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His Thai Wife Cleaned Him Out !


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Farangs duped by Thai wives

Dear Sirs,

Has any individual or organization ever taken any action to protect farangs from being duped by Thai wives or girlfriends? I would have thought that this should be a high priority since I am very concerned that others might have been taken in as I was myself. I would think that there could be a support group with someone (an ex-patriot) having Thai and English fluent language skills and legal knowledge to advise gullible farangs. The group could even charge fees, creating a job for a competent person.

Personally, I was unaccustomed to being lied to face to face by someone who I loved dearly. For four years, I was bled of cash and more painfully, feelings. After my wife admitted the scam, I was devastated. She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht. I have tried to get some legal action, but I am advised by a good friend in Bangkok that I would be throwing good money after bad. The divorce laws in Thailand are biased toward the Thai wife, so the farang always loses. The Thai lawyers at the law firm which I contacted in Bangkok are incompetent and slow to act.

A support group could publicize the vulnerabilities of such unions and try to foster some support in the legal and law enforcement cooperation in bringing justice. They could also recommend detectives and attorneys who have proved their worth. As it is now, I feel that the Thai legal system and the Thai police adopt an attitude of ‘Farang against Thai’, rather than in any interest in the pursuit of justice.

Best regards,

Michael J. Bowens

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These losers are always moaning, they travel thousands of miles to exploit a financially vunerable person, then they complain that the person they are exploiting exploits them.... :o

Stay away losers, or stop complaining. Never give what you cannot afford to lose, that goes for any situation in your miserable life.

If i was a good looking Thai girl that was the target of forgien exploiters i would also get what i could while i could. Before he decides to trade me in for a younger model.

I hope she made enough to secure her future and the future of her family. :D

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These losers are always moaning, they travel thousands of miles to exploit a financially vunerable person, then they complain that the person they are exploiting exploits them.... :o

Stay away losers, or stop complaining. Never give what you cannot afford to lose, that goes for any situation in your miserable life.

If i was a good looking Thai girl that was the target of forgien exploiters i would also get what i could while i could. Before he decides to trade me in for a younger model.

I hope she made enough to secure her future and the future of her family. :D

Well said.

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I'd rather know up front about how much it was going to cost me in the end, rather than leave it to the lawyers and judges over here. You think the divorce laws are biased towards the Thai wife.....no different in Canada, and the sum of money she can extort from you here is much higher! :o

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... She had stolen four years of my life along with millions of baht.

I feel your pain, the cobra also has been traumatized and is in the healing process. I lost almost 3 hours of my life, and I don't know how many lady drinks she swindled out of me, it was a travesty I tell you !

Ok, so I did forget her name five minutes after she told me, so I did leave with her friend, does that make me a bad person, I have feelings too. I think I shall never love again, ...

Not to make light of your loss, but this happens to anybody, with anybody, in any country, with any nationality, with the girl next door, or the girl on the other side of the globe. One third of Western Lawyers are in the divorce industry, it's big money and in the end it's going to be all about the money. All relationships have a shelf life, some brief, some long, but it will end, prepare for it, and yes money will have been spent by hook or crook. I'm going back to the bar for further healing ...


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Farangs duped by Thai wives

Dear Sirs,

Has any individual or organization ever taken any action to protect farangs from being duped by Thai wives or girlfriends?

Realise that if you was a rich man in your own country, a relationship

with a female 40 years younger than you will also cost money.

But i bet that you will be living with another Thai girl within a few weeks, or will you go back to your own Country and get a 60 year old gf?

Put yourself in her position. What is she supposed to do, take nothing from a relationship, stay with you for 10 years for free meals and accomodation then wait till the day comes that you go out, meet a cracking 18 year old girl that has just started in the Bar that day, you go back home to the rented room, pack your bags and leave her with nothing?

Just be realistic in your choice of Partner. Stand in front of a mirror with your Thai Girlfriend, if what you see in that Mirror looks ridiculous, then do not expect a free ride.

