including Preecha and et al charging less is perfectly reasonable! And Dr. Tourimi is not very "American sounding". Neither is Dr. Ramirez (jaws) who are the most repespected for their particular crafts. This is the same reason why Dr. Preecha is internationally celebrated for his skill too. Sorry, can't be said of the same for Dr. Somyos.

I am going for surgery with a maxfax soon. But jaw implants are a separate thing to jaw alignment and bite correction akin to vision is to eyebags!

I will be asking a ton of questions when I go on these consults. That's the only way to do it.

BTW, how are the incisions healing from the surgery?

Lets compare briefly because im getting tired here:


Head of the Division of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery

Professor at university.

Trained in EENT and Plastic surgery specialising in facial plastic and reconstruction.

Published works and research papers etc and has thought and attended conferences etc.

Procedures he performs routinely rhinoplasty, brow lift(endoscopic), facelift, facial liposuction, laser skin surfacing and a few others according to his office.


Identical to above.

Difference between them is Toriumi has had a lot of press etc performs less side procedures etc

Ultimately Yes Toriumi is a very good surgeon but that also doesnt mean that a man holding identical training to him and similar positions etc is any less known. Somyos as an example is known for his snoring and voice work. Somyos employs way more techniques and allows his patients a greater choice eg just in brow lift alone he offers every technique available whereas according to Toriumi office he mainly does endoscopic and coronal.

Anyhow the results of a surgeon speak for themselves and the fact that he took on such a complicated case when all others wouldnt werent confident and made excuses he did what appears so far outstanding. Further all the photos that we saw with his consultant showed awesome work though like i said she didnt want to show anything due to the law but because he was hesitant and wanted to see we kept insisting and inorder to show us she went through many photos of many procedures he had performed on many people on her computer till she found appropriate ones but we could see all the other work and results.

Whether you go with him or not is your choice. Go with Toriumi nothings stopping you.

Good luck with your maxfax. And you seem confused about what an Orthognathic Surgeon

can do for you since you think they only align jaws etc? they can and do do much more than that including enhancing jaw profile and reducing mandibles etc but yeah ok you go ahead and do a jaw implant.

Adam im going to stop here and if youd like help etc Im willing to offer it but im not going to continue arguing needlessly.

Hello Adam,

I read your post with great interest and had an appointment myself with Dr Somyos;

Few points that I would like to check with everyone;

1) Somyos is not certified on American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). as a Plastic Surgeon but as some non recognise by US governement COSMETIC surgeon, which means that he is only allowed to perform laser treatment hair removal and so on, according to us standards if you follow these advices http://www.implantforum.com/doc-research.html should be avoided although there are exeptions cosmetic surgeons

2) So he is NOT either Head of PLASTIC of any surgery department

3) But he IS Head of Deputy Head, Otolaryngology, The Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, in University even if that does not entitle him to be called a plastic surgeon.

4) He is, for my case, a rhino reduction, charging considerably less (3000 usd) than other proper plastic surgeons (4000 and up for Wittoon, Poomee, and Precha).

I am still considering going with Somyos for cash reason and because this forum has been telling so much about how good he was. Unfortunately I am getting increasingly desapointed in cross-cheking his references.

He certainly has a lot of reference if you google him (330 or so) which means he communicates well, but if you check them most of them are advertisement about his clinic or some seminar he attended.

And again no proper board certification despite his claim (I asked the question myself). And as a COSMETIC Surgeon he should only

I know this is thailand and standards could be differents Please ANYONE WHO HAD A NOSE REDUCTION WITH SOMYOS CONTACT ME AND SHARE EXPERIENCE.


If you actually go to the website of the hospital he works in youll see hes the chairman of the department.


Funny you mention cost because both for me and friend he was the most expensive. even witoon, poomee and preecha were cheaper than him. poomee of those surgeons only witoon said maybe he could improve it a little whereas poomee and preecha wanted nothing to do with it. poomee whether you want to believe it or not is highly selective in his choice of patients.

if you search the net you might see somewhere else other than his site that he is board certified in facial plastics and reconstructive surgery. EG http://www.vichaiyut.co.th/thai/doctor_detail.asp?Id=540

and like i had stated before, the skills of the surgeon and his experience in that field is what matters. not every surgeon is the best or most experienced in that field and hence why i chose greechart for ba instead of him for the transax method.

If you actually go to the website of the hospital he works in youll see hes the chairman of the department.


