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Sad that you find other people's issues/ problems / unhappiness in life entertaining. People like yourself are reasons why I sometimes lose interest in TV. I can usually empathize with most people no matter where they are from and what they have done right/ wrong. The exceptions tend to be 1) pyschopaths or 2) people like you, who have to look down on others or enjoy their problems. I can't empathize with either of these types. It leaves little common ground to agree with you, even if your point(s) is/are valid.

Next thing you guys will say is you've touched a nerve if someone responds to you who disagrees. To preempt that, let me say: Overall none of those issues you raised are significant issues in my life at the moment. I'm pretty happy with my life in Thailand, and I guess because of that I don't feel a need to put down people who do have issues. I have a lovely family here; good job; nice wife; no (current) problems with visa; some understanding of the culture etc.

It's not a perfect country though and I think highlghting some of the ways it could be improved is worthwhile. Some posts I agree with some I don't. What I don't agree with is people who dismiss other people's lifestyles and try to pick holes in them if someone is happy, or belittle those who have issues, but are otherwise decent people.

The day you get your happiness out of other people's unhappiness, is the day to move on... :o


Your response is a a little insincere and insecure. You state, " What I don't agree with is people who dismiss other people's lifestyles and try to pick holes in them if someone is happy, or belittle those who have issues, but are otherwise decent people.".

So let me get this right from your perspective. It is NOT OK to pick holes in the posters that complain about Thais ( generally happy people). Both Thais and ex pats are decent people and never stated otherwise. Really Fletch, I have no issues with your lifestyle as you seem to worry about. You seem to be a happy person that didn't read my post with an open mind. I was just poking fun at some of the complaints I've read lately. In my humble opinion, I found some of the complaints to be banal and semi-entertaining.

I also can comprehend that what I might find trite, another poster might not. We are individuals and that is what makes this forum interesting. I REALLY don't have issues with your lifestyle or other posters happiness. I agree with your last sentence, " The day you get your happiness out of other people's unhappiness, is the day to move on... :D".

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I hate complainers. They really bug me. Complain, complain, complain.

When will it end? It's a never ending sound of complaints.

Now I'm even complaining about the complainers.

I don't mean to complain but all of these complaints, just make me want to complain.

Any complaints?... :o

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It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.

And the UK and Thailand are similar countries IN WHAT WAYS???????~~~~~!!!!!!!

That was the point . Please engage brain before opening mouth...........................in no ways. That's why it's nice to have a decent country to go back to. Somewhere different. England now is overun with jobless immigrants (ah, sorry. That is like Thailand)

Jobless imigrants.........? Jobless ferangs kept by the taxpayer who do not want to work just claim benifits,single mothers getting a bun in the oven for more doe off mr Brown, no he is not the father, he is the godfather, he thinks he is.

Most of the polish in the UK work and are good workers, i cannot get british part time staff, as they are not interested in working as get to much cash of the state for doing F-All, i have two polish girls working for me and they are superb, i pay them 6 pounds per hour.

There are also immigrants that are sucking off the government, but you can only blame one person for this, that is the blair government and now Brown, for letting them in, in the first place, they should be made to work and pay UK tax whilst here.

And they are pretty too. :o

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It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.

And the UK and Thailand are similar countries IN WHAT WAYS???????~~~~~!!!!!!!

That was the point . Please engage brain before opening mouth...........................in no ways. That's why it's nice to have a decent country to go back to. Somewhere different. England now is overun with jobless immigrants (ah, sorry. That is like Thailand)

Jobless imigrants.........? Jobless ferangs kept by the taxpayer who do not want to work just claim benifits,single mothers getting a bun in the oven for more doe off mr Brown, no he is not the father, he is the godfather, he thinks he is.

Most of the polish in the UK work and are good workers, i cannot get british part time staff, as they are not interested in working as get to much cash of the state for doing F-All, i have two polish girls working for me and they are superb, i pay them 6 pounds per hour.

There are also immigrants that are sucking off the government, but you can only blame one person for this, that is the blair government and now Brown, for letting them in, in the first place, they should be made to work and pay UK tax whilst here.

And they are pretty too. :o


Exactly. I say keep 'em "coming."

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Why is it that these posts always wind up with someone whinging about immigrants to the UK (Complete with the usual helping of BNP BS)

I love the irony of it – Has it dawned on the Little Englanders around here that ThaiVisa's membership is largely made up of people who are immigrants to Thailand, want to be immigrants to Thailand and/or who took Thai wives back home as immigrants to their own nation.

