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Having Children Is Irresponsible.


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weed is good

having children is one of the most joyous thing a human being can have ,cant imagine not having any ....

People who don't have any , do not have a clue how life turns tremendously when having children .

they do not know , because they do not have any .

Its like , you cant ask from somebody who has got a fair low IQ , to understand the world , and mind ,

from somebody with a much higher IQ . I mean to say its impossible to get a touch .

(not that this person is worth less, but rhetorically speaking , can't discuss what you do not have)

Sorry guys , just an example . :o

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Well if the dooms day merchants are right, i'll just carry on with my pension plan. The more kids i have the more chance i have of one them making it big and taking care of daddy in his old age........ also the more people there are the more ideas we get to save the planet.... Genius i think i've solve it while writing this... :o

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Rainman say:

"It gets me thinking ..if it's already so bad now, how will it be in 40 years? There won't be less traffic, there will be more. Much more. Every family that now has a car and has 2 or 3 children, each one of those children will have at least a car as well. That makes at least 2 or 3 times the traffic we have today. How can my children live with that?"

I say:

When you are thinking, try to do it the whole way. If everybody stop making children, how will it be in 40 years?

And every car with a mom and a dad and 2 children. Yeas, the 2 children will most lightly drive cars 40 years from now. The mom and the dad most lightly will not. No increase.

My advice to you: dont think to much. Or think more. Right now you seem to be stuck in the middle of thinking and not thinking, and thats not good for you, hahahaha.

:o:D:D Pls tell me this thread is not for real?

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having children is one of the most joyous thing a human being can have ,cant imagine not having any ....

I'm sure that's true for you, and indeed for many others, but please don't assume it's universally true by any means. There are some for whom the experience turns into a shock and trauma, and something extremely unpleasant and unwanted.

It would be irresponsible to try and encourage everyone to go down the multiplication path because for some it can turn into a personal disaster as well as another nail in the coffin of the environment.

Although this thread is a great debate, and it's good that everyone has a chance to air their views, the point I would make is that human beings are a motley crew and it's a mistake to assume everyone has the same feelings as oneself.

+ SJ

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The article from the Economist is interesting. Here's a quote that brings us back to questions about Thailand:

In more and more countries, women started having fewer children than the number required to keep populations stable. Four out of nine people already live in countries in which the fertility rate has dipped below the replacement rate. Last year the United Nations said it thought the world's average fertility would fall below replacement by 2025. Demographers expect the global population to peak at around 10 billion (it is now 6.5 billion) by mid-century.

I suspect that Thailand's fertility rate dipped below the replacement rate, already. You married farangs might ask whether it's beneficial to the kingdom to rear some luk krungs here (.....and, whether it's beneficial to your luk krungs to be raised here).

Maybe it's partly off topic, but I want to add this comment about the state pensions: when properly managed, state pensions do not have to take higher amounts from the younger workers. Older workers should spend their working careers funding the state pensions so that their benefits are fully funded upon retirement.

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Just curious why people think we need to keep the current population at a stable rate? I guess I am wondering why you choose 6.5 billion people as a good amount of people to have. What's wrong with 4 billion? Or 3?

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Just curious why people think we need to keep the current population at a stable rate? I guess I am wondering why you choose 6.5 billion people as a good amount of people to have. What's wrong with 4 billion? Or 3?

6.5 billion - 4 billion = 2.5 billion. Are you volunteering? :o

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Just curious why people think we need to keep the current population at a stable rate? I guess I am wondering why you choose 6.5 billion people as a good amount of people to have. What's wrong with 4 billion? Or 3?

6.5 billion is probably not a stable number. We're talking about fossil fuels being used up in a few decades. Yes, they're discovering new unknown reserves, but who will be able to pay for it? And we're causing more emissions than our environment can take. So 6.5 billion is not a good number and a growing number is even worse.

If we keep this up, we'll governments regulating the birth of children in a few hundred years. Probably a lottery too, which couple will be allowed to have a child. By then we won't be alive anymore, unless we find a new way to keep us alive for hundreds of years, in which case we won't need to wait so long for the lottery. And if we're not alive by then anymore, our descendants will probably curse us for not having done something sooner.

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There are approximately 1.1 billion people out of 6 billion in the world who live in absolute poverty according to the World Bank.

Source: http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2005/JenniferLeong.shtml

For example more then 1 million people die of malaria each year.

Source: http://www.microbiologybytes.com/introduction/Malaria.html

Ore go here: http://www.who.int/whosis/whostat2006_10highlights.pdf

610 Billion USD is spent on war, go here: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33110.pdf

Would it not be better to first solve this?