Funny you mention cost because both for me and friend he was the most expensive. even witoon, poomee and preecha were cheaper than him. poomee of those surgeons only witoon said maybe he could improve it a little whereas poomee and preecha wanted nothing to do with it. poomee whether you want to believe it or not is highly selective in his choice of patients.

if you search the net you might see somewhere else other than his site that he is board certified in facial plastics and reconstructive surgery. EG http://www.vichaiyut.co.th/thai/doctor_detail.asp?Id=540

and like i had stated before, the skills of the surgeon and his experience in that field is what matters. not every surgeon is the best or most experienced in that field and hence why i chose greechart for ba instead of him for the transax method.

Of course he IS the chairman or the Head (sorry my english is not that accurate to know the difference) what I mean is that speciality is othorhinolaringology AND NOT plastic surgery which makes a huge difference because a rhinoplasty and your operation ARE acts of plastic surgery and should be conducted by someone that have the training for, as that site Ive quoted in my previous post about ''How to avoid bad plastic surgery'' is warning us.

I have spend my morning trying hard to read the many certificates displayed for Dr Somyos on his site, and yes some of them are in plastic surgery, and yes he has many of them, but these are one day, two days certificate course. I looked these courses up and these are privates courses congress and seminars that you pay for (quite expensive ones) to have a pompous piece of paper, that looks good but says that you have attended a course or sometimes passed successfully a private course.

About certification, it is your responsability to decide to check out on your doctors name for certification but here is the info where you can do so; The one and only American Board of Plastic Surgery ABPS https://www.abplsurg.org/ModDefault.aspx,

You will see that Somyos is NOT one of their member to this date. As a counter example, try the very expensive Dr Wittoon and you will that he is there and advertise himself as such on his page.

Your page from the hospital can be wrong or outdated, which could be worst because that means that he would have lost his certification.

It is said in many warning sites that Doctors who are not certified do tend to use similar sounding Boards with no legitimity whatsoever.

Now I agree with you experience is everything in that field. I did go and see Dr Sorawuth and was not so convinced by his abilities and yes Dr Somyos seems most definately much more confident in his skills. However our impressions are none professional and we need to thorouly cross references and double check every piece of information given.

If he is confident about his competences and rightfully so, why would he resort to keep people confused about his certification and say he is Board Certified when he is not (or not with the real board anyway)?

Be very careful, there are many other unqualified doctors out there looking to make big bucks by offering plastic surgery procedures, usually at a discounted rate which could cost you your health and more money in the long run.

I am not sure why you dont want to have a phone conversation with me, I believe this is all about sharing information which in our case, the accuracy of information is crutial to decide which doctor's hands to have our future face. As I said earlier English is not my first language and debating in post does not help It would make things so much easier to discuss it over the phone.

I did quite a lot of research for the past few days and I think we can both benefit from eachother's information.


If you actually go to the website of the hospital he works in youll see hes the chairman of the department.


Funny you mention cost because both for me and friend he was the most expensive. even witoon, poomee and preecha were cheaper than him. poomee of those surgeons only witoon said maybe he could improve it a little whereas poomee and preecha wanted nothing to do with it. poomee whether you want to believe it or not is highly selective in his choice of patients.

if you search the net you might see somewhere else other than his site that he is board certified in facial plastics and reconstructive surgery. EG http://www.vichaiyut.co.th/thai/doctor_detail.asp?Id=540

and like i had stated before, the skills of the surgeon and his experience in that field is what matters. not every surgeon is the best or most experienced in that field and hence why i chose greechart for ba instead of him for the transax method.

Sorry Forgot to answer about the price, for your friends I am not sure which operation they went for, but Somyos seems to have a real competence in Voice modification for transgender operation, and he is specialised in nose thoat etc inside the body ... so it must have been for a related operation. I am looking for a nose job which is plastic surgery, ie look & appearence ...

Any chance to have the conctact of your friends?


No it was not for a specialisied operation. His operation just like at the beginning was mainly cosmetic and secondary functional neither of which was done properly in the earlier two times.. And because of the incompetancy of the surgeon it became more difficult etc.

Mine was very easy but still his prices were more so I went with Preecha. And dont think that Cosmetic surgery and Functional surgery have no relation to each other because they do.

When it comes to nose etc hes the man unless your work is very simple and standard then anybody else could do it I guess. Also if youve actually been to see him look at all his other papers not on his website because he has more.

ultimately not every surgeon is the best for everything and its your job to find the best for you for your procedure and not being american etc board certified means nothing.