Look, if you can't keep up with the way life in the UK (actually life everywhere) is changing, quit blaming immigrants, who as has been stated above, are by and large harder working and more willing to work than the indigenous 'Hand-Out Britons' and get your bum in gear and make your own life…. OK I accept, perhaps you are having it a bit tougher than most because you didn't pay attention at school – but who's fault is that?

Well said. Totally true :o

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Your response is a a little insincere and insecure. You state, " What I don't agree with is people who dismiss other people's lifestyles and try to pick holes in them if someone is happy, or belittle those who have issues, but are otherwise decent people.".

So let me get this right from your perspective. It is NOT OK to pick holes in the posters that complain about Thais ( generally happy people). Both Thais and ex pats are decent people and never stated otherwise. Really Fletch, I have no issues with your lifestyle as you seem to worry about. You seem to be a happy person that didn't read my post with an open mind. I was just poking fun at some of the complaints I've read lately. In my humble opinion, I found some of the complaints to be banal and semi-entertaining.

I also can comprehend that what I might find trite, another poster might not. We are individuals and that is what makes this forum interesting. I REALLY don't have issues with your lifestyle or other posters happiness. I agree with your last sentence, " The day you get your happiness out of other people's unhappiness, is the day to move on... :o ".


Cheers for the reply. I'd say my post was about 99% sincere, and slighty higher than that in terms of self-security. Up to you if you believe that or not - no point on debating it, and I shan't lose any sleep either way.

I don't think you got "my" perspective right. There's not much to worry about on TV. Let's face it, it's an anonymous forum, and save for the small chance of a psycopath - there's very little to worry about. :D . I did come across a useful funcion on TV called "ignore user", which I used for the first time recently. I think that's a better way of dealing with some of the petty-minded people on here - tho' to date have only used it once.

Among the flamers and provokers, their posts follow a similar pattern: try and provoke; if someone disagrees say they must have touched a nerve; if they continue say they must be worried or insecure...The patterns are pretty similar, and to be honest yours looked like it followed it.

The difference in perspective I think you missed is the intention behind the post. While I don't necessarily agree with the people who whinge or complain about Thailand, they're generally reacting to something negative done to them. I might not agree, but at least I can at empathize with it. When someone deliberately sets out to provoke someone else or a group of others "for the fun of it", or because they find it "entertaining" or let's face it sometimes just to be downright nasty - sorry I find that difficult to empathize with. Thinking further ahead the problem with the people who aim solely to provoke for their own entertainment, without ever making any attempt at being constructive on their posts, is they just discourage other more constructive posters, who in turn just leave.

Agree with most of your last para. Cheers anyway, no big deal. Haven't added you to the ignore list yet :D and appreciate the open-minded response. Fletchthai

Edited by fletchthai68
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Why is it that these posts always wind up with someone whinging about immigrants to the UK (Complete with the usual helping of BNP BS)

I love the irony of it – Has it dawned on the Little Englanders around here that ThaiVisa's membership is largely made up of people who are immigrants to Thailand, want to be immigrants to Thailand and/or who took Thai wives back home as immigrants to their own nation.

Look, if you can't keep up with the way life in the UK (actually life everywhere) is changing, quit blaming immigrants, who as has been stated above, are by and large harder working and more willing to work than the indigenous 'Hand-Out Britons' and get your bum in gear and make your own life…. OK I accept, perhaps you are having it a bit tougher than most because you didn't pay attention at school – but who's fault is that?

Yes agreed, i've been here two years now and i'm looking at a passport already plus the welfares great along with the free health care, i've even managed to get my kids enroled to a good school funded by the goverment. Plus i've got total freedom of speach compaired to what they gave me in my homeland.


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I have noted that in general you cannot make an arrangement with a thai as they dont do what they say they will do, deals have to be here and now, but thats fine, and also there is no justice system so if someone gets upset they will resort to violence, but thats fine too

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Ex pat complainers is one of the reasons I enjoy this thread.

* Thais treat us like second class citizens.

Really? As a whole I was treated with undeserved respect. I wonder how so many are mistreated. Could it be that they misbehave and feel they are above Thais criticizing them.

*Thais look down on their Thai wifes.

Now this is an issue and in most cases not deserved. Just as it would be wrong in the other countries to look down young women with much older men. This is not a Thai characteristic. It also happens in America. How do many of the patrons at a restaurant in America view a 50 year old man with a 25 year old Thai wife? People in general have issues with these type of relationships.

* Thai visa hassles.

