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Thai Logic


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Face is more important than money....

I might have agreed with that 5 or more years ago, when I didnt know the Thais that well, but nowdays, nup, money is everything to these people, EVERYTHING!

Money is everything to everybody.. thais are no different from anyone else in that respect :o

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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Most thais cannot problem solve, they have no ability to think beyond the line. You cannot suggest a better way to do anything because they will just turn into large children and sulk.

IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

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Face is more important than money....

I might have agreed with that 5 or more years ago, when I didnt know the Thais that well, but nowdays, nup, money is everything to these people, EVERYTHING!

one of the Greatest H.M. King 's speech:-

"Those who do not love 'money' are the person who do not love life, do not love future"

"คนไม่รักเงิน คือคนไม่รักชีวิต ไม่รักอนาคต"


this statement can be perceived differently due to each person's background (nature or perception)


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What is the reasoning here?

Perhaps the reasoning is that you are trying to think like a westerner when you are inside a southeast asian society. You have to put yourself in the other persons shoes and think of things from their viewpoint. Then maybe you will understand.

Here is another example, albeit far removed. In many middle eastern cultures, it is not recommended for a single male to enter an elevator, when inside the elevator there is already a single woman or a woman with children, who may appear to be married.

The "logic" is that it would be assumed that you were trying to hit on the woman inside the elevator. As a result, both you and she would be viewed as "tainted" if discovered. This could have bad consequences possibly for you and almost definitely for her. This is the "logic" of the culture.

So what is the point?

The point is that whether or not something may seem "logical" or not from a western culture, makes almost no difference if you are in an area where the culture or customs are different.

Western "logic" may not really apply in many situations in Thai culture, and vice versa. There is probably not much anyone can do to change it. The only alternative would seem to be to adjust one's thinking and adapt to the surroundings.

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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Most thais cannot problem solve, they have no ability to think beyond the line. You cannot suggest a better way to do anything because they will just turn into large children and sulk.

IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

What is the logic of you still here?

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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Most thais cannot problem solve, they have no ability to think beyond the line. You cannot suggest a better way to do anything because they will just turn into large children and sulk.

IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

What is the logic of you still here?

What is the logic of you denegrating mixed couples, marriages, etc, yet you are still here on an expat board, largely occupied by people of mixed relationships?

People who scream "if you dont like it get out" are narrow minded, I can see faults in Thailand like everyone else, I can also see faults back home. Maybe, just maybe, there is something other than THE WOMEN that keep people here?? ever thought about that?? :o

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In the West 2+2=4 and so on
And it's not in Thailand? This is a form of linear thinking. Asia is a mandala culture--their thinking is circular, not in a line with a definite starting point and an absolute outcome. Far more subtle, I think.

Thai "logic" is site specific, just like Western logic is. You may not understand Thai logic, but their "way of thinking" comes from how they're socialized, how their educated, etc--just like yours. What would happen if somehow you were able to replace their logic with your own (a logic that apparently is without fault, seamless, and highly evolved...right?)? It would be absurd!

Difference is what makes life incredible. Frustrating at times, but hopefully ultimately rewarding.

Ways of thinking aren't changed like clothes.

Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

And I think many Thais would agree with you.

Why such an emphasis on logic? Look what so-called "logic" has created in the West. Yes, some great inventions and other cultural characteristics, but also atrocities that boggle my mind.

Western "logic" may not really apply in many situations in Thai culture, and vice versa. There is probably not much anyone can do to change it. The only alternative would seem to be to adjust one's thinking and adapt to the surroundings.


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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Most thais cannot problem solve, they have no ability to think beyond the line. You cannot suggest a better way to do anything because they will just turn into large children and sulk.

IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

If this ain't the biggest load of <deleted> ever...how long you been in LOS, Bud? :o

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What is the reasoning here?

Perhaps the reasoning is that you are trying to think like a westerner when you are inside a southeast asian society. You have to put yourself in the other persons shoes and think of things from their viewpoint. Then maybe you will understand.

Here is another example, albeit far removed. In many middle eastern cultures, it is not recommended for a single male to enter an elevator, when inside the elevator there is already a single woman or a woman with children, who may appear to be married.

The "logic" is that it would be assumed that you were trying to hit on the woman inside the elevator. As a result, both you and she would be viewed as "tainted" if discovered. This could have bad consequences possibly for you and almost definitely for her. This is the "logic" of the culture.

So what is the point?

The point is that whether or not something may seem "logical" or not from a western culture, makes almost no difference if you are in an area where the culture or customs are different.

Western "logic" may not really apply in many situations in Thai culture, and vice versa. There is probably not much anyone can do to change it. The only alternative would seem to be to adjust one's thinking and adapt to the surroundings.

Your example is based on Sharia (Islamic) Law. It is illegal under Sharia Law for a lone man and lone woman to be alone together, and that includes elevators. In Malaysia, I've heard of several such situations where both parties were arrested.

As for Thai thinking, often it is different, and as someone mentioned, westerners often misread Thai situations, based on their own western culture or upbringing, and often, acting on these wrong assumptions can create more problems for the westerner. This is maybe one of the most common sources of conflicts between Thais and Westerners that I've seen. And it works both ways, too...

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I was just wondering what the Thai logic was regarding motorcyclists and cars for that matter just driving strait onto a road from a laneway without looking to see if it was safe to do so. So far I've hit 6 bikes and a car this way. And naturally it was my fault or so their logic goes.


