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About the "making the connection" lark, it's obvious why some guys would prefer to avoid this...

"Make the connection" = "Fall in love"

"Fall in love" = "(Possibly) Get hurt"

I know I'm going to get flamed for this one, but reckon it's on the money.

To be 'in love' is a temporary (hopefully) form of mental disorder.

You can only 'fall in love' with somebody you don't know.

You adore the shape of the nose of somebody and think that she has lovely ears as well.

Then you generalize these characteristics to the rest of her personality.

You create a non-existing perfect person.

And you walk on clouds untill her first fart.

Is this what you ment?

(sorry, it was too easy, I couldn't let it be)

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To understand men , you would have to become one , we are like dogs , sex is second nature , behind breathing , and probably ahead of eating.

Only love can cure this condition , and sometimes, even that is not enough.

IMHO ( perhaps too honest!)


So every man is like this?? I hope you don't say yes :o I hate being stereotyped because i'm a man I like sex but It does not consume my every waking moment MAN!!!!

To understand men , you would have to become one , we are like dogs , sex is second nature , behind breathing , and probably ahead of eating.

Only love can cure this condition , and sometimes, even that is not enough.

IMHO ( perhaps too honest!)


So every man is like this?? I hope you don't say yes :o I hate being stereotyped because i'm a man I like sex but It does not consume my every waking moment MAN!!!!

I agree with you 100%, I love the way some people justify their actions by bringing us all down to the level of DOGS!!!

We are not (all) just dogs, I think of sex no more than my wife which if you have to know is a healthy amount. I do not walk down the road sniffing people <deleted> and can live a perfectly normal life without the need to jump on the nearest bitch in heat.

Previous to my wife I lived on Silom road for 2 years and abstained from any sex at all. No connection / No point


I knew a man that went to Thailand to get everything that came across his path maybe even gay men and women probably some ladyboys also, We use to work together. Then he started showing me pictures of his conquests Like notches in his headboard I guess. I told him I don't want to see that stuff, I felt for the girls in the pictures. But to each their own (That's another thread all of it's own also)

I asked him why he did it? He said it made him feel like a man. He was in his fifty's It took that long to become a man? :o Plus he was flying to thailand every summer. I'm glad I don't work with him anymore

To understand men , you would have to become one , we are like dogs , sex is second nature , behind breathing , and probably ahead of eating.

Only love can cure this condition , and sometimes, even that is not enough.

IMHO ( perhaps too honest!)


So every man is like this?? I hope you don't say yes :o I hate being stereotyped because i'm a man I like sex but It does not consume my every waking moment MAN!!!!

Ooooh get her................... :D


I knew this 19 year old kid who kepy getting money sent from his mum and he had a differant girl from Nana EVERY night without exeption. It gets worse, he was picking up std's and ignoring them still going back like it was pass the parcel. He made me sick

I knew this 19 year old kid who kepy getting money sent from his mum and he had a differant girl from Nana EVERY night without exeption. It gets worse, he was picking up std's and ignoring them still going back like it was pass the parcel. He made me sick

Yawn , pass the bromide...........:o

About the "making the connection" lark, it's obvious why some guys would prefer to avoid this...

"Make the connection" = "Fall in love"

"Fall in love" = "(Possibly) Get hurt"

I know I'm going to get flamed for this one, but reckon it's on the money.

To be 'in love' is a temporary (hopefully) form of mental disorder.

You can only 'fall in love' with somebody you don't know.

You adore the shape of the nose of somebody and think that she has lovely ears as well.

Then you generalize these characteristics to the rest of her personality.

You create a non-existing perfect person.

And you walk on clouds untill her first fart.

Is this what you ment?

(sorry, it was too easy, I couldn't let it be)

Regardless of state-of-mind, the implications are the same - the feeling of affection towards somebody thus hindering the will and likelyhood of withdrawal...

Yada yada yada...

I find the guys who claim to have had a different woman in Thailand every night, to be very lonely people. These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.


Nicely put :o

I find the guys who claim to have had a different woman in Thailand every night, to be very lonely people. These guys largely have never been able to maintain a relationship, and/or have never had a true long term relationship, nor known the feeling of having someone who is a best friend, confidant, lover, and partner.

I like your posts fella but this I don't agree with, I don't take a girl every night but I'm single and employed in Thailand so I guess I fall into that category.

I had a relationship for 3 years with my one true love [insert overture, heavy string section] and she broke my heart constantly and to varying degrees over that time, she was my best friend, confidant and lover and also a headbutting phsyco killer, rabbit boiling, nail spitting, volcanic angered vodka red bull fuelled fully insane cracker.

I loved her lots, she called me rabies.

She was one of the reasons I escaped TUKOGBANI to join the Thailand Foreign Legion. I fondly remember the time she broke into my house, crept into my bedroom and cracked my sleeping head with a saucepan, also the time she spent a shopping trip naked save for a jaunty hat, raincoat and boots.