Hmmm, other countries don't have visa regs? In most 1st world countries, it would be difficult to get longterm visas (90 -1 yr), but in Thailand it is EASY. If you need to stay longer, it is not that hard if you can show that you have a little money. Even if you don't have money with little effort, you can figure out a way to stay for years.

*Thai girls are only after money.

If the your first date began with a bar fine, what the heck do you expect. Even some of these dates turn into good relationships, but you have to be a little mentally challenged to not understand the starting foundation of the relationship.

*Thais drink too much and are lazy.

Many Farangs are drunks and have few motivations.

Anyhow, keep the complaints coming. They are entertaining.

Newbie post or troll?

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If you need to stay longer, it is not that hard if you can show that you have a little money. Even if you don't have money with little effort, you can figure out a way to stay for years

Kind of a sour post, but anyway, Mr. Visa Expert, as this is Thaivisa.com please spread your wisdom on how someone under 50 without money can stay here for years with a little effort considering the new era of 30 day stamp day counting, crackdowns on easy O visas, and tourist visa limitations. I really want to hear this!

It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.

too late for that now ......

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The difference in perspective I think you missed is the intention behind the post. While I don't necessarily agree with the people who whinge or complain about Thailand, they're generally reacting to something negative done to them. I might not agree, but at least I can at empathize with it. When someone deliberately sets out to provoke someone else or a group of others "for the fun of it", or because they find it "entertaining" or let's face it sometimes just to be downright nasty - sorry I find that difficult to empathize with. Thinking further ahead the problem with the people who aim solely to provoke for their own entertainment, without ever making any attempt at being constructive on their posts, is they just discourage other more constructive posters, who in turn just leave.

Seems like you take the intentions behind peoples posts very serious as if there is some thought going on. Posts are instantaineous blurbs which will disappear in a few weeks time or less. Basically meaningless. Posters in "the majority" on an issue, i.e. followers of the mods politically correct mantra, will trash another "minority poster" to make themselves feel big and mighty. This is what is going on. The biggest joke about TV is some sods trying to maintain a political correctness to what are essentially momentary and meaningless comments while the mod wanabees follow on. Reality my man.

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The difference in perspective I think you missed is the intention behind the post. While I don't necessarily agree with the people who whinge or complain about Thailand, they're generally reacting to something negative done to them. I might not agree, but at least I can at empathize with it. When someone deliberately sets out to provoke someone else or a group of others "for the fun of it", or because they find it "entertaining" or let's face it sometimes just to be downright nasty - sorry I find that difficult to empathize with. Thinking further ahead the problem with the people who aim solely to provoke for their own entertainment, without ever making any attempt at being constructive on their posts, is they just discourage other more constructive posters, who in turn just leave.

Seems like you take the intentions behind peoples posts very serious as if there is some thought going on. Posts are instantaineous blurbs which will disappear in a few weeks time or less. Basically meaningless. Posters in "the majority" on an issue, i.e. followers of the mods politically correct mantra, will trash another "minority poster" to make themselves feel big and mighty. This is what is going on. The biggest joke about TV is some sods trying to maintain a political correctness to what are essentially momentary and meaningless comments while the mod wanabees follow on. Reality my man.


Wow! Takes a Jersey boy to tell it like it is. Your like a fcking mind reader man. I have got to cut and save this somewhere. It just about exactly what I have been feeling.

Thanks for having the balls and clarity to say it.

Hope you don't get "put in the corner."... :o

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Anyhow, keep the complaints coming. They are entertaining.

And don't forget... to complain is healthy. Good for blood circulation and for the brain.


This is why I find highly suspicious people who are complaining about... people who complain.

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If you need to stay longer, it is not that hard if you can show that you have a little money. Even if you don't have money with little effort, you can figure out a way to stay for years

Kind of a sour post, but anyway, Mr. Visa Expert, as this is Thaivisa.com please spread your wisdom on how someone under 50 without money can stay here for years with a little effort considering the new era of 30 day stamp day counting, crackdowns on easy O visas, and tourist visa limitations. I really want to hear this!

It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.

Glad you support the tough visa regulations in Thailand - keep the riff raff out!

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Why can't peeps accept that Thailand is same same the curates egg? Some of it is good, some bad. You all will have your own ideas on the proportions of each. I realised early on that this was not Paradise and that there was nothing that I could do to make it so. Hence my response to things that irk me is to raise my eyes to heaven and utter the well worn phrase "This is Thailand" with a good measure of exasperation. This usually causes Thais with earshot to grin and if they can put up with the frustrations then so can I, after all their lot is usually a whole lot worse than mine.