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What is she supposed to do, take nothing from a relationship, stay with you for 10 years for free meals  and accomodation then wait till  the day comes that you go out, meet a cracking 18 year old girl that has just started in the Bar that day, you go back home to the rented room, pack your bags and leave her with nothing?

Every bargirl should have this drummed into her head. I've seen more than a few that realise this too late in life. I imagine many of them are pounding som-tom

and selling it from a cart on a foot path somewhere.

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So what does he expect to have done against this girl?? If By any chance their was a group that can help farangs. He chose to give her the money and his time or was she holding a gun to his head?? You have girls in this country thinking about where their next meal is gonna come from, Not just girls but many many thai are in this situation. I don't feel sorry about the thread stater at all. He got what he came to thailand for and so did the girl.

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Every man that comes to Thailand, with the intention of exploiting another human beings financial vunerability for the purpose of Sexual activities, deserves to lose every Dollar, Euro, Pound, Yen, Swiss Franc, Krona, that he loses, and then some more.


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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

As far as the laws being in favour of the Thai women, you could not be more wrong! There are something like nine specific situations in which you can force divorce.

As a Westerner, you can virtually walk away – and if you did not return to your home country, then things could become difficult for her. She could not divorce you for three years as that is how long it takes for divorce by “abandonment”

If one actually had the balls to take a Thai wife through the Thai courts, one has little to fear, so long as one has not done anything silly along the way.

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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

How do u do this If you just come to Thailand to have a romp with a girl? :o

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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

Tricks...Education..Red Flags...............Just dont try to exploit another persons vunerabilities, cos when you do that, how can you then complain about being exploited by your own victim?

Personally i like to see the girls do well, i never ever have sympathy for the guys. If anyone has ever been poor, they will understand that.

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Just be realistic in your choice of Partner. Stand in front of a mirror with your Thai Girlfriend, if what you see in that Mirror looks ridiculous, then do not expect a free ride.

Well said, angry one.

So many big, fat, old men, with young beautiful girls. What are they thinking? It makes me sick.

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Well said, angry one.

So many big, fat, old men, with young beautiful girls. What are they thinking? It makes me sick.


And these guys then complain that she is only interested in money :o

Well.....Helloooooooo!!! What the fux do you think she is interested in?

Your body? Your natural charm? Your sledgehammer wit?

Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart get young Model birds all over them, why?

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To the original poster, do you have any details of the situation?

Even if it is to be somewhat expected, it's not right for someone to lie to your face and scam your money.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how one can be so thoroughly duped as it sounds like you were.

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I'm probably gonna get flamed for this but.....

I read alot of posts from guys here who have been burned by women (thai, farang ) & it's always, poor me, she took me for a ride, she spent all my money, she wiped me out in the divorce courts, but it's always only one side of the story, whats about the guy, did he cheat, was he neglectful, abusive. Did he leave her with kids to supprt, etc... I'm not suggesting that this is always the case & I'm aware that some women can be manipulative & bitches, but just as we know that not all guys are cheats & wifebeaters, all women are not all evil, manipulative money grabbers.

In this situation, this guy chose to give his wife access to large sums of money, amounts she probably had never seen or dreamed of before & hey presto, like a kid in a candy shop, got a taste for it. Yes, she was wrong to deceive him but always remember, he (& you who have done so in the past) gave of your own free will & as Begs said, unless you have been really poor, you'll never know the draw of money, & for some people it really is the route of all evil!

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Personally, I think it's so sad that people come here and 'pay' to have sex! :o  :D , but that's my own opinion, each to their own!  :D

PLus they wouldn't come to pay if the service was not already there correct?

Their is nothing wrong with it, So be it if you fall for the girl. It has nothing to do with the girl being honest or not She has a job to do. It is her job. She chose to do it. If you feel like the victim then shame on you because your going to a girl for money from the beginning. She is just going to continue taking your money.

A Friend sent me a X-Rated movie with a thai, It broke my heart because supposedly she was in pattaya for two weeks. The Guys were obnoxious towards her. She looked young. Also looked like she didn't know what to do like this was her first time being with a man.

I am married never been with a bargirl. I guess this is a endless discussion of this topic. I never seen old men with young girls over in thailand but i never been to the places that cater to this.

