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Thai Marrige Rules


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I got marries in a thai temple no paper signed just money given to mother.Now after 9 days she tell me i stupid to marry her she has money now and laugh me . :o I have 2 houses can she come get them and stay or sell them?Neither are in her name just me and land owner at land office.?Is THIS A BINDING MARRIGE DOES SHE HAVE ANY RIGHTS AT ALL?????????

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You are not married here but from your other posts you may still be married if divorce not final from US. You fail to say how you own houses as a foreigner - your plan was to lease them so if she holds title and gets angry I would not want to be in your position (but you say she does not own them so not sure what you have). I would not want to live in Thailand with an angry ex around. :o

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if you married at a temple then it was a blessing, not a legal marriage, unless you've got a certificate then don't worry.

That is my understanding too.

Legal marriage is done at the Amphur office!!

However, I would have a few heavy set friends to stay, in case she does try to get nasty. Keep the land deeds in safe place as well.

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Another calf off to the slaughterhouse

Aye. Can't understand why everybody seems so eager to get married in the first place. I thought the trend was not to get married except maybe for same-sex couples.

Without marriage you can still take care and give your money away, if that's what you want.

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  • 9 months later...
With just a blessing you should be ok!

How much monet did you give maire..if you don't

mind me asking?? :D

100K :D

Talk about slow. 9 months later a reply :o

Since we are now 9 months down the line and the OP has stuck his head above the wall, how about an update, what has happened??

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Don't understand why, unlike most people, Khun Ben's diction changes in past posts from Californian to Cali-phony-one. Perhaps he is scytzophrenic and that is why his girlfriend left him. :o Or he is so upset he has taken on the persona of his ex. :D Any comments Ben? :D

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Exactly - and in my case we just went to the police directly and never bothered with any temple. And had our own ceremony afterwards.

In Thailand they have a true separation of church and state (regarding marriges..) - something other countries could learn a thing or two from.

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They do in other places and it's called a "Civil Ceremony", performed by a "Marriage Celebrant"

You miss the point - in an marrige in a church in most Euro-countries it's still a legally registered marrige. I.e. the church's registration goes straigtly into the goverments papers (and this, as we all know, affects taxing and so on).

It's not a separation of church and state, it's allowing some to marry outside the church if wanted. Not the same thing.

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I did get your point, although moot, but was simply clarifying that marriage in other places is not the sole domain of the church, separation has occurred.

Ok, I see. Might be language-barrier, but my original post was aiming towards the fact that I think state should be the sole 'provider' of govermental-affairs (as legal marrige) and the church can handle the religion - and bounds under God. Then it would truly be a separation between the two. Sorry if there was any confusion.

Oh, and sorry for going off-topic. =)

On-topic: Marrige for 9 days and want out - maybe OP should have made some more trips to visit his woman before marrying her...? :|

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