To those who whinge continually might I suggest a little proaction and that they get off their backsides and do something about whatever offends or dissatisfies them? What is truly galling is that they offer no practical ideas or methodology to bring change about. All that they offer is 'hot air' and thus cannot be taken seriously. Nobody, however broad minded they say they are, will endure that for long and simply switch off making the exercise pointless.

The banter about the UK seems to miss the point. Immigrants are immigrants and over the past centuries the UK has shown a profit on the deal as have the US, Australasia and South Africa. What is happening now though is colonisation of Western Europe and the same process is on the cards for the rest of the 'civilised world'. The peoples seeking a better life are bringing their own cultures and laws and want us to change ours to accommodate them. They are also out breeding the locals making the exercise appear, to me at least, like a take over. What are the odds on the UK being a Moslem country in the next 50 years or so? The lingua franca of Florida now seems to be Spanish. Thailand it seems is not willing to go down that track and why should they?

My life in Thailand is much richer and satisfying than it could be in the UK and I am grateful (to a degree) to successive Governments for allowing me to make my home here.

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I'm a Brit and yes i moan

Russia 2 - 1 England and being a Spurs supporter, I guess you do have a lot to moan about!

Hi Jamie, yes i do moan, if you don't then your never going to see improvement are you?

So you what a goverment clone of the world or what? no some little boy closet supporter no dought.


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Why can't peeps accept that Thailand is same same the curates egg? Some of it is good, some bad. You all will have your own ideas on the proportions of each. I realised early on that this was not Paradise and that there was nothing that I could do to make it so. Hence my response to things that irk me is to raise my eyes to heaven and utter the well worn phrase "This is Thailand" with a good measure of exasperation. This usually causes Thais with earshot to grin and if they can put up with the frustrations then so can I, after all their lot is usually a whole lot worse than mine.

To those who whinge continually might I suggest a little proaction and that they get off their backsides and do something about whatever offends or dissatisfies them? What is truly galling is that they offer no practical ideas or methodology to bring change about. All that they offer is 'hot air' and thus cannot be taken seriously. Nobody, however broad minded they say they are, will endure that for long and simply switch off making the exercise pointless.

The banter about the UK seems to miss the point. Immigrants are immigrants and over the past centuries the UK has shown a profit on the deal as have the US, Australasia and South Africa. What is happening now though is colonisation of Western Europe and the same process is on the cards for the rest of the 'civilised world'. The peoples seeking a better life are bringing their own cultures and laws and want us to change ours to accommodate them. They are also out breeding the locals making the exercise appear, to me at least, like a take over. What are the odds on the UK being a Moslem country in the next 50 years or so? The lingua franca of Florida now seems to be Spanish. Thailand it seems is not willing to go down that track and why should they?

My life in Thailand is much richer and satisfying than it could be in the UK and I am grateful (to a degree) to successive Governments for allowing me to make my home here.

You shot yourself in the foot pal, the correct spelling of Moslem is Muslim, so please don't pretend to know to much.

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<br />
It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.
<br />And the UK and Thailand are similar countries IN WHAT WAYS???????~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

On the same planet???

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The difference in perspective I think you missed is the intention behind the post. While I don't necessarily agree with the people who whinge or complain about Thailand, they're generally reacting to something negative done to them. I might not agree, but at least I can at empathize with it. When someone deliberately sets out to provoke someone else or a group of others "for the fun of it", or because they find it "entertaining" or let's face it sometimes just to be downright nasty - sorry I find that difficult to empathize with. Thinking further ahead the problem with the people who aim solely to provoke for their own entertainment, without ever making any attempt at being constructive on their posts, is they just discourage other more constructive posters, who in turn just leave.

Seems like you take the intentions behind peoples posts very serious as if there is some thought going on. Posts are instantaineous blurbs which will disappear in a few weeks time or less. Basically meaningless. Posters in "the majority" on an issue, i.e. followers of the mods politically correct mantra, will trash another "minority poster" to make themselves feel big and mighty. This is what is going on. The biggest joke about TV is some sods trying to maintain a political correctness to what are essentially momentary and meaningless comments while the mod wanabees follow on. Reality my man.


Wow! Takes a Jersey boy to tell it like it is. Your like a fcking mind reader man. I have got to cut and save this somewhere. It just about exactly what I have been feeling.

Thanks for having the balls and clarity to say it.