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To the original poster, do you have any details of the situation?

Even if it is to be somewhat expected, it's not right for someone to lie to your face and scam your money.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how one can be so thoroughly duped as it sounds like you were.

i am not the victim, the article was posted from the letters page of the Pattaya Mail newspaper.

it is signed at the end by the guy who lives in Pattaya.

he is just another of the 1000s of farangs who get cleaned out.

its been going on for donkeys years...

he obviously does not read the online websites who have been warning about these cases for years ...

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To the original poster, do you have any details of the situation?

Even if it is to be somewhat expected, it's not right for someone to lie to your face and scam your money.

On the other hand, I'm not sure how one can be so thoroughly duped as it sounds like you were.

i am not the victim, the article was posted from the letters page of the Pattaya Mail newspaper.

it is signed at the end by the guy who lives in Pattaya.

he is just another of the 1000s of farangs who get cleaned out.

its been going on for donkeys years...

he obviously does not read the online websites who have been warning about these cases for years ...

But still they come!

If there is such a thing as reincarnation and i came back as a Thai girl, and i was from a poor family and i did not have much of a future, and i saw my family struggling, and my sister had married a Thai bloke and he beat her and was a drunk and gambled and was lazy, and i had not even been to school long enough to get Mor Sarm certificate which means i cannot even get a job filling shelves in a supermarket, and i was good looking............would i

1. Stay on the Farm with absolutley zero prospects, hoping to emulate my sisters life?

2. Dream that one day some Farang will pass by my house , knock on the door, fall in love with me and Marry me?

3. Go to Pattaya like Nok my schoolfriend did , she now has a house built for her and her family are not so poor now, and she travelled to Germany, and she comes back to see her family with her Farang husband, ok, he is a bit fat and 20 years older than her, but he is Jai dee and loves her. And he helps her family also?

Answers on a postcard please. :o

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These losers are always moaning, they travel thousands of miles to exploit a financially vunerable person, then they complain that the person they are exploiting exploits them....

Stay away losers, or stop complaining. Never give what you cannot afford to lose, that goes for any situation in your miserable life.

If i was a good looking Thai girl that was the target of forgien exploiters i would also get what i could while i could. Before he decides to trade me in for a younger model.

I hope she made enough to secure her future and the future of her family.

Reading some of your postings, Begs, it sounds to me, that you are single, and you take a woman, who is doing it for free of charge for one night or so. No intention for a long term relationship (Referring to your posting -sextourist- of your 90 days so-called tourist stay in Japan).

Seems also, that you openly support women, who are cheating money out of men for over years, in this case Thai or Farang women does not make any difference, maybe you and some others find such crimes even somewhat funny.

You give men really a good advice....

Seems you yourself are a good example, how to do it the best way and how to protect your own assets.....

Meet a girl, talking a lot, take the girl in your room, pay nothing except some drinks in a bar, then kick the girl out again the next day.

Cheap Charly solution!

Great advice how to treat women correctly!

This is not my way of life after living together with the same woman for 28 years, however.

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Seems also, that you openly support women, who are cheating money out of men for over years, in this case Thai or Farang women does not make any difference, maybe you and some others find such crimes even somewhat funny.

Yohan, if the woman steals the money , it is a crime, if she is given it freely which is often the case, then good luck for her. If she stole it, go to the cops!

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I think the trick is to educate oneself so one is aware of the potential problems, knows the red flags to keep an eye out for, and does not subsequently become a victim.

How do u do this If you just come to Thailand to have a romp with a girl? :o

Well, there is the, ahem, Stickman website.... :D

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Millions of baht ??. This time not a factoryworker or a bakerboy

Begs you d'ont know a dammshit,the ongly shit you know ,is the shit on your onw legs

De sucker bougt already a piece of land in loei


Hahaha, he's back with more words of wisdom.

Yea, i know i am a sucker, that land cost me less than a weeks wages, what a fool i am. :o

The rest of your Post i cannot decipher, please translate it into comprehensible English and i will respond.

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