Lets look at your logic here;

By the ASPS(American Society of Plastis Surgeons theres only 3 in thailand and all 3 in Bumrungrad




and others they consider "corresponding surgeons"



So by that logic that just because all the other surgeons arent ASPS accredited are bad?

How would you explain the case of many surgeons such as PREECHA? World famous and reknowned yet is not ASPS etc accredited even though I saw with my own eyes his American credentials and training. How about other boards like Australian Society of Plastic surgeons eg Juggrich Srisurakrai? British german etc? Why does it even have to be "western" because that in no way reflects the skills or expertise of the surgeon.

Anyhow its good to see you doing your homework. Ask questions do your homework ask to see photos etc Im not giving my number etc Im not a consultation service or getting paid or anything. I have 3 others to talk with too.

No it was not for a specialisied operation. His operation just like at the beginning was mainly cosmetic and secondary functional neither of which was done properly in the earlier two times.. And because of the incompetancy of the surgeon it became more difficult etc.

Mine was very easy but still his prices were more so I went with Preecha. And dont think that Cosmetic surgery and Functional surgery have no relation to each other because they do.

When it comes to nose etc hes the man unless your work is very simple and standard then anybody else could do it I guess. Also if youve actually been to see him look at all his other papers not on his website because he has more.

ultimately not every surgeon is the best for everything and its your job to find the best for you for your procedure and not being american etc board certified means nothing.

Lets look at your logic here;

By the ASPS(American Society of Plastis Surgeons theres only 3 in thailand and all 3 in Bumrungrad




and others they consider "corresponding surgeons"



So by that logic that just because all the other surgeons arent ASPS accredited are bad?

How would you explain the case of many surgeons such as PREECHA? World famous and reknowned yet is not ASPS etc accredited even though I saw with my own eyes his American credentials and training. How about other boards like Australian Society of Plastic surgeons eg Juggrich Srisurakrai? British german etc? Why does it even have to be "western" because that in no way reflects the skills or expertise of the surgeon.

Anyhow its good to see you doing your homework. Ask questions do your homework ask to see photos etc Im not giving my number etc Im not a consultation service or getting paid or anything. I have 3 others to talk with too.

1) its American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). and not ASPS or whatever, please just read what they say for your own protection and the one you give advice to on forum>

2) I have never said that Somyos or any surgeons was bad or not competent because he was not ABPS certifified. If you actually read what they say, they mention that it exists some exeptions.

3) These commissions have been created to prevent abuses and there are getting numerous now, and to set standards to protect patients, and I think they are the only reference 100 per cent sure.

4) Again and like you I dont particulary care if a surgeon is certified or not if I have confidence in his skills and experience. but

a) no one came so far to give me a

No it was not for a specialisied operation. His operation just like at the beginning was mainly cosmetic and secondary functional neither of which was done properly in the earlier two times.. And because of the incompetancy of the surgeon it became more difficult etc.<BR><BR>Mine was very easy but still his prices were more so I went with Preecha. And dont think that Cosmetic surgery and Functional surgery have no relation to each other because they do. <BR><BR>When it comes to nose etc hes the man unless your work is very simple and standard then anybody else could do it I guess. Also if youve actually been to see him look at all his other papers not on his website because he has more.<BR><BR>ultimately not every surgeon is the best for everything and its your job to find the best for you for your procedure and not being american etc board certified means nothing.<BR><BR><BR><BR><BR><BR>Lets look at your logic here;<BR><BR>By the ASPS(American Society of Plastis Surgeons theres only 3 in thailand and all 3 in Bumrungrad<BR>AMORN POOMEE<BR>TEERASIT<BR>TONGTIP<BR><BR>and others they consider "corresponding surgeons" <BR>Vichai<BR>Charan<BR><BR>So by that logic that just because all the other surgeons arent ASPS accredited are bad?<BR><BR>How would you explain the case of many surgeons such as PREECHA? World famous and reknowned yet is not ASPS etc accredited even though I saw with my own eyes his American credentials and training. How about other boards like Australian Society of Plastic surgeons eg Juggrich Srisurakrai? British german etc? Why does it even have to be "western" because that in no way reflects the skills or expertise of the surgeon.<BR><BR><BR><BR>Anyhow its good to see you doing your homework. Ask questions do your homework ask to see photos etc Im not giving my number etc Im not a consultation service or getting paid or anything. I have 3 others to talk with too.