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IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

Superiority complex?

Seems like you are the one with the superiority complex, i would suggest that you cancel your next flight to Thailand, for good.

I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

Tell me something...........how do you think you would get along if you was dumped in the middle of 'The Amazonian rain forrest', how would you survive?

Do you think you would be able to do all the things that one of the Rain forrest Natives do to survive in such an enviroment, would he think you where rather stupid because you did not know how to survive without his help? You would be very grateful to that guy, you would not survive alone.

But if you met this same Rain Forrest Native in a modern city, you would call him stupid because you could not understand why he was so confused in a city enviroment. But is he stupid, or is it that you just do not understand another persons culture and psyche.

Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :o

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Think about it. Here in the US our logic has produced a generation of youth whose second leading cause of death is suicide, followed only by alcohol related accidents.

What a statement on our culture. Gang voilence is up 50% in two years and 50%of our coast cannot support marine life.

Should I go on. Mankind is on the decline. The problem is much much larger than the percieved abscense of Thai logic...

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So far I've hit 6 bikes and a car this way. And naturally it was my fault or so their logic goes.


There's a clue in there somewhere, I think, mate :D

Let's just say it is totally logical in Thailand and somehow you failed to see the logic and therefore you say it is not logical.


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In my four years of residency here in the los, I have been baffled by the Thai way of thinking. Can anyone define for me what Thai logic is? In the West 2+2=4 and so on. What is the reasoning here?

Most what the Thais do is based on convenience and it should be beneficial for them as well, avoidance of any effort.

It's then fairly irrelevant if 2 + 2 = 3 isn't it?

As long as they benefit...

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Thais do not have logic persay, and it all stems from the education background up. Being taught what to think, not how to think is the best way to keep your people ignorant and illogical.

Most thais cannot problem solve, they have no ability to think beyond the line. You cannot suggest a better way to do anything because they will just turn into large children and sulk.

IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

What is the logic of you still here?

What is the logic of you denegrating mixed couples, marriages, etc, yet you are still here on an expat board, largely occupied by people of mixed relationships?

People who scream "if you dont like it get out" are narrow minded, I can see faults in Thailand like everyone else, I can also see faults back home. Maybe, just maybe, there is something other than THE WOMEN that keep people here?? ever thought about that?? :o


Maybe, just maybe, there is something other than THE WOMEN that keep people here?? ever thought about that??  :D
Yes, I can see you are open-minded! :D
What is the logic of you denegrating mixed couples, marriages, etc, yet you are still here on an expat board, largely occupied by people of mixed relationships?
Though not being able to find the word "denegrating" in the dict, I guess I know what you mean. And you sure are capable of understanding matters going on in your surroundings. :D
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I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

I have seen more this type of farangs than I have with cars in the streets.

And that is one of the reasons(I guess) why I wouldn't want to live in farangland. One has to be very vigilant not to behave in a manner where others might consider you being stupid. Or accuse you of whatever.

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I can see faults in Thailand like everyone else, I can also see faults back home.

I am not clever but I do think I am not as stupid as to think that Thailand is perfect.

I do criticize things in HK(where I live) as well, but that is on the basis that I understand this place and the mentality of the people whilst a lot of the criticizm I hear on Thais by farangs are based on ignorance and misunderstandings.

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IMHO it is this childlike behaviour and associated violence which allows them to be so easily corrupted, they have no consideration for others, do not care about the people around them, and their superiority complex could be attributed to their ignorance of the outside world.

Superiority complex?

Seems like you are the one with the superiority complex, i would suggest that you cancel your next flight to Thailand, for good.

I am a Farang myself, but i am amazed that when a farang cannot understand another culture, he calls them stupid people.

Tell me something...........how do you think you would get along if you was dumped in the middle of 'The Amazonian rain forrest', how would you survive?

Do you think you would be able to do all the things that one of the Rain forrest Natives do to survive in such an enviroment, would he think you where rather stupid because you did not know how to survive without his help? You would be very grateful to that guy, you would not survive alone.

But if you met this same Rain Forrest Native in a modern city, you would call him stupid because you could not understand why he was so confused in a city enviroment. But is he stupid, or is it that you just do not understand another persons culture and psyche.

Because you do not understand another persons ways , it does not mean they are stupid, it means You do not understand. :D

Firstly you <deleted>, I never called them stupid, never surmised it either. Which basically makes your arguement just as much <deleted> as mine :D . As for survival, I would most likely survive just as well as you, maybe better, I have survival training skills amongst other things, which includes garnering support from the indigenous life.

I have also lived in LOS for 5 years, and understand this place well enough to have made something for myself in SE Asia, having dealt with thais in business, along with most other SE Asian countries. I have had to deal with the childishness first hand in and out of business, and I adapted to work it to my advantage, just because I might slag off thai logic (yes an oxymoron I know) doesnt mean I dont understand it.

You appear to love to jump in and slag off at anyone who doesnt tow the Thai rak Thai line, well you jumped into the wrong boat here mate :o:D

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Did I say they had to tow my line??? Faaark, sensitive bunch of SNAGS arent we, have you not seen Thais act like children with other thais when the concept of logic or face comes up?? Or maybe you dont get out much. AGAIN, I never said it bothered me did I?? I stated only an observation made up of experiences over 5 years ok, is that OK?

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