No no no, as long as you and your partner are happy it is OK.

And for being happy you need a nice house, a car and have nice clothes and show your friends you are succesfull in life, right?

Oh yeah, and have kids as this shows your true love for eachother.

I know the majority of people living in first world countries think like this.

I do not care that you think I am crazy, I am just not one of those "Sheeple"

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OP i agree with you but for a different reason .The reason being that i have always found this a painful world in which to live ( maybe i am too sensative ) ,and would not want to put anyone else through it .As they say " Lifes a bitch and then you die "

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Just curious why people think we need to keep the current population at a stable rate? I guess I am wondering why you choose 6.5 billion people as a good amount of people to have. What's wrong with 4 billion? Or 3?
sbk, I suspect a smaller global population would be fine. That same Economist article says the numbers will start shrinking at mid-century.

National pride gets in the way of reducing the numbers. Some pension schemes aren't actuarially sound, so they need younger workers to pay for the retirees. Local businesses want to leave their only child an expanding customer base. Politicians want more voters, governments need those taxpayers, etc. It seems traitorous to suggest the world can get along with fewer French, Spaniards, Belgians, Japanese, etc.

Could it be that the best people are wearing condoms and taking the Pill? Maybe the world needs more of your kind of folk!

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Just curious why people think we need to keep the current population at a stable rate? I guess I am wondering why you choose 6.5 billion people as a good amount of people to have. What's wrong with 4 billion? Or 3?

6.5 billion - 4 billion = 2.5 billion. Are you volunteering? :D

I don't have kids :o

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weed is good

having children is one of the most joyous thing a human being can have ,cant imagine not having any ....

And is that the only thing that is important lazeeboy ? :o To give you

a warm fuzzy feeling ........................ Amazing

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i can't believe this thread is still running. i have 2 kids (and wife of course) and i'm very happy with my life they are God's gift and you cannot compare the feeling of having kids than having a cat or dog, now call me irresponsible! :o

some people just cannot have them and they've tried everything to have one, i pity them... now, rainman, you should ask your parents what they've felt having you...

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Possible...anyone using the global population and doom and gloom of the world as an excuse or reason for not having children, is just possibly not the type of person to commit to something that when you think about it, is the most demanding and responsible thing you will ever do.

There are many quotes around the world stating that your house and then your car will be the 2 biggest financial resposibilities of your life. They seem to have completely forgot the cost, commitment and resposibilty required for kids. Simply the biggest and longest commitment you will and should make if you are going to have them.

Unfortunately many do not think it through enough.

Having kids is not for everyone.

But if you are one of the ones that do not want them, stop piss poor excuses for it. Nothing wrong with the truth.

I hated kids once, would never have had them. You would not have ever witnessed a greater reversal than yours truly.

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Actually its not so bad even if the numbers are correct. Have kids or not as you wish. But its not about having children its about raising leaders. If you tailer their education and rearing with a focus on entrapenurialship, then it may very well be good for them. More people more industry more customers. You want to raise Masters not slaves. By slaves I mean what will happen to the vast majority of the working class as completion for the best jobs gets ever more fierce. For example, I used to be in the telecoms industry in the States before I started my own business. I did some expat work in the middle east and I found Indians working for one 10th of what I made for the same job! I think as the population increases business will constantly look for more for less. Especially when it comes to labor, even professional services like pilots and doctors. I am imprinting the mindset of self reliance and business ownership on my son, because I feel as though the days of the good blue collar union job that you can stay with 30 years is over.

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Your kids could be world leaders or expert scientists, Rainman, ready to sort us all out or discover the next fuel source - better utilizing magnetism or the Earth's heat incidentally :o . Imagine denying the world that and also the satisfaction of having your own kids? Know exactly where you're coming from, however, as I pondered the same scenarios but just went with it in the end as I warmed more and more to the idea. Never looked back. :D

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reading between the lines i can see that your real dilemma is that you wish to go forth and purchace a set of twin beds thus eliminating your matrimonial obligations and giving you more time to spend posting on thai visa :o

I don't need a bed to have sex, if that's what you mean. I'm not so old fashioned. :D

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<br />i can't believe this thread is still running. i have 2 kids (and wife of course) and i'm very happy with my life they are God's gift and you cannot compare the feeling of having kids than having a cat or dog, now call me irresponsible! <img src="style_emoticons/default/mad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="mad.gif" /> <br /><br />some people just cannot have them and they've tried everything to have one, i pity them... now, rainman, you should ask your parents what they've felt having you...<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Not when you dont believe in a god!!

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