Hello again,

its "http://www.abplsurg.org/" American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). and not ASPS or whatever, please just read what they say for your own protection and the one you give advice to on forums.

I have never said that Somyos or Preecha or any surgeons was bad or not competent because he was not ABPS certified. If you actually read what they say, they mention that it exists some exceptions.

This commission has been created to prevent abuses - and there are getting numerous now-, and to set standards to protect patients, and I think they are the only reference 100 per cent sure on the net since any clinic or hospital site can advertise anything and same goes for forums

Again and like you, I dont particulary care if a surgeon is certified or not,  if he can prove his competences and I have confidence in his skills and experience. I would never have asked him the question if I had not read it on his own site.

But a) Ex patients'opinon is also very important and no one came so far to give me a feedback (good or bad) on their nose job with Somyos.

:o he only refered me to 2 or 3 ''before n afters '' that were on the site, which is not much, considering he has done over ''10 000 noses'' (according to him). I am surprised that so ''few of them have accepted'' to have their pic displayed.

c) Dr Somyos is not a plastic surgeon but a 'comestic' one.

d) Its just the mere fact that hes lying about certification that is worrying. Any doctors should obey a strict code of conduct and Im not sure that lying about certifications is ethically correct and make me even more worried about entrusting him my future face.

So having nothing to hang on to - except the word of your friends (that you report so nicely thank you), but to whom apparently it is not possible to get in contact with, I will have to wave bye-bye my 3000 bhats reservation and just;consider the only checkable;testimony;the only tangible and sure thing I have about Dr Somyos; HE IS NOT CERTIFIED AND CLAIMS THE CONTRARY. The rest for the moment is literature and cannot be proved

Thank you very much for your input.

And again anyone please conctact me if you have had a rhino reduction with Dr Somyos as my appointment is in 2 weeks from now. Thanks again in advance for your imput



No one here is going to do your homework here for you. No one is going to bend over backwards either.

And I know exactly what ABPS and ASPS means but obviously you seem confused.

You keep mixing up points and your facts. And you seem intensely focused on him having to must be American approved as though ASPS ABPS etc is the only society of its kind in the world!!!

Since you love american accreditation did you also notice that he is only 1 of 2 doctors in thailand ACTUALLY accredited by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.


If your still not happy or have doubts

Why dont you just go and tell him all that and see what he says? Easy right?

And the reason surgeons including him cant show photos etc is due to the law if the patients give permission then fine otherwise you are not allowed to. So instead bug his secretary suda and maybe youll get to see tons of other photos like we did.

No one here is going to do your homework here for you. No one is going to bend over backwards either.

You keep mixing up points and your facts.

Why dont you just go and tell him all that and see what he says? Easy right?

And the reason surgeons including him cant show photos etc is due to the law if the patients give permission then fine otherwise you are not allowed to. So instead bug his secretary suda and maybe youll get to see tons of other photos like we did.

Regarding homework I think Im far from slacking.... not only for me, but as contribution to others, in term of information verified checked, cross checked and brought up to the forum, I think I did more than my share in just 2 posts.

Im not asking for homework (I would not trust anyone for it anyway) I do it my self and do it thoroughly and would not have it otherwise. I dont dont want work done for me but I ask for testimonial experiences

erm ... That exactly what I did yesterday, the info I gave CAME from the secretarys' and Somyos'mouth.

I came prepared with a questionnaire of 50 questions among them about 15 for the secretary.

That what I was refering when I said that I was amazed that on over 10 000 people only 3 gave permission to photo display.

Sorry my posts are a bit indigest to read but I have already wrote about it in previous post.

No one here is going to do your homework here for you. No one is going to bend over backwards either.

And I know exactly what ABPS and ASPS means but obviously you seem confused.

You keep mixing up points and your facts. And you seem intensely focused on him having to must be American approved as though ASPS ABPS etc is the only society of its kind in the world!!!

Since you love american accreditation did you also notice that he is only 1 of 2 doctors in thailand ACTUALLY accredited by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

<a href="http://www.aafprs.org/patient/finder/finde...ountry=thailand" target="_blank">http://www.aafprs.org/patient/finder/finde...ountry=thailand</a>

Sampam is correct that Dr. Somyos is U.S. board certified in Facila Plastic and Reconstructive Sugery.

However, Sampam, the tone of your post uncalled for and insulting. :o

That's the Moderator speaking. Now speaking just as another poster:

Your zeal in pushing Dr. Somyos seems a bit over the top to me, to the point that it might actually deter people.