My very loose point is that whilst I do fit into your sad lonely loser profile I have definately done all the other stuff that I'm not supposed to have done, and have the bruises (she called them lovepunches - sniff)

Anyway, the main reason I posted is to raise my virtual cricket bat to the crowd and salute my own half century. :o

Carry on.


Why would any one want to sleep with a different girl every night only someone with something to prove and a real f*ckin' loser.

Get a girlfriend and/or one or two regulars … just like me. Consequently I’m quite content . :o

Why would any one want to sleep with a different girl every night only someone with something to prove and a real f*ckin' loser.

You need pull your head out of your arse and look at the world outside your own tiny mind more often.


You must have the hammer Rod as you hit the nail right on the head.

People who describe others as losers generally are one themselves. Either that or it is indicative of a very limited vocabulary.

Same as the guys who come out with 'get a life' every second post generally don't have one themselves.

They can't think of anything more inteligent to say other than 'get a life' 'loser' ........ and then their head retreats back up their fundamental orifice.

Previous to my wife I lived on Silom road for 2 years and abstained from any sex at all. No connection / No point

I didnt know there was a solitary confinement correctional facility on Silom road.

Silly me


Thanks for your reply, although i still do not understand the joy of sleeping with so many woman/men. In my opinion and not saying everybody is the same, it seems that most of the men i know who sleep with different girls every night or just in general alot of girls, they seem to do this:

1> to feed their ego

2> because their not very confident

3> their scared of falling in love

Most of the men i know do do it to feed their ego and if they have to sleep with as many girls as possible to do this then i think that maybe shows they haven't got confidence in themselves.

Might i add, isn't it better to be a little more picky? to know that maybe your worth more ?

If a girl met a guy who is sleeping around alot and he falls for her, how can she believe him? he wasn't choosey sleeping with "sharon" down the road and all her mates so what would make her feel like she's special and he would want to be with her?

Do you see what i mean? :o


p.s might i add though, there are ALOT of stunning girls in the world but very few fit men( i fancied one guy in 2 years! :o )(also this topic is about sex so i mention fit as first looks count when having one night stands, i do know there are alot of "nice" men in the world)

If however there were lots of "fit" men about i too might be more promiscuous :D:D

Thanks for your reply, although i still do not understand the joy of sleeping with so many woman/men. In my opinion and not saying everybody is the same, it seems that most of the men i know who sleep with different girls every night or just in general alot of girls, they seem to do this:

1> to feed their ego

2> because their not very confident

3> their scared of falling in love

Most of the men i know do do it to feed their ego and if they have to sleep with as many girls as possible to do this then i think that maybe shows they haven't got confidence in themselves.

Might i add, isn't it better to be a little more picky? to know that maybe your worth more ?

If a girl met a guy who is sleeping around alot and he falls for her, how can she believe him? he wasn't choosey sleeping with "sharon" down the road and all her mates so what would make her feel like she's special and he would want to be with her?

Do you see what i mean? :o

Hello Kat, look, you can only really have individual answers to your question.

I'll contribute the following...

Some men are butterflies to feed their ego, yes.

Some men are butterflies because they are not very confident and suddenly in Thailand they find they are.

Some men may even be butterflies cause they are scared of falling in love.

Some men are butterflies because they want a girlfriend but have not found the right one and can not settle with just anybody, especially a Thai girl who is likely to fall in love and expect marraige and kids.

These butterflies are lonely but not sad, they can spend time alone but like to wake up with a girl at least twice a month.

These butterflies respect women, and are only butterflies with girls who are butterflies too - these guys don't take advantage of good girls or break any hearts when they are playing the field.

These butterflies would rather not be, but if they were not they may have to sleep alone for another ten years before the right girl comes along.

I am one of these.

P.S. I also love sex.


Read Richard Dawkins and you will understand why the

male of nearly all species seeks to spread his genes as

widely as possible. And why women who only have a few

eggs with which to breed need to be selective and find the

help of a male to protect them; thus their drive for monogamy.


See...... The Selfish Gene and River Out of Eden

Fascinating reading !!


Why would any one want to sleep with a different girl every night only someone with something to prove and a real f*ckin' loser.

Yeah, i agree, why would anyone want to sleep with a different girl everynight when you can sleep with two different girls everynight !!. You must be a real f*ckin loser only to have one.

In fact why don't you have three everynight, but i suppose it might feel a bit empty after a while - yer bag i mean. Ha ha ha, :o:D

Why would any one want to sleep with a different girl every night only someone with something to prove and a real f*ckin' loser.

Get a girlfriend and/or one or two regulars … just like me. Consequently I’m quite content . :o

IS it just me or was SB just taking the piss? :D


"might i add though, there are ALOT of stunning girls in the world but very few fit men"

Where is this exactly? I do not find this to be the case.

See...... The Selfish Gene and River Out of Eden

Fascinating reading !!

Richard Dawkins is brilliant, and everyone should read his books. The world would be a better place if everyone read them and understood them.

I recommend 'Unweaving the Rainbow' as well as his others. Carl Sagan is great to.

"might i add though, there are ALOT of stunning girls in the world but very few fit men"

Where is this exactly? I do not find this to be the case.

In my world :o:D:D

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