Hope you don't get "put in the corner."... :D

Not really. I live a pretty much live and let live life. Nor am I a fan of political correctness. If you thought about it for a minute, you'd see "live and let" live is pretty much the opposite of "political correctness". Someone wants to drink a lot, spend their times in bars, see women 25 years younger than them, that's up to them. Life's one big playground for us all to enjoy, as we see fit. All this can be done without deliberately setting out insult and provoke other people. That's the bit where I draw my line.

For the minority who just want to flame and insult, my view would be set up their own part of the forum, and let them get on with it. That way they can post things like:

"What's the matter Pepe mate, not getting enough in the US, because you couldn't cut it in Thailand, so need to take a go at others who are enjoying themselves here. How long since you've been laid now?


"Hey JimmyCA time you changed your blue dress and got that hair of yours cut. Understand what you're doing in Pattaya and why you're in Thailand's sleaze capital, but give the rest of us a break. Guess with the momentary and meaningless attention span you mentioned, you keep forgetting"

You can have a laugh without deliberately setting out to attack people, and if you want to have a go at people, do it in a place with other like minded people. Would take the jokes section on here over the trolls any day. :D

The problem is when these overlap. Those people who set out to insult and provoke others, just haven't learned that life's moved on from the school playground. That's the bit that causes us all to lose out, as good threads get cut, or hijacked, and people just lose interest and leave before they get off the ground sometimes.

To be honest the trolls also just get sad and boring, coming out with their clubs to insult. Then saying 1) touched a nerve 2) you seem insecure 3) don't worry. Pretty childish, and just takes away from the freedom of the rest of us. Shame also they can't see they're the real ones taking away the freedom on TV. Behave like adults you get treated like one, and don't need moderator/ parental supervision. Unfortunately when you don't we all suffer. But if that's what you want to do, go for it. Just do it somewhere else. Like it or not TV and the mods have set a few rules. I don't agree with them all, but if I want to use their forum, least I can do is respect them.

I'd prefer not to have moderators at all to be honest, but that's not going to happen while the minority of people you spoke of aren't able to draw a few lines for themselves. Gets annoying sometimes that mods close some threads that look harmless or fun. On the whole though, they do a decent job. If they weren't there, the minorities you speak of would just flame, insult, creat legal problems, push it further each day, and ultimately we'd either lose a decent forum or have it taken away. I'd rather have a few minority d#*kheads banned instead. :o

Edited by fletchthai68
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You shot yourself in the foot pal, the correct spelling of Moslem is Muslim, so please don't pretend to know to much.

that's a matter of perspective. arabic script for example does neither differentiate between "o" and "u" nor between "e" and "i".

so my solomonic judgment is you are both right. now shake hands boys and play nicely together.


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It's a crying shame UK hadn't adopted these visa regulations a couple of decades back. We might have had a decent country to return to then.

And the UK and Thailand are similar countries IN WHAT WAYS???????~~~~~!!!!!!!

That was the point . Please engage brain before opening mouth...........................in no ways. That's why it's nice to have a decent country to go back to. Somewhere different. England now is overun with jobless immigrants (ah, sorry. That is like Thailand)

I also blame the Blair/Brown UK Government for the influx of Asylum seekers. In England when it started local people born in the UK couldn't get council houses as the asylum seekers were given priority. Asylum seekers they got Council Houses that were fully furnished, carpets,curtains,furniture everything didn't cost a thing! Once their Asylum status expired or changed they just went back to London to present themselves as someone else!Then it started all over again!

France told them to &lt;deleted&gt; off wouldn't give them a penny...they all ofcourse wanted to come to the UK and once they became Immigrants they send for their families to join them. What a farce! I have often stated that the UK ought to have adopted similiar systems for Asylum Seekers/Immigrants that Thaialand has. It woud have been easier to regulate and control. As for NAS in the UK I used to call them NAFF. (NAS was the government department responsible for the regulation and influx of Asylum Seekers in the UK)

As for me life is never perfect everywhere...it is what you make it. Life here is what I have made it and thats why I enjoy it.


Jobless imigrants.........? Jobless ferangs kept by the taxpayer who do not want to work just claim benifits,single mothers getting a bun in the oven for more doe off mr Brown, no he is not the father, he is the godfather, he thinks he is.

Most of the polish in the UK work and are good workers, i cannot get british part time staff, as they are not interested in working as get to much cash of the state for doing F-All, i have two polish girls working for me and they are superb, i pay them 6 pounds per hour.

There are also immigrants that are sucking off the government, but you can only blame one person for this, that is the blair government and now Brown, for letting them in, in the first place, they should be made to work and pay UK tax whilst here.

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