I think we all get that he are very impressed with work he did on your friend, and you've drawn our attention to the fact that he has dual specialty in ENT and plastics. 'Nuff said. :D

And though I understand your hesitancy in regards to yanhee's factory line like scene it doesnt mean that the surgeon isnt good. Ultimately it depends on what you want done and the surgeons rep and skills in that procedure. I had BA and bleph done by GREECHART at YANHEE and though his mannerism sucked and the factory floor line atmosphere made me highly uncomfortable I knew from both members here on this site, from photos, from other places and sources of research that for a BA through armpit incision hed know exactly what to do and I was right. He by now would have done thousands and thousands of cases whereby I bet he could do it blind folded and by feel and to top it all through an armpit incision and big implants too whereas bumrungrads docs couldnt even put that big, wanted to cut under breast etc and though his mannerisim the rush lack of bedside manners etc suck ass the work hes done is awesome. all comes down to skills rep and experience. But my friend as an example couldnt and wouldnt use them since nobody there even came close to somyos for rhinowork.

You mention that you were able to get large sized implants by Greechart - Hope you don't mind but can you tell me;

1) how many cc's were you able to get and what is the largest size that surgeons here will do?

2) what type of implant?

3) Implant placement - Over, under or part under the muscle ?

I've got a few family and friends wanting to make the trip here for BA and some want to go BIG but from what I've heard, the largest size implant used here is only 500cc :o

Thanks :D


Sampam: I am not going to argue with you about Dr. Somyos or on jaw implants. I have a feeling we are never going to agree on certain things. That is okay because I think we still can contribute to the thread.

I am currently going through a series of consultations in Singapore. So disappointed with some of the best names here. Some are okay but I am unable to talk to many patients.

Will have consultation again with Dr. Somyos when I am in Thailand and shall get back to all of you.


Many PS in Thailand do show the before and after pics. Dr. Amorn Poomee had the most impressive collection (I looked at rhinos). There were over 30 of them. He is a bit on the conservative side (reminded me of Dr. Nassif perhaps) but still a very good and natural looking collection.


Sheryl: Im sorry if I sounded rude but behind the scenes that poster had demanded for my number and though I offered to help etc was still unsatisfied with that and publicly insinuated stuff. I have no obligation to them and was getting tired of their attitude.

Ultimately I have been through a few surgeons and would not recommend somyos for everything just that with complicated noses etc he has impressed me.


1) I didnt need nor want huge implants. The size totally depends on what cup size you want, your ribcage band and incision type. eg I think through Transax 500cc is the largest BUT they do upto 1000cc I think through other methods.

What cup size do they want to be? How big is their rib cage? Do they want natural or fake exxagerated results?

2)Inamed Cohesive Silicones High Profile

3)Under. This depends on how much breast tissue you have and how big you want to go or can go and rippling etc. Under muscle feels more natural and you dont get rippling but you need a bigger implant size than over and takes longer to heal. Everything has pros and cons.


ofcourse nobody will agree on everything. and there are many other surgeons in BKK that you can go and visit such as say Suporn etc Somyos is not the only be it all etc just that his nose job was impressive when noone else wanted to do it.

And trust me Poomee is good definately but he also is highly selective in his patients. He doesnt take on complicated cases etc just like he couldnt/wouldnt do anything about him. Not to say he isnt a good surgeon but he does select his patients because he too has a reputation to protect.


Sampam: I agree with you 100% about what you said of Dr. Amorn Poomee.

I wish Dr. Witoon provided pics during our private consultation. Such a tough job to find a surgeon who is competetnt and aesthetically on the same page as you.


No, but I have tried Pitch from Yanhee(? sorry, cant remember his name). He said he would email me pics but I keep getting the annoying replies from the liaisons office saying blah..

I was told you cannot show pics of patients unless you are at the doctors office privately. BTW, Dr. Somyos site has before and after pics.

And I am having a primary!


Technically from what I understand you are allowed to show photos of past patients so long as you have their express permission to do so. Obviously many patients would not like to have their photos shown however successful the procedures and surgeons dont ask each and every patient "can I show your photo". So even though the surgeon may actually have tons of photos and performed the operation a zillion times they may only be able to show 3-4photos unless they asked more patients and even then only upto maybe 20-30.

I havent heard anything about it being in private just so long as you have their express permission to do so.

At Yanhee you can just walk in and youll see a wall plastered with photos.

Email suporn and see what he says too. Skip Chetawut and that other guy

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